authorRoger Menday <>
Mon, 16 Jun 2014 15:16:08 +0100
changeset 650 ffff513fdd36
parent 649 36c93770d8ef (current diff)
parent 647 42d375eed6cd (diff)
child 651 cc6db9bed5ad
--- a/ldp-primer/getbc_res.txt	Mon Jun 16 15:00:37 2014 +0100
+++ b/ldp-primer/getbc_res.txt	Mon Jun 16 15:16:08 2014 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
 Content-Type: text/turtle; charset=UTF-8
-Link: <>; rel='type'
+Link: <>; rel='type', <>; rel='type'
 Content-Length: 250
 ETag: W/'123456789'
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
 Content-Type: application/ld+json; charset=UTF-8
-Link: <>; rel='type'
+Link: <>; rel='type', <>; rel='type'
 Content-Length: 270
 ETag: W/'123456789'
--- a/ldp-primer/ic_product_lookup_resp.txt	Mon Jun 16 15:00:37 2014 +0100
+++ b/ldp-primer/ic_product_lookup_resp.txt	Mon Jun 16 15:16:08 2014 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
 Content-Type: text/turtle; charset=UTF-8
-Link: <>; rel="type"
+Link: <>; rel="type",  <>; rel='type'
 Content-Length: 256
 ETag: W/"123456789"
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
 Content-Type: application/ld+json; charset=UTF-8
-Link: <>; rel="type"
+Link: <>; rel="type",  <>; rel='type'
 Content-Length: 278
 ETag: W/"123456789"
--- a/ldp-primer/product_lookup_resp.txt	Mon Jun 16 15:00:37 2014 +0100
+++ b/ldp-primer/product_lookup_resp.txt	Mon Jun 16 15:16:08 2014 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
 Content-Type: text/turtle; charset=UTF-8
-Link: <>; rel="type"
+Link: <>; rel="type",  <>; rel='type'
 Content-Length: 246  
 ETag: W/"123456789"
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
 Content-Type: application/ld+json; charset=UTF-8
-Link: <>; rel="type"
+Link: <>; rel="type",  <>; rel='type'
 Content-Length: 315
 ETag: W/"123456789"
--- a/ldp.html	Mon Jun 16 15:00:37 2014 +0100
+++ b/ldp.html	Mon Jun 16 15:16:08 2014 +0100
@@ -1006,14 +1006,26 @@
 		container with only three members and some information about the
 		container (the fact that it is a container and a brief title):</p>
-<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-simple"># The following is the representation of
-<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-# @base &lt;;
+<em>Request</em> to <code></code>:
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-simple-req">GET /c1/ HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle</pre>
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-simple">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/turtle
+Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMT
+ETag: 2014-06-12T18:25:43.46Z
+Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+json
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+<!-- @base <>. -->
 @prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
 @prefix ldp: &lt;;.
    a ldp:BasicContainer;
    dcterms:title "A very simple container";
    ldp:contains &lt;r1&gt;, &lt;r2&gt;, &lt;r3&gt;.</pre>
@@ -1044,13 +1056,25 @@
 	a  predicate from an application's domain model as the membership predicate. Let's
 	start with a pre-existing domain resource for a person's net worth, as illustrated below:</p>
-<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-partial"># The following is a representation of
-<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-# @base &lt;;
+<em>Request</em> to <code></code>:
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-partial-req">GET /netWorth/nw1 HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle</pre>
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-partial">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/turtle
+Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMT
+ETag: 2014-06-12T18:25:43.46Z
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+<!-- @base <>. -->
 @prefix ldp: &lt;;.
-@prefix o: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
    a o:NetWorth;
    o:netWorthOf &lt;;;
@@ -1082,17 +1106,29 @@
 	as separate HTTP resources.  Existing clients have no need to interact with those containers,
 	whereas LDP-enabled clients now have container URLs that they can interact with.  The existing
 	resource remains unchanged so that existing clients continue to function normally.
-	This is illustrated in the set of related examples (one example per HTTP resource) below:
+	This is illustrated in the set of related examples, one example per HTTP resource, starting with
+	the LDP-RS example from before:
+<em>Request</em> to <code></code>:
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-full-req">GET /netWorth/nw1 HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle</pre>
-<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-full"># The following is a representation of the unchanged net worth LDPR
-<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-# @base &lt;;.
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-full">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/turtle
+Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMT
+ETag: 2014-06-12T18:25:43.46Z
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+<!-- @base <>. -->
 @prefix ldp: &lt;;.
-@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
-@prefix o: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
    a o:NetWorth;
    o:netWorthOf &lt;;;
@@ -1116,17 +1152,30 @@
 	and flexibility on how to specify the <a title="Membership triples">membership triples</a>.
-<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-subj"># The following is a representation of the asset container
-<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-# @base &lt;;.
+<em>Request</em> to <code></code>:
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-subj-req">GET /netWorth/nw1/assets/ HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle</pre>
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-subj">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/turtle
+Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMT
+ETag: 2014-06-12T18:25:43.46Z
+Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+json
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+<!-- @base <>. -->      
 @prefix ldp: &lt;;.
 @prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
-@prefix o: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
    a ldp:DirectContainer;
    dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
-   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
+   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
    ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;
    ldp:contains &lt;a1&gt;, &lt;a2&gt;.
@@ -1143,18 +1192,30 @@
 	<p>The second container is a <a title="Linked Data Platform Direct Container">LDP Direct Container</a> to manage liabilities.  
+<em>Request</em> to <code></code>:
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-full-liabcont-req">GET /netWorth/nw1/liabilities/ HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle</pre>
-<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-full-liabcont"># The following is a representation of the liability container
-<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-# @base &lt;;.
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-full-liabcont">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/turtle
+Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMT
+ETag: 2014-06-12T18:25:43.46Z
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
+Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+json
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+<!-- @base <>. -->
 @prefix ldp: &lt;;.
 @prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
-@prefix o: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
    a ldp:DirectContainer;
    dcterms:title "The liabilities of JohnZSmith";
-   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
+   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
    ldp:hasMemberRelation o:liability;
    ldp:contains &lt;l1&gt;, &lt;l2&gt;, &lt;l3&gt;.
@@ -1167,24 +1228,36 @@
 	To add a another liability, a client would POST something like this to the liability container:
-<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-add-new-liability"># The following is a representation of the liability to be added
+<em>Request</em> to <code></code>:
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-add-new-liability-req">POST /netWorth/nw1/liabilities/ HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle
+Content-Type: text/turtle
+Content-Length: 63
 <!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-# @base &lt;;.
-@prefix o: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
    a o:Liability.
    # plus any other properties that the domain says liabilities have
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-add-new-liability">HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 19:56:13 GMT
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
 	Assuming the server successfully processes this request and assigns the URI
 	<code>&lt;;</code> to the 
 	newly created liability resource, at least two new triples would be added.
-	<li>In the net worth resource, <code>o:liability &lt;l4&gt;</code></li>
-	<li>In the liability container, <code>ldp:contains &lt;l4&gt;</code>.</li>
+	<li>In the net worth resource, <code>&lt;; o:liability &lt;liabilities/l4&gt;</code></li>
+	<li>In the liability container, <code>&lt;; ldp:contains &lt;l4&gt;</code>.</li>
@@ -1206,17 +1279,28 @@
 	advisors (people) that have managed the assets and liabilities.  We have decided
 	to identify these advisors with URLs that contain a fragment (hash) to represent
 	these real-world resources, not the documents that describe them.</p>
-<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-full-elab"># The following is an elaborated representation of
-# Adding o:advisor but eaving off o:asset and o:liability for brevity.
-<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-# @base &lt;;
+<em>Request</em> to <code></code>:
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-full-elab-req">GET /netWorth/nw1 HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle</pre>
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-full-elab">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/turtle
+Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:26:59 GMT
+ETag: 2014-06-12T18:25:43.46Z
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+<!-- @base <>. -->
 @prefix ldp: &lt;;.
 @prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
 @prefix foaf: &lt;;.
-@prefix o: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
    a o:NetWorth;
    o:netWorthOf &lt;;;
@@ -1250,27 +1334,38 @@
 	To add a another advisor, a client would POST something like this to the advisors container:
-<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-add-new-advisor"># The following is a representation of the advisor to be added
-<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-# @base &lt;;.
+<em>Request</em> to <code></code>:
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-add-new-advisor">POST /netWorth/nw1/advisors/ HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle
+Content-Type: text/turtle
+Slug: george
+Content-Length: 72
+<!-- @base <>. -->
 @prefix foaf: &lt;;.
-@prefix o: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
    a o:Advisor;
    foaf:primaryTopic &lt;#me&gt;.
    # plus any other properties that the domain says advisors have
+<pre class="example" id="ldpc-ex-membership-add-new-advisor">HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 19:56:13 GMT
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
 	Assuming the server successfully processes this request and assigns the URI
 	<code>&lt;;</code> to the 
 	newly created advisor resource, at least two new triples would be added.
-	<li>In the net worth resource, <code>o:advisor &lt;advisors/george#me&gt;</code></li>
-	<li>In the advisors container, <code>ldp:contains &lt;george&gt;</code></li>
+	<li>In the net worth resource, <code>&lt;; o:advisor &lt;advisors/george#me&gt;</code></li>
+	<li>In the advisors container, <code>&lt;; ldp:contains &lt;george&gt;</code></li>
 	<p>In summary, <a href="#fig-ldpc-types"></a> illustrates the LDP-defined container types: Basic, Direct, and Indirect, along
@@ -1326,19 +1421,22 @@
 		Here is an example requesting the minimal-container triples of a
 		container identified by the URL <code></code>.
-<p id="ldpc-ex-minimal-container">Request:</p>
-<pre class="example">GET /container1 HTTP/1.1
+<p id="ldpc-ex-minimal-container"><em>Request</em> to <code></code>:</p>
+<pre class="example">GET /container1/ HTTP/1.1
-Accept: text/turtle; charset=UTF-8
+Accept: text/turtle
 Prefer: return=representation; include=""
 <pre class="example">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Type: text/turtle; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Type: text/turtle
 ETag: "_87e52ce291112"
-Content-Length: 325
-Link: &lt;;; rel="type"
-Preference-Applied: return=representation 
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
+Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+json
+Preference-Applied: return=representation
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
 @prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
 @prefix ldp: &lt;;.
@@ -2016,11 +2114,6 @@
 <section id="prefer-summary">
-	<div class="ldp-issue-pending">
-	<div class="ldp-issue-title">Need to update normative reference once RFC number is assigned.</div>
-	The <a href="">HTTP Prefer header</a> is queued for an RFC number behind HTTPbis, whose BNF Prefer normatively refers to.  
-	</div>
 	<p>This specification introduces new parameters on the HTTP <code>Prefer</code> request header's
 	<code>return=representation</code> preference [[!RFC7240]], used optionally by clients to 
@@ -2141,36 +2234,34 @@
 	If we assume a container like
 	the one below:
-	<pre class="example" id="prefer-examples-direct">
-	# The following is the representation of
-	#
-	<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-	# @base &lt;;.
-	@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
-	@prefix ldp: &lt;;.
-	@prefix o: &lt;;.
+<pre class="example" id="prefer-examples-direct"># The following is the representation of
+<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
+# @base &lt;;.
+@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+@prefix ldp: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
-	&lt;&gt;
-	   a ldp:DirectContainer;
-	   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
-	   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
-	   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;
-	   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.
+   a ldp:DirectContainer;
+   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
+   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
+   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;
+   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.
-	&lt;;
-	   a o:NetWorth;
-	   o:asset &lt;a1&gt;, &lt;a3&gt;, &lt;a2&gt;.
+   a o:NetWorth;
+   o:asset &lt;a1&gt;, &lt;a3&gt;, &lt;a2&gt;.
-	&lt;a1&gt;
-	   a o:Stock;
-	   o:value 100.00 .
-	&lt;a2&gt;
-	   a o:Cash;
-	   o:value 50.00 .
-	&lt;a3&gt;
-	   a o:RealEstateHolding;
-	   o:value 300000 .
-	</pre>
+   a o:Stock;
+   o:value 100.00 .
+   a o:Cash;
+   o:value 50.00 .
+   a o:RealEstateHolding;
+   o:value 300000 .</pre>
 	<p id="prefer-examples-direct-minimal-container-only1">
 	Clients interested only in information about the container 
@@ -2183,22 +2274,33 @@
 	and this representation:
-	<pre class="example">
-	# The following is the representation of
-	#
-	<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-	# @base &lt;;.
-	@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
-	@prefix ldp: &lt;;.
-	@prefix o: &lt;;.
+<em>Request</em> to <code></code>:
+<pre class="example">GET /netWorth/nw1/assets/ HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle
+Prefer: return=representation; include=""
+<pre class="example">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/turtle
+ETag: "_87e52ce291112"
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
+Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+json
+Preference-Applied: return=representation
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+<!-- @base &lt;;. -->
+@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+@prefix ldp: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
-	&lt;&gt;
-	   a ldp:DirectContainer;
-	   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
-	   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
-	   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;
-	   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.
-	</pre>
+   a ldp:DirectContainer;
+   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
+   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
+   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;
+   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.</pre>
 	<p id="prefer-examples-direct-minimal-container-only2">
 	Clients interested only in information about the container 
@@ -2214,22 +2316,33 @@
 	implementing later versions of LDP might return substantively different responses.
-	<pre class="example">
-	# The following is the representation of
-	#
-	<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-	# @base &lt;;.
-	@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
-	@prefix ldp: &lt;;.
-	@prefix o: &lt;;.
+<em>Request</em> to <code></code>:
+<pre class="example">GET /netWorth/nw1/assets/ HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle
+Prefer: return=representation; omit=""
+<pre class="example">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/turtle
+ETag: "_87e52ce291112"
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
+Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+json
+Preference-Applied: return=representation 
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+<!-- @base &lt;;. -->
+@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+@prefix ldp: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
-	&lt;&gt;
-	   a ldp:DirectContainer;
-	   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
-	   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
-	   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;
-	   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.
-	</pre>
+   a ldp:DirectContainer;
+   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
+   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
+   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;
+   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.</pre>
 	<p id="prefer-examples-direct-membershiponly">
 	Clients interested only in information about the container 
@@ -2250,26 +2363,37 @@
 	the same URI reference provided in the <code>Location</code> header field [[RFC7231]]).
-	<pre class="example">
-	# The following is the representation of
-	#
-	<!-- @base is here only so it's easier to paste into validators for checking -->
-	# @base &lt;;.
-	@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
-	@prefix ldp: &lt;;.
-	@prefix o: &lt;;.
+<em>Request</em> to <code></code>:
+<pre class="example">GET /netWorth/nw1/assets/ HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle
+Prefer: return=representation; include=""
+<pre class="example">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/turtle
+ETag: "_87e52ce291112"
+Link: &lt;;; rel="type",
+      &lt;;; rel="type"
+Accept-Post: text/turtle, application/ld+json
+Preference-Applied: return=representation
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+<!-- @base &lt;;. -->
+@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+@prefix ldp: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
-	&lt;&gt;
-	   a ldp:DirectContainer;
-	   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
-	   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
-	   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;
-	   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.
+   a ldp:DirectContainer;
+   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
+   ldp:membershipResource &lt;;;
+   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;
+   ldp:insertedContentRelation ldp:MemberSubject.
-	&lt;;
-	   a o:NetWorth;
-	   o:asset &lt;a1&gt;, &lt;a3&gt;, &lt;a2&gt;.
-	</pre>
+   a o:NetWorth;
+   o:asset &lt;a1&gt;, &lt;a3&gt;, &lt;a2&gt;.</pre>
 	</section> <!-- Prefer examples -->
@@ -2431,6 +2555,8 @@
 <h2>Detailed history</h2>
 <!-- <blockquote><em><a href="">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a></em></blockquote> -->
+	<li>2014-06-16 - Updated examples in Prefer section to be in request/response format (SS) </li>
+	<li>2014-06-16 - Updated examples in container sections to be in request/response format (SS) </li>
 	<li>2014-06-10 - Use http-bis and Prefer RFC numbers, adjust BNF to match bis changes (JA) </li>
 	<li>2014-06-05 - Fixed LC1 date in change history pseudo-heading, was 2014 (JA) </li>
 	<li>2014-05-19 - Revert membership definition to be about LDPCs, not LDP-RS's (JA) </li>