Binary file ldp-primer/images/dc1.png has changed
--- a/ldp-primer/ldp-primer.html Mon Jun 16 14:27:26 2014 +0100
+++ b/ldp-primer/ldp-primer.html Mon Jun 16 15:00:37 2014 +0100
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Such servers do not impose any restriction on LDPRs and generally act as storage systems without any domain specific application logic and vocabularies. The <a href="#docstore">first scenario in this document</a> concerns a document storage system based on Basic Containers.
- A Direct Container is a specialisation of a Basic Container. Additional assertions called membership triples which use a domain-specific vocabulary are made by a Direct Container as part of the creation process. The membership triples augment the containment triples maintained by all containers. For example, in the document storage system, membership triples may use some existing domain-specific vocabularly.
+ A Direct Container is a specialisation of a Basic Container. Additional assertions called membership triples which use a domain-specific vocabulary are made by a Direct Container as part of the creation process. The membership triples augment the containment triples maintained by all containers. For example, one aspect of a Product inventory system concerns the how a Direct Container is used for the management of a Product portfolio, where use of existing vocabularly is preferable.
<figure id="fig-dc1">
<img src="images/dc1.png" alt=".." />
<figcaption>Using domain vocabularly with a Direct container.</figcaption>
- Direct Container membership triples can be about subjects other than the Container resource. An example is a Photo management application where a Photo Container is used for the management of Photos, and where membership triples express the relationship between a User and a Photo.
+ Direct Container membership triples can be about subjects other than the Container resource. An example is a Photo management application where a Photo Container is used for the management of Photos, and where membership triples then express the relationship between a User and a Photo.
<figure id="fig-dc_photos">
<img src="images/dc_photos.png" alt=".." />
<figcaption>Membership triples with a non-Container subject.</figcaption>
- Another common pattern is where different facets of a Resource be managed using multiple Containers. For example, a Bug Report is described by a comment list as well as supportive media resources.
+ Another common pattern is where different facets of a Resource be managed using multiple Containers. For example, a Bug Report is has an associated list of Comments as well as supportive media resources.
<figure id="fig-dc_bugs">
<img src="images/dc_bugs.png" alt=".." />
<figcaption>Managing multiple facets of a Bug with two Direct Containers.</figcaption>
- Existing applications with their own data model and business logic can expose their data using the LDP specification. These systems impose restrictions on LDPRs since the LDP interaction should be compliant with the underlying business logic and data model. The <a href="#bugtracker">bug tracker example</a> presented in the latter part of this primer is an example of an application specific LDP server.
+ One important usage concerns using LDP to expose the data and services of existing applications. These systems impose restrictions on LDPRs since the LDP interactions should consider the constraints of the underlying business logic and data model. The <a href="#bugtracker">bug tracker example</a> presented in the latter part of this primer is an example of an application specific LDP server.
- <p class="note">Formal definitions of the terms LDPR, LDPC, and other concepts introduced by LDP can be found in the 'Terminology' section of the Linked Data Platform 1.0 specification [[LDP]]</p>
+ <p class="note">
+ Formal definitions of the terms LDPR, LDPC, and other concepts introduced by LDP can be found in the 'Terminology' section of the Linked Data Platform 1.0 specification [[LDP]]
+ </p>
- <p>The following provide a set of examples to show the Linked Data Platform interactions. Note, this is a primer and should not be considered as a canonical example of ideal LDP modeling.</p>
+ <p>
+ The following provide a set of examples to show the Linked Data Platform interactions. Note, this is a primer and should not be considered as a canonical example of ideal LDP modeling.
+ </p>