authorIan Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Tue, 31 Mar 2015 14:20:51 -0500 (2015-03-31)
changeset 674 44ae6e19e237
parent 673 c8e28ce9cd76
child 675 74d731e2c58c

Up through Automatic Selection
--- a/latest/use-cases/index.html	Tue Mar 31 13:20:56 2015 -0500
+++ b/latest/use-cases/index.html	Tue Mar 31 14:20:51 2015 -0500
@@ -1082,9 +1082,7 @@
 to complete the <a>transaction</a>.
-          <dd>
-It is important to ensure that non-essential personally identifiable data
-must anonymized and protected throughout the process.
+          <dd>Non-essential, personally identifiable data should be anonymized and protected throughout the process.
@@ -1095,7 +1093,7 @@
 for anti-money laundering / know your customer regulatory purposes. When a
 <a>payer</a> performs a <a>transaction</a> with a <a>payee</a>, PayCo
 would like to reduce the amount of information that's transmitted to the
-<a>payee</a> while ensuring that PayCo stays compliant with regulations.
+<a>payee</a> while ensuring that PayCo complies with regulations.
@@ -1121,9 +1119,9 @@
 Improved user experience
-          <dd>
-<a title="payer">Payers</a> should be able to understand if a
-particular <a>purchase</a> is a one-time payment prior to initiating
+          <dd>It should be clear to a
+<a title="payer">payer</a> whether a 
+<a>purchase</a> is one-time or recurring, prior to initiation of
 the payment.
@@ -1178,8 +1176,8 @@
           <dl class="dl-horizontal">
             <dt>Full Disclosure</dt>
-Marge wishes to renew her passport online which requires a fee and
-a great deal of information about her real-world identity to be transmitted.
+Marge wishes to renew her passport online which requires transmission
+of a fee and a great deal of information about her real-world identity.
@@ -1191,11 +1189,8 @@
 information to be transmitted by the <a>payer</a>.
             <dt>Privacy / Security</dt>
-            <dd>
-Phishing for personally identifiable information becomes much easier if there
-are mechanisms that are put in place that enable that information to be
-easily and automatically transmitted over the Web.
-            </dd>
+            <dd>We must ensure adequate security for these highly sensitive
+	      transactions to reduce the likelihood of phishing attacks.</dd>
@@ -1220,7 +1215,7 @@
 Providing a mechanism to apply digital coupons before a payment is initiated
-helps price conscious customers as well as merchants attempting to research
+helps price-conscious customers as well as merchants attempting to research
 price sensitivity.
@@ -1246,8 +1241,9 @@
         <dl class="dl-horizontal">
           <dt>Store Credit</dt>
-Rick scans five dress shirts and two new pair of slacks at the self-checkout
-kiosk. The kiosk mentions that he could save 15% off of his <a>purchase</a>
+When Rick arrives as the self-checkout kiosk, 
+he scans five dress shirts and two new pair of slacks. 
+The kiosk mentions that Rick could save 15% off of his <a>purchase</a>
 if he makes the <a>purchase</a> using store credit. He accepts the offer and
 a new store credit card is placed in his payment application on his mobile
@@ -1299,9 +1295,8 @@
 and rapid, widespread adoption.
-          <dd>
-Existing ubiquitous <a title="payment scheme">payment schemes</a> must be
-supported with no changes to the operation of the payment scheme.
+          <dd>We have as a goal that the Web payment architecture
+	    will support existing ubiquitous <a title="payment scheme">payment schemes</a> without changes to how they operate.
@@ -1322,8 +1317,8 @@
 The same mechanism used to support existing
-<a title="payment scheme">payment schemes</a> should also be able to
-support emerging schemes.
+<a title="payment scheme">payment schemes</a> should also 
+support emerging <a title="payment scheme">payment schemes</a>.
@@ -1351,21 +1346,21 @@
-A <a>payer</a> will most likely use multiple payment services throughout
-their lifetime. It is important to ensure that the payment services presented
+A <a>payer</a> will most likely use multiple payment services over
+time. It is important to ensure that the payment services presented
 to them are consistent across devices, even ones that they have never used
           <dt>Privacy / Security</dt>
-Discovery of digital wallets must be done in such a way as to ensure that
-privacy is enhanced.
+Discovery of digital wallets must be done in such a way as to ensure 
+privacy protection.
         <dl class="dl-horizontal">
           <dt>Manual Selection</dt>
-          <dd>
+          <dd>In many cases, the <a>payer</a> will select a payment instrument manually:
 Marie has credit cards from three different institutions:
@@ -1413,26 +1408,26 @@
         <dl class="dl-horizontal">
           <dt>Automatic Selection</dt>
-          <dd>
+          <dd>When a <a title="payer">payer's</a> personal preferences are known, it becomes possible to make selections for them automatically.
-Jonny's payment software on his smart watch picks the payment instrument that
+Jonny's payment software on his smart watch chooses the payment instrument that
 will provide him with the biggest cost savings for each <a>purchase</a> he makes
 throughout the week.
 PayCo wants Elizabeth to know that if she pays with the debit card preferred
-by PayCo (because of a lower <a>transaction</a> fee for PayCo), she will get a
+by PayCo (because of a lower <a>transaction</a> fee for PayCo), she will benefit from a discount.
-Whenever Mary shops at BigFreshGrocery she wants to use the same credit card,
-so payment should happen with that card automatically when she puts her
-phone near the checkout terminal or when purchasing groceries online.
+Whenever Mary shops at BigFreshGrocery she uses the same credit card.
+She wants payment to happen automatically with that card when she puts her
+phone near the checkout terminal as well as when purchasing groceries online
+from BigFreshGrocery.
-Lalana wants to see the instruments she most often uses earlier in the list
-of available instruments.
+Lalana does not like to scroll. She wants the instruments she uses most often to appear at top of the displayed list of available payment instruments.
@@ -1447,9 +1442,7 @@
 and rapid, widespread adoption.
-          <dd>
-When a <a title="payer">payer's</a> personal preferences are known by
-their devices, it becomes possible to make selections for them automatically.
+          <dd>Payment solutions providers can make payments easier and faster through automation.