Add, a heavily modified port of revision 1.17 to get it working with the new svg2 repo layout. r=WG.
authorJonathan Watt <>
Thu, 28 Jul 2011 14:48:36 +0100
changeset 2 c0c0e623a461
parent 1 e9dc9a4c009c
child 3 e1ab8aeb3d14
Add, a heavily modified port of revision 1.17 to get it working with the new svg2 repo layout. r=WG.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jul 28 14:48:36 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -c == clean
+# Note that we have to change directory below to make sure that build output
+# goes in the 'build' directory, not in the 'master' directory. For that
+# reason it's important that we use absolute paths!
+all = """
+  index
+  eltindex
+  attindex
+  propidx
+  expanded-toc
+  intro
+  concepts
+  render
+  struct
+  types
+  styling
+  coords
+  paths
+  shapes
+  text
+  painting
+  color
+  pservers
+  masking
+  filters
+  interact
+  linking
+  script
+  animate
+  fonts
+  metadata
+  backward
+  extend
+  svgdom
+  idl
+  java
+  escript
+  implnote
+  conform
+  access
+  i18n
+  minimize
+  refs
+  feature
+  mimereg
+  changes
+tocopy = """
+  style
+  images
+  svg.idl
+import os, sys, signal
+from os.path import isfile, abspath, getmtime, exists, join, normpath
+def exit(code, *message):
+  if len(message):
+    if code == 0:
+      print message[0]
+    else:
+      sys.stderr.write(message[0] + '\n')
+  sys.exit(code)
+# could allow this to be passed in:
+repo_dir = os.getcwd()
+master_dir = join(repo_dir, 'master')
+build_dir = join(repo_dir, 'build')
+publish_dir = join(build_dir, 'publish')
+tools_dir = normpath(join(repo_dir, '..', 'svg2-tools'))
+if not exists(master_dir):
+  exit(1, 'FAIL: must be run from the root of the \'svg2\' repository')
+if not exists(tools_dir):
+  exit(1, 'FAIL: the \'svg2-tools\' repository must be checked out alongside '
+          ' the \'svg2\' repository')
+if not exists(publish_dir):
+  assert os.pardir not in publish_dir
+  os.makedirs(publish_dir)
+# Add clean-up handler for SIGINT:
+def handle_SIGINT(signal, frame):
+  done();
+  sys.exit(1);
+signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_SIGINT)
+# Utility functions:
+toremove = []
+def done():
+  global toremove
+  if toremove:
+    print "Error, removing " + " ".join(toremove)
+    for file in toremove:
+      os.remove(file)
+    return 1;
+built_something = False
+def run(cmd):
+  global built_something
+  print cmd
+  if os.system(cmd):
+    done();
+    sys.exit(1);
+  built_something = True
+# clean and exit if given -c option:
+if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "-c":
+  # clean build (and publish) directory
+  readme = join(build_dir, 'README.txt')
+  for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir, topdown=False):
+    for file in files[:]:
+      file = join(parent, file)
+      if file != readme:
+        os.remove(file)
+    for dir in dirs[:]:
+      os.rmdir(join(parent, dir))
+  sys.exit(0)
+# Build svg.idlx and as required:
+svg_idl = join(master_dir, "svg.idl")
+svg_idlx = join(build_dir, "svg.idlx")
+java_bind_zip = join(publish_dir, "")
+idl2java = join(master_dir, "idl2java.xsl")
+if not isfile(svg_idlx) or getmtime(svg_idl) > getmtime(svg_idlx) or \
+   not isfile(java_bind_zip) or getmtime(svg_idl) > getmtime(java_bind_zip):
+  # change directory so the build output doesn't get dumped in the repo!
+  os.chdir(build_dir)
+  toremove = [svg_idlx]
+  run("java -classpath " + join(tools_dir, "idlparser", "idlparser.jar") +
+      " " + svg_idl + ">" + svg_idlx)
+  toremove = [java_bind_zip]
+  run("java -classpath " + join(tools_dir, "saxonb", "saxon9.jar") +
+      " net.sf.saxon.Transform -ext:on " + svg_idlx + " " + idl2java)
+  run("zip -rq " + java_bind_zip + " org")
+  toremove = []
+  tocopy.append(java_bind_zip)
+  os.chdir(repo_dir) # chdir back
+# Build chapters as required:
+deps = [
+  svg_idlx,
+  join(master_dir, "publish.xml"),
+  join(master_dir, "definitions.xml"),
+  join(tools_dir, "publish.xsl")
+deptimes = [getmtime(file) for file in deps]
+tobuild = []
+tobuild_names = []
+for name in all:
+  pub_path = join(publish_dir, name + ".html")
+  src_path = join(master_dir, name + ".html")
+  if not isfile(pub_path):
+    tobuild.append(pub_path)
+    tobuild_names.append(name)
+    continue
+  desttime = getmtime(pub_path)
+  for srctime in deptimes + [getmtime(src_path)]:
+    if srctime > desttime:
+      tobuild.append(pub_path)
+      tobuild_names.append(name)
+      break
+if tobuild:
+  toremove = tobuild
+  os.chdir(master_dir)
+  run("java -classpath " + join(tools_dir, 'saxonb', 'saxon9.jar') +
+      " net.sf.saxon.Transform -ext:on -dtd:off -expand:off -l:on " +
+      join(master_dir, "publish.xml") + " " + join(tools_dir, "publish.xsl")+
+      " chapters-to-build=\"" + " ".join(tobuild_names) + "\"")
+  toremove = []
+  os.chdir(repo_dir) # chdir back
+# Build single page spec as required:
+buildSinglePage = False
+single_page = join(publish_dir, "single-page.html")
+if not isfile(single_page):
+  buildSinglePage = True
+  singlePageTime = getmtime(single_page)
+  for name in all:
+    if getmtime(join(master_dir, name + ".html")) > singlePageTime:
+      buildSinglePage = True;
+      break
+if buildSinglePage:
+  chaptersNoIndex = " ".join(all[1:])
+  run("xsltproc --novalid --stringparam publish '" + publish_dir +
+      "' --stringparam chapters '" + chaptersNoIndex + "' " +
+      join(tools_dir, "single-page.xsl") + " " +
+      join(publish_dir, "index.html") + " > " + single_page)
+# Copy over anything else that needs to be copied to 'publish':
+tocopypaths = " ".join([join(master_dir, s) for s in tocopy])
+run("rsync -auC " + tocopypaths + " " + publish_dir);
+# Done:
+if not built_something:
+  print "Nothing to do."