Typos corrected in N-Triples
authorGavin Carothers <gavin@carothers.name>
Wed, 16 Oct 2013 07:41:28 -0700 (2013-10-16)
changeset 1136 e02edd60e8a0
parent 1135 4a7ef9b4502c
child 1137 7d9d88f49586
Typos corrected in N-Triples

Per http://www.w3.org/mid/9D2F0F22-2BB3-4FB3-87AF-5857DF1A8638@sbcglobal.net
and others
--- a/rdf-turtle/n-triples.html	Wed Oct 16 08:55:24 2013 -0400
+++ b/rdf-turtle/n-triples.html	Wed Oct 16 07:41:28 2013 -0700
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
       <section id='sotd'>
 N-Triples was originally defined as a syntax for 
 the RDF Test Cases [[!RDF-TESTCASES]] document. Due to its popularity
-as exchange format the <a href="http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/">RDF
+as an exchange format the <a href="http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/">RDF
 Working Group</a> decided to publish an updated
 version. In a change from previous publication, this document is intended to become a W3C Recommendation. 
@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@
         <p>This document defines an easy to parse line-based subset of
         Turtle [[!turtle]] named N-Triples.</p>
-        <p>The syntax is a revised version of N-Triples as originally defined in the RDF Test Cases [[!RDF-TESTCASES]] document. Its original intent was for writing test cases, but it has proven to be popular as a exchange format for RDF data.</p>
+        <p>The syntax is a revised version of N-Triples as originally defined in the RDF Test Cases [[!RDF-TESTCASES]] document. Its original intent was for writing test cases, but it has proven to be popular as an exchange format for RDF data.</p>
       <p>An N-Triples document contains no parsing directives.
-    <p>N-Triples triples are a sequence of RDF terms representing the subject, predicate and object of an RDF Triple. These may be seperated by white space (spaces <code>U+0020</code> or tabs <code>U+0009</code>). This sequence is terminated by a '<code>.</code>' and a new line (optional at the end of a document).
+    <p>N-Triples triples are a sequence of RDF terms representing the subject, predicate and object of an RDF Triple. These may be separated by white space (spaces <code>U+0020</code> or tabs <code>U+0009</code>). This sequence is terminated by a '<code>.</code>' and a new line (optional at the end of a document).
       <pre class="example"><script type="application/n-triples"><http://one.example/subject1> <http://one.example/predicate1> <http://one.example/object1> . # comments here
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
           characters or numeric escape sequence or string escape sequence, and a final delimiter. Literals may not contain the characters <code>"</code>, <code title="LINE FEED"><sub>LF</sub></code>, <code title="CARRIAGE RETURN"><sub>CR</sub></code> except in their escaped forms. In addition '<code>\</code>' (<span class="codepoint">U+005C</span>) may not appear in any quoted literal except as part of an escape sequence.
           The corresponding <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-lexical-form">RDF lexical form</a> is the characters between the delimiters, after processing any escape sequences.
           If present, the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-language-tagged-string">language tag</a> is preceded by a '<code>@</code>' (<span class="codepoint">U+0040</span>).
-          If there is no language tag, there may be a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-datatype-iri">datatype IRI</a>, preceeded by '<code>^^</code>' (<span class="codepoint">U+005E</span> <span class="codepoint">U+005E</span>). If there is no datatype IRI and no language tag it is a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-simple-literal">simple literal</a> and the datatype is <code>http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string</code>.
+          If there is no language tag, there may be a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-datatype-iri">datatype IRI</a>, preceded by '<code>^^</code>' (<span class="codepoint">U+005E</span> <span class="codepoint">U+005E</span>). If there is no datatype IRI and no language tag it is a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-simple-literal">simple literal</a> and the datatype is <code>http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string</code>.
         <pre class="example"><script type="application/n-triples"><http://example.org/show/218> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "That Seventies Show"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> . # literal with XML Schema string datatype
 <http://example.org/show/218> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "That Seventies Show" . # same as above
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
         <section id="n-triples-grammar">
           <p>A N-Triples document is a Unicode [[!UNICODE]] character string encoded in UTF-8.
-          Unicode codepoints only in the range U+0 to U+10FFFF inclusive are allowed.</p>
+          Unicode code points only in the range U+0 to U+10FFFF inclusive are allowed.</p>
           <p>White space (tab <code>U+0009</code> or space <code>U+0020</code>) is used to separate two terminals which would otherwise be (mis-)recognized as one terminal. White space is significant in the production <a href="#grammar-production-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE">STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE</a>.</p>
           <p>Comments in N-Triples take the form of '<code>#</code>', outside an <code>IRIREF</code> or <code>STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE</code>, and continue to the end of line (<code>EOL</code>) or end of file if there is no end of line after the comment marker. Comments are treated as white space.</p>
           <p>The <abbr title="Extended Backus–Naur Form">EBNF</abbr> used here is defined in XML 1.0
@@ -302,19 +302,19 @@
         <p>The editor of the 2013 edition acknowledges valuable contributions from Gregg Kellogg, Andy Seaborn, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Dave Beckett, David Robillard, Gregory Williams, Pat Hayes, Richard Cyganiak, Henry S. Thompson, and David Booth.</p>
         <p>This specification is a product of extended deliberations by the 
         <a href="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=46168&amp;public=1">members of the RDF Working Group</a>.
-        It draws upon the eariler specification in <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-testcases-20040210/#ntriples">RDF Test Cases</a>, edited by Dave Beckett.</p>
+        It draws upon the earlier specification in <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-testcases-20040210/#ntriples">RDF Test Cases</a>, edited by Dave Beckett.</p>
       <section id="sec-changes" class="appendix">
         <h2>Changes to this document<h2>
         <h3>Changes since last publication as Note</h3>
-          <li>Conformence section now defines <a href="#dfn-canonical-n-triple-document">canonical N-Triple document</a>.
+          <li>Conformance section now defines <a href="#dfn-canonical-n-triple-document">canonical N-Triple document</a>.
           <li>White space rules defined outside of grammar, as in Turtle.
           <li>Comment processing defined.
           <li>Parsing is defined.
-          <li>Removed "Summary of diffrences in N-Triples and Turtle".
-          <li>Recomendation track, not a working group Note.
+          <li>Removed "Summary of differences in N-Triples and Turtle".
+          <li>Recommendation track, not a working group Note.