authorLuc Moreau <>
Wed, 07 Sep 2011 16:34:18 +0100
changeset 240 4c878a493a64
parent 239 b8342c4ddb3c
child 241 c143687a8a29
--- a/model/ProvenanceModel.html	Wed Sep 07 16:09:02 2011 +0100
+++ b/model/ProvenanceModel.html	Wed Sep 07 16:34:18 2011 +0100
@@ -1529,23 +1529,43 @@
 <section id="expression-Participation">
-<p> <dfn id="dfn-Participation">Participation</dfn> represents the involvment of a thing in an activity. It can be asserted or inferred.</p>
+<p>A <dfn id="dfn-Participation">participation expression</dfn> is a representation of the involvment of a characterized thing in an activity. A participation expression can be asserted or inferred.</p>
-<p>The construct <dfn id="dfn-hadParticipant">hadParticipant</dfn>, noted  <span class="name">hadParticipant(pe,e)</span>, 
+<p>In the Provenance Abstract Syntax Notation, a participation expression's text matches the <span class="nonterminal">participation</span> production of the grammar defined in this specification document.
+<div class='grammar'>
+<span class="nonterminal">participation</span>&nbsp;:= 
+<span class="name">hadParticipant</span>
+<span class="name">(</span>
+<span class="nonterminal">identifier</span>
+<span class="name">,</span>
+<span class="nonterminal">identifier</span>
+<span class="name">)</span>
+<p>An instance of the participation expression,
+noted <span class="name">hadParticipant(pe,e)</span> in the Provenance Abstract Syntax Notation:
-<li> refers to a process execution <span class="name">pe</span>;
-<li> refers to an entity <span class="name">e</span>;
+<li> refers to a process execution denoted by identifier <span class="name">pe</span> and representing an activity;
+<li> contains an identifier  <span class="name">e</span> denoting an entity, which is 
+a representation of a characterized thing involved in this activity.
+<p>A thing's participation in an activity can be by direct use or direct control. But also, if a thing and situation are characterized in two complementary manners (and are represented by two entity expressions related by <span class="name">isComplementOf</span>), if one of them participates in an activity,  so does the other.  The following captures the definition of participation.</p>
 <div class='constraint' id='participation'>
 <a name="PIL:0014">
-Given a process execution <span class="name">pe</span> and entity <span class="name">e</span>, <span class="name">hadParticipant(pe,e)</span> holds <span class='conditional'>if and only if</span>:
+Given two identifiers <span class="name">pe</span> and  <span class="name">e</span>, respectively denoting  a process execution and an entity, the expression <span class="name">hadParticipant(pe,e)</span> holds <span class='conditional'>if and only if</span>:
 <li> <span class="name">used(pe,e)</span> holds, or</li>
 <li> <span class="name">wasControlledBy(pe,e)</span> holds, or</li>
-<li>  <span class="name">wasComplementOf(e1,e)</span> holds for some entities <span class="name">e1</span>, and 
- <span class="name">hadParticipant(pe,e1)</span>  some process execution <span class="name">pe</span>.</li>
+<li>  <span class="name">wasComplementOf(e1,e)</span> holds for some entity identified by <span class="name">e1</span>, and 
+ <span class="name">hadParticipant(pe,e1)</span> holds  some process execution  identified by <span class="name">pe</span>.</li>
 </a>  [<a