--- a/ldp.html Mon Jul 15 14:50:51 2013 +0200
+++ b/ldp.html Mon Jul 15 09:02:20 2013 -0400
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Editor TODO:
- Incorporate ISSUE-37 text from Ashok
- - Fix up LDPR paging sample to remove container
+ - Insert ldp:membershipObject
- Should we remove / hide "Change History" section?
- Generate HTML DIFF version
@@ -644,10 +644,10 @@
To address this problem, LDPRs should support a technique called Paging. Paging can be achieved with a
simple RDF pattern. For each resource, <code><resourceURL></code>, we define a new
- 'first page' resource. In this example, its URL will be <code><containerURL>?firstPage</code>,
+ 'first page' resource. In this example, its URL will be <code><resourceURL>?firstPage</code>,
but servers are free to construct the URL as they see fit.
The triples in the representation of the each page
- are a subset of the triples in the resource
+ are typically a subset of the triples in the resource
- same subject, predicate and object.
<p>LDPR servers may respond to requests for a
@@ -655,48 +655,46 @@
using a 303 “See Other” redirect to the actual URL for the page
- Looking at an example resource representing JohnZSmith's net
- worth, we’ll split the response across two pages.
+ Looking at an example resource representing Example Co.'s customer
+ relationship data, we’ll split the response across two pages.
To find the URL of the first page, the client makes a <code>OPTIONS</code> request
to the resource's URL, and in the response looks for a HTTP <code>Link</code>
header with <code>rel="first"</code>; the target URI in the header is the URL
of the first page resource.
The client then
- requests the first page as <code>http://example.org/netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/?firstPage</code>:
+ requests the first page as <code>ttp://example.org/customer-relations?firstPage</code>:
<pre class="example"># The following is the representation of
-# http://example.org/netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/?firstPage
+# http://example.org/customer-relations?firstPage
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>.
@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>.
+@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>.
@prefix ldp: <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#>.
@prefix o: <http://example.org/ontology/>.
- a ldp:Container;
- dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
- ldp:membershipSubject <http://example.org/netWorth/nw1>;
- ldp:membershipPredicate o:asset.
+ a o:CustomerRelations;
+ dcterms:title "The customer information for Example Co.";
+ o:client <client#JohnZSmith>, <client#BettyASmith>, <client#JoanRSmith>.
a ldp:Page;
- ldp:pageOf <http://example.org/netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/>;
- ldp:nextPage <http://example.org/netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/?p=2>.
- a o:NetWorth;
- o:asset
- <http://example.org/netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/a1>,
- <http://example.org/netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/a4>,
- <http://example.org/netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/a3>,
- <http://example.org/netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/a2>.
+ ldp:pageOf <http://example.org/customer-relations>;
+ ldp:nextPage <http://example.org/customer-relations?p=2>.
- a o:Stock;
- o:value 100.00.
- a o:Cash;
- o:value 50.00.
-# server initially supplied no data for a3 and a4 in this response</pre>
+ a foaf:Person;
+ o:status o:ActiveCustomer;
+ foaf:name "John Z. Smith".
+ a foaf:Person;
+ o:status o:PreviousCustomer;
+ foaf:name "Betty A. Smith".
+ <client#BettyASmith>
+ a foaf:Person;
+ o:status o:PotentialCustomer;
+ foaf:name "Joan R. Smith".</pre>
The following example is the result of retrieving the representation
@@ -704,41 +702,35 @@
<pre class="example"># The following is the representation of
-# http://example.org/netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/?p=2
+# http://example.org/customer-relations?p=2
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>.
@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>.
+@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>.
@prefix ldp: <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#>.
@prefix o: <http://example.org/ontology/>.
- a ldp:Container;
- dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
- ldp:membershipSubject <http://example.org/netWorth/nw1>;
- ldp:membershipPredicate o:asset.
+ o:client <client#GlenWSmith>, <client#AlfredESmith>.
a ldp:Page;
- ldp:pageOf <http://example.org/netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/>;
+ ldp:pageOf <http://example.org/customer-relations>;
ldp:nextPage rdf:nil.
- a o:NetWorth;
- o:asset
- <http://example.org/netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/a5>.
+ a foaf:Person;
+ o:status o:ActiveCustomer, o:GoldCustomer;
+ foaf:name "Glen W. Smith".
- a o:Stock;
- dcterms:title "Big Co.";
- o:value 200.02.</pre>
+ a foaf:Person;
+ o:status o:ActiveCustomer, o:BronzeCustomer;
+ foaf:name "Alfred E. Smith".</pre>
- In this example, there is only one member in the container in the
+ In this example, there is only two customers provided in the
final page. To indicate this is the last page, a value of <code>rdf:nil</code> is used for the <code>ldp:nextPage</code>
predicate of the page resource.
- <p>LDPC guarantees that any and all the triples
- about the members will be on the same page as the membership triple
- for the member.</p>
@@ -1892,6 +1884,7 @@
<blockquote><em><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-ldp-20130701/">Third Public Working Draft</a></em></blockquote>
+ <li>2013-07-11 - Improving working in <a href="#ldpr-Paging" class="sectionRef"></a> to remove container references (SS)</li>
<li>2013-07-11 - Removed 4.1.5, section number fixup:4.1.8-13->6-11, 4.9.2.* fixup, 5.3.7-10->>2-5 (SS)</li>
<li>2013-07-11 - Removed all stubbed out sections 5.1.3, 5.3.2-6 (SS)</li>
<li>2013-07-11 - Various editorial clean up items from editor todo list (SS)</li>