Resolve a set of editorial to-dos
authorJohn Arwe
Tue, 08 Jul 2014 11:36:15 -0400 (2014-07-08)
changeset 695 420014488f12
parent 693 9add4c9aecde
child 696 5fcf74e0be4a
Resolve a set of editorial to-dos
--- a/ldp-paging.html	Tue Jul 08 09:09:59 2014 -0500
+++ b/ldp-paging.html	Tue Jul 08 11:36:15 2014 -0400
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 	DONE: : At a minimum, on paging, we'll provide a way for clients to detect that a triple fell through the cracks during paging.
 	DONE: resolution 3: spec sandro's paging proposal
 	DONE: -> 2014-04-17 resolution 3: spec sandro's paging proposal
-	STARTED: resolution 4: page size hint
+	TODO: STARTED: resolution 4: page size hint
 	DONE: resolution 5: contains+member triple always on same page
 	DONE: resolution 4: ordering undefined when paging non-LDPC LDPRs
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
 <!-- TODO: Move bulk of paging intro here - it's not rocket science -->
 	<p>This specification provides a widely re-usable pattern to deal with large resources.  
-	Depending on the server’s capabilities, a GET request on a <a title="Paged resource">resource</a> can
+	Depending on the client's and server’s capabilities, a GET request on a <a title="Paged resource">resource</a> can
 	be redirected to a <a title="In-Sequence Page resource">subset of the resource (one page)</a>, that provides access to subsequent pages 
 	(see <a href="#ldpr-Paging" class="sectionRef"></a>). 
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
 <section id="terms-from-ldp">
-<h2>Terms re-used from the Linked Data Platform.</h2>
+<h2>Terms re-used from the Linked Data Platform</h2>
 <p>This section is non-normative.  It summarizes a subset of terms formally defined in [[LDP]] for the reader's convenience.
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
 	<dd>One of a sequence of related <a title="Linked Data Platform Resource">LDPRs</a>
 	<var>P<sub>1</sub>, P<sub>2</sub>, ...,P<sub>n</sub></var>, 
 	each of which contains a subset of the state
-	of another resource <var>P</var>.  <var>P</var> is called the paged resource.
+	of another resource <var>P</var>, called the <a>paged resource</a>.
 	For readers
 	familiar with paged feeds [[RFC5005]], an in-sequence page resource is similar to a feed document and the same
 	coherency/completeness considerations apply.
@@ -446,11 +446,17 @@
 <p><em>TODO</em>: Update this section list</p>
   <li>1. Introduction: <b>non-normative</b></li>
-  <li>2. Terminology: <b>normative</b></li>
+  <li>2. Terminology</li>
+	<ul>
+	  <li>2.1 Terms re-used from the Linked Data Platform: <b>non-normative</b></li>
+	  <li>2.2 Terms normatively defined by this specification: <b>normative</b></li>
+	  <li>2.3 Conventions Used in This Document: <b>normative</b></li>
+	</ul>
   <li>3. Conformance: <b>normative</b></li>
-  <li>4. Linked Data Platform Resources: <b>normative</b></li>
-  <li>5. Linked Data Platform Containers: <b>normative</b></li>
-  <li>6. HTTP Header Definitions: <b>normative</b></li>
+  <li>4. Linked Data Platform Paging Clients: <b>normative</b></li>
+  <li>5. Linked Data Platform Resources: <b>normative</b></li>
+  <li>6. Linked Data Platform Containers: <b>normative</b></li>
+  <li>7. Notable information from normative references: <b>non-normative</b></li>
   <li>A. Acknowledgements: <b>non-normative</b></li> 
   <li>B.1 Normative references: <b>normative</b></li>
   <li>B.2 Non-normative references: <b>non-normative</b></li>
@@ -501,6 +507,96 @@
+<section id="ldpp-hints">
+<h2>Client hints</h2>
+	<p>
+		Clients can provide paging-related hints to influence the server's choices.
+	</p>
+<section id="ldpp-hints-summary">
+	<p>This specification introduces new ...
+	<!-- TODO: fill in summary -->
+	<!-- 
+	parameters on the HTTP <code>Prefer</code> request header's
+	<code>return=representation</code> preference [[!RFC7240]], used optionally by clients to 
+	supply a hint to help the server form a response that is most appropriate to 
+	the client's needs.  The LDP-defined parameters suggest the portion(s) of a resource's state that the 
+	client application is interested in and, if received, is likely to be 
+	processed.  LDP Containers with large numbers of associated documents 
+	and/or members will have large representations, and many client 
+	applications may be interested in processing only a subset of the LDPC's 
+	information (for example, only membership triples or only containment triples), 
+	resulting in a potentially large savings in server, client, 
+	and network processing.  
+	</p>
+	<p>
+	Non-normative note: LDP server implementers should carefully consider the effects of these
+	preferences on caching, as described in section 2 of [[!RFC7240]].
+	</p>
+	<p>
+	Non-normative note: [[!RFC7240]] recommends that server implementers include a 
+	<code>Preference-Applied</code> response header when the client cannot otherwise determine the server's
+	behavior with respect to honoring hints from the response content.
+	<a href="#prefer-examples">Examples</a> illustrates some cases where the header is unnecessary.
+	</p>
+	-->
+</section> <!-- Prefer summary -->
+<section id="prefer-rules">
+	<section id="ldpp-hints-page-size"><h2 class="normal">
+		The <code>page-size</code> hint defines the client's maximum desired size for a response representation.
+		A client communicates its hint to the server by adding a 
+		HTTP preference request header with
+		<code>return=representation</code> that includes a
+		<code>page-size</code> parameter whose value adheres to the following syntax:
+		</h2>
+		<pre><code>
+		page-size-parameter = "page-size" *WSP "=" *WSP DQUOTE *WSP 1*DIGIT 1*WSP 1*units *WSP DQUOTE
+		units               = rdf-triples / extension-units
+		rdf-triples         = "rdf-triples"   ; units = RDF triples
+		extension-units     = token           ; other units allowed for future extensibility
+		</code></pre>
+		<blockquote>
+		<p>
+		Where <code>WSP</code> is whitespace [[!RFC5234]], 
+		<code>DIGIT</code> is an integer between zero and nine [[!RFC5234]],
+		<code>DQUOTE</code> is a double quote [[!RFC5234]],
+		and
+		<code>token</code> is as defined in [[!RFC7230]].
+		The generic preference BNF [[!RFC7240]] allows either a quoted string or a token as the value of a 
+		preference parameter; LDP Paging assigns a meaning to the value only when it is a quoted string.
+		<a title="LDP Paging server">LDP Paging servers</a> MAY 
+		ignore a page size of zero, or unrecognized <code>units</code>, 
+		and process the request as if the hint was absent.
+		</p>
+		</blockquote>
+	</section>
+</section> <!-- Prefer specification -->
+<section id="prefer-examples" class="informative">
+	<p id="prefer-examples-direct-minimal-container-only1">
+	Clients interested in receiving at most 500 RDF triples per <a title="in-sequence page resource">page</a>
+	would use add this HTTP header on a <code>GET</code> request:
+	<code>Prefer: return=representation; page-size="500 rdf-triples"</code>
+	</p>
+</section> <!-- Prefer examples -->
+</section> <!-- Paging hints -->
 </section> <!-- Client constraints -->
 <section id="ldpr">
@@ -965,95 +1061,6 @@
 </section> <!-- h2 -->
-<section id="ldpp-hints">
-<h2>Paging-related client hints</h2>
-	<p>
-		Clients can provide paging-related hints to influence the server's choices.
-	</p>
-<section id="ldpp-hints-summary">
-	<p>This specification introduces new ...
-	<!-- TODO: fill in summary -->
-	<!-- 
-	parameters on the HTTP <code>Prefer</code> request header's
-	<code>return=representation</code> preference [[!RFC7240]], used optionally by clients to 
-	supply a hint to help the server form a response that is most appropriate to 
-	the client's needs.  The LDP-defined parameters suggest the portion(s) of a resource's state that the 
-	client application is interested in and, if received, is likely to be 
-	processed.  LDP Containers with large numbers of associated documents 
-	and/or members will have large representations, and many client 
-	applications may be interested in processing only a subset of the LDPC's 
-	information (for example, only membership triples or only containment triples), 
-	resulting in a potentially large savings in server, client, 
-	and network processing.  
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	Non-normative note: LDP server implementers should carefully consider the effects of these
-	preferences on caching, as described in section 2 of [[!RFC7240]].
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	Non-normative note: [[!RFC7240]] recommends that server implementers include a 
-	<code>Preference-Applied</code> response header when the client cannot otherwise determine the server's
-	behavior with respect to honoring hints from the response content.
-	<a href="#prefer-examples">Examples</a> illustrates some cases where the header is unnecessary.
-	</p>
-	-->
-</section> <!-- Prefer summary -->
-<section id="prefer-rules">
-	<section id="ldpp-hints-page-size"><h2 class="normal">
-		The <code>page-size</code> hint defines the client's maximum desired size for a response representation.
-		A client communicates its hint to the server by adding a 
-		HTTP preference request header with
-		<code>return=representation</code> that includes a
-		<code>page-size</code> parameter whose value adheres to the following syntax:
-		</h2>
-		<pre><code>
-		page-size-parameter = "page-size" *WSP "=" *WSP DQUOTE *WSP 1*DIGIT 1*WSP 1*units *WSP DQUOTE
-		units               = rdf-triples / extension-units
-		rdf-triples         = "rdf-triples"   ; units = RDF triples
-		extension-units     = token           ; other units allowed for future extensibility
-		</code></pre>
-		<blockquote>
-		<p>
-		Where <code>WSP</code> is whitespace [[!RFC5234]], 
-		<code>DIGIT</code> is an integer between zero and nine [[!RFC5234]],
-		<code>DQUOTE</code> is a double quote [[!RFC5234]],
-		and
-		<code>token</code> is as defined in [[!RFC7230]].
-		The generic preference BNF [[!RFC7240]] allows either a quoted string or a token as the value of a 
-		preference parameter; LDP Paging assigns a meaning to the value only when it is a quoted string.
-		<a title="LDP Paging server">LDP Paging servers</a> MAY 
-		ignore a page size of zero, or unrecognized <code>units</code>, 
-		and process the request as if the hint was absent.
-		</p>
-		</blockquote>
-	</section>
-</section> <!-- Prefer specification -->
-<section id="prefer-examples" class="informative">
-	<p id="prefer-examples-direct-minimal-container-only1">
-	Clients interested in receiving at most 500 RDF triples per <a title="in-sequence page resource">page</a>
-	would use add this HTTP header on a <code>GET</code> request:
-	<code>Prefer: return=representation; page-size="500 rdf-triples"</code>
-	</p>
-</section> <!-- Prefer examples -->
-</section> <!-- Paging hints -->
 </section> <!-- h1 -->
@@ -1297,11 +1304,6 @@
 </section> <!-- Base specs -->
-<h1>HTTP Header Definitions</h1>
-</section> <!-- Header defns -->
 <!-- Removed for action-113