--- a/ldp-paging.html Thu Aug 21 09:41:05 2014 -0400
+++ b/ldp-paging.html Thu Aug 21 16:55:54 2014 -0400
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@
<pre class="example">GET /customer-relations HTTP/1.1
Host: example.org
Accept: text/turtle
-Prefer: return=representation; page-size="500 rdf-triples"
+Prefer: return=representation; max-triple-count="500"
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
<pre class="example">GET /customer-relations?page1 HTTP/1.1
Host: example.org
Accept: text/turtle
-Prefer: return=representation; page-size="500 rdf-triples"
+Prefer: return=representation; max-triple-count="500"
The server's response is shown below:
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@
From this response, the client knows that more data exists and where to find it.
The server determines the size of the pages using application-specific methods not defined
- within this specification, with the client's <code>page-size</code> preference as one
+ within this specification, with the client's <code>max-triple-count</code> preference as one
input; the simplest method is to make the server's page size equal
to the client's preference. In this example, the server chooses a smaller value so
there is a second page.
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
<pre class="example">GET /customer-relations?p=2 HTTP/1.1
Host: example.org
Accept: text/turtle
-Prefer: return=representation; page-size="500 rdf-triples"
+Prefer: return=representation; max-triple-count="500"
The server's response is shown below:
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@
<pre class="example">GET /customer-relations HTTP/1.1
Host: example.org
Accept: text/turtle
-Prefer: return=representation; page-size="500 rdf-triples"
+Prefer: return=representation; max-triple-count="500"
Prefer: contents-of-related
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@
<a>in-sequence page resource</a> instead of the <a>paged resource</a>,
that at least one more page exists, and where to find the next page.
The server determines the size of the pages using application-specific methods not defined
- within this specification, with the client's <code>page-size</code> preference as one
+ within this specification, with the client's <code>max-triple-count</code> preference as one
input; the simplest method is to make the server's page size equal
to the client's preference. In this example, the server chooses a smaller value so
there is a second page.
@@ -947,7 +947,7 @@
<pre class="example">GET /customer-relations?p=2 HTTP/1.1
Host: example.org
Accept: text/turtle
-Prefer: return=representation; page-size="500 rdf-triples"
+Prefer: return=representation; max-triple-count="500"
Prefer: contents-of-related
@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@
parameters on the HTTP <code>Prefer</code> request header's
<code>return=representation</code> preference [[!RFC7240]], <a href="#ldpp-client-advertise">used by clients</a> to
supply a preference that helps the server form a response that is most appropriate to
- the client's needs. The <code>page-size</code> parameter serves several purposes:
+ the client's needs. The presence of any parameter defined in this section serves several purposes:
<li>It signals the client's support for LDP Paging to the request server</li>
<li>It communicates the client's maximum desired size for a response representation</li>
@@ -1140,26 +1140,24 @@
- LDP Paging defines <code>page-size</code> as a new parameter on the existing
+ LDP Paging defines <code>max-triple-count</code>, <code>max-record-count</code>, and <code>max-kbyte-count</code>
+ as new parameters on the existing
HTTP <code>Prefer</code> request header's
- <code>return=representation</code> preference [[!RFC7240]]; the presence of this parameter
+ <code>return=representation</code> preference [[!RFC7240]]; the presence of any of these parameters
on the preference, not the preference alone, is what indicates to a server that the client
supports LDP Paging.
- A client communicates its hint to the server by adding the
+ A client communicates its hint(s) to the server by adding the
request header with a
- <code>return=representation</code> preference that includes a
- <code>page-size</code> parameter whose value adheres to the following syntax:
- <pre><code>page-size-parameter = "page-size" *WSP "=" *WSP DQUOTE *WSP 1*DIGIT 1*WSP 1*units *WSP DQUOTE
-units = rdf-triples / extension-units
-rdf-triples = "rdf-triples" ; units = RDF triples
-extension-units = token ; other units allowed for future extensibility</code></pre>
+ <code>return=representation</code> preference that includes any of the following preference parameters
+ <pre><code>"max-triple-count" *WSP "=" *WSP DQUOTE *WSP 1*DIGIT *WSP
+"max-record-count" *WSP "=" *WSP DQUOTE *WSP 1*DIGIT *WSP DQUOTE
+"max-kbyte-count" *WSP "=" *WSP DQUOTE *WSP 1*DIGIT *WSP DQUOTE</code></pre>
<code>WSP</code> is whitespace [[!RFC5234]],
<code>DIGIT</code> is an integer between zero and nine [[!RFC5234]],
- <code>DQUOTE</code> is a double quote [[!RFC5234]],
- <code>token</code> is as defined in [[!RFC7230]].
+ <code>DQUOTE</code> is a double quote [[!RFC5234]].
The generic preference BNF [[!RFC7240]] allows either a quoted string or a token as the value of a
preference parameter; LDP Paging assigns a meaning to the value only when it is a quoted string.
@@ -1169,7 +1167,7 @@
<p id="prefer-examples-500-triples">
Clients interested in receiving at most 500 RDF triples per <a title="in-sequence page resource">page</a>
would use add this HTTP header on a <code>GET</code> request, as shown in <a href="#ldpp-ex-paging-303" class="sectionRef"></a>:
- <code>Prefer: return=representation; page-size="500 rdf-triples"</code>
+ <code>Prefer: return=representation; max-triple-count="500"</code>
</section> <!-- Paging hints -->
@@ -1259,10 +1257,10 @@
to influence the amount of data returned in representations.</h2>
<em>Non-normative note</em>: LDP server implementers should be careful not to interpret a
- <code>Prefer return=representation</code> request header that <em>lacks</em> a
- <code>page-size</code> parameter as a client's request for a <a>paged resource</a>.
+ <code>Prefer return=representation</code> request header that <em>lacks</em> any
+ parameters defined here as a client's request for a <a>paged resource</a>.
<a href="#ldpp-hints">A client's hints</a> indicate LDP Paging support <em>only</em>
- when the <code>page-size</code> parameter defined by this specification is present.
+ when at least one of the preference parameters defined by this specification is present.
<em>Non-normative note</em>: LDP server implementers should carefully consider the effects of these
@@ -1641,7 +1639,7 @@
<pre class="example">GET /netWorth/nw1/assetContainer/ HTTP/1.1
Host: example.org
Accept: text/turtle
-Prefer: return=representation; page-size="500 rdf-triples"
+Prefer: return=representation; max-triple-count="500"
The server might respond with status code <code>200 OK</code>,
@@ -2131,6 +2129,7 @@
<!-- <blockquote><em><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-ldp-paging-20140930/">Candidate Recommendation Draft</a></em></blockquote> wah -->
<!-- <blockquote><em><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-ldp-paging-20140730/">Last Call Draft</a></em></blockquote> -->
+ <li>2014-08-21 - max-triple-count, max-record-count, max-kbyte-count with parms being integers per Aug 18 mtg (JA) </li>
<li>2014-08-05 - Re-cast sort criteria as rdf:List compatible with syntactic sugar for those (JA) </li>
<li>2014-08-05 - Fuss SOTD for Arnaud (JA) </li>
<li>2014-08-04 - Fuss with SortValueAscending value for Sandro (JA) </li>