authorsteve.battle <>
Mon, 24 Jun 2013 16:39:39 +0100
changeset 132 0fb7df7fccbc
parent 131 ef4500d1b8ad (current diff)
parent 130 1e1f91d7effc (diff)
child 133 585bb737f5bb
--- a/ldp.html	Mon Jun 24 16:39:01 2013 +0100
+++ b/ldp.html	Mon Jun 24 16:39:39 2013 +0100
@@ -605,6 +605,8 @@
    a ldp:Container;
+   ldp:membershipSubject &lt;&gt;
+   ldp:membershipPredicate rdfs:member;
    dcterms:title "A very simple container";
    rdfs:member &lt;member1&gt;, &lt;member2&gt;, &lt;member3&gt;.</pre>
@@ -796,6 +798,7 @@
    a ldp:Container;
    dcterms:title "A Linked Data Platform Container of Acme Resources";
+   ldp:membershipSubject;
    ldp:membershipPredicate rdfs:member;
    dcterms:publisher &lt;;.</pre>
@@ -1024,14 +1027,22 @@
 	Linking from a Resource to its Containers (not the containers the resource is in)
-	<div id="ldpc-5_2_4" class="rule">5.2.4 An LDPC MUST contain one triple containing the <code>ldp:membershipSubject</code>
-		predicate when the membership subject is not the LDPC itself.  
-		This triple's object provides clients with the LDPC's membership subject URI.
+	<div id="ldpc-5_2_4" class="rule">5.2.4 An LDPC MUST contain one triple 
+		whose subject is the LDPC URI, 
+		whose predicate is the <code>ldp:membershipSubject</code>, 
+		and whose object is the LDPC's membership subject URI.
-	<div id="ldpc-5_2_5" class="rule">5.2.5 An LDPC MUST contain one triple containing the <code>ldp:membershipPredicate</code>
-		or <code>ldp:membershipPredicateInverse</code> predicate when
-		the membership predicate is not <code>rdfs:member</code>.
+	<div id="ldpc-5_2_5" class="rule">5.2.5 An LDPC MUST contain one triple 
+		whose subject is the LDPC URI, 
+		and whose predicate is either <code>ldp:membershipPredicate</code> or <code>ldp:membershipPredicateInverse</code>. 
+		The object of the triple is constrained by other sections, such as
+		<a href="ldpc-5_2_5_1"></a> or <a href="ldpc-5_2_5_2"></a>.
+	</div>
+	<div class="ldp-issue-pending">
+	<div class="ldp-issue-title"><a href="">ISSUE-75</a></div>
+	non-monotonic ldp:membershipXXX relations.  Drafted per 2013-06-18 F2F resolution.
 	<div id="ldpc-5_2_5_1" class="rule"> For a given triple <var>T</var> with a subject <var>C</var>
@@ -1175,7 +1186,7 @@
 		whose subject is the sort criterion identifier, 
 		whose predicate is <code>ldp:containerSortPredicate</code> 
 		and whose object is 
-		the predicate whose value is used to order members within the page.
+		the predicate whose value is used to order members between pages (the <dfn>page-ordering values</dfn>).
 		The only predicate data types whose behavior LDP constrains are those defined
 		by SPARQL SELECT’s ORDER BY clause [[!SPARQL-QUERY]].  Other data types
 		can be used, but LDP
@@ -1194,6 +1205,13 @@
 		assigns no meaning to them and interoperability will be limited.
+	<div class="ldp-issue-pending">
+	<div class="ldp-issue-title"><a href="">ISSUE-14</a></div>
+	Include clarifications about ordering in LDPC representations.
+	The ReSpec SPARQL QUERY link is , which has highlighted text
+	referring readers to SPARQL 1.1.  Which normative reference do we want?
+	</div>
 	<div id="ldpc-5_3_10" class="rule">5.3.10 LDPC page representations 
 		ordered using <code>ldp:containerSortCriteria</code> MAY contain, 
 		in any <code>ldp:containerSortCriterion</code> list entry,
@@ -1201,28 +1219,27 @@
 		whose subject is the sort criterion identifier, 
 		whose predicate is <code>ldp:containerSortCollation</code> 
 		and whose object identifies the collation used.  LDP defines no values for use
-		as the object of this triple.  Any value can be used, but LDP
-		assigns no meaning to them and interoperability will be limited.
+		as the object of this triple.  While it is better for interoperability to use
+		open standardized values, any value can be used.
 		When the <code>ldp:containerSortCollation</code> triple is absent and the 
-		ordering values are strings or simple literals [[!SPARQL-QUERY]], the
+		<a title="page-ordering values">page-ordering values</a> are strings or simple literals [[!SPARQL-QUERY]], the
 		resulting order is as defined by SPARQL SELECT’s ORDER BY clause 
-		[[!SPARQL-QUERY]] using two-argument <code>fn:compare</code>, that is, the implementation's 
-		default collation.
+		[[!SPARQL-QUERY]] using two-argument <code>fn:compare</code>, that is, 
+		it behaves as if <code></code> 
+		was the specified collation.
 		When the <code>ldp:containerSortCollation</code> triple is present and the 
-		ordering values are strings or simple literals [[!SPARQL-QUERY]], the
+		<a title="page-ordering values">page-ordering values</a> are strings or simple literals 
+		[[!SPARQL-QUERY]], the
 		resulting order is as defined by SPARQL SELECT’s ORDER BY clause 
 		[[!SPARQL-QUERY]] using three-argument <code>fn:compare</code>, that is, the 
 		specified collation.
-		When the <code>ldp:containerSortCollation</code> triple is present for other
-		types of comparisons, LDP assigns no meaning to it.
+		When the <code>ldp:containerSortCollation</code> triple SHOULD be omitted for comparisons
+		involving <a title="page-ordering values">page-ordering values</a> for which [[!SPARQL-QUERY]] does not use collations.
 	<div class="ldp-issue-pending">
-	<div class="ldp-issue-title"><a href="">ISSUE-14</a></div>
-	Include clarifications about ordering in LDPC representations.
-	Do we need to say anything about strings in 5.3.8?
-	The ReSpec SPARQL QUERY link is , which has highlighted text
-	referring readers to SPARQL 1.1.  Which normative reference do we want?
+	<div class="ldp-issue-title"><a href="">ISSUE-63</a></div>
+	Need to be able to specify collation with container ordering.  Drafted per 2013-06-18 F2F resolution.
@@ -1434,6 +1451,8 @@
 <blockquote><em><a href="">Third Public Working Draft</a></em></blockquote>
+	<li>2013-06-18 - ISSUE-75 5.2.5 membershipxxx predicates required, per 2013-06-18 F2F resolution (JA)</li>
+	<li>2013-06-18 - ISSUE-63 End of 5.3 + example rewritten for 2013-06-18 F2F resolution (JA)</li>
 	<li>2013-06-15 - ISSUE-14 End of 5.3 + example rewritten for ascending/descending sorts with optional collation (JA)</li>
 	<li>2013-06-13 - ISSUE-54 New to set base URI on create for relative URI resolution (SS)</li>
 	<li>2013-06-10 - ISSUE-74 4.4.2 require 428 Condition Required status code when appropriate; SS adding 6585 to biblio (JA)</li>