cleaning up the document
authorNandana Mihindukulasooriya <>
Tue, 17 Jun 2014 18:25:30 +0200
changeset 665 6ba28bd40100
parent 664 f1455c31529a
child 666 a2fc60575682
cleaning up the document
--- a/ldp-primer/ldp-primer.html	Tue Jun 17 18:08:46 2014 +0200
+++ b/ldp-primer/ldp-primer.html	Tue Jun 17 18:25:30 2014 +0200
@@ -552,14 +552,6 @@
       <h2> Update a RDF LDP resource (PUT on an LDP-RS) </h2> 
-      <!--
-      I MISSED THESE BITS OUT ... (??)
-      <pre title="A request for retrieving a RDF resource" class="example" data-include='getfoaf.txt' data-oninclude='fixCode'/>
-      <pre title="The response of retrieving a RDF resource" class='example' data-include='getfoaf_res.txt' data-oninclude='fixCode'/>
-      -->  
       <p>After creating the image as shown in the previous example, Alice now wants to update her FOAF profile with a link to the image. After retrieving her FOAF profile using a HTTP GET operation, she uses HTTP PUT to update the document by amending the RDF with a link to her photo.</p>
       <p> In this example, Alice's LDP client sends the E-tag of the resource representation that it retrieved previously to prevent any lost update problems. </p>
       <pre title="Request - updating a RDF resource" class="example" data-include='foafupdate.txt' data-oninclude='fixCode'></pre> 
@@ -866,24 +858,6 @@
     <!-- end creationext -->
-    <!-- section id="deleteext">
-    <h3 id="IndirectDelete">Deletion</h3>
-     <pre class="example">
- DELETE /tracker/ldp-demo/bug3 HTTP/1.1 
- Host:
-        </pre>
-      <p>If the update is successful, the server will respond with a success status and a new etag.</p>
-      <pre class="example">
- HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
- ETag: W/"123456790"  
-        </pre>  
-     <p> After the deletion, the representation of the container will look like the following (Show that the two triples are gone) </p>   
-    </section -->
-    <!-- end deleteext -->