Updated impl report page
Wed, 18 Jun 2014 17:10:58 -0400
changeset 676 1d00d1bc9380
parent 675 9105412946cb
child 677 6bb201c4fb6f
Updated impl report page
--- a/tests/reports/ldp.html	Wed Jun 18 12:59:10 2014 +0100
+++ b/tests/reports/ldp.html	Wed Jun 18 17:10:58 2014 -0400
@@ -40,7 +40,65 @@
-<em>Placeholder for LDP Implementation Reports.</em>
+   <section about='' id='abstract' typeof='earl:Software doap:Project'>
+      <p>
+        This document reports test subject conformance for and related specifications for
+        <span property='doap:name'>Linked Data Platform 1.0</span>
+        <span property='dc:bibliographicCitation'>[[LDP]]</span>
+        according to the requirements of the Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) 1.0 Schema [[EARL10-SCHEMA]].
+      </p>
+    </section>
+   <section id='sodt'></section>
+    <section>
+      <h2>Instructions for submitting implementation reports</h2>
+      <p>Tests should be run using the test manifests defined in the 
+        <a href="#test-manifests">Test Manifests</a> Section.</p>
+      <p>Reports should be submitted in Turtle format to <a href="mailto:public-ldp-comments@w3.org">public-ldp-comments@w3.org</a>
+        and include an <code>earl:Assertion</code>
+        for each test, referencing the test resource from the associated manifest
+        and the test subject being reported upon. An example test entry is be the following:</p>
+      <pre><code> TBD </code></pre>
+    <!--   <pre><code>  [ a earl:Assertion;&#x000A;    earl:assertedBy &lt;http://stevespeicher.me#me&gt;;&#x000A;    earl:subject &lt;http://rubygems.org/gems/ldp-testsuite&gt;;&#x000A;    earl:test &lt;http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl#turtle-syntax-file-01&gt;;&#x000A;    earl:result [&#x000A;      a earl:TestResult;&#x000A;      earl:outcome earl:passed;&#x000A;      dc:date &quot;2013-02-22T15:12:30-08:00&quot;^^xsd:dateTime];&#x000A;    earl:mode earl:automatic ] .&#x000A;</code></pre>
+     -->
+      <!-- 
+      <p>The Test Subject should be defined as a <code>doap:Project</code>, including the name,
+        homepage and developer(s) of the software (see [[DOAP]]). Optionally, including the
+        project description and programming language. An example test subject description is the following:</p>
+      <pre><code>  &lt;&gt; foaf:primaryTopic &lt;http://rubygems.org/gems/rdf-turtle&gt;&#x000A;    dc:issued &quot;2013-06-18T17:30:22-07:00&quot;^^xsd:dateTime ;&#x000A;    foaf:maker &lt;http://greggkellogg.net/foaf#me&gt; .&#x000A;&#x000A;  &lt;http://rubygems.org/gems/rdf-turtle&gt; a doap:Project, earl:TestSubject, earl:Software ;&#x000A;    doap:name          &quot;RDF::Turtle&quot; ;&#x000A;    doap:homepage      &lt;http://ruby-rdf.github.com/rdf-turtle&gt; ;&#x000A;    doap:license       &lt;http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/&gt; ;&#x000A;    doap:description   &quot;RDF::Turtle is an Turtle reader/writer for the RDF.rb library suite.&quot;@en ;&#x000A;    doap:created       &quot;2011-08-29&quot;^^xsd:date ;&#x000A;    doap:programming-language &quot;Ruby&quot; ;&#x000A;    doap:implements    &lt;http://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/&gt; ;&#x000A;    doap:category      &lt;http://dbpedia.org/resource/Resource_Description_Framework&gt;,&#x000A;                       &lt;http://dbpedia.org/resource/Ruby_(programming_language)&gt; ;&#x000A;    doap:developer     &lt;http://greggkellogg.net/foaf#me&gt; ;&#x000A;    dc:title           &quot;RDF::Turtle&quot; ;&#x000A;    dc:description     &quot;RDF::Turtle is an Turtle reader/writer for the RDF.rb library suite.&quot;@en ;&#x000A;    dc:date            &quot;2011-08-29&quot;^^xsd:date ;&#x000A;    .&#x000A;</code></pre>
+      <p>The software developer, either an organization or one or more individuals SHOULD be
+        referenced from <code>doap:developer</code> using [[FOAF]]. For example:</p>
+      <pre><code>  &lt;http://greggkellogg.net/foaf#me&gt; a foaf:Person, earl:Assertor;&#x000A;    foaf:name &quot;Gregg Kellogg&quot;;&#x000A;    foaf:title &quot;Implementor&quot;;&#x000A;    foaf:homepage &lt;http://greggkellogg.net/&gt; .&#x000A;</code></pre>
+       -->
+      <p>See <a href="https://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/wiki/Testing">LDP Test Suite Wiki</a>
+        for more information.</p>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+      <h2>Test Manifests</h2>
+      <p><em>Coming soon...</em></p>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+    	<h2>Test Subjects</h2>
+		<p><em>Coming soon...</em></p>   	
+    </section>
+   <section>
+    	<h2>Individual Test Results</h2>
+		<p><em>Coming soon...</em></p>   	
+    </section>
+    <section>
+    	<h2>Report Generation Software</h2>
+		<p>The test suite, mostly automated, is available at <a href="http://w3c.github.io/ldp-testsuite/">http://w3c.github.io/ldp-testsuite/</a><p>
+		<p>Software used to take EARL input files and generate a report is <em>coming soon.</em></p>   	
+    </section>
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