Added HTML diff from Sept19 vs member submission
Wed, 19 Sep 2012 13:54:59 -0400
changeset 5 05f73dea05fd
parent 4 e88d824b758b
child 6 52d507ca165b
Added HTML diff from Sept19 vs member submission
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ldbp-diff-20120919.html	Wed Sep 19 13:54:59 2012 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,7223 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <title>Linked Data Basic Profile 1.0</title>
+    <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=utf-8'/>
+    <!-- 
+      === NOTA BENE ===
+      For the three scripts below, if your spec resides on dev.w3 you can check them
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+     -->
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+    <script class='remove'>
+      var respecConfig = {
+          // specification status (e.g. WD, LCWD, NOTE, etc.). If in doubt use ED.
+          specStatus:           "ED",
+          // the specification's short name, as in
+          shortName:            "ldbp",
+          // TODO: Confirm short name
+          // if your specification has a subtitle that goes below the main
+          // formal title, define it here
+          // subtitle   :  "an excellent document",
+          // if you wish the publication date to be other than today, set this
+          // publishDate:  "2009-08-06",
+          // if the specification's copyright date is a range of years, specify
+          // the start date here:
+          // copyrightStart: "2005"
+          // if there is a previously published draft, uncomment this and set its YYYY-MM-DD date
+          // and its maturity status
+          previousPublishDate:  "2012-03-26",
+          previousMaturity:  	"Member-SUBM",
+          previousURI: 			"",
+          // if there a publicly available Editor's Draft, this is the link
+          edDraftURI:           "",
+          // if this is a LCWD, uncomment and set the end of its review period
+          // lcEnd: "2009-08-05",
+          // if you want to have extra CSS, append them to this list
+          // it is recommended that the respec.css stylesheet be kept
+          //extraCSS:             [""],
+          // editors, add as many as you like
+          // only "name" is required
+          editors:  [
+              { name: "Steve Speicher", url: "",
+                company: "IBM Corporation", companyURL: "" },
+          ],
+          // authors, add as many as you like. 
+          // This is optional, uncomment if you have authors as well as editors.
+          // only "name" is required. Same format as editors.
+          //authors:  [
+          //    { name: "Your Name", url: "",
+          //      company: "Your Company", companyURL: "" },
+          //],
+          // name of the WG
+          wg:           "Linked Data Platform Working Group",
+          // URI of the public WG page
+          wgURI:        "",
+          // name (without the of the public mailing to which comments are due
+          wgPublicList: "public-ldp-wg",
+          // URI of the patent status for this WG, for Rec-track documents
+          // !!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
+          // This is important for Rec-track documents, do not copy a patent URI from a random
+          // document unless you know what you're doing. If in doubt ask your friendly neighbourhood
+          // Team Contact.
+          wgPatentURI:  "",
+          doRDFa: "1.1",
+      };
+    </script>
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+    { content: "\2193" }
+:focus { border: thin red solid}
+  </head>
+<del class="diff-old">Linked

+<section id='abstract'>
+<del class="diff-old">Status
+5.1.2 Retrieving
+<h1 id="intro">
+<del class="diff-old">1.
+ It
+<del class="diff-old">[4Rules]
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[LINKED-DATA]]
+ The
+<h1 id="terms">
+<del class="diff-old">2.
+<del class="diff-old">[WEBARCH]
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[WEBARCH]]
+<del class="diff-old">[RFC2616] 
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[HTTP11]] 
+<dl class="glossary">
+<del class="diff-old">URI.
+<ins class="diff-chg">URI.[[WEBARCH]]
+<del class="diff-old">[4Rules]
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[LINKED-DATA]]
+<del class="diff-old">[RFC2616]
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[HTTP11]]
+<del class="diff-old">[RFC2616]
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[HTTP11]]
+<del class="diff-old">3.
+<h2 id="conventions">
+<del class="diff-old">3.1
+<del class="diff-old">[TURTLE].
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[TURTLE]].
+<del class="diff-old">@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+@prefix rdf:     &lt;;.
+@prefix rdfs:    &lt;;.
+@prefix bp:      &lt;;.
+	<pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">
+<ins class="diff-chg">	@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+	@prefix rdf:     &lt;;.
+	@prefix rdfs:    &lt;;.
+	@prefix bp:      &lt;;.

+ &lt;;.
+<section id='conformance'>
+<h1 id="bpr">
+<del class="diff-old">4.
+<del class="diff-old">[4Rules],
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[LINKED-DATA]],
+<h2 id="bpr-general">
+<del class="diff-old">4.1
+<div id="bpr-4_1_1" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">[RFC2616].
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!HTTP11]].
+<div id="bpr-4_1_2" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_1_3" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_1_4" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_1_5" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">[Dublin
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!DC-TERMS]],
+<del class="diff-old">[RDF]
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!RDF-PRIMER]]
+<del class="diff-old">[RDF
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!RDF-SCHEMA]],
+<div id="bpr-4_1_6" class="rule">
+<a href="#bpr-prop">
+<div id="bpr-4_1_6_1" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">[DC-RDF]
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!DC-RDF]]
+<div id="bpr-4_1_7" class="rule">
+ This
+<div id="bpr-4_1_8" class="rule">
+ These
+<del class="diff-old">[RDF
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!RDF-SCHEMA]]
+<div id="bpr-4_1_9" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">[XSD
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!XMLSCHEMA11-2]]
+<del class="diff-old">[RDF]
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!RDF-PRIMER]]
+<table border="1" cellspacing="5" summary="Datatype to use with RDF literals">
+<div id="bpr-4_1_10" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_1_11" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">and
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!HTML401]]and
+<ins class="diff-new">[[!RFC4627]]
+<div id="bpr-4_1_12" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">[SPARQL-UPDATE]
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!RDF-SPARQL-UPDATE]]
+<div id="bpr-4_1_13" class="rule">
+<h2 id="bpr-HTTP_GET">
+<del class="diff-old">4.2
+<div id="bpr-4_2_1" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_2_2" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_2_3" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_2_4" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_2_5" class="rule">
+<h2 id="bpr-HTTP_POST">
+<del class="diff-old">4.3
+<h2 id="bpr-HTTP_PUT">
+<del class="diff-old">4.4
+<div id="bpr-4_4_1" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_4_2" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">[RFC2616]
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!HTTP11]]
+<div id="bpr-4_4_3" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_4_4" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_4_5" class="rule">
+ The
+<del class="diff-old">[RFC5789].
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[RFC5789]].
+<div id="bpr-4_4_6" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_4_7" class="rule">
+ It
+ In
+<h2 id="bpr-HTTP_DELETE">
+<del class="diff-old">4.5
+<div id="bpr-4_5_1" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_5_2" class="rule">
+<h2 id="bpr-HTTP_HEAD">
+<del class="diff-old">4.6
+<div id="bpr-4_6_1" class="rule">
+<div id="bpr-4_6_2" class="rule">
+<h2 id="bpr-HTTP_PATCH">
+<del class="diff-old">4.7
+<div id="bpr-4_7_1" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">[RFC5789]
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!RFC5789]]
+<div id="bpr-4_7_2" class="rule">
+ It
+<h2 id="bpr-prop">
+<del class="diff-old">4.8
+<div id="bpr-4_8_1" class="rule">
+<table border="1" cellspacing="5" summary="Dublin Core properties recommended">
+<del class="diff-old">[DC-RDF].
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!DC-RDF]].
+<div id="bpr-4_8_2" class="rule">
+<table border="1" cellspacing="5" summary="RDF properties recommended">
+<del class="diff-old">he
+<ins class="diff-chg">The
+<div id="bpr-4_8_3" class="rule">
+4.8.3 From
+<table border="1" cellspacing="5" summary="RDF Schema properties recommended">
+<h1 id="bpc">
+<del class="diff-old">5.
+<section class="informative">
+<h2 id="bpc-informative">
+<del class="diff-old">5.1
+<del class="diff-old"># The following is the representation of
+<pre class="example"># The following is the representation of
+@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+@prefix rdfs: &lt;;.
+@prefix bp: &lt;;.
+   a bp:Container;
+   dcterms:title "A very simple container";
+   rdfs:member
+      &lt;;,
+      &lt;;,
+<pre class="example">
+# The following is the representation of
+@prefix rdfs: &lt;;.
+@prefix bp: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
+   a bp:Container;
+   bp:membershipSubject &lt;;;
+   bp:membershipPredicate o:asset.
+   a o:NetWorth;
+   o:asset
+      &lt;;,
+<div id="bpc-member_data" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">informative
+<ins class="diff-chg">non-normative
+<del class="diff-old"># The following is the representation of
+<pre class="example"># The following is the representation of
+@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+@prefix rdfs:    &lt;;.
+@prefix bp:      &lt;;.
+@prefix o:       &lt;;.
+   a bp:Container;
+   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
+   bp:membershipSubject &lt;;;
+   bp:membershipPredicate o:asset.
+   a o:NetWorth;
+   o:asset
+      &lt;;,
+      &lt;;,
+      &lt;;.
+   a o:Stock;
+   o:value 10000.
+   a o:Bond;
+   o:value 20000.
+   a o:RealEstateHolding;

+ o:value
+<div id="bpc-get_non-member_props" class="rule">
+5.1.2 Retrieving
+<del class="diff-old">informative
+<ins class="diff-chg">non-normative
+<ins class="diff-new">[[RDF-SPARQL-QUERY]]
+<del class="diff-old">GET /container1?non-member-properties HTTP/1.1
+<pre class="example">GET /container1?non-member-properties HTTP/1.1
+Accept: text/turtle; charset=UTF-8
+<del class="diff-old">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+<pre class="example">HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/turtle; chartset=UTF-8
+ETag: "_87e52ce291112"
+Content-Length: 325
+@prefix rdfs: &lt;;.
+@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+@prefix bp: &lt;;.
+   a bp:Container;
+   dcterms:title "A Basic Profile Container of Acme Resources";
+   bp:membershipPredicate rdfs:member;
+<div id="bpc-paging" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">informative
+<ins class="diff-chg">non-normative
+ Paging
+ The
+<del class="diff-old"># The following is the representation of
+<pre class="example"># The following is the representation of
+@prefix rdf: &lt;;.
+@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+@prefix bp: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
+   a bp:Container;
+   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
+   bp:membershipSubject &lt;;;
+   bp:membershipPredicate o:asset.
+   a bp:Page;
+   bp:pageOf &lt;;;
+   bp:nextPage &lt;;.
+    a o:NetWorth;
+	o:asset
+	&lt;;,
+	&lt;;,
+	&lt;;,
+	&lt;;.
+   a o:Stock;
+   o:value 100.00.
+   a o:Cash;
+   o:value 50.00.
+<del class="diff-old"># The following is the representation of
+<pre class="example"># The following is the representation of
+@prefix rdf: &lt;;.
+@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+@prefix bp: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
+   a bp:Container;
+   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
+   bp:membershipSubject &lt;;;
+   bp:membershipPredicate o:asset.
+   a bp:Page;
+   bp:pageOf &lt;;;
+   bp:nextPage rdf:nil.
+   a o:NetWorth;
+   o:asset 
+      &lt;;.
+   a o:Stock;
+   dcterms:title "Big Co.";
+ To
+<div id="bpc-ordering" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">informative
+<ins class="diff-chg">non-normative
+<del class="diff-old"># The following is the ordered representation of
+<pre class="example"># The following is the ordered representation of
+@prefix rdf: &lt;;.
+@prefix dcterms: &lt;;.
+@prefix bp: &lt;;.
+@prefix o: &lt;;.
+   a bp:Container;
+   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
+   bp:membershipSubject &lt;;;
+   bp:membershipPredicate o:asset.
+   a bp:Page;
+   bp:pageOf &lt;;;
+   bp:containerSortPredicates (o:value).
+   a o:NetWorth;
+   o:asset
+      &lt;;,
+      &lt;;,
+      &lt;;.
+   a o:Stock;
+   o:value 100.00.
+   a o:Cash;
+   o:value 50.00.
+   a o:RealEstateHolding;

+ o:value
+ It
+<section class="informative">
+<h2 id="bpc-general">
+<del class="diff-old">5.2
+<del class="diff-old">This
+<div id="bpc-5_2_1" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_2_2" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_2_3" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_2_4" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">When
+<ins class="diff-chg">A
+<del class="diff-old">triples.
+<ins class="diff-chg">triples
+<del class="diff-old">predicate
+<ins class="diff-chg">subject
+<del class="diff-old">rdfs:member
+<ins class="diff-chg">the
+</ins></div><div id="bpc-5_2_5" class="rule"><ins class="diff-chg">
+<del class="diff-old">triple.
+<ins class="diff-chg">triple
+</ins><code><ins class="diff-chg">
+<div id="bpc-5_2_6" class="rule">
+ See
+<a href="#bpc-member_data">
+<div id="bpc-5_2_7" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_2_8" class="rule">
+<h2 id="bpc-HTTP_GET">
+<del class="diff-old">5.3
+<div id="bpc-5_3_1" class="rule">
+ See
+<a href="#bpc-5_2_3">
+<div id="bpc-5_3_2" class="rule">
+ For
+ See
+<a href="#bpc-get_non_member_props">
+<div id="bpc-5_3_3" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_3_4" class="rule">
+page. See
+<a href="#bpc-paging">
+<div id="bpc-5_3_5" class="rule">
+<a href="#bpc-paging">
+<div id="bpc-5_3_5_1" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_3_6" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_3_6_1" class="rule">
+ subject
+<div id="bpc-5_3_6_2" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_3_6_3" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_3_7" class="rule">
+ The
+ The
+<del class="diff-old">[SPARQL].
+<ins class="diff-chg">[[!RDF-SPARQL-QUERY]].
+<div id="bpc-5_3_7_1" class="rule">
+<a href="#bpc-ordering">
+<h2 id="bpc-HTTP_POST">
+<del class="diff-old">5.4
+<div id="bpc-5_4_1" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_4_2" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_4_3" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_4_4" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_4_5" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_4_6" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_4_7" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_4_8" class="rule">

+<div id="bpc-5_4_9" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_4_10" class="rule">
+ Some
+<h2 id="bpc-HTTP_PUT">
+<del class="diff-old">5.5
+<div id="bpc-5_5_1" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_5_2" class="rule">
+<h2 id="bpc-HTTP_DELETE">
+<div id="bpc-5_6_1" class="rule">
+<div id="bpc-5_6_2" class="rule">
+<h2 id="bpc-HTTP_HEAD">
+<del class="diff-old">5.7
+<h2 id="bpc-HTTP_PATCH">
+<del class="diff-old">5.8
+<div id="bpc-5_8_1" class="rule">
+<del class="diff-old">properties.
+ The
+<del class="diff-old">Resource
+&lt;a href="h 