added people 2 projects example
authorMichael Hausenblas
Sun, 29 Jan 2012 17:35:10 +0000
changeset 44 9b68c524d297
parent 43 1de0ed739563
child 45 6c15228cae51
added people 2 projects example
--- a/people/index.html	Sun Jan 29 17:09:56 2012 +0000
+++ b/people/index.html	Sun Jan 29 17:35:10 2012 +0000
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 <p>How to provide further details about a person, such as an address, is specified in section <a href="#relations-to-contact-info">relating a person to a contact information</a>.
 <div class="practice">
-	<p><span id="sample-practice" class="practicelab">Deriving domain-specific person types</span></p>
+	<p><span id="subclassing-practice" class="practicelab">Deriving domain-specific person types</span></p>
 	<p class="practicedesc">One sometimes finds specialisations of a person in a domain, for example, in the legal domain there is a distinction made between a natural person and a legal person. In such a case the publisher should, in addition to the domain-specific type (e.g., <code>legal:NaturalPerson</code>) explicitly set the type <code>foaf:Person</code> in order to increase interoperability. This also allow systems that do not perform reasoning, for example, plain SPARQL processors to benefit from it. <a href="" title="OWL subclassing vs new properties for existing classes - ANSWERS">Read more ...</a></p>
@@ -103,9 +103,8 @@
 <pre class="example">
  &lt;; foaf:knows &lt;; .
 <div class="practice">
-	<p><span id="sample-practice" class="practicelab">Trusting people's relationships</span></p>
+	<p><span id="knows-practice" class="practicelab">Trusting people's relationships</span></p>
 	<p class="practicedesc">A <code>foaf:knows</code> only establishes an unidirectional claim that someone knows someone else. The relation SHOULD only be considered to be of a mutual nature if the other person sets a <code>foaf:knows</code> relation as well. <a href="" title="FOAF &#8211; Building Networks With a Friend of a Friend | redcatco blog">Read more ...</a></p>
@@ -147,6 +146,25 @@
 <h3 id="relations-to-project">Relating a person to a project</h3>
 <p>In order to relate a person to a project one MUST use the <a href="" title="FOAF Vocabulary Specification">FOAF Vocabulary Specification</a>.</p>
+<pre class="example">
+ @prefix gldp: &lt;; .
+ @prefix xsd: &lt;; .
+ @prefix :  &lt;; .
+ &lt;örkg&gt; a foaf:Person .
+ :OpenData4SantaClara a foaf:Project ;
+                      gldp:title "OpenData4SantaClara" ;
+                      rdfs:label "OpenData4SantaClara" ;
+                      gldp:lead &lt;örkg&gt; ;
+                      gldp:starts "2013-02-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
+                      gldp:ends "2013-05-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
+<div class="practice">
+	<p><span id="label-practice" class="practicelab">Multiple label properties</span></p>
+	<p class="practicedesc">In order to enable generic Linked Data browsers, such as <a href="">Tabulator</a>, which typically hard-code well-known label terms to display human readable labels rather than URIs, one SHOULD repeat the content of the <code>gldp:title</code>'s literal object in an  <code>rdfs:label</code> literal object.</p>
 <p class="editorsnote"><a href="">ISSUE-20</a></p>
@@ -159,7 +177,7 @@
 <h2 id="gldp-terms">Terms</h2>
-<p>This section defines terms that allow to relate people to other entities, such as contact information, etc. - the terms below are defined in the namespace URI <code></code>. The <a href="">preferred</a> namespace prefix for the namespace URI is <code>gldp</code>.</p>
+<p>This section defines terms that allow to relate a person to other entities, such as contact information, etc. The terms below are defined in the namespace URI <code></code> and the <a href="">preferred</a> namespace prefix for the namespace URI is <code>gldp</code>.</p>
 <p>An implementer of this spec MUST support the following terms:</p>
 <table class="simple">
@@ -167,9 +185,11 @@
 		<tr id="gldp-terms-card"><td><code>gldp:card</code></td><td>Relates a <code>foaf:Person</code> to a <code>v:VCard</code>; read: <em>a person has a business card</em>.</td></tr>
-		<tr id="gldp-terms-ends"><td><code>gldp:ends</code></td><td>Specifies the end date of a <code>foaf:Project</code> as an <code><a href="" title="W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes">xsd:dateTime</a></code> [[!XMLSCHEMA2]]; read: <em>a projects ends on date</em>.</td></tr>
+		<tr id="gldp-terms-ends"><td><code>gldp:ends</code></td><td>Specifies the end date of a <code>foaf:Project</code> as an <code><a href="" title="W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes">xsd:dateTime</a></code> [[!XMLSCHEMA2]]; read: <em>a project ends on date</em>.</td></tr>
 		<tr id="gldp-terms-lead"><td><code>gldp:lead</code></td><td>Relates a <code>foaf:Project</code> to a <code>foaf:Person</code>; read: <em>a project has a project lead</em>.</td></tr>
-		<tr id="gldp-terms-starts"><td><code>gldp:starts</code></td><td>Specifies the start date of a <code>foaf:Project</code> as an <code><a href="" title="W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes">xsd:dateTime</a></code> [[!XMLSCHEMA2]]; read: <em>a projects start on date</em>.</td></tr>
+		<tr id="gldp-terms-starts"><td><code>gldp:starts</code></td><td>Specifies the start date of a <code>foaf:Project</code> as an <code><a href="" title="W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes">xsd:dateTime</a></code> [[!XMLSCHEMA2]]; read: <em>a project starts on date</em>.</td></tr>
+		<tr id="gldp-terms-title"><td><code>gldp:title</code></td><td>Specifies the title of a <code>foaf:Project</code> as an <code><a href="" title="W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes">xsd:string</a></code> [[!XMLSCHEMA2]]; read: <em>a projects has a title</em>.</td></tr>