Replace the white-space based indentation of Web IDL code with a CSS-based one
authorEhsan Akhgari <>
Wed, 15 Aug 2012 23:05:49 -0400
changeset 131 6e2abb83c34b
parent 130 5d9d49158cd9
child 132 7f2980a82c34
Replace the white-space based indentation of Web IDL code with a CSS-based one

This is done to make it easier to cut and paste the Web IDL in the Web Audio
spec to use for implementing the spec. In particular it will make things
easier when diffing the newer versions of the spec against the Web IDL files
that an implementation has been using previously.
--- a/webaudio/specification.html	Wed Aug 15 22:56:03 2012 -0400
+++ b/webaudio/specification.html	Wed Aug 15 23:05:49 2012 -0400
@@ -705,63 +705,63 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-        callback AudioBufferCallback = void (AudioBuffer decodedData);
-        interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioContext">AudioContext</dfn> {
-            readonly attribute AudioDestinationNode destination;
-            readonly attribute float sampleRate;
-            readonly attribute float currentTime;
-            readonly attribute AudioListener listener;
-            readonly attribute unsigned long activeSourceCount;
-            AudioBuffer createBuffer(unsigned long numberOfChannels, unsigned long length, float sampleRate)
-                raises(DOMException);
-            AudioBuffer createBuffer(ArrayBuffer buffer, boolean mixToMono)
-                raises(DOMException);
-            void decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer audioData,
-                                 AudioBufferCallback successCallback,
-                                 optional AudioBufferCallback errorCallback)
-                raises(DOMException);
-            <span class="comment">// AudioNode creation </span>
-            AudioBufferSourceNode createBufferSource();
-            MediaElementAudioSourceNode createMediaElementSource(HTMLMediaElement mediaElement)
-                raises(DOMException);
-            MediaStreamAudioSourceNode createMediaStreamSource(MediaStream mediaStream)
-                raises(DOMException);
-            JavaScriptAudioNode createJavaScriptNode(unsigned long bufferSize,
-                                                     optional unsigned long numberOfInputChannels = 2,
-                                                     optional unsigned long numberOfOutputChannels = 2)
-                raises(DOMException);
-            RealtimeAnalyserNode createAnalyser();
-            AudioGainNode createGainNode();
-            DelayNode createDelayNode(optional double maxDelayTime);
-            BiquadFilterNode createBiquadFilter();
-            AudioPannerNode createPanner();
-            ConvolverNode createConvolver();
-            AudioChannelSplitter createChannelSplitter(optional unsigned long numberOfOutputs = 6)
-                raises(DOMException);
-            AudioChannelMerger createChannelMerger(optional unsigned long numberOfInputs = 6)
-                raises(DOMException);
-            DynamicsCompressorNode createDynamicsCompressor();
-            Oscillator createOscillator();
-            WaveTable createWaveTable(Float32Array real, Float32Array imag)
-                raises(DOMException);
-        };
-        </code></pre>
+callback AudioBufferCallback = void (AudioBuffer decodedData);
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioContext">AudioContext</dfn> {
+    readonly attribute AudioDestinationNode destination;
+    readonly attribute float sampleRate;
+    readonly attribute float currentTime;
+    readonly attribute AudioListener listener;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long activeSourceCount;
+    AudioBuffer createBuffer(unsigned long numberOfChannels, unsigned long length, float sampleRate)
+        raises(DOMException);
+    AudioBuffer createBuffer(ArrayBuffer buffer, boolean mixToMono)
+        raises(DOMException);
+    void decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer audioData,
+                         AudioBufferCallback successCallback,
+                         optional AudioBufferCallback errorCallback)
+        raises(DOMException);
+    <span class="comment">// AudioNode creation </span>
+    AudioBufferSourceNode createBufferSource();
+    MediaElementAudioSourceNode createMediaElementSource(HTMLMediaElement mediaElement)
+        raises(DOMException);
+    MediaStreamAudioSourceNode createMediaStreamSource(MediaStream mediaStream)
+        raises(DOMException);
+    JavaScriptAudioNode createJavaScriptNode(unsigned long bufferSize,
+                                             optional unsigned long numberOfInputChannels = 2,
+                                             optional unsigned long numberOfOutputChannels = 2)
+        raises(DOMException);
+    RealtimeAnalyserNode createAnalyser();
+    AudioGainNode createGainNode();
+    DelayNode createDelayNode(optional double maxDelayTime);
+    BiquadFilterNode createBiquadFilter();
+    AudioPannerNode createPanner();
+    ConvolverNode createConvolver();
+    AudioChannelSplitter createChannelSplitter(optional unsigned long numberOfOutputs = 6)
+        raises(DOMException);
+    AudioChannelMerger createChannelMerger(optional unsigned long numberOfInputs = 6)
+        raises(DOMException);
+    DynamicsCompressorNode createDynamicsCompressor();
+    Oscillator createOscillator();
+    WaveTable createWaveTable(Float32Array real, Float32Array imag)
+        raises(DOMException);
@@ -1051,23 +1051,23 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioNode">AudioNode</dfn> {
-        void connect(AudioNode destination, optional unsigned long output = 0, optional unsigned long input = 0)
-            raises(DOMException);
-        void connect(AudioParam destination, optional unsigned long output = 0)
-            raises(DOMException);
-        void disconnect(optional unsigned long output = 0)
-            raises(DOMException);
-        readonly attribute AudioContext context;
-        readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfInputs;
-        readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfOutputs;
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioNode">AudioNode</dfn> {
+    void connect(AudioNode destination, optional unsigned long output = 0, optional unsigned long input = 0)
+        raises(DOMException);
+    void connect(AudioParam destination, optional unsigned long output = 0)
+        raises(DOMException);
+    void disconnect(optional unsigned long output = 0)
+        raises(DOMException);
+    readonly attribute AudioContext context;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfInputs;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfOutputs;
@@ -1202,10 +1202,10 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioSourceNode">AudioSourceNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioSourceNode">AudioSourceNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
@@ -1233,13 +1233,13 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioDestinationNode">AudioDestinationNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
-        readonly attribute unsigned long maxNumberOfChannels;
-        attribute unsigned long numberOfChannels;
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioDestinationNode">AudioDestinationNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
+    readonly attribute unsigned long maxNumberOfChannels;
+    attribute unsigned long numberOfChannels;
@@ -1300,30 +1300,30 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioParam">AudioParam</dfn> {
-        attribute float value;
-        readonly attribute float minValue;
-        readonly attribute float maxValue;
-        readonly attribute float defaultValue;
-        <span class="comment">// Parameter automation. </span>
-        void setValueAtTime(float value, float time);
-        void linearRampToValueAtTime(float value, float time);
-        void exponentialRampToValueAtTime(float value, float time);
-        <span class="comment">// Exponentially approach the target value with a rate having the given time constant. </span>
-        void setTargetValueAtTime(float targetValue, float time, float timeConstant);
-        <span class="comment">// Sets an array of arbitrary parameter values starting at time for the given duration. </span>
-        <span class="comment">// The number of values will be scaled to fit into the desired duration. </span>
-        void setValueCurveAtTime(Float32Array values, float time, float duration);
-        <span class="comment">// Cancels all scheduled parameter changes with times greater than or equal to startTime. </span>
-        void cancelScheduledValues(float startTime);
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioParam">AudioParam</dfn> {
+    attribute float value;
+    readonly attribute float minValue;
+    readonly attribute float maxValue;
+    readonly attribute float defaultValue;
+    <span class="comment">// Parameter automation. </span>
+    void setValueAtTime(float value, float time);
+    void linearRampToValueAtTime(float value, float time);
+    void exponentialRampToValueAtTime(float value, float time);
+    <span class="comment">// Exponentially approach the target value with a rate having the given time constant. </span>
+    void setTargetValueAtTime(float targetValue, float time, float timeConstant);
+    <span class="comment">// Sets an array of arbitrary parameter values starting at time for the given duration. </span>
+    <span class="comment">// The number of values will be scaled to fit into the desired duration. </span>
+    void setValueCurveAtTime(Float32Array values, float time, float duration);
+    <span class="comment">// Cancels all scheduled parameter changes with times greater than or equal to startTime. </span>
+    void cancelScheduledValues(float startTime);
@@ -1592,10 +1592,10 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-  interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioGain">AudioGain</dfn> : AudioParam {
-  };
-  </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioGain">AudioGain</dfn> : AudioParam {
@@ -1644,12 +1644,12 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioGainNode">AudioGainNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
-        AudioGain gain;
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioGainNode">AudioGainNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
+    AudioGain gain;
@@ -1688,12 +1688,12 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-DelayNode">DelayNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
-        AudioParam delayTime;
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-DelayNode">DelayNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
+    AudioParam delayTime;
@@ -1733,20 +1733,20 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioBuffer">AudioBuffer</dfn> {
-        readonly attribute float sampleRate;
-        readonly attribute long length;
-        <span class="comment">// in seconds </span>
-        readonly attribute float duration;
-        readonly attribute int numberOfChannels;
-        Float32Array getChannelData(unsigned long channel);
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioBuffer">AudioBuffer</dfn> {
+    readonly attribute float sampleRate;
+    readonly attribute long length;
+    <span class="comment">// in seconds </span>
+    readonly attribute float duration;
+    readonly attribute int numberOfChannels;
+    Float32Array getChannelData(unsigned long channel);
@@ -1819,28 +1819,28 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioBufferSourceNode">AudioBufferSourceNode</dfn> : AudioSourceNode {
-        const unsigned short UNSCHEDULED_STATE = 0;
-        const unsigned short SCHEDULED_STATE = 1;
-        const unsigned short PLAYING_STATE = 2;
-        const unsigned short FINISHED_STATE = 3;
-        readonly attribute unsigned short playbackState;
-        <span class="comment">// Playback this in-memory audio asset  </span>
-        <span class="comment">// Many sources can share the same buffer  </span>
-        attribute AudioBuffer buffer;
-        attribute AudioParam playbackRate;
-        attribute boolean loop;
-        void noteOn(double when);
-        void noteGrainOn(double when, double grainOffset, double grainDuration);
-        void noteOff(double when);
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioBufferSourceNode">AudioBufferSourceNode</dfn> : AudioSourceNode {
+    const unsigned short UNSCHEDULED_STATE = 0;
+    const unsigned short SCHEDULED_STATE = 1;
+    const unsigned short PLAYING_STATE = 2;
+    const unsigned short FINISHED_STATE = 3;
+    readonly attribute unsigned short playbackState;
+    <span class="comment">// Playback this in-memory audio asset  </span>
+    <span class="comment">// Many sources can share the same buffer  </span>
+    attribute AudioBuffer buffer;
+    attribute AudioParam playbackRate;
+    attribute boolean loop;
+    void noteOn(double when);
+    void noteGrainOn(double when, double grainOffset, double grainDuration);
+    void noteOff(double when);
@@ -1932,10 +1932,10 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-MediaElementAudioSourceNode">MediaElementAudioSourceNode</dfn> : AudioSourceNode {
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-MediaElementAudioSourceNode">MediaElementAudioSourceNode</dfn> : AudioSourceNode {
@@ -1973,14 +1973,14 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-JavaScriptAudioNode">JavaScriptAudioNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
-        attribute EventListener onaudioprocess;
-        readonly attribute long bufferSize;
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-JavaScriptAudioNode">JavaScriptAudioNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
+    attribute EventListener onaudioprocess;
+    readonly attribute long bufferSize;
@@ -2024,15 +2024,15 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioProcessingEvent">AudioProcessingEvent</dfn> : Event {
-        JavaScriptAudioNode node;
-        readonly attribute float playbackTime;
-        readonly attribute AudioBuffer inputBuffer;
-        readonly attribute AudioBuffer outputBuffer;
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioProcessingEvent">AudioProcessingEvent</dfn> : Event {
+    JavaScriptAudioNode node;
+    readonly attribute float playbackTime;
+    readonly attribute AudioBuffer inputBuffer;
+    readonly attribute AudioBuffer outputBuffer;
@@ -2103,43 +2103,43 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioPannerNode">AudioPannerNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
-        <span class="comment">// Panning model </span>
-        const unsigned short EQUALPOWER = 0;
-        const unsigned short HRTF = 1;
-        const unsigned short SOUNDFIELD = 2;
-        <span class="comment">// Distance model </span>
-        const unsigned short LINEAR_DISTANCE = 0;
-        const unsigned short INVERSE_DISTANCE = 1;
-        const unsigned short EXPONENTIAL_DISTANCE = 2;
-        <span class="comment">// Default for stereo is HRTF </span>
-        attribute unsigned short panningModel;
-        <span class="comment">// Uses a 3D cartesian coordinate system </span>
-        void setPosition(float x, float y, float z);
-        void setOrientation(float x, float y, float z);
-        void setVelocity(float x, float y, float z);
-        <span class="comment">// Distance model and attributes </span>
-        attribute unsigned short distanceModel;
-        attribute float refDistance;
-        attribute float maxDistance;
-        attribute float rolloffFactor;
-        <span class="comment">// Directional sound cone </span>
-        attribute float coneInnerAngle;
-        attribute float coneOuterAngle;
-        attribute float coneOuterGain;
-        <span class="comment">// Dynamically calculated gain values </span>
-        readonly attribute AudioGain coneGain;
-        readonly attribute AudioGain distanceGain;
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioPannerNode">AudioPannerNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
+    <span class="comment">// Panning model </span>
+    const unsigned short EQUALPOWER = 0;
+    const unsigned short HRTF = 1;
+    const unsigned short SOUNDFIELD = 2;
+    <span class="comment">// Distance model </span>
+    const unsigned short LINEAR_DISTANCE = 0;
+    const unsigned short INVERSE_DISTANCE = 1;
+    const unsigned short EXPONENTIAL_DISTANCE = 2;
+    <span class="comment">// Default for stereo is HRTF </span>
+    attribute unsigned short panningModel;
+    <span class="comment">// Uses a 3D cartesian coordinate system </span>
+    void setPosition(float x, float y, float z);
+    void setOrientation(float x, float y, float z);
+    void setVelocity(float x, float y, float z);
+    <span class="comment">// Distance model and attributes </span>
+    attribute unsigned short distanceModel;
+    attribute float refDistance;
+    attribute float maxDistance;
+    attribute float rolloffFactor;
+    <span class="comment">// Directional sound cone </span>
+    attribute float coneInnerAngle;
+    attribute float coneOuterAngle;
+    attribute float coneOuterGain;
+    <span class="comment">// Dynamically calculated gain values </span>
+    readonly attribute AudioGain coneGain;
+    readonly attribute AudioGain distanceGain;
@@ -2301,21 +2301,21 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioListener">AudioListener</dfn> {
-        <span class="comment">// same as OpenAL (default 1) </span>
-        attribute float dopplerFactor;
-        <span class="comment">// in meters / second (default 343.3) </span>
-        attribute float speedOfSound;
-        <span class="comment">// Uses a 3D cartesian coordinate system </span>
-        void setPosition(float x, float y, float z);
-        void setOrientation(float x, float y, float z, float xUp, float yUp, float zUp);
-        void setVelocity(float x, float y, float z);
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioListener">AudioListener</dfn> {
+    <span class="comment">// same as OpenAL (default 1) </span>
+    attribute float dopplerFactor;
+    <span class="comment">// in meters / second (default 343.3) </span>
+    attribute float speedOfSound;
+    <span class="comment">// Uses a 3D cartesian coordinate system </span>
+    void setPosition(float x, float y, float z);
+    void setOrientation(float x, float y, float z, float xUp, float yUp, float zUp);
+    void setVelocity(float x, float y, float z);
@@ -2387,13 +2387,13 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-ConvolverNode">ConvolverNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
-        attribute AudioBuffer buffer;
-        attribute boolean normalize;
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-ConvolverNode">ConvolverNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
+    attribute AudioBuffer buffer;
+    attribute boolean normalize;
@@ -2519,25 +2519,25 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-RealtimeAnalyserNode">RealtimeAnalyserNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
-        <span class="comment">// Real-time frequency-domain data </span>
-        void getFloatFrequencyData(Float32Array array);
-        void getByteFrequencyData(Uint8Array array);
-        <span class="comment">// Real-time waveform data </span>
-        void getByteTimeDomainData(Uint8Array array);
-        attribute unsigned long fftSize;
-        readonly attribute unsigned long frequencyBinCount;
-        attribute float minDecibels;
-        attribute float maxDecibels;
-        attribute float smoothingTimeConstant;
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-RealtimeAnalyserNode">RealtimeAnalyserNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
+    <span class="comment">// Real-time frequency-domain data </span>
+    void getFloatFrequencyData(Float32Array array);
+    void getByteFrequencyData(Uint8Array array);
+    <span class="comment">// Real-time waveform data </span>
+    void getByteTimeDomainData(Uint8Array array);
+    attribute unsigned long fftSize;
+    readonly attribute unsigned long frequencyBinCount;
+    attribute float minDecibels;
+    attribute float maxDecibels;
+    attribute float smoothingTimeConstant;
@@ -2645,10 +2645,10 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioChannelSplitter">AudioChannelSplitter</dfn> : AudioNode {
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioChannelSplitter">AudioChannelSplitter</dfn> : AudioNode {
@@ -2696,10 +2696,10 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioChannelMerger">AudioChannelMerger</dfn> : AudioNode {
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioChannelMerger">AudioChannelMerger</dfn> : AudioNode {
@@ -2729,18 +2729,18 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code">    			<code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-DynamicsCompressorNode">DynamicsCompressorNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
-        readonly attribute AudioParam threshold; // in Decibels
-        readonly attribute AudioParam knee; // in Decibels
-        readonly attribute AudioParam ratio; // unit-less
-        readonly attribute AudioParam reduction; // in Decibels
-        readonly attribute AudioParam attack; // in Seconds
-        readonly attribute AudioParam release; // in Seconds
-    };
-        </code>
-      </pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-DynamicsCompressorNode">DynamicsCompressorNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
+    readonly attribute AudioParam threshold; // in Decibels
+    readonly attribute AudioParam knee; // in Decibels
+    readonly attribute AudioParam ratio; // unit-less
+    readonly attribute AudioParam reduction; // in Decibels
+    readonly attribute AudioParam attack; // in Seconds
+    readonly attribute AudioParam release; // in Seconds
@@ -2812,29 +2812,29 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-BiquadFilterNode">BiquadFilterNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
-        // Filter type.
-        const unsigned short LOWPASS = 0;
-        const unsigned short HIGHPASS = 1;
-        const unsigned short BANDPASS = 2;
-        const unsigned short LOWSHELF = 3;
-        const unsigned short HIGHSHELF = 4;
-        const unsigned short PEAKING = 5;
-        const unsigned short NOTCH = 6;
-        const unsigned short ALLPASS = 7;
-        attribute unsigned short type;
-        readonly attribute AudioParam frequency; // in Hertz
-        readonly attribute AudioParam Q; // Quality factor
-        readonly attribute AudioParam gain; // in Decibels
-        void getFrequencyResponse(Float32Array frequencyHz,
-                                  Float32Array magResponse,
-                                  Float32Array phaseResponse);
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-BiquadFilterNode">BiquadFilterNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
+    // Filter type.
+    const unsigned short LOWPASS = 0;
+    const unsigned short HIGHPASS = 1;
+    const unsigned short BANDPASS = 2;
+    const unsigned short LOWSHELF = 3;
+    const unsigned short HIGHSHELF = 4;
+    const unsigned short PEAKING = 5;
+    const unsigned short NOTCH = 6;
+    const unsigned short ALLPASS = 7;
+    attribute unsigned short type;
+    readonly attribute AudioParam frequency; // in Hertz
+    readonly attribute AudioParam Q; // Quality factor
+    readonly attribute AudioParam gain; // in Decibels
+    void getFrequencyResponse(Float32Array frequencyHz,
+                              Float32Array magResponse,
+                              Float32Array phaseResponse);
@@ -3044,12 +3044,12 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-WaveShaperNode">WaveShaperNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
-        attribute Float32Array curve;
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-WaveShaperNode">WaveShaperNode</dfn> : AudioNode {
+    attribute Float32Array curve;
@@ -3112,33 +3112,33 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-Oscillator">Oscillator</dfn> : AudioSourceNode {
-        // Type constants.
-        const unsigned short SINE = 0;
-        const unsigned short SQUARE = 1;
-        const unsigned short SAWTOOTH = 2;
-        const unsigned short TRIANGLE = 3;
-        const unsigned short CUSTOM = 4;
-        attribute unsigned short type;
-        const unsigned short UNSCHEDULED_STATE = 0;
-        const unsigned short SCHEDULED_STATE = 1;
-        const unsigned short PLAYING_STATE = 2;
-        const unsigned short FINISHED_STATE = 3;
-        readonly attribute unsigned short playbackState;
-        readonly attribute AudioParam frequency; // in Hertz
-        readonly attribute AudioParam detune; // in Cents
-        void noteOn(double when);
-        void noteOff(double when);
-        void setWaveTable(WaveTable waveTable);
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-Oscillator">Oscillator</dfn> : AudioSourceNode {
+    // Type constants.
+    const unsigned short SINE = 0;
+    const unsigned short SQUARE = 1;
+    const unsigned short SAWTOOTH = 2;
+    const unsigned short TRIANGLE = 3;
+    const unsigned short CUSTOM = 4;
+    attribute unsigned short type;
+    const unsigned short UNSCHEDULED_STATE = 0;
+    const unsigned short SCHEDULED_STATE = 1;
+    const unsigned short PLAYING_STATE = 2;
+    const unsigned short FINISHED_STATE = 3;
+    readonly attribute unsigned short playbackState;
+    readonly attribute AudioParam frequency; // in Hertz
+    readonly attribute AudioParam detune; // in Cents
+    void noteOn(double when);
+    void noteOff(double when);
+    void setWaveTable(WaveTable waveTable);
@@ -3208,10 +3208,10 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-WaveTable">WaveTable</dfn> {
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-WaveTable">WaveTable</dfn> {
@@ -3235,10 +3235,10 @@
 <div class="blockContent">
 <pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
-    interface <dfn id="dfn-MediaStreamAudioSourceNode">MediaStreamAudioSourceNode</dfn> : AudioSourceNode {
-    };
-    </code></pre>
+interface <dfn id="dfn-MediaStreamAudioSourceNode">MediaStreamAudioSourceNode</dfn> : AudioSourceNode {
--- a/webaudio/style.css	Wed Aug 15 22:56:03 2012 -0400
+++ b/webaudio/style.css	Wed Aug 15 23:05:49 2012 -0400
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
   font-family: /*Consolas, Monaco,*/ monospace;
 pre.code {
-  padding: 0 1em;
+  padding: 0 1em 0 6em;
   margin: 0;
   margin-bottom: 1em;
@@ -298,4 +298,4 @@
 .dfnPanel * { margin: 0; padding: 0; font: inherit; text-indent: 0; }
 .dfnPanel :link, .dfnPanel :visited { color: black; }
 .dfnPanel p { font-weight: bolder; }
-.dfnPanel li { list-style-position: inside; }
\ No newline at end of file
+.dfnPanel li { list-style-position: inside; }