XMLHttpRequest was previously located at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2006/webapi/XMLHttpRequest-2/
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+ANOLIS = anolis
+all: Overview.html data/xrefs/dom/xhr.json
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+ $(ANOLIS) --output-encoding=ascii --omit-optional-tags --quote-attr-values \
+ --w3c-compat --enable=xspecxref --enable=refs --w3c-shortname="XMLHttpRequest2" \
+ --filter=".publish" $< $@
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+ $(ANOLIS) --dump-xrefs=$@ $< /tmp/spec
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+ --w3c-compat --enable=xspecxref --enable=refs --w3c-shortname="XMLHttpRequest2" \
+ --filter=".dontpublish" --pubdate="$(PUBDATE)" --w3c-status=WD \
+ $< Overview.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"><html lang="en-US"><head>
+ <title>XMLHttpRequest Level 2</title>
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+<p><a href="http://www.w3.org/"><img alt="W3C" height="48" src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/w3c_home" width="72"></a></p>
+ <h1 class="head" id="xmlhttprequest-level-2">XMLHttpRequest Level 2</h1>
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="w3c-doctype">Editor's Draft 24 November 2011</h2>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>This Version:</dt>
+ <dd class="dontpublish"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/XMLHttpRequest-2/">http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/XMLHttpRequest-2/</a></dd>
+ <dt>Previous Versions:</dt>
+ <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20110816/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20110816/</a></dd>
+ <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20100907/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20100907/</a></dd>
+ <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20090820/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20090820/</a></dd>
+ <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20080930/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20080930/</a></dd>
+ <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20080225/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20080225/</a></dd>
+ <dt>Editor:</dt>
+ <dd><a href="http://annevankesteren.nl/">Anne van Kesteren</a>
+ (<a href="http://www.opera.com/">Opera Software ASA</a>)
+ <<a href="mailto:annevk@opera.com">annevk@opera.com</a>></dd>
+ </dl>
+<p class="dontpublish"><a href="http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/" rel="license"><img alt="CC0" src="http://i.creativecommons.org/p/zero/1.0/80x15.png"></a>
+To the extent possible under law, the editor has waived all copyright and
+related or neighboring rights to this work. In addition, as of
+24 November 2011, the editor has made this specification available
+under the
+<a href="http://www.openwebfoundation.org/legal/the-owf-1-0-agreements/owfa-1-0" rel="license">Open Web Foundation Agreement Version 1.0</a>,
+which is available at
+ <hr>
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="specabstract">Abstract</h2>
+ <p>The XMLHttpRequest Level 2 specification enhances the
+ <code title="">XMLHttpRequest</code> object with new features, such as
+ cross-origin requests, progress events, and the handling of byte streams
+ for both sending and receiving.</p>
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="sotd">Status of this Document</h2>
+ <p><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of its
+ publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current
+ W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be
+ found in the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/">W3C technical reports index</a>
+ at http://www.w3.org/TR/.</em></p>
+ <p>This is the 24 November 2011 Editor's Draft of
+ XMLHttpRequest Level 2. Please send comments to
+ <a href="mailto:public-webapps@w3.org?subject=[XHR2]%20">public-webapps@w3.org</a>
+ (<a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/">archived</a>)
+ with <samp>[XHR2]</samp> at the start of the subject line.</p>
+ <p>This document is produced by the
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/">Web Applications</a> (WebApps) Working Group.
+ The WebApps Working Group is part of the
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/2006/rwc/Activity">Rich Web Clients Activity</a>
+ in the W3C <a href="http://www.w3.org/Interaction/">Interaction Domain</a>.</p>
+ <p>This document was produced by a group operating under the
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/">5 February 2004
+ W3C Patent Policy</a>. W3C maintains a
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/42538/status" rel="disclosure">public
+ list of any patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the deliverables of
+ the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An
+ individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes
+ contains
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#def-essential">Essential
+ Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#sec-Disclosure">section
+ 6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>.</p>
+ <p>Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C
+ Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or
+ obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this
+ document as other than work in progress.</p>
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="toc">Table of Contents</h2>
+<ol class="toc">
+ <li><a href="#introduction"><span class="secno">1 </span>Introduction</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#conformance"><span class="secno">2 </span>Conformance</a>
+ <ol class="toc">
+ <li><a href="#dependencies"><span class="secno">2.1 </span>Dependencies</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#extensibility"><span class="secno">2.2 </span>Extensibility</a></ol></li>
+ <li><a href="#terminology"><span class="secno">3 </span>Terminology</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#interface-xmlhttprequest"><span class="secno">4 </span>Interface <code title="">XMLHttpRequest</code></a>
+ <ol class="toc">
+ <li><a href="#origin-and-base-url"><span class="secno">4.1 </span>Origin and base URL</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#task-sources"><span class="secno">4.2 </span>Task sources</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#constructors"><span class="secno">4.3 </span>Constructors</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#garbage-collection"><span class="secno">4.4 </span>Garbage collection</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#event-handlers"><span class="secno">4.5 </span>Event handlers</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#states"><span class="secno">4.6 </span>States</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#request"><span class="secno">4.7 </span>Request</a>
+ <ol class="toc">
+ <li><a href="#the-open-method"><span class="secno">4.7.1 </span>The <code title="">open()</code> method</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-setrequestheader-method"><span class="secno">4.7.2 </span>The <code title="">setRequestHeader()</code> method</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-timeout-attribute"><span class="secno">4.7.3 </span>The <code title="">timeout</code> attribute</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-withcredentials-attribute"><span class="secno">4.7.4 </span>The <code title="">withCredentials</code> attribute</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-upload-attribute"><span class="secno">4.7.5 </span>The <code title="">upload</code> attribute</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-send-method"><span class="secno">4.7.6 </span>The <code title="">send()</code> method</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#infrastructure-for-the-send-method"><span class="secno">4.7.7 </span>Infrastructure for the <code title="">send()</code> method</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-abort-method"><span class="secno">4.7.8 </span>The <code title="">abort()</code> method</a></ol></li>
+ <li><a href="#response"><span class="secno">4.8 </span>Response</a>
+ <ol class="toc">
+ <li><a href="#the-status-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.1 </span>The <code title="">status</code> attribute</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-statustext-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.2 </span>The <code title="">statusText</code> attribute</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-getresponseheader-method"><span class="secno">4.8.3 </span>The <code title="">getResponseHeader()</code> method</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-getallresponseheaders-method"><span class="secno">4.8.4 </span>The <code title="">getAllResponseHeaders()</code> method</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#response-entity-body-0"><span class="secno">4.8.5 </span>Response entity body</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-overridemimetype-method"><span class="secno">4.8.6 </span>The <code title="">overrideMimeType()</code> method</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-responsetype-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.7 </span>The <code title="">responseType</code> attribute</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-response-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.8 </span>The <code title="">response</code> attribute</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-responsetext-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.9 </span>The <code title="">responseText</code> attribute</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-responsexml-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.10 </span>The <code title="">responseXML</code> attribute</a></ol></li>
+ <li><a href="#events"><span class="secno">4.9 </span>Events summary</a></ol></li>
+ <li><a href="#interface-formdata"><span class="secno">5 </span>Interface <code title="">FormData</code></a>
+ <ol class="toc">
+ <li><a href="#formdata-constructors"><span class="secno">5.1 </span>Constructors</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#the-append-method"><span class="secno">5.2 </span>The <code title="">append()</code> method</a></ol></li>
+ <li><a class="no-num" href="#differences">Differences from XMLHttpRequest</a></li>
+ <li><a class="no-num" href="#references">References</a>
+ <ol class="toc">
+ <li><a class="no-num" href="#normative-references">Normative references</a></li>
+ <li><a class="no-num" href="#informative-references">Informative references</a></ol></li>
+ <li><a class="no-num" href="#acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</a></ol>
+ <h2 id="introduction"><span class="secno">1 </span>Introduction</h2>
+ <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em></p>
+ <p>The <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object implements an interface exposed
+ by a scripting engine that allows scripts to perform HTTP client
+ functionality, such as submitting form data or loading data from a
+ server. It is the ECMAScript HTTP API.
+ <a class="informative" href="#refsECMASCRIPT">[ECMASCRIPT]</a>
+ <p>The name of the object is <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> for compatibility
+ with the Web, though each component of this name is potentially
+ misleading. First, the object supports any text based format, including
+ XML. Second, it can be used to make requests over both HTTP and HTTPS
+ (some implementations support protocols in addition to HTTP and HTTPS, but
+ that functionality is not covered by this specification). Finally, it
+ supports "requests" in a broad sense of the term as it pertains to HTTP;
+ namely all activity involved with HTTP requests or responses for the
+ defined HTTP methods.</p>
+ <div class="example">
+ <p>Some simple code to do something with data from an XML document
+ fetched over the network:</p>
+ <pre><code>function processData(data) {
+ // taking care of data
+function handler() {
+ if(this.readyState == this.DONE) {
+ if(this.status == 200 &&
+ this.responseXML != null &&
+ this.responseXML.getElementById('test').textContent) {
+ // success!
+ processData(this.responseXML.getElementById('test').textContent);
+ return;
+ }
+ // something went wrong
+ processData(null);
+ }
+var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+client.onreadystatechange = handler;
+client.open("GET", "unicorn.xml");
+ <p>If you just want to log a message to the server:</p>
+ <pre><code>function log(message) {
+ var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ client.open("POST", "/log");
+ client.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8");
+ client.send(message);
+ <p>Or if you want to check the status of a document on the server:</p>
+ <pre><code>function fetchStatus(address) {
+ var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ client.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ // in case of network errors this might not give reliable results
+ if(this.readyState == this.DONE)
+ returnStatus(this.status);
+ }
+ client.open("HEAD", address);
+ client.send();
+ </div>
+ <h2 id="conformance"><span class="secno">2 </span>Conformance</h2>
+ <p>Everything in this specification is normative except for diagrams,
+ examples, notes and sections marked non-normative.</p>
+ <p>The key words must, must not, should, should not and may in this
+ document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
+ <a href="#refsRFC2119">[RFC2119]</a></p>
+ <p>This specification defines a single conformance class:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><dfn id="conforming-user-agent">Conforming user agent</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>A user agent must behave as described in this
+ specification in order to be considered conformant.</p>
+ <p>User agents may implement algorithms given in
+ this specification in any way desired, so long as the end result is
+ indistinguishable from the result that would be obtained by the
+ specification's algorithms.</p>
+ <p class="note">This specification uses both the terms "conforming user
+ agent(s)" and "user agent(s)" to refer to this product class.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <h3 id="dependencies"><span class="secno">2.1 </span>Dependencies</h3>
+ <p>This specification relies on several underlying specifications.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Cross-Origin Resource Sharing</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <a href="#conforming-user-agent">conforming user agent</a> must
+ support the algorithms of the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
+ specification. <a href="#refsCORS">[CORS]</a></dd>
+ <dt>DOM4</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <a href="#conforming-user-agent">conforming user agent</a> must
+ support at least the subset of the functionality defined in DOM4 that
+ this specification relies upon, such as various exceptions and
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#eventtarget">EventTarget</a></code>. <a href="#refsDOM">[DOM]</a></dd>
+ <dt>File API</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <a href="#conforming-user-agent">conforming user agent</a> must
+ support at least the subset of the functionality defined in File API that
+ this specification relies upon, such as the <code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#blob">Blob</a></code> and
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#file">File</a></code> interfaces. <a href="#refsFILEAPI">[FILEAPI]</a></p>
+ <dt>HTML</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <a href="#conforming-user-agent">conforming user agent</a> must
+ support at least the subset of the functionality defined in HTML that
+ this specification relies upon, such as the basics of the
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/browsers.html#window">Window</a></code> object and serializing a <code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#document">Document</a></code>
+ object. <a href="#refsHTML">[HTML]</a>
+ <dt>HTTP</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <a href="#conforming-user-agent">conforming user agent</a> must
+ support some version of the HTTP protocol. Requirements regarding HTTP
+ are made throughout the specification. <a href="#refsHTTP">[HTTP]</a>
+ <dt>Progress Events</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <a href="#conforming-user-agent">conforming user agent</a> must support the
+ Progress Events specification.
+ <dt>Typed Array</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <a href="#conforming-user-agent">conforming user agent</a> must support the
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/#5">ArrayBuffer</a></code> object.
+ <a href="#refsTYPEDARRAY">[TYPEDARRAY]</a>
+ <dt>Web IDL</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <a href="#conforming-user-agent">conforming user agent</a> must also
+ be a conforming implementation of the IDL fragments in this
+ specification, as described in the Web IDL specification.
+ <a href="#refsWEBIDL">[WEBIDL]</a>
+ <dt>XML</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <a href="#conforming-user-agent">conforming user agent</a> must be a
+ conforming XML processor that reports violations of namespace
+ well-formedness. <a href="#refsXML">[XML]</a>
+ <a href="#refsXMLNS">[XMLNS]</a>
+ </dl>
+ <h3 id="extensibility"><span class="secno">2.2 </span>Extensibility</h3>
+ <p>User agents, Working Groups, and other interested parties are
+ <em>strongly encouraged</em> to discuss extensions on a relevant public
+ forum, preferably
+ <a href="mailto:public-webapps@w3.org">public-webapps@w3.org</a>. If this
+ is for some reason not possible prefix the extension in some way and start
+ the prefix with an uppercase letter. E.g. if company Foo wants to add a
+ private method <code>bar()</code> it could be named <code>FooBar()</code>
+ to prevent clashes with a potential future standardized
+ <code>bar()</code>.</p>
+ <h2 id="terminology"><span class="secno">3 </span>Terminology</h2>
+ <p>The term <dfn id="user-credentials">user credentials</dfn> for the purposes of this
+ specification means cookies, HTTP authentication, and client-side SSL
+ certificates. Specifically it does not refer to proxy authentication or
+ the <code title="http-origin">Origin</code> header.
+ <a href="#refsCOOKIES">[COOKIES]</a> <!-- XXX ref? --></p>
+ <p>To <dfn id="deflate-a-domstring-into-a-byte-sequence">deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence</dfn> means to create
+ a sequence of bytes such that the <var title="">n</var>th byte of the
+ sequence is equal to the low-order byte of the <var title="">n</var>th
+ code point in the original DOMString.</p>
+ <p>To <dfn id="inflate-a-byte-sequence-into-a-domstring">inflate a byte sequence into a DOMString</dfn> means to create
+ a DOMString such that the <var title="">n</var>th code point has 0x00 as
+ the high-order byte and the <var title="">n</var>th byte of the byte
+ sequence as the low-order byte.</p>
+ <h2 id="interface-xmlhttprequest"><span class="secno">4 </span>Interface <code title="">XMLHttpRequest</code></h2>
+ <p>The <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object can be used by scripts to issue
+ HTTP requests.</p>
+ <pre class="idl">[NoInterfaceObject]
+interface <dfn id="xmlhttprequesteventtarget">XMLHttpRequestEventTarget</dfn> : <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#eventtarget">EventTarget</a> {
+ // <a href="#event-handlers">event handlers</a>
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#function">Function</a>? <a href="#handler-xhr-onloadstart" title="handler-xhr-onloadstart">onloadstart</a>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#function">Function</a>? <a href="#handler-xhr-onprogress" title="handler-xhr-onprogress">onprogress</a>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#function">Function</a>? <a href="#handler-xhr-onabort" title="handler-xhr-onabort">onabort</a>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#function">Function</a>? <a href="#handler-xhr-onerror" title="handler-xhr-onerror">onerror</a>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#function">Function</a>? <a href="#handler-xhr-onload" title="handler-xhr-onload">onload</a>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#function">Function</a>? <a href="#handler-xhr-ontimeout" title="handler-xhr-ontimeout">ontimeout</a>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#function">Function</a>? <a href="#handler-xhr-onloadend" title="handler-xhr-onloadend">onloadend</a>;
+interface <dfn id="xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</dfn> : <a href="#xmlhttprequesteventtarget">XMLHttpRequestEventTarget</a> {
+[<a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest">Constructor</a>]
+interface <dfn id="xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</dfn> : <a href="#xmlhttprequesteventtarget">XMLHttpRequestEventTarget</a> {
+ // <a href="#event-handlers">event handler</a>
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#function">Function</a>? <a href="#handler-xhr-onreadystatechange" title="handler-xhr-onreadystatechange">onreadystatechange</a>;
+ // <a href="#states">states</a>
+ const unsigned short <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-unsent" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</a> = 0;
+ const unsigned short <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a> = 1;
+ const unsigned short <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-headers_received" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-HEADERS_RECEIVED">HEADERS_RECEIVED</a> = 2;
+ const unsigned short <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a> = 3;
+ const unsigned short <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a> = 4;
+ readonly attribute unsigned short <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-readystate" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-readyState">readyState</a>;
+ // <a href="#request">request</a>
+ void <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-open" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open">open</a>(DOMString <var>method</var>, DOMString <var title="">url</var>, optional boolean <var>async</var>, optional DOMString? <var>user</var>, optional DOMString? <var>password</var>);
+ void <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-setrequestheader" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-setRequestHeader">setRequestHeader</a>(DOMString <var>header</var>, DOMString <var>value</var>);
+ attribute unsigned long <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-timeout" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout">timeout</a>;
+ attribute boolean <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-withcredentials" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials">withCredentials</a>;
+ readonly attribute <a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a> <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-upload" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-upload">upload</a>;
+ void <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</a>();
+ void <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</a>(<a class="external" href="http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/#5">ArrayBuffer</a> <var>data</var>);
+ void <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</a>(<a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#blob">Blob</a> <var>data</var>);
+ void <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</a>(<a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#document">Document</a> <var>data</var>);
+ void <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</a>([AllowAny] DOMString? <var>data</var>);
+ void <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</a>(<a href="#formdata">FormData</a> <var>data</var>);
+ void <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-abort" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort">abort</a>();
+ // <a href="#response">response</a>
+ readonly attribute unsigned short <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-status" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-status">status</a>;
+ readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-statustext" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-statusText">statusText</a>;
+ DOMString <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-getresponseheader" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getResponseHeader">getResponseHeader</a>(DOMString <var>header</var>);
+ DOMString <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-getallresponseheaders" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getAllResponseHeaders">getAllResponseHeaders</a>();
+ void <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-overridemimetype" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType">overrideMimeType</a>(DOMString <var>mime</var>);
+ attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</a>;
+ readonly attribute any <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-response" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-response">response</a>;
+ readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetext" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseText">responseText</a>;
+ readonly attribute <span>Document</span> <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsexml" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseXML">responseXML</a>;
+[<a href="#dom-anonxmlhttprequest" title="dom-AnonXMLHttpRequest">Constructor</a>]
+interface <dfn id="anonxmlhttprequest">AnonXMLHttpRequest</dfn> : <a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a> {
+ <h3 id="origin-and-base-url"><span class="secno">4.1 </span>Origin and base URL</h3>
+ <p>Each <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object has an associated
+ <dfn id="xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</dfn> and an
+ <dfn id="xmlhttprequest-base-url"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> base URL</dfn>.
+ <p>This specification defines their values when the global object is
+ represented by the <code class="external"><a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/browsers.html#window">Window</a></code> object. When
+ the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object is used in other contexts their
+ values will have to be defined as appropriate for that context. That is
+ considered to be out of scope for this specification.</p>
+ <p>In environments where the global object is represented by the
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/browsers.html#window">Window</a></code> object the
+ <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object has an associated
+ <dfn id="xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</dfn> which is the
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-document" title="concept-document">document</a>
+ associated with the <code class="external"><a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/browsers.html#window">Window</a></code> object for
+ which the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> interface object was created.</p>
+ <p class="note">The
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a> is used to
+ determine the <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a> and
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-base-url"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> base URL</a> at a later stage.</p>
+<h3 id="task-sources"><span class="secno">4.2 </span>Task sources</h3>
+<p>Each <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object has its own
+<a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#task-source">task source</a>. Namely, the
+<dfn id="xmlhttprequest-task-source"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> task source</dfn>.
+ <h3 id="constructors"><span class="secno">4.3 </span>Constructors</h3>
+ <p>The <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object has an associated
+ <dfn id="anonymous-flag">anonymous flag</dfn>. If the <a href="#anonymous-flag">anonymous flag</a> is set,
+ <a href="#user-credentials">user credentials</a> and the
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a> are not exposed when
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/fetching-resources.html#fetch" title="fetch">fetching</a> resources. It can
+ only be set to true by using the
+ <code title="dom-AnonXMLHttpRequest"><a href="#dom-anonxmlhttprequest">AnonXMLHttpRequest()</a></code>
+ constructor.</p>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> = new <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code>()</dt>
+ <dd>Returns a new <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object.</dd>
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> = new <code title="dom-AnonXMLHttpRequest"><a href="#dom-anonxmlhttprequest">AnonXMLHttpRequest</a></code>()</dt>
+ <dd>Returns a new <code><a href="#anonxmlhttprequest">AnonXMLHttpRequest</a></code> object that has the
+ <a href="#anonymous-flag">anonymous flag</a> set.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest"><code>XMLHttpRequest()</code></dfn>
+ constructor must return a new <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object.
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-anonxmlhttprequest" title="dom-AnonXMLHttpRequest"><code>AnonXMLHttpRequest()</code></dfn>
+ constructor must return a new <code><a href="#anonxmlhttprequest">AnonXMLHttpRequest</a></code> object with
+ its <a href="#anonymous-flag">anonymous flag</a> set.</p>
+<h3 id="garbage-collection"><span class="secno">4.4 </span>Garbage collection</h3>
+<!-- Based on EventSource and WebSocket. Not sure what I am doing. -->
+<p>An <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object must not be garbage collected if
+its state is <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a> and the
+<a href="#send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</a> is set, its state is
+<a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-headers_received" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-HEADERS_RECEIVED">HEADERS_RECEIVED</a>, or
+its state is <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a>, and
+one of the following is true:
+ <li><p>It has one or more
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-event-listener" title="concept-event-listener">event listeners</a>
+ registered whose <b>type</b> is
+ <code title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><a href="#event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</a></code>,
+ <code title="event-xhr-progress"><a href="#event-xhr-progress">progress</a></code>,
+ <code title="event-xhr-abort"><a href="#event-xhr-abort">abort</a></code>,
+ <code title="event-xhr-error"><a href="#event-xhr-error">error</a></code>,
+ <code title="event-xhr-load"><a href="#event-xhr-load">load</a></code>,
+ <code title="event-xhr-timeout"><a href="#event-xhr-timeout">timeout</a></code>, or
+ <code title="event-xhr-loadend"><a href="#event-xhr-loadend">loadend</a></code>.
+ <li><p>The <a href="#upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</a> is false and the associated
+ <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code> object has one or more
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-event-listener" title="concept-event-listener">event listeners</a>
+ registered whose <b>type</b> is
+ <code title="event-xhr-progress"><a href="#event-xhr-progress">progress</a></code>,
+ <code title="event-xhr-abort"><a href="#event-xhr-abort">abort</a></code>,
+ <code title="event-xhr-error"><a href="#event-xhr-error">error</a></code>,
+ <code title="event-xhr-load"><a href="#event-xhr-load">load</a></code>,
+ <code title="event-xhr-timeout"><a href="#event-xhr-timeout">timeout</a></code>, or
+ <code title="event-xhr-loadend"><a href="#event-xhr-loadend">loadend</a></code>.
+<p>If an <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object is garbage collected while its
+connection is still open, the user agent must cancel any instance of the
+<a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/fetching-resources.html#fetch">fetch</a> algorithm opened by this object,
+discarding any <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#concept-task" title="concept-task">tasks</a>
+<a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#queue-a-task" title="queue a task">queued</a> for them, and
+discarding any further data received from the network for them.
+ <h3 id="event-handlers"><span class="secno">4.5 </span>Event handlers</h3>
+ <p>The following are the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#event-handlers">event handlers</a> (and their corresponding
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#event-handler-event-type" title="event handler event type">event handler event types</a>)
+ that must be supported on objects implementing an interface that inherits
+ from <code><a href="#xmlhttprequesteventtarget">XMLHttpRequestEventTarget</a></code> as attributes:</p>
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th><a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#event-handlers" title="event handlers">event handler</a>
+ <th><a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#event-handler-event-type">event handler event type</a>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="handler-xhr-onloadstart" title="handler-xhr-onloadstart"><code>onloadstart</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-loadstart"><a href="#event-xhr-loadstart">loadstart</a></code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="handler-xhr-onprogress" title="handler-xhr-onprogress"><code>onprogress</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-progress"><a href="#event-xhr-progress">progress</a></code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="handler-xhr-onabort" title="handler-xhr-onabort"><code>onabort</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-abort"><a href="#event-xhr-abort">abort</a></code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="handler-xhr-onerror" title="handler-xhr-onerror"><code>onerror</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-error"><a href="#event-xhr-error">error</a></code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="handler-xhr-onload" title="handler-xhr-onload"><code>onload</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-load"><a href="#event-xhr-load">load</a></code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="handler-xhr-ontimeout" title="handler-xhr-ontimeout"><code>ontimeout</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-timeout"><a href="#event-xhr-timeout">timeout</a></code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="handler-xhr-onloadend" title="handler-xhr-onloadend"><code>onloadend</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-loadend"><a href="#event-xhr-loadend">loadend</a></code>
+ </table>
+ <p>The following is the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#event-handlers" title="event handlers">event handler</a>
+ (and its corresponding
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#event-handler-event-type">event handler event type</a>) that must be
+ supported as attribute solely by the
+ <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object:</p>
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th><a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#event-handlers" title="event handlers">event handler</a>
+ <th><a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#event-handler-event-type">event handler event type</a>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="handler-xhr-onreadystatechange" title="handler-xhr-onreadystatechange"><code>onreadystatechange</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><a href="#event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</a></code></td>
+ </table>
+ <h3 id="states"><span class="secno">4.6 </span>States</h3>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-readyState"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-readystate">readyState</a></code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the current state.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object can be in several states. The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-readystate" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-readyState"><code>readyState</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the current state, which must be one of the
+ following values:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-unsent" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT"><code>UNSENT</code></dfn>
+ (numeric value 0)</dt>
+ <dd><p>The object has been constructed.</dd>
+ <dt><dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED"><code>OPENED</code></dfn>
+ (numeric value 1)</dt>
+ <dd><p>The <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-open">open()</a></code> method has been successfully invoked.
+ During this state request headers can be set using
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-setRequestHeader"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-setrequestheader">setRequestHeader()</a></code>
+ and the request can be made using the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send">send()</a></code> method.</dd>
+ <dt><dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-headers_received" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-HEADERS_RECEIVED"><code>HEADERS_RECEIVED</code></dfn>
+ (numeric value 2)</dt>
+ <dd><p>All redirects (if any) have been followed and all HTTP headers of
+ the final response have been received. Several response members of the
+ object are now available.</dd>
+ <dt><dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING"><code>LOADING</code></dfn>
+ (numeric value 3)</dt>
+ <dd><p>The <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> is being received.</dd>
+ <dt><dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE"><code>DONE</code></dfn>
+ (numeric value 4)</dt>
+ <dd><p>The data transfer has been completed or something went wrong
+ during the transfer (e.g. infinite redirects).</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a> state has an associated
+ <dfn id="send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</dfn> that indicates whether
+ the <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send">send()</a></code> method has been
+ invoked. It can be either true or false and has an initial value of
+ false.</p>
+ <p>The <dfn id="error-flag">error flag</dfn> indicates some type of
+ network error or abortion. It is used during the
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a> state. It can be either
+ true or false and has an initial value of false.</p>
+ <h3 id="request"><span class="secno">4.7 </span>Request</h3>
+ <p>The <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object holds the following request
+ metadata variables:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>Set when <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/fetching-resources.html#fetch" title="fetch">fetching</a> is
+ done synchronously. Initially unset.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="request-method">request method</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>The HTTP method used in the request.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="request-url">request URL</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>The resolved <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/urls.html#url">URL</a> used in the
+ request.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="request-username">request username</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>The username used in the request or null if there is no
+ username.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="request-password">request password</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>The password used in the request or null if there is no
+ password.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="author-request-headers">author request headers</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>A list consisting of HTTP header name/value pairs to be used in the
+ request.<p></p>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="request-entity-body">request entity body</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>The <a class="external" href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616/#section-7.2">entity body</a> used in the
+ request or null if there is no
+ <a class="external" href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616/#section-7.2">entity body</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>Used to determine when to stop sending upload progress events. The
+ flag is either true or false.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="upload-events-flag">upload events flag</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>Used to determine whether to send upload progress events for
+ cross-origin requests. The flag is either true or false.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object also has an associated
+ <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code> object.</p>
+ <h4 id="the-open-method"><span class="secno">4.7.1 </span>The <code title="">open()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-open">open(<var title="">method</var>,
+ <var title="">url</var>, <var title="">async</var>, <var title="">user</var>,
+ <var title="">password</var>)</a></code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Sets the <a href="#request-method">request method</a>, <a href="#request-url">request URL</a>,
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a>, <a href="#request-username">request username</a>, and
+ <a href="#request-password">request password</a>.</p>
+ <p>Throws a "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#syntaxerror">SyntaxError</a></code>" exception if
+ one of the following is true:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><var title="">method</var> is not a valid HTTP method.</li>
+ <li><var title="">url</var> cannot be resolved.</li>
+ <li><var title="">url</var> contains the <code>"user:password"</code>
+ format in the <code class="external"><a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616/#section-3.2.1">userinfo</a></code> production.
+ </ul>
+ <p>Throws a "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#securityerror">SecurityError</a></code>" exception
+ if <var title="">method</var> is a case-insensitive match for
+ <code>CONNECT</code>, <code>TRACE</code> or <code>TRACK</code>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidaccesserror">InvalidAccessError</a></code>"
+ exception if one of the following is true:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Either <var title="">user</var> or <var title="">password</var> is passed
+ as argument and the <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#origin">origin</a> of
+ <var title="">url</var> does not match the
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a>.
+ <li>There is an associated
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a> and either the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-timeout">timeout</a></code> attribute is not
+ zero, the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-withcredentials">withCredentials</a></code>
+ attribute is true, or the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code>
+ attribute is not the empty string.
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-open" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open"><code>open(<var title="">method</var>, <var title="">url</var>, <var title="">async</var>, <var title="">user</var>, <var title="">password</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps (unless otherwise indicated):</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <p>If there is an associated
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a> run
+ these substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a> is not
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/browsers.html#fully-active">fully active</a>,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate the overall set of steps.
+ <li><p>Let <a href="#xmlhttprequest-base-url"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> base URL</a> be the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/urls.html#document-base-url">document base URL</a> of the
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a>.</li>
+ <li><p>Let <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a> be the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#origin">origin</a> of the
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a>
+ and let it be a globally unique identifier if the
+ <a href="#anonymous-flag">anonymous flag</a> is set.</li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><p>If any code point in <var>method</var> is higher than
+ <a href="#deflate-a-domstring-into-a-byte-sequence" title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</a>
+ <var>method</var> it does not match the
+ <a class="external" href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616/#section-5.1.1">Method</a> token production,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> a
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#syntaxerror">SyntaxError</a></code>" exception and terminate
+ these steps. Otherwise let <var>method</var> be the result of
+ <a href="#deflate-a-domstring-into-a-byte-sequence" title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</a>
+ <var>method</var>.</li> <!-- This sounds lame, but it works. -->
+ <li>
+ <p>If <var>method</var> is a case-insensitive match for
+ <code>CONNECT</code>, <code>DELETE</code>, <code>GET</code>,
+ <code>HEAD</code>, <code>OPTIONS</code>, <code>POST</code>,
+ <code>PUT</code>, <code>TRACE</code>, or <code>TRACK</code>
+ subtract 0x20 from each byte in the range 0x61 (ASCII a) to
+ 0x7A (ASCII z).</p>
+ <p class="note">If it does not match any of the above, it is passed
+ through <em>literally</em>, including in the final request.</p>
+ </li>
+ <!-- WebKit (and supposedly Gecko) also uppercase: COPY, INDEX, LOCK,
+ <li>
+ <p>If <var>method</var> is a case-sensitive match for
+ <code>CONNECT</code>, <code>TRACE</code>, or <code>TRACK</code>,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> a
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#securityerror">SecurityError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <p class="note">Allowing these methods poses a security risk.
+ <a href="#refsHTTPVERBSEC">[HTTPVERBSEC]</a>
+ </li>
+ <li><p>Let <var title="">url</var> be a
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/urls.html#url">URL</a> with character encoding UTF-8.
+ <li><p><span title="Resolve a URL">Resolve</span> <var title="">url</var>
+ relative to the <a href="#xmlhttprequest-base-url"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> base URL</a>.
+ If the algorithm returns an error,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> a
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#syntaxerror">SyntaxError</a></code>" exception and terminate
+ these steps.
+ <!-- Presto and Gecko override the encoding. WebKit does not. Trident
+ does not support non-ASCII URLs. This matters for the <query> component,
+ see HTML. -->
+ <li><p>Drop
+ <code class="external" title="url-fragment"><a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/urls.html#url-fragment"><fragment></a></code> from
+ <var title="">url</var>.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <code>"user:password"</code> format in the
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616/#section-3.2.1">userinfo</a></code> production is not supported
+ for the relevant
+ <code class="external" title="url-scheme"><a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/urls.html#url-scheme"><scheme></a></code> and
+ <var title="">url</var> contains this format,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> a
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#syntaxerror">SyntaxError</a></code>" and terminate these
+ steps.
+ <!-- XXX need to throw here for "user:password" or just "user" for
+ cross-origin unless we solve this in another way -->
+ <li><p>If <var title="">url</var> contains the <code>"user:password"</code>
+ format let <var>temp user</var> be the user part and
+ <var>temp password</var> be the password part.</li>
+ <li><p>If <var title="">url</var> just contains the <code>"user"</code>
+ format let <var>temp user</var> be the user part.</li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Let <var>async</var> be the value of the <var>async</var> argument or
+ true if it was omitted.
+ <p>If <var>async</var> is false, there is an associated
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a> and either the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-timeout">timeout</a></code> attribute value is
+ not zero, the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-withcredentials">withCredentials</a></code>
+ attribute value is true, or the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code>
+ attribute value is not the empty string,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidaccesserror">InvalidAccessError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <var title="">user</var> argument was not omitted follow these
+ sub steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If <var title="">user</var> is not null and the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#origin">origin</a> of <var title="">url</var> is not
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#same-origin">same origin</a> with the
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a>,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidaccesserror">InvalidAccessError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate the overall set of steps.
+ <li><p>Let <var>temp user</var> be <var>user</var>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">These steps override anything that may have been set by
+ the <var title="">url</var> argument.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <var title="">password</var> argument was not omitted follow
+ these sub steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If <var title="">password</var> is not null and the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#origin">origin</a> of <var title="">url</var> is not
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#same-origin">same origin</a> with the
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a>,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidaccesserror">InvalidAccessError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate the overall set of steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Let <var>temp password</var> be <var>password</var>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">These steps override anything that may have been set by
+ the <var title="">url</var> argument.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li><p><a href="#terminate-abort" title="terminate abort()">Terminate the <code>abort()</code> algorithm</a>.</li>
+ <li><p><a href="#terminate-send" title="terminate send()">Terminate the <code>send()</code> algorithm</a>.</li>
+ <li><p>The user agent should cancel any network
+ activity for which the object is responsible.</li>
+ <!-- we can hardly require it... -->
+ <li><p>If there are any
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#concept-task" title="concept-task">tasks</a> from the
+ object's <a href="#xmlhttprequest-task-source"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> task source</a> in one of
+ the <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#task-queue" title="task queue">task queues</a>,
+ then remove them.
+ <li>
+ <p>Set variables associated with the object as follows:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#request-method">request method</a> to <var>method</var>.</li>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#request-url">request URL</a> to <var title="">url</var>.</li>
+ <li><p>If <var>async</var> is false, set the
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a>.
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#request-username">request username</a> to <var>temp user</var>.</li>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#request-password">request password</a> to <var>temp password</var>.</li>
+ <li><p>Empty the list of <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>.</p>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</a> to false.</li>
+ <li><p>Set <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> to null.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li><p>Change the state to
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a>.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-event-fire" title="concept-event-fire">Fire an event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><a href="#event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</a></code>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4 id="the-setrequestheader-method"><span class="secno">4.7.2 </span>The <code title="">setRequestHeader()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-setRequestHeader"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-setrequestheader">setRequestHeader(<var title="">header</var>, <var title="">value</var>)</a></code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Appends an header to the list of
+ <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>, or if <var>header</var> is already
+ in the list of <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>, combines its value
+ with <var>value</var>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>"
+ exception if the state is not
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a> or if the
+ <a href="#send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</a> is true.</p>
+ <p>Throws a "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#syntaxerror">SyntaxError</a></code>" exception if
+ <var title="">header</var> is not a valid HTTP header field name or if
+ <var title="">value</var> is not a valid HTTP header field value.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p class="note">As indicated in the algorithm below certain headers cannot
+ be set and are left up to the user agent. In addition there are certain
+ other headers the user agent will take control of if they are not set by
+ the author as indicated at the end of the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send">send()</a></code> method section.</p>
+ <p class="note">For non <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#same-origin">same origin</a> requests using the HTTP
+ <code>GET</code> method a preflight request is made when headers other
+ than <code>Accept</code> and <code>Accept-Language</code> are set.</p>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-setrequestheader" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-setRequestHeader"><code>setRequestHeader(<var title="">header</var>, <var title="">value</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is not
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a>,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</a> is true,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If any code point in <var>header</var> is higher than
+ <a href="#deflate-a-domstring-into-a-byte-sequence" title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</a>
+ <var>header</var> it does not match the
+ <a class="external" href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616/#section-4.2">field-name</a> production,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> a
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#syntaxerror">SyntaxError</a></code>" exception and terminate
+ these steps. Otherwise let <var>header</var> be the result of
+ <a href="#deflate-a-domstring-into-a-byte-sequence" title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</a>
+ <var>header</var>.</li> <!-- This sounds lame, but it works. -->
+ <li>
+ <p>If any code point in <var>value</var> is higher than
+ <a href="#deflate-a-domstring-into-a-byte-sequence" title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</a>
+ <var>value</var> it does not match the
+ <a class="external" href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616/#section-4.2">field-value</a> production,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> a
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#syntaxerror">SyntaxError</a></code>" exception and terminate
+ these steps. Otherwise let <var>value</var> be the result of
+ <a href="#deflate-a-domstring-into-a-byte-sequence" title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</a>
+ <var>value</var>.</p> <!-- This sounds lame, but it works. -->
+ <p class="note">The empty string is legal and represents the empty
+ header value.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Terminate these steps if <var>header</var> is a case-insensitive
+ match for one of the following headers:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>Accept-Charset</code></li>
+ <li><code>Accept-Encoding</code></li>
+ <li><code>Access-Control-Request-Headers</code></li>
+ <li><code>Access-Control-Request-Method</code></li>
+ <li><code>Connection</code></li>
+ <li><code>Content-Length</code></li>
+ <li><code>Cookie</code></li>
+ <li><code>Cookie2</code></li>
+ <li><code>Content-Transfer-Encoding</code></li>
+ <li><code>Date</code></li>
+ <li><code>Expect</code></li>
+ <li><code>Host</code></li>
+ <li><code>Keep-Alive</code></li>
+ <li><code title="">Origin</code></li>
+ <li><code>Referer</code></li>
+ <li><code>TE</code></li>
+ <li><code>Trailer</code></li>
+ <li><code>Transfer-Encoding</code></li>
+ <li><code>Upgrade</code></li>
+ <li><code>User-Agent</code></li>
+ <li><code>Via</code></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>… or if the start of <var>header</var> is a case-insensitive
+ match for <code>Proxy-</code> or <code>Sec-</code> (including when
+ <var>header</var> is just <code>Proxy-</code> or <code>Sec-</code>).</p>
+ <p class="note">The above headers are controlled by the user agent to
+ let it control those aspects of transport. This guarantees data
+ integrity to some extent. Header names starting with <code>Sec-</code>
+ are not allowed to be set to allow new headers to be minted that are
+ guaranteed not to come from <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code>.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li><p>If <var>header</var> is not in the
+ <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a> list append <var>header</var> with
+ its associated <var>value</var> to the list and terminate these
+ steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If <var>header</var> is in the <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>
+ list either use multiple headers, combine the values or use a combination
+ of those (section 4.2, RFC 2616).
+ <a href="#refsHTTP">[HTTP]</a>
+ <!-- XXX it seems UAs always combine the values -->
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">See also the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send">send()</a></code> method regarding user
+ agent header handling for caching, authentication, proxies, and
+ cookies.</p>
+ <div class="example">
+ <p>Some simple code demonstrating what happens when setting the same
+ header twice:</p>
+ <pre><code>// The following script:
+var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+client.open('GET', 'demo.cgi');
+client.setRequestHeader('X-Test', 'one');
+client.setRequestHeader('X-Test', 'two');
+// …results in the following header being sent:
+X-Test: one, two</code></pre>
+ </div>
+ <h4 id="the-timeout-attribute"><span class="secno">4.7.3 </span>The <code title="">timeout</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-timeout">timeout</a></code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>The amount of milliseconds a request can take before being
+ terminated. Initially zero. Zero means there is no timeout.</p>
+ <p>When set: throws an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidaccesserror">InvalidAccessError</a></code>" exception if
+ the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set when there is an
+ associated <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a>.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-timeout" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout"><code>timeout</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return its value. Initially its value must be zero.</p>
+ <p>Setting the <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-timeout">timeout</a></code>
+ attribute must run these steps:
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If there is an associated
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a> and the
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidaccesserror">InvalidAccessError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>Set its value to the new value.
+ </ol>
+ <h4 id="the-withcredentials-attribute"><span class="secno">4.7.4 </span>The <code title="">withCredentials</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-withcredentials">withCredentials</a></code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>True when <a href="#user-credentials">user credentials</a> are to be included in a
+ cross-origin request. False when they are to be excluded in a
+ cross-origin request and when cookies are to be ignored in its response.
+ Initially false.
+ <p>When set: throws an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception if the
+ state is not <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-unsent" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a>, or if
+ the <a href="#send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</a> is true.</p>
+ <p>When set: throws an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidaccesserror">InvalidAccessError</a></code>" exception if
+ either the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set when there is an
+ associated <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a> or if the
+ <a href="#anonymous-flag">anonymous flag</a> is set.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-withcredentials" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials"><code>withCredentials</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return its value. Initially its value must be false.
+ <p>Setting the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-withcredentials">withCredentials</a></code>
+ attribute must run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is not
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-unsent" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a>,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</a> is true,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#anonymous-flag">anonymous flag</a> is set,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidaccesserror">InvalidAccessError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If there is an associated
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a> and the
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidaccesserror">InvalidAccessError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>Set the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-withcredentials">withCredentials</a></code>
+ attribute's value to the given value.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-withcredentials">withCredentials</a></code>
+ attribute has no effect when
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/fetching-resources.html#fetch" title="fetch">fetching</a>
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#same-origin" title="same origin">same-origin</a>
+ resources.</p>
+ <h4 id="the-upload-attribute"><span class="secno">4.7.5 </span>The <code title="">upload</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-upload"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-upload">upload</a></code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the associated <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code>
+ object.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-upload" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-upload"><code>upload</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the associated
+ <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code> object.</p>
+ <h4 id="the-send-method"><span class="secno">4.7.6 </span>The <code title="">send()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send">send(<var title="">data</var>)</a></code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Initiates the request. The optional argument provides the
+ <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a>. The argument is ignored if
+ <a href="#request-method">request method</a> is <code>GET</code> or
+ <code>HEAD</code>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>"
+ exception if the state is not
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a> or if the
+ <a href="#send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</a> is true.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-send" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><code>send(<var>data</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps (unless otherwise noted). This algorithm can
+ be <dfn id="terminate-send" title="terminate send()">terminated</dfn> by invoking the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-open">open()</a></code> or
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-abort">abort()</a></code> method. When it is
+ <a href="#terminate-send" title="terminate send()">terminated</a> the user agent
+ must terminate the algorithm after finishing the step it is on.</p>
+ <p class="note">The <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send">send()</a></code>
+ algorithm can only be terminated if the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is
+ unset and only after the method call has returned.</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is not
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a>,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</a> is true,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <a href="#request-method">request method</a> is a case-sensitive match for
+ <code>GET</code> or <code>HEAD</code> act as if <var title="">data</var>
+ is null.</p>
+ <p>If the <var>data</var> argument has been omitted or is
+ null, do not include a <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a>
+ and go to the next step.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, let <var>encoding</var> be null, <var>mime type</var> be
+ null, and then follow these rules:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If <var>data</var> is a <code class="external"><a href="http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/#5">ArrayBuffer</a></code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Let the <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a> be the raw data
+ represented by <var>data</var>.</dd>
+ <dt>If <var>data</var> is a <code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#blob">Blob</a></code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>If the object's
+ <code class="external" title="dom-Blob-type"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#dfn-type">type</a></code>
+ attribute is not the empty string let <var>mime type</var> be its
+ value.</p>
+ <p>Let the <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a> be the raw data
+ represented by <var>data</var>.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If <var>data</var> is a <code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#document">Document</a></code>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Let <var>encoding</var> be the
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#preferred-mime-name">preferred MIME name</a> of the
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-document-character-encoding" title="concept-document-character-encoding">character encoding</a>
+ of <var>data</var>. If <var>encoding</var> is UTF-16 change it to
+ UTF-8.</p>
+ <p>Let <var>mime type</var> be "<code>application/xml</code>" or
+ "<code>text/html</code>" if
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#document">Document</a></code> is an
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#html-document">HTML document</a>, followed by
+ "<code>;charset=</code>", followed by <var>encoding</var>.</p>
+ <p>Let the <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a> be the result of getting
+ the <code>innerHTML</code>
+ attribute on <var>data</var>
+ <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#dfn-obtain-unicode" title="convert a DOMString to a sequence of Unicode characters">converted to Unicode</a>
+ and encoded as <var>encoding</var>. Re-throw any exception this
+ throws.</p> <!-- XXX replace innerHTML somehow -->
+ <p class="note">In particular, if the document cannot be serialized an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception is
+ thrown.</p>
+ <p class="note">Subsequent changes to the
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#document">Document</a></code> have no effect on what
+ is transferred.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If <var>data</var> is a <code>DOMString</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Let <var>encoding</var> be UTF-8.</p>
+ <p>Let <var>mime type</var> be "<code>text/plain;charset=UTF-8</code>".</p>
+ <p>Let the <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a> be <var>data</var>
+ <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#dfn-obtain-unicode" title="convert a DOMString to a sequence of Unicode characters">converted to Unicode</a>
+ and encoded as UTF-8.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If <var>data</var> is a <code><a href="#formdata">FormData</a></code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Let the <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a> be the result of running
+ the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/association-of-controls-and-forms.html#multipart/form-data-encoding-algorithm"><code>multipart/form-data</code> encoding algorithm</a>
+ with <var>data</var> as <var>form data set</var> and with UTF-8 as the
+ explicit character encoding.</p>
+ <p>Let <var>mime type</var> be the concatenation of
+ "<code title="">multipart/form-data;</code>",
+ a U+0020 SPACE character,
+ "<code title="">boundary=</code>", and the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/association-of-controls-and-forms.html#multipart/form-data-boundary-string"><code>multipart/form-data</code> boundary string</a>
+ generated by the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/association-of-controls-and-forms.html#multipart/form-data-encoding-algorithm"><code>multipart/form-data</code> encoding algorithm</a>.
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>If a <code>Content-Type</code> header is in
+ <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a> and its value is a
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/infrastructure.html#valid-mime-type">valid MIME type</a> that has a
+ <code>charset</code> parameter whose value is not a case-insensitive
+ match for <var title="">encoding</var>, and <var title="">encoding</var>
+ is not null, set all the <code>charset</code> parameters of that
+ <code>Content-Type</code> header to <var title="">encoding</var>.
+ <p>If no <code>Content-Type</code> header is in
+ <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a> and <var title="">mime type</var> is
+ not null, append a <code>Content-Type</code> header with value
+ <var title="">mime type</var> to <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>.
+ <!-- reminder: if we ever change this to always include charset it has
+ to be included as the first parameter for compatibility reasons -->
+ </li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set release the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#storage-mutex">storage mutex</a>.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is unset and one or more
+ event listeners are registered on the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code>
+ object set the <a href="#upload-events-flag">upload events flag</a> to true. Otherwise, set
+ the <a href="#upload-events-flag">upload events flag</a> to false.</li>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#error-flag">error flag</a> to false.</li>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</a> to true if there is no
+ <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a> or if the
+ <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a> is empty. Otherwise, set the
+ <a href="#upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</a> to false.</li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is unset, run these substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</a> to true.</li>
+ <li>
+ <p><a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-event-fire" title="concept-event-fire">Fire an event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><a href="#event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</a></code>.
+ <p class="note">The state does not change. The event is dispatched for
+ historical reasons.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-loadstart"><a href="#event-xhr-loadstart">loadstart</a></code>.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</a> is false
+ <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-loadstart"><a href="#event-xhr-loadstart">loadstart</a></code>
+ on the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code> object.</li>
+ <li><p>Return the <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send">send()</a></code>
+ method call, but continue running the steps in this algorithm.</li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a> and the
+ <a href="#request-url">request URL</a> are <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#same-origin">same origin</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>These are the <dfn id="same-origin-request-steps">same-origin request steps</dfn>.</p>
+ <p><a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/fetching-resources.html#fetch">Fetch</a> the
+ <a href="#request-url">request URL</a> from <i title="">origin</i>
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a>, with the
+ <i title="">synchronous flag</i> set if the
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set, using HTTP method
+ <a href="#request-method">request method</a>, user <a href="#request-username">request username</a> (if
+ non-null) and password <a href="#request-password">request password</a> (if non-null),
+ taking into account the <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a>, list of
+ <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a> and the rules listed at the end of
+ this section.</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>While making the request also follow the
+ <a href="#same-origin-request-event-rules">same-origin request event rules</a>.</p>
+ <!--
+ This cannot involve any task queue whatsoever because that would
+ mean other tasks on the task queue might get processed as well
+ which is counter to the whole idea of doing things synchronous.
+ -->
+ <p class="note">The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send">send()</a></code> method call will
+ now be returned by virtue of this algorithm ending.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is unset</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p><a href="#make-upload-progress-notifications">Make upload progress notifications</a>.</p>
+ <p><a href="#make-progress-notifications">Make progress notifications</a>.</p>
+ <p>While processing the request, as data becomes available and when
+ the user interferes with the request,
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#queue-a-task" title="queue a task">queue tasks</a>
+ to update the <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> and follow the
+ <a href="#same-origin-request-event-rules">same-origin request event rules</a>.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Otherwise</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>These are the <dfn id="cross-origin-request-steps">cross-origin request steps</dfn>.</p>
+ <p>Make a <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/#cross-origin-request">cross-origin request</a>,
+ passing these as parameters:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>request URL</dt>
+ <dd>The <a href="#request-url">request URL</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>request method</dt>
+ <dd>The <a href="#request-method">request method</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>author request headers</dt>
+ <dd>The list of <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>request entity body</dt>
+ <dd>The <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>source origin</dt>
+ <dd>The <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>credentials flag</dt>
+ <dd>The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-withcredentials">withCredentials</a></code>
+ attribute's value.</dd>
+ <dt>force preflight flag</dt>
+ <dd>The <a href="#upload-events-flag">upload events flag</a>.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p class="note"><a href="#request-username">Request username</a> and
+ <a href="#request-password">request password</a> are always ignored as part of a
+ <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/#cross-origin-request">cross-origin request</a>; including
+ them would allow a site to perform a distributed password search.
+ However, user agents will include <a href="#user-credentials">user credentials</a> in the
+ request (if the user has any and if
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-withcredentials">withCredentials</a></code>
+ is true).</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>While making the request also follow the
+ <a href="#cross-origin-request-event-rules">cross-origin request event rules</a>.</p>
+ <!--
+ This cannot involve any task queue whatsoever because that would
+ mean other tasks on the task queue might get processed as well
+ which is counter to the whole idea of doing things synchronous.
+ -->
+ <p class="note">The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send">send()</a></code> method call will
+ now be returned by virtue of this algorithm ending.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is unset</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>While processing the request, as data becomes available and when
+ the end user interferes with the request,
+ <span title="queue a task">queue tasks</span> to update the
+ <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> and follow the
+ <a href="#cross-origin-request-event-rules">cross-origin request event rules</a>.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <hr>
+ <p>If the user agent allows the end user to configure a proxy it
+ should modify the request appropriately; i.e., connect
+ to the proxy host instead of the origin server, modify the
+ <code>Request-Line</code> and send <code>Proxy-Authorization</code>
+ headers as specified.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>If the user agent supports HTTP Authentication and
+ <code title="http-authorization">Authorization</code> is not in the list
+ of <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>, it should
+ consider requests originating from the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object
+ to be part of the protection space that includes the accessed URIs and
+ send <code title="http-authorization">Authorization</code> headers and
+ handle <code>401 Unauthorized</code> requests appropriately.</p>
+ <p>If authentication fails,
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a> and the
+ <a href="#request-url">request URL</a> are <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#same-origin">same origin</a>,
+ <code title="http-authorization">Authorization</code> is not in the list
+ of <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>, <a href="#request-username">request username</a> is
+ null, and <a href="#request-password">request password</a> is null, user agents
+ should prompt the end user for their username and
+ password.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, if authentication fails, user agents
+ must not prompt the end user for their username and
+ password. <a href="#refsHTTPAUTH">[HTTPAUTH]</a>
+ <p class="note">End users are not prompted for various cases so that
+ authors can implement their own user interface.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>If the user agent supports HTTP State Management it
+ should persist, discard and send cookies (as received
+ in the <code>Set-Cookie</code> response header, and sent in the
+ <code>Cookie</code> header) as applicable.
+ <a href="#refsCOOKIES">[COOKIES]</a>
+ <hr>
+ <p>If the user agent implements a HTTP cache it should
+ respect <code>Cache-Control</code> headers in
+ <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>
+ (e.g. <code>Cache-Control: no-cache</code> bypasses the cache). It
+ must not send <code>Cache-Control</code> or
+ <code>Pragma</code> request headers automatically unless the end user
+ explicitly requests such behavior (e.g. by reloading the page).</p>
+ <p>For <code>304 Not Modified</code> responses that are a result of a
+ user agent generated conditional request the user agent
+ must act as if the server gave a <code>200 OK</code>
+ response with the appropriate content. The user agent
+ must allow <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a> to override automatic cache
+ validation (e.g. <code>If-None-Match</code> or
+ <code>If-Modified-Since</code>), in which case
+ <code>304 Not Modified</code> responses must be passed through.
+ <a href="#refsHTTP">[HTTP]</a>
+ <hr>
+ <p>If the user agent implements server-driven content-negotiation
+ it must follow these constraints for the
+ <code>Accept</code> and <code>Accept-Language</code> request headers:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><p>Both headers must not be modified if they are in
+ <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>.
+ <li><p>If not in <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>,
+ <code>Accept-Language</code> with an appropriate value should be appended
+ to it.
+ <li><p>If not in <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>, <code>Accept</code>
+ with value <code>*/*</code> must be appended to it.
+ </ul>
+ <p>Responses must have the content-encodings
+ automatically decoded. <a href="#refsHTTP">[HTTP]</a>
+ <hr>
+ <p>Besides the <a href="#author-request-headers">author request headers</a>, user agents
+ should not include additional request headers other than those mentioned
+ above or other than those authors are not allowed to set using
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-setRequestHeader"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-setrequestheader">setRequestHeader()</a></code>.
+ This ensures that authors have a predictable API.</p>
+ <h4 id="infrastructure-for-the-send-method"><span class="secno">4.7.7 </span>Infrastructure for the <code title="">send()</code> method</h4>
+ <p>The <dfn id="same-origin-request-event-rules">same-origin request event rules</dfn> are as follows:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the response has an HTTP status code of 301, 302, 303, or 307</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>If the redirect violates infinite loop precautions this is a
+ <a href="#network-error">network error</a>.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#request-url">request URL</a> to the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/urls.html#url">URL</a> conveyed by the
+ <code>Location</code> header.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a> and the
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#origin">origin</a> of <a href="#request-url">request URL</a>
+ are <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#same-origin">same origin</a> transparently follow
+ the redirect while observing the
+ <a href="#same-origin-request-event-rules">same-origin request event rules</a>.
+ <li><p>Otherwise, follow the <a href="#cross-origin-request-steps">cross-origin request steps</a>
+ and terminate the steps for this algorithm.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">HTTP places requirements on the user agent regarding the
+ preservation of the <a href="#request-method">request method</a> and
+ <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a> during redirects, and also requires end
+ users to be notified of certain kinds of automatic redirections.</p>
+ <!-- XXX HTTP needs fixing here -->
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If the end user cancels the request</dt>
+ <dd><p>This is an <a href="#abort-error">abort error</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>If there is a network error</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>In case of DNS errors, TLS negotiation failure, or other type of
+ network errors, this is a <a href="#network-error">network error</a>. Do not request any
+ kind of end user interaction.</p>
+ <p class="note">This does not include HTTP responses that indicate
+ some type of error, such as HTTP status code 410.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-timeout">timeout</a></code> is not 0
+ and since the request started the amount of milliseconds specified by
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-timeout">timeout</a></code> has passed</dt>
+ <dd><p>This is a <a href="#timeout-error">timeout error</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>Once all HTTP headers have been received, the
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is unset, and the HTTP status code of the
+ response is not 301, 302, 303, or 307</dt>
+ <dd><p><a href="#switch-headers-received">Switch to the HEADERS_RECEIVED state</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>Once the first byte (or more) of the
+ <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> has been received and the
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is unset</dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> and the
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is unset</dt>
+ <dd><p><a href="#switch-loading">Switch to the LOADING state</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>Once the whole <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> has been
+ received</dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> and the state is
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a></dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> and the
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set</dt>
+ <dd><p><a href="#switch-done">Switch to the DONE state</a>.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <hr>
+ <p>The <dfn id="cross-origin-request-event-rules">cross-origin request event rules</dfn> are as follows:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/#cross-origin-request-status">cross-origin request status</a>
+ is <i>preflight complete</i> and the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is
+ unset</dt>
+ <dd><p><a href="#make-upload-progress-notifications">Make upload progress notifications</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>If the <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/#cross-origin-request-status">cross-origin request status</a>
+ is <i title="">network error</i></dt>
+ <dd><p>This is a <a href="#network-error">network error</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>If the <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/#cross-origin-request-status">cross-origin request status</a>
+ is <i title="">abort error</i></dt>
+ <dd><p>This is an <a href="#abort-error">abort error</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>If <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-timeout">timeout</a></code> is not 0
+ and since the request started the amount of milliseconds specified by
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-timeout">timeout</a></code> has passed</dt>
+ <dd><p>This is a <a href="#timeout-error">timeout error</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>Once all HTTP headers have been received, the
+ <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/#cross-origin-request-status">cross-origin request status</a> is
+ <i>success</i>, and the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is unset</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p><a href="#switch-headers-received">Switch to the HEADERS_RECEIVED state</a>.</p>
+ <p><a href="#make-progress-notifications">Make progress notifications</a>.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Once the first byte (or more) of the
+ <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> has been received, the
+ <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/#cross-origin-request-status">cross-origin request status</a> is
+ <i>success</i>, and the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is unset</dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a>, the
+ <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/#cross-origin-request-status">cross-origin request status</a> is
+ <i>success</i>, and the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is unset</dt>
+ <dd><p><a href="#switch-loading">Switch to the LOADING state</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>Once the whole <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> has been received
+ and the <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/#cross-origin-request-status">cross-origin request status</a> is
+ <i>success</i></dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a>, the
+ <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/#cross-origin-request-status">cross-origin request status</a> is
+ <i>success</i>, and the state is
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a></dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a>, the
+ <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/#cross-origin-request-status">cross-origin request status</a> is
+ <i>success</i>, and the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set</dt>
+ <dd><p><a href="#switch-done">Switch to the DONE state</a>.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <hr>
+ <p>When something is said to be a <dfn id="network-error">network error</dfn> run the
+ <a href="#request-error">request error</a> steps for exception
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#networkerror">NetworkError</a></code>" and
+ event <code title="event-xhr-error"><a href="#event-xhr-error">error</a></code>.</p>
+ <p>When something is said to be an <dfn id="abort-error">abort error</dfn> run the
+ <a href="#request-error">request error</a> steps for exception
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#aborterror">AbortError</a></code>" and event
+ <code title="event-xhr-abort"><a href="#event-xhr-abort">abort</a></code>.</p>
+ <p>When something is said to be an <dfn id="timeout-error">timeout error</dfn> run the
+ <a href="#request-error">request error</a> steps for exception
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#timeouterror">TimeoutError</a></code>" and event
+ <code title="event-xhr-timeout"><a href="#event-xhr-timeout">timeout</a></code>.</p>
+ <p>When something is said to be a <dfn id="request-error">request error</dfn> for
+ exception <var>exception</var> and event <var title="">event</var> run these
+ steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>The user agent should cancel any network
+ activity for which the object is responsible.</li>
+ <li><p>If there are any
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#concept-task" title="concept-task">tasks</a> from the
+ object's <a href="#xmlhttprequest-task-source"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> task source</a> in one of
+ the <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#task-queue" title="task queue">task queues</a>,
+ then remove them.
+ <li><p>Set the the <a href="#error-flag">error flag</a> to true.</li>
+ <li><p>Change the state to <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a>.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ <var>exception</var> exception and terminate the overall set of
+ steps.</li>
+ <li>
+ <p><a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-event-fire" title="concept-event-fire">Fire an event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><a href="#event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</a></code>.</p>
+ <p class="note">At this point it is clear that the
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is unset.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <a href="#upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</a> is false, follow these
+ substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</a> to true.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named <var title="">event</var>
+ on the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code> object.
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named
+ <code title="event-xhr-loadend"><a href="#event-xhr-loadend">loadend</a></code> on the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code>
+ object.
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named <var title="">event</var>.
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-loadend"><a href="#event-xhr-loadend">loadend</a></code>.
+ </ol>
+ <hr>
+ <p>When it is said to
+ <dfn id="switch-headers-received">switch to the HEADERS_RECEIVED state</dfn>
+ run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Change the state to <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-headers_received" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-HEADERS_RECEIVED">HEADERS_RECEIVED</a>.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-event-fire" title="concept-event-fire">Fire an event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><a href="#event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</a></code>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>When it is said to
+ <dfn id="switch-loading">switch to the LOADING state</dfn> run these
+ steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Change the state to <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a>.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-event-fire" title="concept-event-fire">Fire an event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><a href="#event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</a></code>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>When it is said to
+ <dfn id="switch-done">switch to the DONE state</dfn> run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set, update the
+ <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a>.</li>
+ <li><p>Change the state to <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a>.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-event-fire" title="concept-event-fire">Fire an event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><a href="#event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</a></code>.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-load"><a href="#event-xhr-load">load</a></code>.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-loadend"><a href="#event-xhr-loadend">loadend</a></code>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <hr>
+ <p>When it is said to <dfn id="make-progress-notifications">make progress notifications</dfn>, while the
+ download is progressing, <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to
+ <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-progress"><a href="#event-xhr-progress">progress</a></code>
+ about every 50ms or for every byte received, whichever is <em>least</em>
+ frequent.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>When it is said to <dfn id="make-upload-progress-notifications">make upload progress notifications</dfn> run
+ these steps:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><p>While the request entity body is being uploaded and the
+ <a href="#upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</a> is false,
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to
+ <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-progress"><a href="#event-xhr-progress">progress</a></code> at
+ the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code> object about every 50ms or for
+ every byte transmitted, whichever is <em>least</em> frequent.</li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <a href="#request-entity-body">request entity body</a> has been successfully
+ uploaded and the <a href="#upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</a> is still false,
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#queue-a-task">queue a task</a> to run these substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</a> to true.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-load"><a href="#event-xhr-load">load</a></code>
+ at the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code> object.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named
+ <code title="event-xhr-loadend"><a href="#event-xhr-loadend">loadend</a></code> at the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code>
+ object.</li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <!-- XXX successfully uploaded? -->
+ <h4 id="the-abort-method"><span class="secno">4.7.8 </span>The <code title="">abort()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-abort">abort()</a></code></dt>
+ <dd>Cancels any network activity.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-abort" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort"><code>abort()</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps (unless otherwise noted). This algorithm can
+ be <dfn id="terminate-abort" title="terminate abort()">terminated</dfn> by invoking the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-open">open()</a></code> method. When it is
+ <a href="#terminate-abort" title="terminate abort()">terminated</a> the user agent
+ must terminate the algorithm after finishing the step it is on.
+ <p class="note">The <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-abort">abort()</a></code>
+ algorithm can only be terminated by invoking
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-open">open()</a></code> from an event
+ handler.</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p><a href="#terminate-send" title="terminate send()">Terminate the <code>send()</code> algorithm</a>.</li>
+ <li><p>The user agent should cancel any network
+ activity for which the object is responsible.</li>
+ <li><p>If there are any
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#concept-task" title="concept-task">tasks</a> from the
+ object's <a href="#xmlhttprequest-task-source"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> task source</a> in one of
+ the <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/webappapis.html#task-queue" title="task queue">task queues</a>,
+ then remove them.
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#error-flag">error flag</a> to true.</li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the state is <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-unsent" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</a>,
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a> with the
+ <a href="#send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</a> being false, or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a> go to the next step.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise run these substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Change the state to <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a>.</li>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</a> to false.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-event-fire" title="concept-event-fire">Fire an event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><a href="#event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</a></code>.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-abort"><a href="#event-xhr-abort">abort</a></code>.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-loadend"><a href="#event-xhr-loadend">loadend</a></code>.</li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <a href="#upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</a> is false run these
+ substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Set the <a href="#upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</a> to true.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-abort"><a href="#event-xhr-abort">abort</a></code>
+ on the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code> object.</li>
+ <li><p><a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#concept-event-fire-progress" title="concept-event-fire-progress">Fire a progress event</a> named <code title="event-xhr-loadend"><a href="#event-xhr-loadend">loadend</a></code>
+ on the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code> object.</li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Change the state to <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-unsent" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</a>.</p>
+ <p class="note">No <code title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><a href="#event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</a></code> event is dispatched.</p>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <h3 id="response"><span class="secno">4.8 </span>Response</h3>
+ <h4 id="the-status-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.1 </span>The <code title="">status</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-status"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-status">status</a></code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the HTTP status code.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-status" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-status"><code>status</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the result of running these
+ steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-unsent" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a> return 0 and terminate these
+ steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#error-flag">error flag</a> is true return 0 and terminate
+ these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Return the HTTP status code.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4 id="the-statustext-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.2 </span>The <code title="">statusText</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-statusText"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-statustext">statusText</a></code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the HTTP status text.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-statustext" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-statusText"><code>statusText</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the result of running these
+ steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-unsent" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a> return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#error-flag">error flag</a> is true return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Return the HTTP status text.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4 id="the-getresponseheader-method"><span class="secno">4.8.3 </span>The <code title="">getResponseHeader()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getResponseHeader"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-getresponseheader">getResponseHeader(<var title="">header</var>)</a></code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the header field value from the response of which the
+ field name matches <var title="">header</var>, unless the field name is
+ <code>Set-Cookie</code> or <code>Set-Cookie2</code>.</p>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-getresponseheader" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getResponseHeader"><code>getResponseHeader(<var title="">header</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps:
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-unsent" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a> return null and terminate these
+ steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#error-flag">error flag</a> is true return null
+ and terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If any code point in <var>header</var> is higher than
+ U+00FF LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS return null and terminate
+ these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Let <var>header</var> be the result of
+ <a href="#deflate-a-domstring-into-a-byte-sequence" title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</a>
+ <var>header</var>.</li> <!-- This sounds lame, but it works. -->
+ <li><p>If <var>header</var> is a case-insensitive match for
+ <code>Set-Cookie</code> or <code>Set-Cookie2</code> return null and
+ terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If <var>header</var> is a case-insensitive match for multiple HTTP
+ response headers, return the
+ <a href="#inflate-a-byte-sequence-into-a-domstring" title="inflate a byte sequence into a DOMString">inflated</a>
+ values of these headers as a single concatenated string separated from
+ each other by a U+002C COMMA U+0020 SPACE character pair and terminate
+ these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If <var>header</var> is a case-insensitive match for a single HTTP
+ response header, return the
+ <a href="#inflate-a-byte-sequence-into-a-domstring" title="inflate a byte sequence into a DOMString">inflated</a>
+ value of that header and terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Return null.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing specification filters
+ the headers that are exposed by
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getResponseHeader"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-getresponseheader">getResponseHeader()</a></code>
+ for non <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#same-origin" title="same origin">same-origin</a>
+ requests. <a href="#refsCORS">[CORS]</a>
+ <div class="example">
+ <p>For the following script:</p>
+ <pre><code>var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+client.open("GET", "unicorns-are-teh-awesome.txt", true);
+client.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if(this.readyState == 2) {
+ print(client.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"));
+ }
+ <p>The <code>print()</code> function will get to process something
+ like:</p>
+ <pre><code>text/plain; charset=UTF-8</code></pre>
+ </div>
+ <h4 id="the-getallresponseheaders-method"><span class="secno">4.8.4 </span>The <code title="">getAllResponseHeaders()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getAllResponseHeaders"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-getallresponseheaders">getAllResponseHeaders()</a></code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns all headers from the response, with the exception of those
+ whose field name is <code>Set-Cookie</code> or
+ <code>Set-Cookie2</code>.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-getallresponseheaders" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getAllResponseHeaders"><code>getAllResponseHeaders()</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-unsent" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-opened" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</a> return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#error-flag">error flag</a> is true return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Return all the HTTP headers, excluding headers that are a
+ case-insensitive match for <code>Set-Cookie</code> or
+ <code>Set-Cookie2</code>,
+ <a href="#inflate-a-byte-sequence-into-a-domstring" title="inflate a byte sequence into a DOMString">inflated</a>,
+ as a single string, with each header line
+ separated by a U+000D CR U+000A LF pair, excluding the status line, and
+ with each header name and header value separated by a
+ U+003A COLON U+0020 SPACE pair.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing specification filters
+ the headers that are exposed by
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getAllResponseHeaders"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-getallresponseheaders">getAllResponseHeaders()</a></code>
+ for non <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#same-origin" title="same origin">same-origin</a>
+ requests. <a href="#refsCORS">[CORS]</a>
+ <div class="example">
+ <p>For the following script:</p>
+ <pre><code>var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+client.open("GET", "narwhals-too.txt", true);
+client.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if(this.readyState == 2) {
+ print(this.getAllResponseHeaders());
+ }
+ <p>The <code>print()</code> function will get to process something
+ like:</p>
+ <pre><code>Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 04:58:38 GMT
+Server: Apache/1.3.31 (Unix)
+Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=99
+Connection: Keep-Alive
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8</code></pre>
+ </div>
+ <h4 id="response-entity-body-0"><span class="secno">4.8.5 </span>Response entity body</h4>
+ <p>The <dfn id="response-mime-type">response MIME type</dfn> is the MIME
+ type the <code>Content-Type</code> header contains without any
+ parameters or null if the header could not be parsed properly or was
+ omitted. The <dfn id="override-mime-type">override MIME type</dfn> is
+ initially null and can get a value if <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-overridemimetype">overrideMimeType()</a></code> is
+ invoked. <dfn id="final-mime-type">Final MIME type</dfn> is the
+ override MIME type unless that is null in which case it is the response
+ MIME type.</p>
+ <p>The <dfn id="response-charset">response charset</dfn> is the value of
+ the <code>charset</code> parameter of the <code>Content-Type</code> header
+ or null if there was no <code>charset</code> parameter or if
+ the header could not be parsed properly or was omitted. The
+ <dfn id="override-charset">override charset</dfn> is initially null and
+ can get a value if <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-overridemimetype">overrideMimeType()</a></code> is invoked.
+ <dfn id="final-charset">Final charset</dfn> is the override charset unless
+ that is null in which case it is the response charset.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>The <dfn id="response-entity-body">response entity body</dfn> is the
+ fragment of the <a class="external" href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616/#section-7.2">entity body</a> of the
+ response received so far
+ (<a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a>) or the complete
+ entity body of the response
+ (<a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a>). If the response
+ does not have an entity body the response entity body is null.</p>
+ <p class="note">The <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> is updated as part
+ of the <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-send">send()</a></code> algorithm.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>The <dfn id="text-response-entity-body">text response entity body</dfn>
+ is a <code>DOMString</code> representing the <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity
+ body</a>. The text response entity body is the return value of the
+ following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the response entity body is null return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</p>
+ <li><p>Let <var>charset</var> be the <a href="#final-charset">final charset</a>.</li>
+ <li><p>Let <var>mime</var> be the <a href="#final-mime-type">final MIME type</a>.</li>
+ <li><p>If <var>charset</var> is null and <var>mime</var> is null,
+ <code>text/xml</code>, <code>application/xml</code> or ends in
+ <code title="">+xml</code> use the rules set forth in the XML
+ specifications to determine the character encoding. Let
+ <var>charset</var> be the determined character encoding.</li>
+ <li><p>If <var>charset</var> is null and <var>mime</var> is
+ <code>text/html</code> follow the rules set forth in the HTML
+ specification to determine the character encoding. Let
+ <var>charset</var> be the determined character encoding.
+ <a href="#refsHTML">[HTML]</a>
+ <li>
+ <p>If <var>charset</var> is null then, for each of the rows in the
+ following table, starting with the first one and going down, if the first
+ bytes of <var>bytes</var> match the bytes given in the first column, then
+ let <var>charset</var> be the encoding given in the cell in the second
+ column of that row. If there is no match <var>charset</var> remains
+ null.</p>
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Bytes in Hexadecimal
+ <th>Description
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>FE FF
+ <td>UTF-16BE BOM
+ <tr>
+ <td>FF FE
+ <td>UTF-16LE BOM
+ <tr>
+ <td>EF BB BF
+ <td>UTF-8 BOM
+ </table>
+ </li>
+ <li><p>If <var>charset</var> is null let <var>charset</var> be
+ UTF-8.</li>
+ <li><p>Return the result of decoding the response entity body using
+ <var>charset</var>. Replace bytes or sequences of bytes that are not
+ valid accordng to the <var>charset</var> with a single
+ U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER character. Remove one leading
+ U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK character, if present.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">Authors are strongly encouraged to always encode their
+ resources using UTF-8.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>The <dfn id="document-response-entity-body">document response entity
+ body</dfn> is either a <code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#document">Document</a></code> representing the
+ <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> or null. If it is a
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#document">Document</a></code> its <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#origin">origin</a> is the
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-origin"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</a>. If the
+ <a href="#document-response-entity-body">document response entity body</a> has no value assigned to it let
+ it be the return value of the following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> is null, return null and
+ terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If <a href="#final-mime-type">final MIME type</a> is not null,
+ <code>text/html</code>, <code>text/xml</code>,
+ <code>application/xml</code>, or does not end in
+ <code title="">+xml</code>, return null and terminate these
+ steps.</li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If <a href="#final-mime-type">final MIME type</a> is <code>text/html</code> let
+ <var title="">document</var> be <code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#document">Document</a></code> object that represents
+ the <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> parsed following the rules set
+ forth in the HTML specification for an HTML parser with scripting
+ disabled. <a href="#refsHTML">[HTML]</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Otherwise, let <var title="">document</var> be a
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#document">Document</a></code> object that represents the result of parsing the
+ <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> into a document tree following the
+ rules set forth in the XML specifications. If that fails
+ (unsupported character encoding, namespace well-formedness error et
+ cetera) return null and terminate these steps.
+ <a href="#refsXML">[XML]</a> <a href="#refsXMLNS">[XMLNS]</a>
+ <p class="note">Scripts in the resulting document tree will not be executed,
+ resources referenced will not be loaded and no associated XSLT will be
+ applied.</p> <!-- XXX more formally?! -->
+ </li>
+ <li><p>Return <var title="">document</var>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="blob-response-entity-body">blob response entity body</dfn> is a
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#blob">Blob</a></code> representing the <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a>. If
+ the <a href="#blob-response-entity-body">blob response entity body</a> has no value assigned to it let
+ it be the return value of the following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> is null, return an empty
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#blob">Blob</a></code> object and terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Return a <code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#blob">Blob</a></code> object representing the
+ <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="arraybuffer-response-entity-body">arraybuffer response entity body</dfn>
+ is an <code class="external"><a href="http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/#5">ArrayBuffer</a></code> representing
+ the <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a>. If the
+ <a href="#arraybuffer-response-entity-body">arraybuffer response entity body</a> has no value assigned to it
+ let it be the return value of the following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a> is null, return an empty
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/#5">ArrayBuffer</a></code> object and terminate
+ these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Return an <code class="external"><a href="http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/#5">ArrayBuffer</a></code>
+ object representing the <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4 id="the-overridemimetype-method"><span class="secno">4.8.6 </span>The <code title="">overrideMimeType()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-overridemimetype">overrideMimeType(<var title="">mime</var>)</a></code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Sets the <code>Content-Type</code> header for the response to
+ <var title="">mime</var>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>"
+ exception if the state is
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a>.
+ <p>Throws a "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#syntaxerror">SyntaxError</a></code>" exception if
+ <var title="">mime</var> is not a valid media type.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-overridemimetype" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType"><code>overrideMimeType(<var title="">mime</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps:
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a>,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If parsing <var title="">mime</var> analogously to the value of
+ the <code>Content-Type</code> headers fails,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> a
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#syntaxerror">SyntaxError</a></code>" exception and terminate
+ these steps.
+ <li><p>If a MIME type is successfully parsed set
+ <a href="#override-mime-type">override MIME type</a> to that MIME type, excluding any parameters.
+ <li><p>If a <code>charset</code> parameter is successfully parsed set
+ <a href="#override-charset">override charset</a> to its value.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4 id="the-responsetype-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.7 </span>The <code title="">responseType</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code> [ = <var title="">value</var> ]</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Returns the response type.</p>
+ <p>Can be set to change the response type. Values are:
+ the empty string (default),
+ "<code title="">arraybuffer</code>",
+ "<code title="">blob</code>",
+ "<code title="">document</code>", and
+ "<code title="">text</code>".</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>"
+ exception if the state is
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a>.
+ <p>When set: throws an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidaccesserror">InvalidAccessError</a></code>" exception if the
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set when there is an associated
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a>.</p>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><code>responseType</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return its value. Initially its value must be the empty
+ string.
+ <p>Setting the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code>
+ attribute must run these steps:
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a>,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If there is an associated
+ <a href="#xmlhttprequest-document"><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</a> and the
+ <a href="#synchronous-flag">synchronous flag</a> is set,
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidaccesserror">InvalidAccessError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the given value is not
+ the empty string,
+ "<code title="">arraybuffer</code>",
+ "<code title="">blob</code>",
+ "<code title="">document</code>", or
+ "<code title="">text</code>"
+ terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Set the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code>
+ attribute's value to the given value.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4 id="the-response-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.8 </span>The <code title="">response</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-response"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-response">response</a></code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the <a href="#response-entity-body">response entity body</a>.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-response" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-response"><code>response</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the result of running these
+ steps:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code>
+ is the empty string or "<code title="">text</code>"</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is not
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a> return the empty
+ string and terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#error-flag">error flag</a> is true return the empty string
+ and terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Return the <a href="#text-response-entity-body">text response entity body</a>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Otherwise</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is not
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a> return null and
+ terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#error-flag">error flag</a> is true return null and terminate
+ these steps.</li>
+ <li>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code> is
+ "<code title="">arraybuffer</code>"</dt>
+ <dd><p>Return the
+ <a href="#arraybuffer-response-entity-body">arraybuffer response entity body</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>If
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code> is
+ "<code title="">blob</code>"</dt>
+ <dd><p>Return the
+ <a href="#blob-response-entity-body">blob response entity body</a>.</dd>
+ <dt>If
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code> is
+ "<code title="">document</code>"</dt>
+ <dd><p>Return the
+ <a href="#document-response-entity-body">document response entity body</a>.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <h4 id="the-responsetext-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.9 </span>The <code title="">responseText</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseText"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetext">responseText</a></code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Returns the <a href="#text-response-entity-body">text response entity body</a>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>"
+ exception if
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code> is not
+ the empty string or "<code title="">text</code>".
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetext" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseText"><code>responseText</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the result of running these
+ steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code> is not
+ the empty string or "<code title="">text</code>",
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the state is not <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-loading" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</a> or
+ <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a> return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#error-flag">error flag</a> is true return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Return the <a href="#text-response-entity-body">text response entity body</a>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4 id="the-responsexml-attribute"><span class="secno">4.8.10 </span>The <code title="">responseXML</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseXML"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsexml">responseXML</a></code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Returns the <a href="#document-response-entity-body">document response entity body</a>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>"
+ exception if
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code> is not
+ the empty string or "<code title="">document</code>".
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-responsexml" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseXML"><code>responseXML</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the result of running these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code> is not
+ the empty string or "<code title="">document</code>",
+ <a class="external" href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-throw" title="concept-throw">throw</a> an
+ "<code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#invalidstateerror">InvalidStateError</a></code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If the state is not <a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-done" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</a> return
+ null and terminate these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>If the <a href="#error-flag">error flag</a> is true return null and terminate
+ these steps.</li>
+ <li><p>Return the <a href="#document-response-entity-body">document response entity body</a>.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseXML"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsexml">responseXML</a></code> attribute
+ has XML in its name for historical reasons. It also returns HTML resources
+ as documents.</p>
+ <h3 id="events"><span class="secno">4.9 </span>Events summary</h3>
+ <p>The following events are dispatched on <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code>
+ and/or <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code> objects:</p>
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Event name</th>
+ <th>Interface</th>
+ <th>Dispatched when…</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="event-xhr-readystatechange" title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><code>readystatechange</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code class="external"><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#event">Event</a></code></td>
+ <td>The <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-readyState"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-readystate">readyState</a></code>
+ attribute changes at some seemingly arbitrary times for historical
+ reasons.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="event-xhr-loadstart" title="event-xhr-loadstart"><code>loadstart</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#progressevent">ProgressEvent</a></code></td>
+ <td>When the request starts.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="event-xhr-progress" title="event-xhr-progress"><code>progress</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#progressevent">ProgressEvent</a></code></td>
+ <td>While sending and loading data.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="event-xhr-abort" title="event-xhr-abort"><code>abort</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#progressevent">ProgressEvent</a></code></td>
+ <td>When the request has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-abort">abort()</a></code> method.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="event-xhr-error" title="event-xhr-error"><code>error</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#progressevent">ProgressEvent</a></code></td>
+ <td>When the request has failed.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="event-xhr-load" title="event-xhr-load"><code>load</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#progressevent">ProgressEvent</a></code></td>
+ <td>When the request has successfully completed.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="event-xhr-timeout" title="event-xhr-timeout"><code>timeout</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#progressevent">ProgressEvent</a></code></td>
+ <td>When the author specified timeout has passed before the request
+ could complete.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn id="event-xhr-loadend" title="event-xhr-loadend"><code>loadend</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/#progressevent">ProgressEvent</a></code></td>
+ <td>When the request has completed (either in success or failure).</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <h2 id="interface-formdata"><span class="secno">5 </span>Interface <code title="">FormData</code></h2>
+ <p>The <code><a href="#formdata">FormData</a></code> object represents an ordered collection of
+ entries. Each entry has a name, a value, a type, and optionally a
+ filename (if type is "file").</p>
+ <pre class="idl">[<a href="#dom-formdata" title="dom-FormData">Constructor</a>,
+ <a href="#dom-formdata-form" title="dom-FormData-form">Constructor</a>(<a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/forms.html#htmlformelement">HTMLFormElement</a> <var>form</var>)]
+interface <dfn id="formdata">FormData</dfn> {
+ void <a href="#dom-formdata-append" title="dom-FormData-append">append</a>(DOMString <var>name</var>, <a class="external" href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#blob">Blob</a> <var title="">value</var>, optional DOMString <var title="">filename</var>);
+ void <a href="#dom-formdata-append" title="dom-FormData-append">append</a>(DOMString <var>name</var>, DOMString <var>value</var>);
+ <h3 id="formdata-constructors"><span class="secno">5.1 </span>Constructors</h3>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">fd</var> = new <code title="dom-FormData"><a href="#dom-formdata">FormData()</a></code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns a new <code><a href="#formdata">FormData</a></code> object.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The <dfn id="dom-formdata" title="dom-FormData"><code>FormData()</code></dfn> constructor
+ must return a new <code><a href="#formdata">FormData</a></code> object.
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-formdata-form" title="dom-FormData-form"><code>FormData(<var>form</var>)</code></dfn>
+ constructor must return a new <code><a href="#formdata">FormData</a></code> object with as entries
+ the result of
+ <a class="external" href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/association-of-controls-and-forms.html#constructing-form-data-set">constructing the form data set</a> for
+ <var>form</var>.
+ <h3 id="the-append-method"><span class="secno">5.2 </span>The <code title="">append()</code> method</h3>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title="">fd</var> . <code title="dom-FormData-append"><a href="#dom-formdata-append">append(<var title="">name</var>, <var title="">value</var> [, <var title="">filename</var>])</a></code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Appends a new name/value-pair to the <code><a href="#formdata">FormData</a></code>
+ object, optionally with a filename.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-formdata-append" title="dom-FormData-append"><code>append(<var>name</var>, <var>value</var>, <var>filename</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must create a new entry with the following parameters set and
+ append it to the end of the collection the <code><a href="#formdata">FormData</a></code> object
+ represents:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Set its name to <var>name</var>.
+ <li>Set its value to <var>value</var>.
+ <li>Set its type to "text" if <var>value</var> is a string and "file" if
+ it is a <code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#blob">Blob</a></code>.
+ <li>If its type is "file" set its filename to "<code title="">blob</code>".
+ <li>If its type is "file" and <var>value</var> is a
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#file">File</a></code> whose
+ <code class="external" title="dom-File-name"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#dfn-name">name</a></code> attribute
+ is not the empty string, set entry's filename to the attribute's value.
+ <li>If the <var title="">filename</var> parameter is not omitted set entry's
+ filename to <var title="">filename</var>.
+ </ul>
+ <h2 class="no-num" id="differences">Differences from XMLHttpRequest</h2>
+ <p>XMLHttpRequest Level 2 adds the following new features:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><p>The ability to make cross-origin requests.</li>
+ <li><p>The ability to make anonymous requests —
+ <code>Referer</code>, origin, and credentials are not part of the
+ request.</li>
+ <li><p>The ability to register for progress events. Both for downloads
+ (put listeners on the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</a></code> object itself) and
+ uploads (put listeners on the <code><a href="#xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</a></code> object,
+ returned by the <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-upload"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-upload">upload</a></code>
+ attribute).</li>
+ <li><p>The ability to override the media type and character encoding of
+ the response through the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-overridemimetype">overrideMimeType()</a></code>
+ method.</li>
+ <li><p>The ability to set a timeout for the request.</li>
+ <li><p>The ability to transfer
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/#5">ArrayBuffer</a></code>,
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#blob">Blob</a></code>,
+ <code class="external"><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/#file">File</a></code> and <code><a href="#formdata">FormData</a></code>
+ objects.</li>
+ <li><p>The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-responsetype">responseType</a></code> and
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-response"><a href="#dom-xmlhttprequest-response">response</a></code>
+ attributes.</li>
+ </ul>
+<h2 class="no-num" id="references">References</h2>
+<h3 class="no-num" id="normative-references">Normative references</h3>
+<div id="anolis-references-normative"><dl><dt id="refsCOOKIES">[COOKIES]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265">HTTP State Management Mechanism</a></cite>, Adam Barth. IETF.
+<dt id="refsCORS">[CORS]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/">Cross-Origin Resource Sharing</a></cite>, Anne van Kesteren. W3C.
+<dt id="refsDOM">[DOM]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html">DOM4</a></cite>, Anne van Kesteren, Aryeh Gregor and Ms2ger. W3C.
+<dt id="refsFILEAPI">[FILEAPI]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/FileAPI/">File API</a></cite>, Arun Ranganathan and Jonas Sicking. W3C.
+<dt id="refsHTML">[HTML]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://www.whatwg.org/html">HTML</a></cite>, Ian Hickson. WHATWG.
+<dt id="refsHTTP">[HTTP]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616">Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1</a></cite>, Roy Fielding, James Gettys, Jeffrey Mogul et al.. IETF.
+<dt id="refsHTTPAUTH">[HTTPAUTH]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617">HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication</a></cite>, J. Franks, Phillip Hallam-Baker, J. Hostetler et al.. IETF.
+<dd><cite><a href="http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/867593">Multiple vendors' web servers enable HTTP TRACE method by default</a></cite>. US-CERT.
+<dd><cite><a href="http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/288308">Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) vulnerable to cross-site scripting via HTTP TRACK method</a></cite>. US-CERT.
+<dd><cite><a href="http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/150227">HTTP proxy default configurations allow arbitrary TCP connections</a></cite>. US-CERT.
+<dd><cite><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/progress/">Progress Events</a></cite>, Anne van Kesteren. W3C.
+<dt id="refsRFC2119">[RFC2119]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119">Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</a></cite>, Scott Bradner. IETF.
+<dd><cite><a href="http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/">Typed Array</a></cite>, David Herman and Kenneth Russell. Khronos.
+<dt id="refsWEBIDL">[WEBIDL]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/">Web IDL</a></cite>, Cameron McCormack. W3C.
+<dt id="refsXML">[XML]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml/">Extensible Markup Language</a></cite>, Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen et al.. W3C.
+<dt id="refsXMLNS">[XMLNS]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/">Namespaces in XML</a></cite>, Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, Andrew Layman et al.. W3C.
+<h3 class="no-num" id="informative-references">Informative references</h3>
+<div id="anolis-references-informative"><dl><dt id="refsECMASCRIPT">[ECMASCRIPT]
+<dd><cite><a href="http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm">ECMAScript Language Specification</a></cite>. ECMA.
+ <h2 class="no-num" id="acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</h2>
+ <p>The editor would like to thank
+ Addison Phillips,
+ Ahmed Kamel,
+ Alex Hopmann,
+ Alex Vincent,
+ Alexey Proskuryakov,
+ Asbjørn Ulsberg,
+ Boris Zbarsky,
+ Björn Höhrmann,
+ Cameron McCormack,
+ Chris Marrin,
+ Christophe Jolif,
+ Charles McCathieNevile,
+ Dan Winship,
+ David Andersson,
+ David Flanagan,
+ David Håsäther,
+ David Levin,
+ Dean Jackson,
+ Denis Sureau,
+ Doug Schepers,
+ Douglas Livingstone,
+ Elliotte Harold,
+ Eric Lawrence,
+ Eric Uhrhane,
+ Erik Dahlström,
+ Geoffrey Sneddon,
+ Gideon Cohn,
+ Gorm Haug Eriksen,
+ Håkon Wium Lie,
+ Hallvord R. M. Steen,
+ Henri Sivonen,
+ Huub Schaeks,
+ Ian Davis,
+ Ian Hickson,
+ Ivan Herman,
+ Jeff Walden,
+ Jens Lindström,
+ Jim Deegan,
+ Jim Ley,
+ Joe Farro,
+ Jonas Sicking,
+ Julian Reschke,
+ Karl Dubost,
+ Lachlan Hunt,
+ Maciej Stachowiak,
+ Magnus Kristiansen,
+ Marc Hadley,
+ Marcos Caceres,
+ Mark Baker,
+ Mark Birbeck,
+ Mark Nottingham,
+ Mark S. Miller,
+ Martin Hassman,
+ Mohamed Zergaoui,
+ Ms2ger,
+ Odin Hørthe Omdal,
+ Olli Pettay,
+ Pawel Glowacki,
+ Peter Michaux,
+ Philip Taylor,
+ Robin Berjon,
+ Rune Halvorsen,
+ Ruud Steltenpool,
+ Sergiu Dumitriu,
+ Sigbjørn Finne,
+ Simon Pieters,
+ Stewart Brodie,
+ Sunava Dutta,
+ Thomas Roessler,
+ Tom Magliery, and
+ Zhenbin Xu
+ for their contributions to this specification.</p>
+ <p>Special thanks to the Microsoft employees who first implemented the
+ <code title="">XMLHttpRequest</code> interface, which was first widely
+ deployed by the Windows Internet Explorer browser.</p>
+ <p>Special thanks also to the WHATWG for drafting an initial version of
+ this specification in their Web Applications 1.0 document (now renamed to
+ HTML). <a href="#refsHTML">[HTML]</a></p>
+ <p>Thanks also to all those who have helped to improve this specification
+ by sending suggestions and corrections. (Please, keep bugging us with your
+ issues!)</p>
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+ <title>XMLHttpRequest Level 2</title>
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+ <div class="head">
+ <h1 class="head" id="xmlhttprequest-level-2">XMLHttpRequest Level 2</h1>
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="w3c-doctype">[LONGSTATUS] [DATE: 3 August 2002]</h2>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>This Version:</dt>
+ <dd class=dontpublish><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/XMLHttpRequest-2/">http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/XMLHttpRequest-2/</a></dd>
+ <dd class=publish><a href="[VERSION]">[VERSION]</a></dd>
+ <dt class=publish>Latest Version:</dt>
+ <dd class=publish><a href="[LATEST]">[LATEST]</a></dd>
+ <dt class=publish>Latest Editor Draft:</dt>
+ <dd class=publish><a href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/XMLHttpRequest-2/">http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/XMLHttpRequest-2/</a></dd>
+ <dt>Previous Versions:</dt>
+ <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20110816/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20110816/</a></dd>
+ <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20100907/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20100907/</a></dd>
+ <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20090820/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20090820/</a></dd>
+ <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20080930/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20080930/</a></dd>
+ <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20080225/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-XMLHttpRequest2-20080225/</a></dd>
+ <dt>Editor:</dt>
+ <dd><a href="http://annevankesteren.nl/">Anne van Kesteren</a>
+ (<a href="http://www.opera.com/">Opera Software ASA</a>)
+ <<a href="mailto:annevk@opera.com">annevk@opera.com</a>></dd>
+ </dl>
+<p class=dontpublish><a rel=license href="http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/"><img src="http://i.creativecommons.org/p/zero/1.0/80x15.png" alt=CC0></a>
+To the extent possible under law, the editor has waived all copyright and
+related or neighboring rights to this work. In addition, as of
+[DATE: 01 Jan 1901], the editor has made this specification available
+under the
+<a rel=license
+href="http://www.openwebfoundation.org/legal/the-owf-1-0-agreements/owfa-1-0">Open Web Foundation Agreement Version 1.0</a>,
+which is available at
+<div class=publish><!--copyright--></div>
+ </div>
+ <hr>
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="specabstract">Abstract</h2>
+ <p>The XMLHttpRequest Level 2 specification enhances the
+ <code title>XMLHttpRequest</code> object with new features, such as
+ cross-origin requests, progress events, and the handling of byte streams
+ for both sending and receiving.</p>
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="sotd">Status of this Document</h2>
+ <p><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of its
+ publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current
+ W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be
+ found in the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/">W3C technical reports index</a>
+ at http://www.w3.org/TR/.</em></p>
+ <p>This is the [DATE: 3 August 2002] [LONGSTATUS] of
+ XMLHttpRequest Level 2. Please send comments to
+ <a href="mailto:public-webapps@w3.org?subject=[XHR2]%20">public-webapps@w3.org</a>
+ (<a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/">archived</a>)
+ with <samp>[XHR2]</samp> at the start of the subject line.</p>
+ <p>This document is produced by the
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/">Web Applications</a> (WebApps) Working Group.
+ The WebApps Working Group is part of the
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/2006/rwc/Activity">Rich Web Clients Activity</a>
+ in the W3C <a href="http://www.w3.org/Interaction/">Interaction Domain</a>.</p>
+ <p>This document was produced by a group operating under the
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/">5 February 2004
+ W3C Patent Policy</a>. W3C maintains a
+ <a rel="disclosure" href="http://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/42538/status">public
+ list of any patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the deliverables of
+ the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An
+ individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes
+ contains
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#def-essential">Essential
+ Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#sec-Disclosure">section
+ 6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>.</p>
+ <p>Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C
+ Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or
+ obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this
+ document as other than work in progress.</p>
+ <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="toc">Table of Contents</h2>
+ <!--toc-->
+ <h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
+ <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em></p>
+ <p>The <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object implements an interface exposed
+ by a scripting engine that allows scripts to perform HTTP client
+ functionality, such as submitting form data or loading data from a
+ server. It is the ECMAScript HTTP API.
+ <span data-anolis-ref class=informative>ECMASCRIPT</span>
+ <p>The name of the object is <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> for compatibility
+ with the Web, though each component of this name is potentially
+ misleading. First, the object supports any text based format, including
+ XML. Second, it can be used to make requests over both HTTP and HTTPS
+ (some implementations support protocols in addition to HTTP and HTTPS, but
+ that functionality is not covered by this specification). Finally, it
+ supports "requests" in a broad sense of the term as it pertains to HTTP;
+ namely all activity involved with HTTP requests or responses for the
+ defined HTTP methods.</p>
+ <div class="example">
+ <p>Some simple code to do something with data from an XML document
+ fetched over the network:</p>
+ <pre><code>function processData(data) {
+ // taking care of data
+function handler() {
+ if(this.readyState == this.DONE) {
+ if(this.status == 200 &&
+ this.responseXML != null &&
+ this.responseXML.getElementById('test').textContent) {
+ // success!
+ processData(this.responseXML.getElementById('test').textContent);
+ return;
+ }
+ // something went wrong
+ processData(null);
+ }
+var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+client.onreadystatechange = handler;
+client.open("GET", "unicorn.xml");
+ <p>If you just want to log a message to the server:</p>
+ <pre><code>function log(message) {
+ var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ client.open("POST", "/log");
+ client.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8");
+ client.send(message);
+ <p>Or if you want to check the status of a document on the server:</p>
+ <pre><code>function fetchStatus(address) {
+ var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ client.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ // in case of network errors this might not give reliable results
+ if(this.readyState == this.DONE)
+ returnStatus(this.status);
+ }
+ client.open("HEAD", address);
+ client.send();
+ </div>
+ <h2 id="conformance">Conformance</h2>
+ <p>Everything in this specification is normative except for diagrams,
+ examples, notes and sections marked non-normative.</p>
+ <p>The key words must, must not, should, should not and may in this
+ document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
+ <span data-anolis-ref>RFC2119</span></p>
+ <p>This specification defines a single conformance class:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><dfn id="conforming-user-agent">Conforming user agent</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>A user agent must behave as described in this
+ specification in order to be considered conformant.</p>
+ <p>User agents may implement algorithms given in
+ this specification in any way desired, so long as the end result is
+ indistinguishable from the result that would be obtained by the
+ specification's algorithms.</p>
+ <p class="note">This specification uses both the terms "conforming user
+ agent(s)" and "user agent(s)" to refer to this product class.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <h3 id="dependencies">Dependencies</h3>
+ <p>This specification relies on several underlying specifications.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Cross-Origin Resource Sharing</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <span>conforming user agent</span> must
+ support the algorithms of the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
+ specification. <span data-anolis-ref>CORS</span></p></dd>
+ <dt>DOM4</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <span>conforming user agent</span> must
+ support at least the subset of the functionality defined in DOM4 that
+ this specification relies upon, such as various exceptions and
+ <code data-anolis-spec=dom>EventTarget</code>. <span data-anolis-ref>DOM</span></p></dd>
+ <dt>File API</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <span>conforming user agent</span> must
+ support at least the subset of the functionality defined in File API that
+ this specification relies upon, such as the <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi>Blob</code> and
+ <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi>File</code> interfaces. <span data-anolis-ref>FILEAPI</span></p>
+ <dt>HTML</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <span>conforming user agent</span> must
+ support at least the subset of the functionality defined in HTML that
+ this specification relies upon, such as the basics of the
+ <code data-anolis-spec=html>Window</code> object and serializing a <code data-anolis-spec=dom>Document</code>
+ object. <span data-anolis-ref>HTML</span>
+ <dt>HTTP</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <span>conforming user agent</span> must
+ support some version of the HTTP protocol. Requirements regarding HTTP
+ are made throughout the specification. <span data-anolis-ref>HTTP</span>
+ <dt>Progress Events</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <span>conforming user agent</span> must support the
+ Progress Events specification.
+ <span data-anolis-ref>PROGRESSEVENTS</span>
+ <dt>Typed Array</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <span>conforming user agent</span> must support the
+ <code data-anolis-spec=typedarray>ArrayBuffer</code> object.
+ <span data-anolis-ref>TYPEDARRAY</span>
+ <dt>Web IDL</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <span>conforming user agent</span> must also
+ be a conforming implementation of the IDL fragments in this
+ specification, as described in the Web IDL specification.
+ <span data-anolis-ref>WEBIDL</span>
+ <dt>XML</dt>
+ <dd><p>A <span>conforming user agent</span> must be a
+ conforming XML processor that reports violations of namespace
+ well-formedness. <span data-anolis-ref>XML</span>
+ <span data-anolis-ref>XMLNS</span>
+ </dl>
+ <h3 id="extensibility">Extensibility</h3>
+ <p>User agents, Working Groups, and other interested parties are
+ <em>strongly encouraged</em> to discuss extensions on a relevant public
+ forum, preferably
+ <a href="mailto:public-webapps@w3.org">public-webapps@w3.org</a>. If this
+ is for some reason not possible prefix the extension in some way and start
+ the prefix with an uppercase letter. E.g. if company Foo wants to add a
+ private method <code>bar()</code> it could be named <code>FooBar()</code>
+ to prevent clashes with a potential future standardized
+ <code>bar()</code>.</p>
+ <h2 id="terminology">Terminology</h2>
+ <p>The term <dfn>user credentials</dfn> for the purposes of this
+ specification means cookies, HTTP authentication, and client-side SSL
+ certificates. Specifically it does not refer to proxy authentication or
+ the <code title="http-origin">Origin</code> header.
+ <span data-anolis-ref>COOKIES</span> <!-- XXX ref? --></p>
+ <p>To <dfn>deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence</dfn> means to create
+ a sequence of bytes such that the <var title>n</var>th byte of the
+ sequence is equal to the low-order byte of the <var title>n</var>th
+ code point in the original DOMString.</p>
+ <p>To <dfn>inflate a byte sequence into a DOMString</dfn> means to create
+ a DOMString such that the <var title>n</var>th code point has 0x00 as
+ the high-order byte and the <var title>n</var>th byte of the byte
+ sequence as the low-order byte.</p>
+ <h2>Interface <code title>XMLHttpRequest</code></h2>
+ <p>The <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object can be used by scripts to issue
+ HTTP requests.</p>
+ <pre class="idl">[NoInterfaceObject]
+interface <dfn id="xmlhttprequesteventtarget">XMLHttpRequestEventTarget</dfn> : <span data-anolis-spec=dom>EventTarget</span> {
+ // <a href="#event-handlers">event handlers</a>
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <span data-anolis-spec=html>Function</span>? <span title="handler-xhr-onloadstart">onloadstart</span>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <span data-anolis-spec=html>Function</span>? <span title="handler-xhr-onprogress">onprogress</span>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <span data-anolis-spec=html>Function</span>? <span title="handler-xhr-onabort">onabort</span>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <span data-anolis-spec=html>Function</span>? <span title="handler-xhr-onerror">onerror</span>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <span data-anolis-spec=html>Function</span>? <span title="handler-xhr-onload">onload</span>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <span data-anolis-spec=html>Function</span>? <span title="handler-xhr-ontimeout">ontimeout</span>;
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <span data-anolis-spec=html>Function</span>? <span title="handler-xhr-onloadend">onloadend</span>;
+interface <dfn id="xmlhttprequestupload">XMLHttpRequestUpload</dfn> : <span>XMLHttpRequestEventTarget</span> {
+[<span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest">Constructor</span>]
+interface <dfn id="xmlhttprequest">XMLHttpRequest</dfn> : <span>XMLHttpRequestEventTarget</span> {
+ // <a href="#event-handlers">event handler</a>
+ [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute <span data-anolis-spec=html>Function</span>? <span title="handler-xhr-onreadystatechange">onreadystatechange</span>;
+ // <a href="#states">states</a>
+ const unsigned short <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</span> = 0;
+ const unsigned short <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span> = 1;
+ const unsigned short <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-HEADERS_RECEIVED">HEADERS_RECEIVED</span> = 2;
+ const unsigned short <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</span> = 3;
+ const unsigned short <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span> = 4;
+ readonly attribute unsigned short <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-readyState">readyState</span>;
+ // <a href="#request">request</a>
+ void <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open">open</span>(DOMString <var>method</var>, DOMString <var title>url</var>, optional boolean <var>async</var>, optional DOMString? <var>user</var>, optional DOMString? <var>password</var>);
+ void <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-setRequestHeader">setRequestHeader</span>(DOMString <var>header</var>, DOMString <var>value</var>);
+ attribute unsigned long <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout">timeout</span>;
+ attribute boolean <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials">withCredentials</span>;
+ readonly attribute <span>XMLHttpRequestUpload</span> <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-upload">upload</span>;
+ void <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</span>();
+ void <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</span>(<span data-anolis-spec=typedarray>ArrayBuffer</span> <var>data</var>);
+ void <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</span>(<span data-anolis-spec=fileapi>Blob</span> <var>data</var>);
+ void <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</span>(<span data-anolis-spec=dom>Document</span> <var>data</var>);
+ void <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</span>([AllowAny] DOMString? <var>data</var>);
+ void <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send</span>(<span>FormData</span> <var>data</var>);
+ void <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort">abort</span>();
+ // <a href="#response">response</a>
+ readonly attribute unsigned short <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-status">status</span>;
+ readonly attribute DOMString <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-statusText">statusText</span>;
+ DOMString <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getResponseHeader">getResponseHeader</span>(DOMString <var>header</var>);
+ DOMString <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getAllResponseHeaders">getAllResponseHeaders</span>();
+ void <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType">overrideMimeType</span>(DOMString <var>mime</var>);
+ attribute DOMString <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</span>;
+ readonly attribute any <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-response">response</span>;
+ readonly attribute DOMString <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseText">responseText</span>;
+ readonly attribute <span>Document</span> <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseXML">responseXML</span>;
+[<span title="dom-AnonXMLHttpRequest">Constructor</span>]
+interface <dfn id="anonxmlhttprequest">AnonXMLHttpRequest</dfn> : <span>XMLHttpRequest</span> {
+ <h3>Origin and base URL</h3>
+ <p>Each <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object has an associated
+ <dfn><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</dfn> and an
+ <dfn><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> base URL</dfn>.
+ <p>This specification defines their values when the global object is
+ represented by the <code data-anolis-spec=html>Window</code> object. When
+ the <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object is used in other contexts their
+ values will have to be defined as appropriate for that context. That is
+ considered to be out of scope for this specification.</p>
+ <p>In environments where the global object is represented by the
+ <code data-anolis-spec=html>Window</code> object the
+ <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object has an associated
+ <dfn><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</dfn> which is the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-document>document</span>
+ associated with the <code data-anolis-spec=html>Window</code> object for
+ which the <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> interface object was created.</p>
+ <p class="note">The
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span> is used to
+ determine the <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span> and
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> base URL</span> at a later stage.</p>
+<h3>Task sources</h3>
+<p>Each <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object has its own
+<span data-anolis-spec=html>task source</span>. Namely, the
+<dfn><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> task source</dfn>.
+ <h3 id="constructors">Constructors</h3>
+ <p>The <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object has an associated
+ <dfn>anonymous flag</dfn>. If the <span>anonymous flag</span> is set,
+ <span>user credentials</span> and the
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span> are not exposed when
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html title=fetch>fetching</span> resources. It can
+ only be set to true by using the
+ <code title="dom-AnonXMLHttpRequest">AnonXMLHttpRequest()</code>
+ constructor.</p>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> = new <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest">XMLHttpRequest</code>()</dt>
+ <dd>Returns a new <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object.</dd>
+ <dt><var title>client</var> = new <code title="dom-AnonXMLHttpRequest">AnonXMLHttpRequest</code>()</dt>
+ <dd>Returns a new <code>AnonXMLHttpRequest</code> object that has the
+ <span>anonymous flag</span> set.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest"><code>XMLHttpRequest()</code></dfn>
+ constructor must return a new <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object.
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-AnonXMLHttpRequest"><code>AnonXMLHttpRequest()</code></dfn>
+ constructor must return a new <code>AnonXMLHttpRequest</code> object with
+ its <span>anonymous flag</span> set.</p>
+<h3>Garbage collection</h3>
+<!-- Based on EventSource and WebSocket. Not sure what I am doing. -->
+<p>An <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object must not be garbage collected if
+its state is <span title=dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED>OPENED</span> and the
+<span><code>send()</code> flag</span> is set, its state is
+<span title=dom-XMLHttpRequest-HEADERS_RECEIVED>HEADERS_RECEIVED</span>, or
+its state is <span title=dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING>LOADING</span>, and
+one of the following is true:
+ <li><p>It has one or more
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-event-listener>event listeners</span>
+ registered whose <b>type</b> is
+ <code title=event-xhr-readystatechange>readystatechange</code>,
+ <code title=event-xhr-progress>progress</code>,
+ <code title=event-xhr-abort>abort</code>,
+ <code title=event-xhr-error>error</code>,
+ <code title=event-xhr-load>load</code>,
+ <code title=event-xhr-timeout>timeout</code>, or
+ <code title=event-xhr-loadend>loadend</code>.
+ <li><p>The <span>upload complete flag</span> is false and the associated
+ <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code> object has one or more
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-event-listener>event listeners</span>
+ registered whose <b>type</b> is
+ <code title=event-xhr-progress>progress</code>,
+ <code title=event-xhr-abort>abort</code>,
+ <code title=event-xhr-error>error</code>,
+ <code title=event-xhr-load>load</code>,
+ <code title=event-xhr-timeout>timeout</code>, or
+ <code title=event-xhr-loadend>loadend</code>.
+<p>If an <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object is garbage collected while its
+connection is still open, the user agent must cancel any instance of the
+<span data-anolis-spec=html>fetch</span> algorithm opened by this object,
+discarding any <span data-anolis-spec=html title=concept-task>tasks</span>
+<span data-anolis-spec=html title="queue a task">queued</span> for them, and
+discarding any further data received from the network for them.
+ <h3 id="event-handlers">Event handlers</h3>
+ <p>The following are the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>event handlers</span> (and their corresponding
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html title="event handler event type">event handler event types</span>)
+ that must be supported on objects implementing an interface that inherits
+ from <code>XMLHttpRequestEventTarget</code> as attributes:</p>
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th><span data-anolis-spec=html title="event handlers">event handler</span>
+ <th><span data-anolis-spec=html>event handler event type</span>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="handler-xhr-onloadstart"><code>onloadstart</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-loadstart">loadstart</code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="handler-xhr-onprogress"><code>onprogress</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-progress">progress</code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="handler-xhr-onabort"><code>onabort</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-abort">abort</code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="handler-xhr-onerror"><code>onerror</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-error">error</code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="handler-xhr-onload"><code>onload</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-load">load</code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="handler-xhr-ontimeout"><code>ontimeout</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-timeout">timeout</code>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="handler-xhr-onloadend"><code>onloadend</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-loadend">loadend</code>
+ </table>
+ <p>The following is the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html title="event handlers">event handler</span>
+ (and its corresponding
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>event handler event type</span>) that must be
+ supported as attribute solely by the
+ <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object:</p>
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th><span data-anolis-spec=html title="event handlers">event handler</span>
+ <th><span data-anolis-spec=html>event handler event type</span>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="handler-xhr-onreadystatechange"><code>onreadystatechange</code></dfn>
+ <td><code title="event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</code></td>
+ </table>
+ <h3 id="states">States</h3>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-readyState">readyState</code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the current state.</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object can be in several states. The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-readyState"><code>readyState</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the current state, which must be one of the
+ following values:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT"><code>UNSENT</code></dfn>
+ (numeric value 0)</dt>
+ <dd><p>The object has been constructed.</p></dd>
+ <dt><dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED"><code>OPENED</code></dfn>
+ (numeric value 1)</dt>
+ <dd><p>The <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open">open()</code> method has been successfully invoked.
+ During this state request headers can be set using
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-setRequestHeader">setRequestHeader()</code>
+ and the request can be made using the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send()</code> method.</p></dd>
+ <dt><dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-HEADERS_RECEIVED"><code>HEADERS_RECEIVED</code></dfn>
+ (numeric value 2)</dt>
+ <dd><p>All redirects (if any) have been followed and all HTTP headers of
+ the final response have been received. Several response members of the
+ object are now available.</p></dd>
+ <dt><dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING"><code>LOADING</code></dfn>
+ (numeric value 3)</dt>
+ <dd><p>The <span>response entity body</span> is being received.</p></dd>
+ <dt><dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE"><code>DONE</code></dfn>
+ (numeric value 4)</dt>
+ <dd><p>The data transfer has been completed or something went wrong
+ during the transfer (e.g. infinite redirects).</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span> state has an associated
+ <dfn id="send-flag"><code>send()</code> flag</dfn> that indicates whether
+ the <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send()</code> method has been
+ invoked. It can be either true or false and has an initial value of
+ false.</p>
+ <p>The <dfn id="error-flag">error flag</dfn> indicates some type of
+ network error or abortion. It is used during the
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span> state. It can be either
+ true or false and has an initial value of false.</p>
+ <h3 id="request">Request</h3>
+ <p>The <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object holds the following request
+ metadata variables:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>The <dfn>synchronous flag</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>Set when <span data-anolis-spec=html title=fetch>fetching</span> is
+ done synchronously. Initially unset.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn>request method</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>The HTTP method used in the request.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn>request URL</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>The resolved <span data-anolis-spec=html>URL</span> used in the
+ request.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn>request username</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>The username used in the request or null if there is no
+ username.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn>request password</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>The password used in the request or null if there is no
+ password.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="author-request-headers">author request headers</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>A list consisting of HTTP header name/value pairs to be used in the
+ request.</p>
+ <dt>The <dfn>request entity body</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>The <span data-anolis-spec=http>entity body</span> used in the
+ request or null if there is no
+ <span data-anolis-spec=http>entity body</span>.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="upload-complete-flag">upload complete flag</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>Used to determine when to stop sending upload progress events. The
+ flag is either true or false.</dd>
+ <dt>The <dfn id="upload-events-flag">upload events flag</dfn></dt>
+ <dd>Used to determine whether to send upload progress events for
+ cross-origin requests. The flag is either true or false.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object also has an associated
+ <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code> object.</p>
+ <h4>The <code title>open()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open">open(<var title>method</var>,
+ <var title>url</var>, <var title>async</var>, <var title>user</var>,
+ <var title>password</var>)</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Sets the <span>request method</span>, <span>request URL</span>,
+ <span>synchronous flag</span>, <span>request username</span>, and
+ <span>request password</span>.</p>
+ <p>Throws a "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" exception if
+ one of the following is true:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><var title>method</var> is not a valid HTTP method.</li>
+ <li><var title>url</var> cannot be resolved.</li>
+ <li><var title>url</var> contains the <code>"user:password"</code>
+ format in the <code data-anolis-spec=uri>userinfo</code> production.
+ </ul>
+ <p>Throws a "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SecurityError</code>" exception
+ if <var title>method</var> is a case-insensitive match for
+ <code>CONNECT</code>, <code>TRACE</code> or <code>TRACK</code>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidAccessError</code>"
+ exception if one of the following is true:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Either <var title>user</var> or <var title>password</var> is passed
+ as argument and the <span data-anolis-spec=html>origin</span> of
+ <var title>url</var> does not match the
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span>.
+ <li>There is an associated
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span> and either the
+ <code title=dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout>timeout</code> attribute is not
+ zero, the
+ <code title=dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials>withCredentials</code>
+ attribute is true, or the
+ <code title=dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType>responseType</code>
+ attribute is not the empty string.
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-open" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open"><code>open(<var title>method</var>, <var title>url</var>, <var title>async</var>, <var title>user</var>, <var title>password</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps (unless otherwise indicated):</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <p>If there is an associated
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span> run
+ these substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span> is not
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>fully active</span>,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and
+ terminate the overall set of steps.
+ <li><p>Let <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> base URL</span> be the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>document base URL</span> of the
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Let <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span> be the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>origin</span> of the
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span>
+ and let it be a globally unique identifier if the
+ <span>anonymous flag</span> is set.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><p>If any code point in <var>method</var> is higher than
+ <span title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</span>
+ <var>method</var> it does not match the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=http>Method</span> token production,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> a
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" exception and terminate
+ these steps. Otherwise let <var>method</var> be the result of
+ <span title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</span>
+ <var>method</var>.</p></li> <!-- This sounds lame, but it works. -->
+ <li>
+ <p>If <var>method</var> is a case-insensitive match for
+ <code>CONNECT</code>, <code>DELETE</code>, <code>GET</code>,
+ <code>HEAD</code>, <code>OPTIONS</code>, <code>POST</code>,
+ <code>PUT</code>, <code>TRACE</code>, or <code>TRACK</code>
+ subtract 0x20 from each byte in the range 0x61 (ASCII a) to
+ 0x7A (ASCII z).</p>
+ <p class="note">If it does not match any of the above, it is passed
+ through <em>literally</em>, including in the final request.</p>
+ </li>
+ <!-- WebKit (and supposedly Gecko) also uppercase: COPY, INDEX, LOCK,
+ <li>
+ <p>If <var>method</var> is a case-sensitive match for
+ <code>CONNECT</code>, <code>TRACE</code>, or <code>TRACK</code>,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> a
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SecurityError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <p class="note">Allowing these methods poses a security risk.
+ <span data-anolis-ref>HTTPVERBSEC</span>
+ </li>
+ <li><p>Let <var title>url</var> be a
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>URL</span> with character encoding UTF-8.
+ <li><p><span title="Resolve a URL">Resolve</span> <var title>url</var>
+ relative to the <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> base URL</span>.
+ If the algorithm returns an error,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> a
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" exception and terminate
+ these steps.
+ <!-- Presto and Gecko override the encoding. WebKit does not. Trident
+ does not support non-ASCII URLs. This matters for the <query> component,
+ see HTML. -->
+ <li><p>Drop
+ <code data-anolis-spec=html title=url-fragment><fragment></code> from
+ <var title>url</var>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <code>"user:password"</code> format in the
+ <code data-anolis-spec=uri>userinfo</code> production is not supported
+ for the relevant
+ <code data-anolis-spec=html title=url-scheme><scheme></code> and
+ <var title>url</var> contains this format,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> a
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" and terminate these
+ steps.
+ <!-- XXX need to throw here for "user:password" or just "user" for
+ cross-origin unless we solve this in another way -->
+ <li><p>If <var title>url</var> contains the <code>"user:password"</code>
+ format let <var>temp user</var> be the user part and
+ <var>temp password</var> be the password part.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If <var title>url</var> just contains the <code>"user"</code>
+ format let <var>temp user</var> be the user part.</p></li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Let <var>async</var> be the value of the <var>async</var> argument or
+ true if it was omitted.
+ <p>If <var>async</var> is false, there is an associated
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span> and either the
+ <code title=dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout>timeout</code> attribute value is
+ not zero, the
+ <code title=dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials>withCredentials</code>
+ attribute value is true, or the
+ <code title=dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType>responseType</code>
+ attribute value is not the empty string,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidAccessError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <var title>user</var> argument was not omitted follow these
+ sub steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If <var title>user</var> is not null and the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>origin</span> of <var title>url</var> is not
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>same origin</span> with the
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span>,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidAccessError</code>" exception and
+ terminate the overall set of steps.
+ <li><p>Let <var>temp user</var> be <var>user</var>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">These steps override anything that may have been set by
+ the <var title>url</var> argument.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <var title>password</var> argument was not omitted follow
+ these sub steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If <var title>password</var> is not null and the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>origin</span> of <var title>url</var> is not
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>same origin</span> with the
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span>,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidAccessError</code>" exception and
+ terminate the overall set of steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Let <var>temp password</var> be <var>password</var>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">These steps override anything that may have been set by
+ the <var title>url</var> argument.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li><p><span title="terminate abort()">Terminate the <code>abort()</code> algorithm</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span title="terminate send()">Terminate the <code>send()</code> algorithm</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>The user agent should cancel any network
+ activity for which the object is responsible.</p></li>
+ <!-- we can hardly require it... -->
+ <li><p>If there are any
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html title=concept-task>tasks</span> from the
+ object's <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> task source</span> in one of
+ the <span data-anolis-spec=html title="task queue">task queues</span>,
+ then remove them.
+ <li>
+ <p>Set variables associated with the object as follows:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><p>Set the <span>request method</span> to <var>method</var>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Set the <span>request URL</span> to <var title>url</var>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If <var>async</var> is false, set the
+ <span>synchronous flag</span>.
+ <li><p>Set the <span>request username</span> to <var>temp user</var>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Set the <span>request password</span> to <var>temp password</var>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Empty the list of <span>author request headers</span>.</p>
+ <li><p>Set the <span><code>send()</code> flag</span> to false.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Set <span>response entity body</span> to null.</p></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li><p>Change the state to
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-event-fire>Fire an event</span> named <code title=event-xhr-readystatechange>readystatechange</code>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4>The <code title>setRequestHeader()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-setRequestHeader">setRequestHeader(<var title>header</var>, <var title>value</var>)</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Appends an header to the list of
+ <span>author request headers</span>, or if <var>header</var> is already
+ in the list of <span>author request headers</span>, combines its value
+ with <var>value</var>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>"
+ exception if the state is not
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span> or if the
+ <span><code>send()</code> flag</span> is true.</p>
+ <p>Throws a "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" exception if
+ <var title>header</var> is not a valid HTTP header field name or if
+ <var title>value</var> is not a valid HTTP header field value.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p class="note">As indicated in the algorithm below certain headers cannot
+ be set and are left up to the user agent. In addition there are certain
+ other headers the user agent will take control of if they are not set by
+ the author as indicated at the end of the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send()</code> method section.</p>
+ <p class="note">For non <span data-anolis-spec=html>same origin</span> requests using the HTTP
+ <code>GET</code> method a preflight request is made when headers other
+ than <code>Accept</code> and <code>Accept-Language</code> are set.</p>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-setrequestheader" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-setRequestHeader"><code>setRequestHeader(<var title>header</var>, <var title>value</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is not
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span>,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the <span><code>send()</code> flag</span> is true,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If any code point in <var>header</var> is higher than
+ <span title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</span>
+ <var>header</var> it does not match the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=http>field-name</span> production,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> a
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" exception and terminate
+ these steps. Otherwise let <var>header</var> be the result of
+ <span title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</span>
+ <var>header</var>.</p></li> <!-- This sounds lame, but it works. -->
+ <li>
+ <p>If any code point in <var>value</var> is higher than
+ <span title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</span>
+ <var>value</var> it does not match the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=http>field-value</span> production,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> a
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" exception and terminate
+ these steps. Otherwise let <var>value</var> be the result of
+ <span title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</span>
+ <var>value</var>.</p> <!-- This sounds lame, but it works. -->
+ <p class="note">The empty string is legal and represents the empty
+ header value.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Terminate these steps if <var>header</var> is a case-insensitive
+ match for one of the following headers:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>Accept-Charset</code></li>
+ <li><code>Accept-Encoding</code></li>
+ <li><code>Access-Control-Request-Headers</code></li>
+ <li><code>Access-Control-Request-Method</code></li>
+ <li><code>Connection</code></li>
+ <li><code>Content-Length</code></li>
+ <li><code>Cookie</code></li>
+ <li><code>Cookie2</code></li>
+ <li><code>Content-Transfer-Encoding</code></li>
+ <li><code>Date</code></li>
+ <li><code>Expect</code></li>
+ <li><code>Host</code></li>
+ <li><code>Keep-Alive</code></li>
+ <li><code title>Origin</code></li>
+ <li><code>Referer</code></li>
+ <li><code>TE</code></li>
+ <li><code>Trailer</code></li>
+ <li><code>Transfer-Encoding</code></li>
+ <li><code>Upgrade</code></li>
+ <li><code>User-Agent</code></li>
+ <li><code>Via</code></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>… or if the start of <var>header</var> is a case-insensitive
+ match for <code>Proxy-</code> or <code>Sec-</code> (including when
+ <var>header</var> is just <code>Proxy-</code> or <code>Sec-</code>).</p>
+ <p class="note">The above headers are controlled by the user agent to
+ let it control those aspects of transport. This guarantees data
+ integrity to some extent. Header names starting with <code>Sec-</code>
+ are not allowed to be set to allow new headers to be minted that are
+ guaranteed not to come from <code>XMLHttpRequest</code>.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li><p>If <var>header</var> is not in the
+ <span>author request headers</span> list append <var>header</var> with
+ its associated <var>value</var> to the list and terminate these
+ steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If <var>header</var> is in the <span>author request headers</span>
+ list either use multiple headers, combine the values or use a combination
+ of those (section 4.2, RFC 2616).
+ <span data-anolis-ref>HTTP</span>
+ <!-- XXX it seems UAs always combine the values -->
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">See also the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send()</code> method regarding user
+ agent header handling for caching, authentication, proxies, and
+ cookies.</p>
+ <div class="example">
+ <p>Some simple code demonstrating what happens when setting the same
+ header twice:</p>
+ <pre><code>// The following script:
+var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+client.open('GET', 'demo.cgi');
+client.setRequestHeader('X-Test', 'one');
+client.setRequestHeader('X-Test', 'two');
+// …results in the following header being sent:
+X-Test: one, two</code></pre>
+ </div>
+ <h4>The <code title>timeout</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout">timeout</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>The amount of milliseconds a request can take before being
+ terminated. Initially zero. Zero means there is no timeout.</p>
+ <p>When set: throws an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidAccessError</code>" exception if
+ the <span>synchronous flag</span> is set when there is an
+ associated <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span>.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="dom-xmlhttprequest-timeout" title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout"><code>timeout</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return its value. Initially its value must be zero.</p>
+ <p>Setting the <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout">timeout</code>
+ attribute must run these steps:
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If there is an associated
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span> and the
+ <span>synchronous flag</span> is set,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidAccessError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>Set its value to the new value.
+ </ol>
+ <h4>The <code title>withCredentials</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials">withCredentials</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>True when <span>user credentials</span> are to be included in a
+ cross-origin request. False when they are to be excluded in a
+ cross-origin request and when cookies are to be ignored in its response.
+ Initially false.
+ <p>When set: throws an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception if the
+ state is not <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span>, or if
+ the <span><code>send()</code> flag</span> is true.</p>
+ <p>When set: throws an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidAccessError</code>" exception if
+ either the <span>synchronous flag</span> is set when there is an
+ associated <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span> or if the
+ <span>anonymous flag</span> is set.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials"><code>withCredentials</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return its value. Initially its value must be false.
+ <p>Setting the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials">withCredentials</code>
+ attribute must run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is not
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span>,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the <span><code>send()</code> flag</span> is true,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the <span>anonymous flag</span> is set,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidAccessError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If there is an associated
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span> and the
+ <span>synchronous flag</span> is set,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidAccessError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>Set the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials">withCredentials</code>
+ attribute's value to the given value.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials">withCredentials</code>
+ attribute has no effect when
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html title=fetch>fetching</span>
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html title="same origin">same-origin</span>
+ resources.</p>
+ <h4>The <code title>upload</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-upload">upload</code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the associated <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code>
+ object.</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-upload"><code>upload</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the associated
+ <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code> object.</p>
+ <h4>The <code title>send()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send(<var title>data</var>)</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Initiates the request. The optional argument provides the
+ <span>request entity body</span>. The argument is ignored if
+ <span>request method</span> is <code>GET</code> or
+ <code>HEAD</code>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>"
+ exception if the state is not
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span> or if the
+ <span><code>send()</code> flag</span> is true.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send"><code>send(<var>data</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps (unless otherwise noted). This algorithm can
+ be <dfn title="terminate send()">terminated</dfn> by invoking the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open">open()</code> or
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort">abort()</code> method. When it is
+ <span title="terminate send()">terminated</span> the user agent
+ must terminate the algorithm after finishing the step it is on.</p>
+ <p class="note">The <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send()</code>
+ algorithm can only be terminated if the <span>synchronous flag</span> is
+ unset and only after the method call has returned.</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is not
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span>,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the <span><code>send()</code> flag</span> is true,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <span>request method</span> is a case-sensitive match for
+ <code>GET</code> or <code>HEAD</code> act as if <var title>data</var>
+ is null.</p>
+ <p>If the <var>data</var> argument has been omitted or is
+ null, do not include a <span>request entity body</span>
+ and go to the next step.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, let <var>encoding</var> be null, <var>mime type</var> be
+ null, and then follow these rules:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If <var>data</var> is a <code data-anolis-spec=typedarray>ArrayBuffer</code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Let the <span>request entity body</span> be the raw data
+ represented by <var>data</var>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>If <var>data</var> is a <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi>Blob</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>If the object's
+ <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi title=dom-Blob-type>type</code>
+ attribute is not the empty string let <var>mime type</var> be its
+ value.</p>
+ <p>Let the <span>request entity body</span> be the raw data
+ represented by <var>data</var>.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If <var>data</var> is a <code data-anolis-spec=dom>Document</code>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Let <var>encoding</var> be the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom>preferred MIME name</span> of the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-document-character-encoding>character encoding</span>
+ of <var>data</var>. If <var>encoding</var> is UTF-16 change it to
+ UTF-8.</p>
+ <p>Let <var>mime type</var> be "<code>application/xml</code>" or
+ "<code>text/html</code>" if
+ <code data-anolis-spec=dom>Document</code> is an
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom>HTML document</span>, followed by
+ "<code>;charset=</code>", followed by <var>encoding</var>.</p>
+ <p>Let the <span>request entity body</span> be the result of getting
+ the <code>innerHTML</code>
+ attribute on <var>data</var>
+ <span data-anolis-spec=webidl title="convert a DOMString to a sequence of Unicode characters">converted to Unicode</span>
+ and encoded as <var>encoding</var>. Re-throw any exception this
+ throws.</p> <!-- XXX replace innerHTML somehow -->
+ <p class="note">In particular, if the document cannot be serialized an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception is
+ thrown.</p>
+ <p class="note">Subsequent changes to the
+ <code data-anolis-spec=dom>Document</code> have no effect on what
+ is transferred.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If <var>data</var> is a <code>DOMString</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Let <var>encoding</var> be UTF-8.</p>
+ <p>Let <var>mime type</var> be "<code>text/plain;charset=UTF-8</code>".</p>
+ <p>Let the <span>request entity body</span> be <var>data</var>
+ <span data-anolis-spec=webidl title="convert a DOMString to a sequence of Unicode characters">converted to Unicode</span>
+ and encoded as UTF-8.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If <var>data</var> is a <code>FormData</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Let the <span>request entity body</span> be the result of running
+ the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html><code>multipart/form-data</code> encoding algorithm</span>
+ with <var>data</var> as <var>form data set</var> and with UTF-8 as the
+ explicit character encoding.</p>
+ <p>Let <var>mime type</var> be the concatenation of
+ "<code title>multipart/form-data;</code>",
+ a U+0020 SPACE character,
+ "<code title>boundary=</code>", and the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html><code>multipart/form-data</code> boundary string</span>
+ generated by the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html><code>multipart/form-data</code> encoding algorithm</span>.
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>If a <code>Content-Type</code> header is in
+ <span>author request headers</span> and its value is a
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>valid MIME type</span> that has a
+ <code>charset</code> parameter whose value is not a case-insensitive
+ match for <var title>encoding</var>, and <var title>encoding</var>
+ is not null, set all the <code>charset</code> parameters of that
+ <code>Content-Type</code> header to <var title>encoding</var>.
+ <p>If no <code>Content-Type</code> header is in
+ <span>author request headers</span> and <var title>mime type</var> is
+ not null, append a <code>Content-Type</code> header with value
+ <var title>mime type</var> to <span>author request headers</span>.
+ <!-- reminder: if we ever change this to always include charset it has
+ to be included as the first parameter for compatibility reasons -->
+ </li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>synchronous flag</span> is set release the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>storage mutex</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>synchronous flag</span> is unset and one or more
+ event listeners are registered on the <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code>
+ object set the <span>upload events flag</span> to true. Otherwise, set
+ the <span>upload events flag</span> to false.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Set the <span>error flag</span> to false.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Set the <span>upload complete flag</span> to true if there is no
+ <span>request entity body</span> or if the
+ <span>request entity body</span> is empty. Otherwise, set the
+ <span>upload complete flag</span> to false.</p></li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <span>synchronous flag</span> is unset, run these substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Set the <span><code>send()</code> flag</span> to true.</p></li>
+ <li>
+ <p><span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-event-fire>Fire an event</span> named <code title=event-xhr-readystatechange>readystatechange</code>.
+ <p class="note">The state does not change. The event is dispatched for
+ historical reasons.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-loadstart">loadstart</code>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>upload complete flag</span> is false
+ <span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-loadstart">loadstart</code>
+ on the <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code> object.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Return the <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send()</code>
+ method call, but continue running the steps in this algorithm.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span> and the
+ <span>request URL</span> are <span data-anolis-spec=html>same origin</span></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>These are the <dfn>same-origin request steps</dfn>.</p>
+ <p><span data-anolis-spec=html>Fetch</span> the
+ <span>request URL</span> from <i title>origin</i>
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span>, with the
+ <i title>synchronous flag</i> set if the
+ <span>synchronous flag</span> is set, using HTTP method
+ <span>request method</span>, user <span>request username</span> (if
+ non-null) and password <span>request password</span> (if non-null),
+ taking into account the <span>request entity body</span>, list of
+ <span>author request headers</span> and the rules listed at the end of
+ this section.</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the <span>synchronous flag</span> is set</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>While making the request also follow the
+ <span>same-origin request event rules</span>.</p>
+ <!--
+ This cannot involve any task queue whatsoever because that would
+ mean other tasks on the task queue might get processed as well
+ which is counter to the whole idea of doing things synchronous.
+ -->
+ <p class="note">The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send()</code> method call will
+ now be returned by virtue of this algorithm ending.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If the <span>synchronous flag</span> is unset</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p><span>Make upload progress notifications</span>.</p>
+ <p><span>Make progress notifications</span>.</p>
+ <p>While processing the request, as data becomes available and when
+ the user interferes with the request,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html title="queue a task">queue tasks</span>
+ to update the <span>response entity body</span> and follow the
+ <span>same-origin request event rules</span>.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Otherwise</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>These are the <dfn>cross-origin request steps</dfn>.</p>
+ <p>Make a <span data-anolis-spec=cors>cross-origin request</span>,
+ passing these as parameters:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>request URL</dt>
+ <dd>The <span>request URL</span>.</dd>
+ <dt>request method</dt>
+ <dd>The <span>request method</span>.</dd>
+ <dt>author request headers</dt>
+ <dd>The list of <span>author request headers</span>.</dd>
+ <dt>request entity body</dt>
+ <dd>The <span>request entity body</span>.</dd>
+ <dt>source origin</dt>
+ <dd>The <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span>.</dd>
+ <dt>credentials flag</dt>
+ <dd>The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials">withCredentials</code>
+ attribute's value.</dd>
+ <dt>force preflight flag</dt>
+ <dd>The <span>upload events flag</span>.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p class="note"><span>Request username</span> and
+ <span>request password</span> are always ignored as part of a
+ <span data-anolis-spec=cors>cross-origin request</span>; including
+ them would allow a site to perform a distributed password search.
+ However, user agents will include <span>user credentials</span> in the
+ request (if the user has any and if
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-withCredentials">withCredentials</code>
+ is true).</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the <span>synchronous flag</span> is set</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>While making the request also follow the
+ <span>cross-origin request event rules</span>.</p>
+ <!--
+ This cannot involve any task queue whatsoever because that would
+ mean other tasks on the task queue might get processed as well
+ which is counter to the whole idea of doing things synchronous.
+ -->
+ <p class="note">The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send()</code> method call will
+ now be returned by virtue of this algorithm ending.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If the <span>synchronous flag</span> is unset</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>While processing the request, as data becomes available and when
+ the end user interferes with the request,
+ <span title="queue a task">queue tasks</span> to update the
+ <span>response entity body</span> and follow the
+ <span>cross-origin request event rules</span>.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <hr>
+ <p>If the user agent allows the end user to configure a proxy it
+ should modify the request appropriately; i.e., connect
+ to the proxy host instead of the origin server, modify the
+ <code>Request-Line</code> and send <code>Proxy-Authorization</code>
+ headers as specified.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>If the user agent supports HTTP Authentication and
+ <code title="http-authorization">Authorization</code> is not in the list
+ of <span>author request headers</span>, it should
+ consider requests originating from the <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object
+ to be part of the protection space that includes the accessed URIs and
+ send <code title="http-authorization">Authorization</code> headers and
+ handle <code>401 Unauthorized</code> requests appropriately.</p>
+ <p>If authentication fails,
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span> and the
+ <span>request URL</span> are <span data-anolis-spec=html>same origin</span>,
+ <code title="http-authorization">Authorization</code> is not in the list
+ of <span>author request headers</span>, <span>request username</span> is
+ null, and <span>request password</span> is null, user agents
+ should prompt the end user for their username and
+ password.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, if authentication fails, user agents
+ must not prompt the end user for their username and
+ password. <span data-anolis-ref>HTTPAUTH</span>
+ <p class="note">End users are not prompted for various cases so that
+ authors can implement their own user interface.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>If the user agent supports HTTP State Management it
+ should persist, discard and send cookies (as received
+ in the <code>Set-Cookie</code> response header, and sent in the
+ <code>Cookie</code> header) as applicable.
+ <span data-anolis-ref>COOKIES</span>
+ <hr>
+ <p>If the user agent implements a HTTP cache it should
+ respect <code>Cache-Control</code> headers in
+ <span>author request headers</span>
+ (e.g. <code>Cache-Control: no-cache</code> bypasses the cache). It
+ must not send <code>Cache-Control</code> or
+ <code>Pragma</code> request headers automatically unless the end user
+ explicitly requests such behavior (e.g. by reloading the page).</p>
+ <p>For <code>304 Not Modified</code> responses that are a result of a
+ user agent generated conditional request the user agent
+ must act as if the server gave a <code>200 OK</code>
+ response with the appropriate content. The user agent
+ must allow <span>author request headers</span> to override automatic cache
+ validation (e.g. <code>If-None-Match</code> or
+ <code>If-Modified-Since</code>), in which case
+ <code>304 Not Modified</code> responses must be passed through.
+ <span data-anolis-ref>HTTP</span>
+ <hr>
+ <p>If the user agent implements server-driven content-negotiation
+ it must follow these constraints for the
+ <code>Accept</code> and <code>Accept-Language</code> request headers:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><p>Both headers must not be modified if they are in
+ <span>author request headers</span>.
+ <li><p>If not in <span>author request headers</span>,
+ <code>Accept-Language</code> with an appropriate value should be appended
+ to it.
+ <li><p>If not in <span>author request headers</span>, <code>Accept</code>
+ with value <code>*/*</code> must be appended to it.
+ </ul>
+ <p>Responses must have the content-encodings
+ automatically decoded. <span data-anolis-ref>HTTP</span>
+ <hr>
+ <p>Besides the <span>author request headers</span>, user agents
+ should not include additional request headers other than those mentioned
+ above or other than those authors are not allowed to set using
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-setRequestHeader">setRequestHeader()</code>.
+ This ensures that authors have a predictable API.</p>
+ <h4>Infrastructure for the <code title>send()</code> method</h4>
+ <p>The <dfn>same-origin request event rules</dfn> are as follows:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the response has an HTTP status code of 301, 302, 303, or 307</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>If the redirect violates infinite loop precautions this is a
+ <span>network error</span>.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Set the <span>request URL</span> to the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>URL</span> conveyed by the
+ <code>Location</code> header.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span> and the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>origin</span> of <span>request URL</span>
+ are <span data-anolis-spec=html>same origin</span> transparently follow
+ the redirect while observing the
+ <span>same-origin request event rules</span>.
+ <li><p>Otherwise, follow the <span>cross-origin request steps</span>
+ and terminate the steps for this algorithm.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">HTTP places requirements on the user agent regarding the
+ preservation of the <span>request method</span> and
+ <span>request entity body</span> during redirects, and also requires end
+ users to be notified of certain kinds of automatic redirections.</p>
+ <!-- XXX HTTP needs fixing here -->
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If the end user cancels the request</dt>
+ <dd><p>This is an <span>abort error</span>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>If there is a network error</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>In case of DNS errors, TLS negotiation failure, or other type of
+ network errors, this is a <span>network error</span>. Do not request any
+ kind of end user interaction.</p>
+ <p class="note">This does not include HTTP responses that indicate
+ some type of error, such as HTTP status code 410.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>If <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout">timeout</code> is not 0
+ and since the request started the amount of milliseconds specified by
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout">timeout</code> has passed</dt>
+ <dd><p>This is a <span>timeout error</span>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>Once all HTTP headers have been received, the
+ <span>synchronous flag</span> is unset, and the HTTP status code of the
+ response is not 301, 302, 303, or 307</dt>
+ <dd><p><span>Switch to the HEADERS_RECEIVED state</span>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>Once the first byte (or more) of the
+ <span>response entity body</span> has been received and the
+ <span>synchronous flag</span> is unset</dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <span>response entity body</span> and the
+ <span>synchronous flag</span> is unset</dt>
+ <dd><p><span>Switch to the LOADING state</span>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>Once the whole <span>response entity body</span> has been
+ received</dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <span>response entity body</span> and the state is
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</span></dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <span>response entity body</span> and the
+ <span>synchronous flag</span> is set</dt>
+ <dd><p><span>Switch to the DONE state</span>.</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <hr>
+ <p>The <dfn>cross-origin request event rules</dfn> are as follows:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the <span data-anolis-spec=cors>cross-origin request status</span>
+ is <i>preflight complete</i> and the <span>synchronous flag</span> is
+ unset</dt>
+ <dd><p><span>Make upload progress notifications</span>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>If the <span data-anolis-spec=cors>cross-origin request status</span>
+ is <i title>network error</i></dt>
+ <dd><p>This is a <span>network error</span>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>If the <span data-anolis-spec=cors>cross-origin request status</span>
+ is <i title>abort error</i></dt>
+ <dd><p>This is an <span>abort error</span>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>If <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout">timeout</code> is not 0
+ and since the request started the amount of milliseconds specified by
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-timeout">timeout</code> has passed</dt>
+ <dd><p>This is a <span>timeout error</span>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>Once all HTTP headers have been received, the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=cors>cross-origin request status</span> is
+ <i>success</i>, and the <span>synchronous flag</span> is unset</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p><span>Switch to the HEADERS_RECEIVED state</span>.</p>
+ <p><span>Make progress notifications</span>.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Once the first byte (or more) of the
+ <span>response entity body</span> has been received, the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=cors>cross-origin request status</span> is
+ <i>success</i>, and the <span>synchronous flag</span> is unset</dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <span>response entity body</span>, the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=cors>cross-origin request status</span> is
+ <i>success</i>, and the <span>synchronous flag</span> is unset</dt>
+ <dd><p><span>Switch to the LOADING state</span>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>Once the whole <span>response entity body</span> has been received
+ and the <span data-anolis-spec=cors>cross-origin request status</span> is
+ <i>success</i></dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <span>response entity body</span>, the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=cors>cross-origin request status</span> is
+ <i>success</i>, and the state is
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</span></dt>
+ <dt>If there is no <span>response entity body</span>, the
+ <span data-anolis-spec=cors>cross-origin request status</span> is
+ <i>success</i>, and the <span>synchronous flag</span> is set</dt>
+ <dd><p><span>Switch to the DONE state</span>.</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <hr>
+ <p>When something is said to be a <dfn>network error</dfn> run the
+ <span>request error</span> steps for exception
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>NetworkError</code>" and
+ event <code title="event-xhr-error">error</code>.</p>
+ <p>When something is said to be an <dfn>abort error</dfn> run the
+ <span>request error</span> steps for exception
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>AbortError</code>" and event
+ <code title="event-xhr-abort">abort</code>.</p>
+ <p>When something is said to be an <dfn>timeout error</dfn> run the
+ <span>request error</span> steps for exception
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>TimeoutError</code>" and event
+ <code title="event-xhr-timeout">timeout</code>.</p>
+ <p>When something is said to be a <dfn>request error</dfn> for
+ exception <var>exception</var> and event <var title>event</var> run these
+ steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>The user agent should cancel any network
+ activity for which the object is responsible.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If there are any
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html title=concept-task>tasks</span> from the
+ object's <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> task source</span> in one of
+ the <span data-anolis-spec=html title="task queue">task queues</span>,
+ then remove them.
+ <li><p>Set the the <span>error flag</span> to true.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Change the state to <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>synchronous flag</span> is set,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ <var>exception</var> exception and terminate the overall set of
+ steps.</p></li>
+ <li>
+ <p><span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-event-fire>Fire an event</span> named <code title=event-xhr-readystatechange>readystatechange</code>.</p>
+ <p class="note">At this point it is clear that the
+ <span>synchronous flag</span> is unset.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <span>upload complete flag</span> is false, follow these
+ substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Set the <span>upload complete flag</span> to true.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named <var title>event</var>
+ on the <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code> object.
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named
+ <code title="event-xhr-loadend">loadend</code> on the <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code>
+ object.
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named <var title>event</var>.
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-loadend">loadend</code>.
+ </ol>
+ <hr>
+ <p>When it is said to
+ <dfn id="switch-headers-received">switch to the HEADERS_RECEIVED state</dfn>
+ run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Change the state to <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-HEADERS_RECEIVED">HEADERS_RECEIVED</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-event-fire>Fire an event</span> named <code title=event-xhr-readystatechange>readystatechange</code>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>When it is said to
+ <dfn id="switch-loading">switch to the LOADING state</dfn> run these
+ steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Change the state to <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-event-fire>Fire an event</span> named <code title=event-xhr-readystatechange>readystatechange</code>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>When it is said to
+ <dfn id="switch-done">switch to the DONE state</dfn> run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the <span>synchronous flag</span> is set, update the
+ <span>response entity body</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Change the state to <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-event-fire>Fire an event</span> named <code title=event-xhr-readystatechange>readystatechange</code>.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-load">load</code>.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-loadend">loadend</code>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <hr>
+ <p>When it is said to <dfn>make progress notifications</dfn>, while the
+ download is progressing, <span data-anolis-spec=html>queue a task</span> to
+ <span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-progress">progress</code>
+ about every 50ms or for every byte received, whichever is <em>least</em>
+ frequent.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>When it is said to <dfn>make upload progress notifications</dfn> run
+ these steps:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><p>While the request entity body is being uploaded and the
+ <span>upload complete flag</span> is false,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>queue a task</span> to
+ <span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-progress">progress</code> at
+ the <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code> object about every 50ms or for
+ every byte transmitted, whichever is <em>least</em> frequent.</p></li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <span>request entity body</span> has been successfully
+ uploaded and the <span>upload complete flag</span> is still false,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>queue a task</span> to run these substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Set the <span>upload complete flag</span> to true.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-load">load</code>
+ at the <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code> object.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named
+ <code title="event-xhr-loadend">loadend</code> at the <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code>
+ object.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <!-- XXX successfully uploaded? -->
+ <h4>The <code title>abort()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort">abort()</code></dt>
+ <dd>Cancels any network activity.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort"><code>abort()</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps (unless otherwise noted). This algorithm can
+ be <dfn title="terminate abort()">terminated</dfn> by invoking the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open">open()</code> method. When it is
+ <span title="terminate abort()">terminated</span> the user agent
+ must terminate the algorithm after finishing the step it is on.
+ <p class="note">The <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort">abort()</code>
+ algorithm can only be terminated by invoking
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-open">open()</code> from an event
+ handler.</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p><span title="terminate send()">Terminate the <code>send()</code> algorithm</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>The user agent should cancel any network
+ activity for which the object is responsible.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If there are any
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html title=concept-task>tasks</span> from the
+ object's <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> task source</span> in one of
+ the <span data-anolis-spec=html title="task queue">task queues</span>,
+ then remove them.
+ <li><p>Set the <span>error flag</span> to true.</p></li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the state is <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</span>,
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span> with the
+ <span><code>send()</code> flag</span> being false, or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span> go to the next step.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise run these substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Change the state to <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Set the <span><code>send()</code> flag</span> to false.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-event-fire>Fire an event</span> named <code title=event-xhr-readystatechange>readystatechange</code>.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-abort">abort</code>.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-loadend">loadend</code>.</p></li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <span>upload complete flag</span> is false run these
+ substeps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>Set the <span>upload complete flag</span> to true.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-abort">abort</code>
+ on the <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code> object.</p></li>
+ <li><p><span data-anolis-spec=progress-events title=concept-event-fire-progress>Fire a progress event</span> named <code title="event-xhr-loadend">loadend</code>
+ on the <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code> object.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Change the state to <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</span>.</p>
+ <p class="note">No <code title="event-xhr-readystatechange">readystatechange</code> event is dispatched.</p>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <h3 id="response">Response</h3>
+ <h4>The <code title>status</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-status">status</code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the HTTP status code.</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-status"><code>status</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the result of running these
+ steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span> return 0 and terminate these
+ steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>error flag</span> is true return 0 and terminate
+ these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Return the HTTP status code.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4>The <code title>statusText</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-statusText">statusText</code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the HTTP status text.</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-statusText"><code>statusText</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the result of running these
+ steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span> return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>error flag</span> is true return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Return the HTTP status text.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4>The <code title>getResponseHeader()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getResponseHeader">getResponseHeader(<var title>header</var>)</code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the header field value from the response of which the
+ field name matches <var title>header</var>, unless the field name is
+ <code>Set-Cookie</code> or <code>Set-Cookie2</code>.</p>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getResponseHeader"><code>getResponseHeader(<var title>header</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps:
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span> return null and terminate these
+ steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>error flag</span> is true return null
+ and terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If any code point in <var>header</var> is higher than
+ U+00FF LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS return null and terminate
+ these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Let <var>header</var> be the result of
+ <span title="deflate a DOMString into a byte sequence">deflating</span>
+ <var>header</var>.</p></li> <!-- This sounds lame, but it works. -->
+ <li><p>If <var>header</var> is a case-insensitive match for
+ <code>Set-Cookie</code> or <code>Set-Cookie2</code> return null and
+ terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If <var>header</var> is a case-insensitive match for multiple HTTP
+ response headers, return the
+ <span title="inflate a byte sequence into a DOMString">inflated</span>
+ values of these headers as a single concatenated string separated from
+ each other by a U+002C COMMA U+0020 SPACE character pair and terminate
+ these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If <var>header</var> is a case-insensitive match for a single HTTP
+ response header, return the
+ <span title="inflate a byte sequence into a DOMString">inflated</span>
+ value of that header and terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Return null.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing specification filters
+ the headers that are exposed by
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getResponseHeader">getResponseHeader()</code>
+ for non <span data-anolis-spec=html title="same origin">same-origin</span>
+ requests. <span data-anolis-ref>CORS</span>
+ <div class="example">
+ <p>For the following script:</p>
+ <pre><code>var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+client.open("GET", "unicorns-are-teh-awesome.txt", true);
+client.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if(this.readyState == 2) {
+ print(client.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"));
+ }
+ <p>The <code>print()</code> function will get to process something
+ like:</p>
+ <pre><code>text/plain; charset=UTF-8</code></pre>
+ </div>
+ <h4>The <code title>getAllResponseHeaders()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getAllResponseHeaders">getAllResponseHeaders()</code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns all headers from the response, with the exception of those
+ whose field name is <code>Set-Cookie</code> or
+ <code>Set-Cookie2</code>.</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getAllResponseHeaders"><code>getAllResponseHeaders()</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-UNSENT">UNSENT</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-OPENED">OPENED</span> return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>error flag</span> is true return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Return all the HTTP headers, excluding headers that are a
+ case-insensitive match for <code>Set-Cookie</code> or
+ <code>Set-Cookie2</code>,
+ <span title="inflate a byte sequence into a DOMString">inflated</span>,
+ as a single string, with each header line
+ separated by a U+000D CR U+000A LF pair, excluding the status line, and
+ with each header name and header value separated by a
+ U+003A COLON U+0020 SPACE pair.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing specification filters
+ the headers that are exposed by
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-getAllResponseHeaders">getAllResponseHeaders()</code>
+ for non <span data-anolis-spec=html title="same origin">same-origin</span>
+ requests. <span data-anolis-ref>CORS</span>
+ <div class="example">
+ <p>For the following script:</p>
+ <pre><code>var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
+client.open("GET", "narwhals-too.txt", true);
+client.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if(this.readyState == 2) {
+ print(this.getAllResponseHeaders());
+ }
+ <p>The <code>print()</code> function will get to process something
+ like:</p>
+ <pre><code>Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 04:58:38 GMT
+Server: Apache/1.3.31 (Unix)
+Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=99
+Connection: Keep-Alive
+Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8</code></pre>
+ </div>
+ <h4>Response entity body</h4>
+ <p>The <dfn id="response-mime-type">response MIME type</dfn> is the MIME
+ type the <code>Content-Type</code> header contains without any
+ parameters or null if the header could not be parsed properly or was
+ omitted. The <dfn id="override-mime-type">override MIME type</dfn> is
+ initially null and can get a value if <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType">overrideMimeType()</code> is
+ invoked. <dfn id="final-mime-type">Final MIME type</dfn> is the
+ override MIME type unless that is null in which case it is the response
+ MIME type.</p>
+ <p>The <dfn id="response-charset">response charset</dfn> is the value of
+ the <code>charset</code> parameter of the <code>Content-Type</code> header
+ or null if there was no <code>charset</code> parameter or if
+ the header could not be parsed properly or was omitted. The
+ <dfn id="override-charset">override charset</dfn> is initially null and
+ can get a value if <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType">overrideMimeType()</code> is invoked.
+ <dfn id="final-charset">Final charset</dfn> is the override charset unless
+ that is null in which case it is the response charset.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>The <dfn id="response-entity-body">response entity body</dfn> is the
+ fragment of the <span data-anolis-spec=http>entity body</span> of the
+ response received so far
+ (<span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</span>) or the complete
+ entity body of the response
+ (<span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span>). If the response
+ does not have an entity body the response entity body is null.</p>
+ <p class="note">The <span>response entity body</span> is updated as part
+ of the <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-send">send()</code> algorithm.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>The <dfn id="text-response-entity-body">text response entity body</dfn>
+ is a <code>DOMString</code> representing the <span>response entity
+ body</span>. The text response entity body is the return value of the
+ following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the response entity body is null return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</p>
+ <li><p>Let <var>charset</var> be the <span>final charset</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Let <var>mime</var> be the <span>final MIME type</span>.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If <var>charset</var> is null and <var>mime</var> is null,
+ <code>text/xml</code>, <code>application/xml</code> or ends in
+ <code title>+xml</code> use the rules set forth in the XML
+ specifications to determine the character encoding. Let
+ <var>charset</var> be the determined character encoding.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If <var>charset</var> is null and <var>mime</var> is
+ <code>text/html</code> follow the rules set forth in the HTML
+ specification to determine the character encoding. Let
+ <var>charset</var> be the determined character encoding.
+ <span data-anolis-ref>HTML</span>
+ <li>
+ <p>If <var>charset</var> is null then, for each of the rows in the
+ following table, starting with the first one and going down, if the first
+ bytes of <var>bytes</var> match the bytes given in the first column, then
+ let <var>charset</var> be the encoding given in the cell in the second
+ column of that row. If there is no match <var>charset</var> remains
+ null.</p>
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Bytes in Hexadecimal
+ <th>Description
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>FE FF
+ <td>UTF-16BE BOM
+ <tr>
+ <td>FF FE
+ <td>UTF-16LE BOM
+ <tr>
+ <td>EF BB BF
+ <td>UTF-8 BOM
+ </table>
+ </li>
+ <li><p>If <var>charset</var> is null let <var>charset</var> be
+ UTF-8.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Return the result of decoding the response entity body using
+ <var>charset</var>. Replace bytes or sequences of bytes that are not
+ valid accordng to the <var>charset</var> with a single
+ U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER character. Remove one leading
+ U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK character, if present.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">Authors are strongly encouraged to always encode their
+ resources using UTF-8.</p>
+ <hr>
+ <p>The <dfn id="document-response-entity-body">document response entity
+ body</dfn> is either a <code data-anolis-spec=dom>Document</code> representing the
+ <span>response entity body</span> or null. If it is a
+ <code data-anolis-spec=dom>Document</code> its <span data-anolis-spec=html>origin</span> is the
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> origin</span>. If the
+ <span>document response entity body</span> has no value assigned to it let
+ it be the return value of the following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the <span>response entity body</span> is null, return null and
+ terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If <span>final MIME type</span> is not null,
+ <code>text/html</code>, <code>text/xml</code>,
+ <code>application/xml</code>, or does not end in
+ <code title>+xml</code>, return null and terminate these
+ steps.</p></li>
+ <li>
+ <p>If <span>final MIME type</span> is <code>text/html</code> let
+ <var title>document</var> be <code data-anolis-spec=dom>Document</code> object that represents
+ the <span>response entity body</span> parsed following the rules set
+ forth in the HTML specification for an HTML parser with scripting
+ disabled. <span data-anolis-ref>HTML</span>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <p>Otherwise, let <var title>document</var> be a
+ <code data-anolis-spec=dom>Document</code> object that represents the result of parsing the
+ <span>response entity body</span> into a document tree following the
+ rules set forth in the XML specifications. If that fails
+ (unsupported character encoding, namespace well-formedness error et
+ cetera) return null and terminate these steps.
+ <span data-anolis-ref>XML</span> <span data-anolis-ref>XMLNS</span>
+ <p class="note">Scripts in the resulting document tree will not be executed,
+ resources referenced will not be loaded and no associated XSLT will be
+ applied.</p> <!-- XXX more formally?! -->
+ </li>
+ <li><p>Return <var title>document</var>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="blob-response-entity-body">blob response entity body</dfn> is a
+ <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi>Blob</code> representing the <span>response entity body</span>. If
+ the <span>blob response entity body</span> has no value assigned to it let
+ it be the return value of the following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the <span>response entity body</span> is null, return an empty
+ <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi>Blob</code> object and terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Return a <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi>Blob</code> object representing the
+ <span>response entity body</span>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn id="arraybuffer-response-entity-body">arraybuffer response entity body</dfn>
+ is an <code data-anolis-spec=typedarray>ArrayBuffer</code> representing
+ the <span>response entity body</span>. If the
+ <span>arraybuffer response entity body</span> has no value assigned to it
+ let it be the return value of the following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the <span>response entity body</span> is null, return an empty
+ <code data-anolis-spec=typedarray>ArrayBuffer</code> object and terminate
+ these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Return an <code data-anolis-spec=typedarray>ArrayBuffer</code>
+ object representing the <span>response entity body</span>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4>The <code title>overrideMimeType()</code> method</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType">overrideMimeType(<var title>mime</var>)</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Sets the <code>Content-Type</code> header for the response to
+ <var title>mime</var>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>"
+ exception if the state is
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span>.
+ <p>Throws a "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" exception if
+ <var title>mime</var> is not a valid media type.</p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType"><code>overrideMimeType(<var title>mime</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must run these steps:
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span>,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If parsing <var title>mime</var> analogously to the value of
+ the <code>Content-Type</code> headers fails,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> a
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" exception and terminate
+ these steps.
+ <li><p>If a MIME type is successfully parsed set
+ <span>override MIME type</span> to that MIME type, excluding any parameters.
+ <li><p>If a <code>charset</code> parameter is successfully parsed set
+ <span>override charset</span> to its value.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4>The <code title>responseType</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code> [ = <var title>value</var> ]</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Returns the response type.</p>
+ <p>Can be set to change the response type. Values are:
+ the empty string (default),
+ "<code title>arraybuffer</code>",
+ "<code title>blob</code>",
+ "<code title>document</code>", and
+ "<code title>text</code>".</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>"
+ exception if the state is
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span>.
+ <p>When set: throws an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidAccessError</code>" exception if the
+ <span>synchronous flag</span> is set when there is an associated
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span>.</p>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType"><code>responseType</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return its value. Initially its value must be the empty
+ string.
+ <p>Setting the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code>
+ attribute must run these steps:
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span>,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If there is an associated
+ <span><code>XMLHttpRequest</code> document</span> and the
+ <span>synchronous flag</span> is set,
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidAccessError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the given value is not
+ the empty string,
+ "<code title>arraybuffer</code>",
+ "<code title>blob</code>",
+ "<code title>document</code>", or
+ "<code title>text</code>"
+ terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Set the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code>
+ attribute's value to the given value.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4>The <code title>response</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-response">response</code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns the <span>response entity body</span>.</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-response"><code>response</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the result of running these
+ steps:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code>
+ is the empty string or "<code title>text</code>"</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is not
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span> return the empty
+ string and terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>error flag</span> is true return the empty string
+ and terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Return the <span>text response entity body</span>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Otherwise</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the state is not
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span> return null and
+ terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>error flag</span> is true return null and terminate
+ these steps.</p></li>
+ <li>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code> is
+ "<code title>arraybuffer</code>"</dt>
+ <dd><p>Return the
+ <span>arraybuffer response entity body</span>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>If
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code> is
+ "<code title>blob</code>"</dt>
+ <dd><p>Return the
+ <span>blob response entity body</span>.</p></dd>
+ <dt>If
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code> is
+ "<code title>document</code>"</dt>
+ <dd><p>Return the
+ <span>document response entity body</span>.</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <h4>The <code title>responseText</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseText">responseText</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Returns the <span>text response entity body</span>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>"
+ exception if
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code> is not
+ the empty string or "<code title>text</code>".
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseText"><code>responseText</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the result of running these
+ steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code> is not
+ the empty string or "<code title>text</code>",
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.
+ <li><p>If the state is not <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-LOADING">LOADING</span> or
+ <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span> return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>error flag</span> is true return the empty string and
+ terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Return the <span>text response entity body</span>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <h4>The <code title>responseXML</code> attribute</h4>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>client</var> . <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseXML">responseXML</code></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Returns the <span>document response entity body</span>.</p>
+ <p>Throws an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>"
+ exception if
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code> is not
+ the empty string or "<code title>document</code>".
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseXML"><code>responseXML</code></dfn>
+ attribute must return the result of running these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code> is not
+ the empty string or "<code title>document</code>",
+ <span data-anolis-spec=dom title=concept-throw>throw</span> an
+ "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and
+ terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the state is not <span title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-DONE">DONE</span> return
+ null and terminate these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>If the <span>error flag</span> is true return null and terminate
+ these steps.</p></li>
+ <li><p>Return the <span>document response entity body</span>.</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="note">The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseXML">responseXML</code> attribute
+ has XML in its name for historical reasons. It also returns HTML resources
+ as documents.</p>
+ <h3 id="events">Events summary</h3>
+ <p>The following events are dispatched on <code>XMLHttpRequest</code>
+ and/or <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code> objects:</p>
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Event name</th>
+ <th>Interface</th>
+ <th>Dispatched when…</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="event-xhr-readystatechange"><code>readystatechange</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code data-anolis-spec=dom>Event</code></td>
+ <td>The <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-readyState">readyState</code>
+ attribute changes at some seemingly arbitrary times for historical
+ reasons.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="event-xhr-loadstart"><code>loadstart</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code data-anolis-spec=progress-events>ProgressEvent</code></td>
+ <td>When the request starts.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="event-xhr-progress"><code>progress</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code data-anolis-spec=progress-events>ProgressEvent</code></td>
+ <td>While sending and loading data.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="event-xhr-abort"><code>abort</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code data-anolis-spec=progress-events>ProgressEvent</code></td>
+ <td>When the request has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-abort">abort()</code> method.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="event-xhr-error"><code>error</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code data-anolis-spec=progress-events>ProgressEvent</code></td>
+ <td>When the request has failed.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="event-xhr-load"><code>load</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code data-anolis-spec=progress-events>ProgressEvent</code></td>
+ <td>When the request has successfully completed.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="event-xhr-timeout"><code>timeout</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code data-anolis-spec=progress-events>ProgressEvent</code></td>
+ <td>When the author specified timeout has passed before the request
+ could complete.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><dfn title="event-xhr-loadend"><code>loadend</code></dfn></td>
+ <td><code data-anolis-spec=progress-events>ProgressEvent</code></td>
+ <td>When the request has completed (either in success or failure).</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <h2>Interface <code title>FormData</code></h2>
+ <p>The <code>FormData</code> object represents an ordered collection of
+ entries. Each entry has a name, a value, a type, and optionally a
+ filename (if type is "file").</p>
+ <pre class="idl">[<span title="dom-FormData">Constructor</span>,
+ <span title="dom-FormData-form">Constructor</span>(<span data-anolis-spec=html>HTMLFormElement</span> <var>form</var>)]
+interface <dfn>FormData</dfn> {
+ void <span title="dom-FormData-append">append</span>(DOMString <var>name</var>, <span data-anolis-spec=fileapi>Blob</span> <var title>value</var>, optional DOMString <var title>filename</var>);
+ void <span title="dom-FormData-append">append</span>(DOMString <var>name</var>, DOMString <var>value</var>);
+ <h3 id="formdata-constructors">Constructors</h3>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>fd</var> = new <code title="dom-FormData">FormData()</code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Returns a new <code>FormData</code> object.</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The <dfn title="dom-FormData"><code>FormData()</code></dfn> constructor
+ must return a new <code>FormData</code> object.
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-FormData-form"><code>FormData(<var>form</var>)</code></dfn>
+ constructor must return a new <code>FormData</code> object with as entries
+ the result of
+ <span data-anolis-spec=html>constructing the form data set</span> for
+ <var>form</var>.
+ <h3>The <code title>append()</code> method</h3>
+ <dl class="domintro">
+ <dt><var title>fd</var> . <code title="dom-FormData-append">append(<var title>name</var>, <var title>value</var> [, <var title>filename</var>])</code></dt>
+ <dd><p>Appends a new name/value-pair to the <code>FormData</code>
+ object, optionally with a filename.</p></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The
+ <dfn title="dom-FormData-append" id="dom-formdata-append"><code>append(<var>name</var>, <var>value</var>, <var>filename</var>)</code></dfn>
+ method must create a new entry with the following parameters set and
+ append it to the end of the collection the <code>FormData</code> object
+ represents:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Set its name to <var>name</var>.
+ <li>Set its value to <var>value</var>.
+ <li>Set its type to "text" if <var>value</var> is a string and "file" if
+ it is a <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi>Blob</code>.
+ <li>If its type is "file" set its filename to "<code title>blob</code>".
+ <li>If its type is "file" and <var>value</var> is a
+ <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi>File</code> whose
+ <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi title=dom-File-name>name</code> attribute
+ is not the empty string, set entry's filename to the attribute's value.
+ <li>If the <var title>filename</var> parameter is not omitted set entry's
+ filename to <var title>filename</var>.
+ </ul>
+ <h2 class="no-num" id="differences">Differences from XMLHttpRequest</h2>
+ <p>XMLHttpRequest Level 2 adds the following new features:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><p>The ability to make cross-origin requests.</p></li>
+ <li><p>The ability to make anonymous requests —
+ <code>Referer</code>, origin, and credentials are not part of the
+ request.</p></li>
+ <li><p>The ability to register for progress events. Both for downloads
+ (put listeners on the <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object itself) and
+ uploads (put listeners on the <code>XMLHttpRequestUpload</code> object,
+ returned by the <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-upload">upload</code>
+ attribute).</p></li>
+ <li><p>The ability to override the media type and character encoding of
+ the response through the
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-overrideMimeType">overrideMimeType()</code>
+ method.</p></li>
+ <li><p>The ability to set a timeout for the request.</p></li>
+ <li><p>The ability to transfer
+ <code data-anolis-spec=typedarray>ArrayBuffer</code>,
+ <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi>Blob</code>,
+ <code data-anolis-spec=fileapi>File</code> and <code>FormData</code>
+ objects.</p></li>
+ <li><p>The
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-responseType">responseType</code> and
+ <code title="dom-XMLHttpRequest-response">response</code>
+ attributes.</p></li>
+ </ul>
+<h2 class=no-num>References</h2>
+<h3 class=no-num>Normative references</h3>
+<div id=anolis-references-normative></div>
+<h3 class=no-num>Informative references</h3>
+<div id=anolis-references-informative></div>
+ <h2 class="no-num" id="acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</h2>
+ <p>The editor would like to thank
+ Addison Phillips,
+ Ahmed Kamel,
+ Alex Hopmann,
+ Alex Vincent,
+ Alexey Proskuryakov,
+ Asbjørn Ulsberg,
+ Boris Zbarsky,
+ Björn Höhrmann,
+ Cameron McCormack,
+ Chris Marrin,
+ Christophe Jolif,
+ Charles McCathieNevile,
+ Dan Winship,
+ David Andersson,
+ David Flanagan,
+ David Håsäther,
+ David Levin,
+ Dean Jackson,
+ Denis Sureau,
+ Doug Schepers,
+ Douglas Livingstone,
+ Elliotte Harold,
+ Eric Lawrence,
+ Eric Uhrhane,
+ Erik Dahlström,
+ Geoffrey Sneddon,
+ Gideon Cohn,
+ Gorm Haug Eriksen,
+ Håkon Wium Lie,
+ Hallvord R. M. Steen,
+ Henri Sivonen,
+ Huub Schaeks,
+ Ian Davis,
+ Ian Hickson,
+ Ivan Herman,
+ Jeff Walden,
+ Jens Lindström,
+ Jim Deegan,
+ Jim Ley,
+ Joe Farro,
+ Jonas Sicking,
+ Julian Reschke,
+ Karl Dubost,
+ Lachlan Hunt,
+ Maciej Stachowiak,
+ Magnus Kristiansen,
+ Marc Hadley,
+ Marcos Caceres,
+ Mark Baker,
+ Mark Birbeck,
+ Mark Nottingham,
+ Mark S. Miller,
+ Martin Hassman,
+ Mohamed Zergaoui,
+ Ms2ger,
+ Odin Hørthe Omdal,
+ Olli Pettay,
+ Pawel Glowacki,
+ Peter Michaux,
+ Philip Taylor,
+ Robin Berjon,
+ Rune Halvorsen,
+ Ruud Steltenpool,
+ Sergiu Dumitriu,
+ Sigbjørn Finne,
+ Simon Pieters,
+ Stewart Brodie,
+ Sunava Dutta,
+ Thomas Roessler,
+ Tom Magliery, and
+ Zhenbin Xu
+ for their contributions to this specification.</p>
+ <p>Special thanks to the Microsoft employees who first implemented the
+ <code title>XMLHttpRequest</code> interface, which was first widely
+ deployed by the Windows Internet Explorer browser.</p>
+ <p>Special thanks also to the WHATWG for drafting an initial version of
+ this specification in their Web Applications 1.0 document (now renamed to
+ HTML). <span data-anolis-ref>HTML</span></p>
+ <p>Thanks also to all those who have helped to improve this specification
+ by sending suggestions and corrections. (Please, keep bugging us with your
+ issues!)</p>
+ </body>