Formatting and clarity on future functions of wallet service
authorAdrian Hope-Bailie <>
Sat, 11 Jul 2015 23:46:02 +0200 (2015-07-11)
changeset 287 994f8c16bb4c
parent 286 b32eed0c3ded
child 288 e2d228ee652c
Formatting and clarity on future functions of wallet service
--- a/latest/charters/payments-wg-charter.html	Sat Jul 11 23:33:51 2015 +0200
+++ b/latest/charters/payments-wg-charter.html	Sat Jul 11 23:46:02 2015 +0200
@@ -195,14 +195,13 @@
                         <strong>Discovery</strong>, by the payer, of their available payment instruments that can be
-                        used to make
-                        the payment. This is done by matching those registered by the payer with those supported by the
-                        payee (as defined in the Payment Request), while keeping information local to the payer.
+                        used to make the payment. This is done by matching those registered by the payer with those
+                        supported by the payee (as defined in the Payment Request), while keeping information local to
+                        the payer.
-                        <strong>Selection of a payment instrument</strong>by the payer, confirmation of the terms, and
-                        sending of
-                        any requested data back to the payee for validation.
+                        <strong>Selection of a payment instrument</strong> by the payer, confirmation of the terms, and
+                        sending of any requested data back to the payee for validation.
@@ -210,9 +209,9 @@
                     <li>Execution of the payment by either payer or payee.</li>
-                    <li>Delivery of a <strong>Payment Completion</strong>generated by the entity that executed the
-                        payment. This
-                        may contain a <strong>Proof of Payment</strong>if supported by the payment scheme.
+                    <li>Delivery of a <strong>Payment Completion</strong> generated by the entity that executed the
+                        payment. This may contain a <strong>Proof of Payment</strong> if supported by the payment
+                        scheme.
@@ -247,19 +246,23 @@
             in the cloud, or within user agents such as browsers. Some of the functionality provided by the standards
             from this group can be found in various Web services today, as well as in digital wallets. Because the
             "digital wallet" concept can be useful as a shorthand, but means different things to different audiences,
-            this charter includes a definition to clarify the intent of this group. In this charter we define a <strong>wallet</strong>
-            as a software service, providing similar functions in the digital world to those provided by a physical
-            wallet,
-            namely:</p>
+            this charter includes a definition to clarify the intent of this group.</p>
+        <p>In this charter we define a <strong>wallet</strong> as a software service, providing similar functions in the
+            digital world to those provided by a physical wallet, namely:</p>
-            <li>It holds payment instruments registered by the wallet owner;</li>
+            <li>It holds payment instruments registered by the wallet owner.</li>
             <li>It supports certain payment schemes and enables the payer to use registered payment instruments to
-                execute a payment in accordance with that scheme;
+                execute a payment in accordance with that scheme.
             <li>It may hold one or more balances of some digital asset that can be used to make payments.</li>
         <p>This definition of wallet may expand in the future to include other items people find in physical wallets
-            such as digital receipts, coupons, and identification.</p>
+            such as digital receipts, coupons, and identification. What the group defines today as a wallet service may
+            in future offer new functionality that even makes the wallet metaphor entirely inappropriate. The lable
+            <em>"wallet"</em> , while appropriate today, should not imply any limitation on the functionality that this
+            service may
+            be expected to provide under future standards.</p>
         <p>The group intends to create a standard interface from the Web to a user's wallet so that a user with any
             conforming wallet can seamlessly make payments with any conforming Web application running in a conforming
@@ -267,8 +270,9 @@
             outside of a browser context (such as from within a native application, where the browser is not the proxy
             between wallet and payee application).</p>
-        <p>The group will also consider the use case where a wallet serves as an aggregator of other wallets, which
-            should increase user choice of payment solutions.</p>
+        <p>The group will also consider the use case where an aggregation service stands in place of a wallet service
+            and offers the user a wider choice of payment solutions by combining the functionality of multiple wallet
+            services.</p>
             <strong>Note:</strong>The Working Group anticipates a rich ecosystem of eCommerce and payment functionality,
@@ -287,14 +291,14 @@
         <p>The Working Group will develop machine-readable vocabularies that enable the following:</p>
-                <b>Payment Scheme Description</b>: this vocabulary is used by payees to represent accepted schemes, and
-                by payers to represent their available payment schemes and instruments.
+                <strong>Payment Scheme Description</strong>: this vocabulary is used by payees to represent accepted
+                schemes, and by payers to represent their available payment schemes and instruments.
-                <b>Payment Term Description</b>: used to define the terms requested by the payee in the payment
-                initiation request and the terms accepted by the payer in the payment initiation response. It includes
-                information such as amount, currency, payee account information, recurrence, transaction reference and
-                any scheme specific data that is required.
+                <strong>Payment Term Description</strong>: used to define the terms requested by the payee in the
+                payment initiation request and the terms accepted by the payer in the payment initiation response. It
+                includes information such as amount, currency, payee account information, recurrence, transaction
+                reference and any scheme specific data that is required.
                 <strong>Proof of Payment</strong>: a verifiable payment authorization from the account provider to the