--- a/mouse-lock.html Tue Oct 25 11:32:27 2011 -0700
+++ b/mouse-lock.html Tue Oct 25 15:53:34 2011 -0700
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white-space: pre-wrap;
+ <script>
+ function escapeContents(doc, content) {
+ return doc._esc(content);
+ }
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<section id='abstract'>
@@ -97,39 +103,31 @@
mode for certain classes of applications, especially first person
perspective 3D applications and 3D modelling software.
<section id="sotd"> <!-- Status of This Document -->
- Conversion in progress from the <a href="http://goo.gl/9G8pd">Version
- 0.8, 2011-10-20 Draft Spec</a> Google Document.
- </section>
<section id='introduction' class='informative'>
- <p>The Mouse Lock API provides for input methods of applications based on
- the movement of the mouse, not just the absolute position of a cursor. A
- popular example is that of first person movement controls in three
- dimensional graphics applications such as games. Movement of the mouse is
- interpreted for rotation of the view-port, there is no limit to how far
+ <p>The Mouse Lock API provides for input methods of applications based on
+ the movement of the mouse, not just the absolute position of a cursor. A
+ popular example is that of first person movement controls in three
+ dimensional graphics applications such as games. Movement of the mouse is
+ interpreted for rotation of the view-port, there is no limit to how far
movement can go, and no mouse cursor is displayed.</p>
- <p>Mouse Lock is related to Mouse Capture [MDCCAP]. Capture provides
- continued event delivery to a target element while a mouse is being
- dragged, but ceases when the mouse button is released. Mouse Lock differs
- by being persistent, not limited by screen boundaries, sending events
- regardless of mouse button state, hiding the cursor, and not releasing
- until an API call or specific release gesture by the user.</p>
+ <p>Mouse Lock is related to Mouse Capture [MDCCAP]. Capture provides
+ continued event delivery to a target element while a mouse is being
+ dragged, but ceases when the mouse button is released. Mouse Lock differs
+ by being persistent, not limited by screen boundaries, sending events
+ regardless of mouse button state, hiding the cursor, and not releasing
+ until an API call or specific release gesture by the user.</p>
<section id='conformance'>
- <p class="issue" id="issue-whatever">
- Please check this section is OK .
- </p>
This specification defines conformance criteria that apply to a single
product: the <dfn id="dfn-user-agent">user agent</dfn> that implements
@@ -161,43 +159,45 @@
<dfn title="lockMouse"></dfn>
- <p>The <code>lockMouse</code> method requests that the mouse be locked
+ <p>The <code>lockMouse</code> method requests that the mouse be locked
to a given DOM element <code>target</code>. It must immediately
- return. Two optional callback parameters provide asynchronous
+ return. Two optional callback parameters provide asynchronous
notification of success (<code>successCallback</code>) or failure
- (<code>failureCallback</code>) to acquire the locked state. The user
- agent must determine if mouse lock state will be entered and call the
- appropriate callback if it was provided. Because a user agent may
- prompt a user for permission to enter mouse lock the response must be
+ (<code>failureCallback</code>) to acquire the locked state. The user
+ agent must determine if mouse lock state will be entered and call the
+ appropriate callback if it was provided. Because a <a>user agent</a> may
+ prompt a user for permission to enter mouse lock the response must be
- <p>Mouse lock must succeed only if the window is in focus and the
- user-agent is the active application of the operating system. The
+ <p>Mouse lock must succeed only if the window is in focus and the
+ user-agent is the active application of the operating system. The
target element of <code>lockMouse</code> need not be in focus.</p>
- <p>Mouse lock must succeed only if the target element is in the DOM
- tree. If the target element is removed from the DOM tree after mouse
+ <p>Mouse lock must succeed only if the target element is in the DOM
+ tree. If the target element is removed from the DOM tree after mouse
lock is entered then mouse lock will be lost.</p>
- <p>If the mouse is already locked to the same element, a repeated
- call to <code>lockMouse</code> will succeed and the
- <code>successCallback</code> called. If
- another element is locked a user agent must transfer the mouse lock to
- the new target and call the <a>mouselocklost</a> callback for the previous
+ <p>If the mouse is already locked to the same element, a repeated
+ call to <code>lockMouse</code> will succeed and the
+ <code>successCallback</code> called. If
+ another element is locked a <a>user agent</a> must transfer the mouse lock to
+ the new target and call the <a><code>mouselocklost</code></a> callback for the previous
- <p>Once in the locked state the user agent must fire all relevant user
- generated <code>MouseEvent</code> events (for example: <code>mousemove</code>, <code>mousedown</code>,
- <code>mouseup</code>, <code>click</code>, <code>wheel</code>)[DOMMOUSE] to the target of mouse lock, and
- not fire mouse events to other elements. Events that require the
- concept of a mouse cursor must not be dispatched (for example:
- <code>mouseover</code>, <code>mouseout</code>).</p>
- <p>In the locked state the system mouse cursor
- must be hidden. Movement and button presses of the mouse must not
+ <p>Once in the locked state the <a>user agent</a> must fire all relevant
+ user generated <code>MouseEvent</code> events (for example:
+ <code>mousemove</code>, <code>mousedown</code>, <code>mouseup</code>,
+ <code>click</code>, <code>wheel</code>)[<a
+ href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/DOM-Level-3-Events/html/DOM3-Events.html#events-MouseEvent">DOMMOUSE</a>]
+ to the target of mouse lock, and not fire mouse events to other elements.
+ Events that require the concept of a mouse cursor must not be dispatched
+ (for example: <code>mouseover</code>, <code>mouseout</code>).</p>
+ <p>In the locked state the system mouse cursor
+ must be hidden. Movement and button presses of the mouse must not
cause the window to lose focus.</p>
- <p>Synthetic mouse events created by application script act the same
+ <p>Synthetic mouse events created by application script act the same
regardless of lock state.<p>
<dl class='parameters'>
@@ -212,9 +212,10 @@
<dfn title="unlockMouse"></dfn>
<p>The <code>unlockMouse</code> method cancels the mouse lock state.
- The system mouse cursor must be displayed again and positioned at
+ The system mouse cursor must be displayed again and positioned at
the same location that it was when mouse lock was entered (the same
- location that is reported in screenX/Y when the mouse is locked).</p>
+ location that is reported in <code>screenX</code>/<code>Y</code>
+ when the mouse is locked).</p>
<dt>Element mouseLocked ()</dt>
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@
- <h2><a>mouselocklost</a> Event</h2>
+ <h2><dfn><code>mouselocklost</code></dfn> Event</h2>
<p>User agents must allow a new DOM event type, named
<code>mouselocklost</code> of type <code>MouseLockLostEvent</code>
@@ -239,6 +240,460 @@
+ <section>
+ <h2>Extensions to the <a>MouseEvent</a> Interface</h2>
+ <p>User agents must extend the MouseEvent interface [<a
+ href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/DOM-Level-3-Events/html/DOM3-Events.html#events-MouseEvent">DOMMOUSE</a>]
+ with two members:</p>
+ <dl title='partial interface MouseEvent' class='idl'>
+ <dt>readonly attribute long movementX</dt>
+ <dd><dfn title="movementX"></dfn></dd>
+ <dt>readonly attribute long movementY</dt>
+ <dd><dfn title="movementY"></dfn></dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The members <code>movementX</code> and <code>movementY</code> must
+ provide the change in position of the mouse, as if the values of
+ <code>screenX</code>/<code>Y</code> were stored between two subsequent
+ <code>mousemove</code> events <code>eNow</code> and
+ <code>ePrevious</code> and the difference taken
+ <code>movementX = eNow.screenX-ePrevious.screenX</code>.</p>
+ <p><code>movementX</code>/<code>Y</code> must be valid regardless of mouse
+ lock state.</p>
+ <p>When unlocked, the system cursor can exit and re-enter the <a>user
+ agent</a> window. If it does so and the <a>user agent</a> was not the
+ target of operating system mouse move events then the most recent mouse
+ position will be unknown to the <a>user agent</a> and
+ <code>movementX</code>/<code>Y</code> can not be computed and must be set
+ to zero.</p>
+ <p>When mouse lock is enabled <code>clientX</code>, <code>clientY</code>,
+ <code>screenX</code>, and <code>screenY</code> must hold constant values
+ as if the mouse did not move at all once mouse lock was entered. But
+ <code>movementX</code>/<code>Y</code> must continue to provide the change
+ in position of the mouse as when the mouse is unlocked. There will be no
+ limit to <code>movementX</code>/<code>Y</code> values if the mouse is
+ continuously moved in a single direction. The concept of the mouse cursor
+ will have been removed, and it will not move off the window or be clamped
+ by a screen edge.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Requirements</h2>
+ <p>The Mouse Lock API must provide a default system action to unlock the
+ mouse.</p>
+ <p>The Mouse Lock API must be agnostic to the underlying system-specific
+ mouse locking mechanism.</p>
+ <p>The Mouse Lock API must exit the mouse lock state if the <a>user agent</a>,
+ window, or tab loses focus.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section class='informative'>
+ <h2>Use Cases</h2>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Relative view-port rotation of free moving virtual actors</h2>
+ <p>A player on a first/third person game will need to control the
+ view-port orientation. A widely used method is the use of mouse movements
+ to control the viewing angle. This kind of application can use the Mouse
+ Lock API to allow a complete freedom of control over the viewport's yaw
+ and pitch even when the user is not pressing mouse buttons. Those buttons
+ can be used for other actions while constantly providing navigation via
+ mouse movement.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Free rotation of 3D models or panning of 2D layers</h2>
+ <p>Users of a three dimensional modeling application will need to rotate
+ models. A application can use the Mouse Lock API to enable the author to
+ rotate the model freely in a drag operation without limiting motion.
+ Without mouse lock a drag would stop providing motion data when the mouse
+ cursor is limited by the edge of the screen.</p>
+ <p>Similarly, absolute motion panning of a large two dimensional image
+ could be permitted in a single drag operation without cursor / screen
+ limits.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Relative movement of actors</h2>
+ <p>A player on a fast reflexes game controls a paddle to bounce back a
+ ball to the opponent, while allowing the same paddle to execute actions
+ based on different mouse buttons being pressed. The application can use
+ the Mouse Lock API to allow the player to react quickly without being
+ concerned about the mouse cursor leaving the game play area and clicking
+ another system application, thus breaking the game flow.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Jog movement over spinner controls</h2>
+ <p>When modifying numerically magnitudes in applications sometimes the
+ user will prefer to "drag" a numeric control (e.g. a spinner [<a
+ href="http://books.zkoss.org/wiki/Small%20Talks/2008/June/Using%20Spinner%20Component">ZKSPINNER</a>])
+ by its button handles to increment or decrement the numeric value. An
+ application could use the Mouse Lock API to allow modifying the numeric
+ values beyond what the logical screen bounds allow. The same could apply
+ for a control that fast forwards or rewinds a video or audio stream like a
+ "jog".</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Synthetic cursor interaction with HTML DOM UI</h2>
+ <p>Some games use a classical cursor, however they want it to be limited
+ or controlled in some manner. E.g. limited to the bounds of the game, or
+ movable by the game. Locking the mouse enables this if the application
+ creates their own cursor. However HTML and DOM should still be available
+ to use for user interface. Synthetic mouse events should be permitted to
+ allow an application defined cursor to interact with DOM. E.g. the
+ following code should permit a custom cursor to send click events while
+ the mouse is locked:</p>
+ <pre class='example' data-transform='escapeContents'>
+ document.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
+ if (e._isSynthetic)
+ return;
+ // send a synthetic click
+ var ee = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
+ ee._isSynthetic = true;
+ x = myCursor.x;
+ y = myCursor.y;
+ ee.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, null, 1,
+ x + e.screenX - e.clientX,
+ y + e.screenY - e.clientY,
+ x,
+ y);
+ var target = document.elementFromPoint(x, y)
+ if (target)
+ target.dispatchEvent(ee)
+ });
+ </pre>
+ <p>Note that synthetic clicks may not be permitted by a <a>user agent</a> to
+ produce the same default action as a non-synthetic click. However,
+ application handlers can still take action and provide user interface with
+ existing HTML & DOM mechanisms.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>View-port panning by moving a mouse cursor against the bounds of a
+ view-port.</h2>
+ <p>Real Time Strategy games often use this technique. When the player
+ moves the mouse to the view-port borders, if they "push" the border
+ with a mouse movement, the view-port is panned over the game area
+ according to how much they move the mouse. When moving the mouse cursor
+ within the bounds of the view port it acts at is typically would on a
+ system. Applications may choose to implement this using mouse lock and
+ the previous use case of "Synthetic cursor interaction with HTML DOM UI"
+ to bring cursor behavior completely under their control.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Game Lobby, timer based mouse lock</h2>
+ <p>Games that use mouse lock may desire a traditional UI and system cursor
+ while players prepare in a game lobby. Games usually start after a short
+ timer when all players are ready. Ideally the game could then switch to
+ mouse lock mode without requiring a user gesture. Players should be able
+ to seamlessly move from the game lobby into game navigation.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Game Portal</h2>
+ <p>Game portals, and other sites such as Facebook and Google Plus, host
+ games for users to play. These games may be hosted and served from a
+ different origin from that of the portal site. Embedded games should be
+ able to lock the mouse, even in non-full screen mode.</p>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section class='informative'>
+ <h2>Security</h2>
+ <p>Security Concerns:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>User gestures may be misdirected to elements the user did not intend
+ to interact with.</li>
+ <li>Mouse Lock will remove the ability of a user to interact with user
+ agent and operating system controls</li>
+ <li>Mouse Lock can be called repeated by script after user exits mouse
+ lock, blocking user from meaningful progress.</li>
+ <li>Full screen exit instructions are displayed in some <a>user agents</a> when
+ the mouse is moved to the top of the screen. During mouse lock that
+ gesture is not possible.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Responses:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>User agents may limit what security origins may lock the mouse.</li>
+ <li>User agents may prompt for confirmation before locking, this
+ preference may be saved as a content setting.</li>
+ <li>Keyboard based escape will always be provided, e.g. ESC key.</li>
+ <li>Persistent display of escape instructions can be provided.</li>
+ <li>Repeated escapes of mouse lock can signal <a>user agent</a> to not re-lock
+ the mouse without more specific user intent gesture, e.g. similar to how
+ Chrome suppresses repeated alert() calls.</li>
+ <li>Changing to new tabs, windows, or any other action that causes a page
+ to lose focus will exit mouse lock.</li>
+ <li>Mouse lock can only be engaged when the window is in focus in the user
+ agent and operating system.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Recommendations:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>ESC key should exit mouse lock.</li>
+ <li>Preferences per sub-domain can be used to allow or block mouse lock,
+ similar to popup, geolocation, and fullscreen.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Mouse Lock is a required user interaction mode for certain application
+ types, but carries a usability concern if maliciously used. An attacker
+ could remove the ability for a user to control their mouse cursor on their
+ system. User agents will prevent this by always providing a mechanism to
+ exit mouse lock, by informing the user of how, and by limiting how mouse
+ lock can be entered.</p>
+ <p>User agents will determine their own appropriate policies, which may be
+ specialized per device or differ based on user options. The following
+ discussion illustrates considerations and plausible implementations.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Escape from mouse lock must always be possible.</dt>
+ <dd>Based on device the mechanisms will vary, but obvious examples include
+ the keyboard escape key "ESC" and any control that moves the system focus
+ away from the web page (window management keystrokes that change windows,
+ operating system buttons such as the Windows key).</dd>
+ <dt>Escape instructions may be communicated.</dt>
+ <dd>User agents can provide persistent on screen instructions, or
+ transitory instructions when mouse lock is entered. If users are
+ particularly dissatisfied with the distraction of instructions <a>user agents</a>
+ may offer to hide instructions after sufficient intent is expressed, e.g.
+ by permissions.</dd>
+ <dt>Escape can not be performed by mouse actions, including the use of the
+ context menu.</dt>
+ <dd>The intent of the Mouse Lock feature is to enable rich applications
+ not currently available in browsers. These applications have unbounded
+ movement and button press consumption needs, including the use of the
+ context menu.<dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>Examples of user agent scenarios:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>A conservative approach</dt>
+ <dd>May only permit mouse lock based on a user gesture such as a click
+ event. The <a>user agent</a> would prompt the user with a confirmation dialog,
+ with options to permit, dismiss, or block all repeated attempts. That
+ dialog may be a passive display instead of modal. Instructions for escape
+ would be provided. After acceptance, a succinct reminder notice of escape
+ instructions may persist. In the extreme, a <a>user agent</a> may require the
+ user to perform an uncommon gesture demonstrating that they understand the
+ escape gesture, e.g. by pressing F10.</dd>
+ <dt>A full screen approach</dt>
+ <dd>May permit mouse lock at any time, and cancel mouse lock when full
+ screen mode is exited. Instructions for exiting full screen mode may be
+ shown, likely for a brief period of time to not detriment the full screen
+ experience. Entry to mouse lock may be gated by a user explicitly
+ confirming the action via a dialog.</dd>
+ <dt>A permissive approach</dt>
+ <dd>May permit mouse lock for the target or ancestor of a a user gesture
+ without prompt. Escape instructions would likely be displayed
+ persistently in a non full screen view.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>Chrome / Chromium has a design document page for their implementation
+ of mouse lock: <a
+ href="http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/mouse-lock">http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/mouse-lock</a></p>
+ </section>
+ <section class='informative'>
+ <h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Why not merge with Mouse Capture: setCapture()?</h2>
+ <p>Mouse Capture [<a
+ href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/element.setCapture">MDCCAP</a>]
+ handles low security risk mouse event target lock for the duration of a
+ mouse drag gesture. Mouse Lock removes the concept the the cursor and
+ directs all events to a given target. They are related, but
+ different.</p>
+ <p>If a browser implemented both, it would be reasonable to support a
+ combination of traits: The security simplicity of "automatically release
+ lock when mouse up" and the increased functionality of total control over
+ mouse input and removal of the system cursor. The security trait would
+ allow more permissive use of the feature for applications that only
+ required a short burst of mouse lock during a drag event.</p>
+ <p>This functionaility is omitted from the initial version of this spec
+ because it helps the minor use cases in windowed mode but we still do not
+ have an implementation solving the major ones. And, to implement this a
+ browser must implement both, which none does yet. It is not clear if this
+ feature should live on .lockMouse or on .setCapture. If both were
+ implemented, either API could be augmented fairly easily to offer the
+ hybrid functionality.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Why not repurpose MouseEvent's .clientX/Y .screenX/Y?</h2>
+ <p>Even in non locked state, the delta values of mouse movement are
+ useful. Changing the meaning of .client or .screen based on lock state
+ would also cause easy errors in code not carefully monitoring the lock
+ state.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Why use .movementX/Y instead of .deltaX/Y?</h2>
+ <p>When the mouse is locked 'wheel' events should be sent to the mouse
+ lock target element just as 'mousemove' events are. There is a naming
+ conflict with .deltaX/Y/Z as defined in <a
+ href="http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/DOM-Level-3-Events/html/DOM3-Events.html#events-wheelevents">DOM
+ 3 'wheel' event</a>.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Why bundle all functionality (hiding cursor, providing mouse deltas)
+ instead of using CSS to hide the cursor, always providing delta values,
+ and offering an API to restrict the cursor movement to a portion of the
+ webpage?</h2>
+ <p>There are good motivations to provide a more fine grained approach.
+ E.g. the use case "View-port panning by moving a mouse cursor against the
+ bounds of a view-port" doesn't require hiding the mouse cursor, only
+ bounding it and always having delta values available. Also, this
+ specification defines the movement deltas to be taken from how the system
+ mouse cursor moves, which incorporates operating system filtering and
+ acceleration of the mouse movement data. Applications may desire access
+ to a more raw form of movement data prior to adjustments appropriate for a
+ mouse cursor. Also, raw data may provide better than pixel level accuracy
+ for movement, as well as higher frequency updates. Providing the raw
+ delta movement would also not require special permission or mode from a
+ user, and for some set of applications that do not require bounding the
+ cursor may reduce the security barriers and prompts needed.</p>
+ <p>There are two justifications for postponing this finer grained
+ approach. The first is a concern of specifying what units mouse movement
+ data are provided in. This specification defines .movementX/Y precisely
+ as the same values that could be recorded when the mouse is not under lock
+ by changes in .screenX/Y. Implementations across multiple <a>user agents</a> and
+ operating systems will easily be able to meet that requirement and provide
+ application developers and users with a consistent experience. Further,
+ users are expected to have already configured the full system of hardware
+ input and operating system options resulting in a comfortable control the
+ system mouse cursor. By specifying .movementX/Y in the same units mouse
+ lock API applications will be instantly usable to all users because they
+ have already settled their preferences.</p>
+ <p>Secondly, the implementation of providing movement data and bounding
+ the mouse cursor is more difficult in the fine grained approach. Bundling
+ the features together gives implementations freedom to use a variety of
+ techniques as appropriate on each operating system and is more practical
+ to implement. Direct APIs do not exist on all platforms (Win, Mac, Linux)
+ to bound the cursor to a specific rectangle, and prototypes have not yet
+ been developed to demonstrate building that behavior by e.g. invisible
+ windows with xlib or manual cursor movement on Mac. Unaccelerated Delta
+ values have been proposed to be accessed by reading raw Human Interface
+ Device (HID) data. E.g. WM_INPUT messages on windows, and USB device
+ apis on Mac / Linux. The challenge here is interpreting and normalizing
+ the units to some consistent and specifiable scale. Also, most APIs
+ considered to date are limited to USB devices.</p>
+ <p>It would be reasonable to consider adding these capabilities in the
+ future, as the currently specified mouse lock API would be easy to
+ continue to support if the finer grained delta and confinement features
+ were implemented.</p>
+ <p>The bundled API is selected for implementation practicality, because
+ the desired use cases are supported, and because it will not conflict with
+ future improvements as discussed here.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>High resolution deltas / High frequency updates?</h2>
+ <p>Not yet, for the same reasons in the previous Q. See "Why bundle all
+ functionality (hiding cursor, providing mouse deltas) instead of using CSS
+ to hide the cursor, always providing delta values, and offering an API to
+ restrict the cursor movement to a portion of the webpage?" above.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Why modify MouseEvent and reuse existing mouse events instead of
+ creating a mousedelta event?</h2>
+ <p>When under mouse lock many mouse events remain relevant, e.g. click,
+ mousedown, etc. These all share the same event data structure MouseEvent.
+ If movement data were reported via a new data structure then a new event
+ would be needed for reporting delta movement. The new data structure
+ would have many parallels to MouseEvent to offer the same conveniences,
+ e.g. button and modifier key states. When handling click, down, and up
+ events would the existing mousedown, mouseup be used? If so, they would
+ provide .clientX/Y and .screenX/Y with no useful data, but would lack the
+ convenience of containing the current movement data. Or, new events would
+ also be required for when the moues is locked.</p>
+ <p>Also, movementX/Y are convenient even when the mouse is not locked.
+ This spec requires movement members to always be valid, even when the
+ mouse cursor exists. This reduces code required to track the last cursor
+ state and mouseover/mouseout transistions if applications which to make
+ use of delta motion of the mouse. This may be convenient even if the
+ mouse is not fully locked and the deficiencies of no locked target of
+ events, out of window, and screen borders clamping dat exist.</p>
+ <p>The only negative of adding movementX/Y to MouseEvent appears to be the
+ unused values in clientX/Y and screenX/Y when under mouse lock. This does
+ not seem to be a significant problem.</p>
+ <p>Therefore the minimal change to add movementX/Y to MouseEvent is
+ selected to reduce API and implementation complexity.</p>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h2>Why separate targets for mouse events under mouse lock and keyboard
+ input focus?</h2>
+ <p>Consider a game with a 3D view controlled by moving the mouse cursor,
+ while the user may still chat with other users via a text console. It is
+ reasonable for the application to accept text input to an element that is
+ different than where mouse events are being dispatched. This is similar
+ to preexisting behavior of receiving mousemove events over any element
+ while typing into a form on a page.</p>
+ </section>
+ </section>
<section class='appendix informative'>