--- a/mouse-lock.html Mon Oct 24 14:11:34 2011 -0700
+++ b/mouse-lock.html Mon Oct 24 17:33:16 2011 -0700
@@ -97,6 +97,13 @@
mode for certain classes of applications, especially first person
perspective 3D applications and 3D modelling software.
+ <section id="sotd"> <!-- Status of This Document -->
+ Conversion in progress from the <a href="http://goo.gl/9G8pd">Version
+ 0.8, 2011-10-20 Draft Spec</a> Google Document.
+ </section>
+ </section>
<section id='introduction' class='informative'>
@@ -119,6 +126,10 @@
<section id='conformance'>
+ <p class="issue" id="issue-whatever">
+ Please check this section is OK .
+ </p>
This specification defines conformance criteria that apply to a single
product: the <dfn id="dfn-user-agent">user agent</dfn> that implements
@@ -146,21 +157,50 @@
<dl title='partial interface Document' class='idl'>
- <dt>void lockMouse()</dt>
+ <dt>void <dfn>lockMouse</dfn>()</dt>
- The <a>lockMouse</a>() method requests that the mouse be locked to a
- given DOM element <a>target</a>. It must immediately return. Two
- optional callback parameters provide asynchronous notification of
- success <a>successCallback</a> or failure <a>failureCallback</a> to
- acquire the locked state. The user agent must determine if mouse lock
- state will be entered and call the appropriate callback if it was
- provided. Because a user agent may prompt a user for permission to
- enter mouse lock the response must be asynchronous.
+ <p>The <code>lockMouse</code> method requests that the mouse be locked
+ to a given DOM element <code>target</code>. It must immediately
+ return. Two optional callback parameters provide asynchronous
+ notification of success (<code>successCallback</code>) or failure
+ (<code>failureCallback</code>) to acquire the locked state. The user
+ agent must determine if mouse lock state will be entered and call the
+ appropriate callback if it was provided. Because a user agent may
+ prompt a user for permission to enter mouse lock the response must be
+ asynchronous.</p>
<dl class='parameters'>
<dt>in Element target</dt> <dd></dd>
<dt>in optional VoidCallback successCallback</dt> <dd></dd>
<dt>in optional VoidCallback failureCallback</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <p>Mouse lock must succeed only if the window is in focus and the
+ user-agent is the active application of the operating system. The
+ target element of <a>lockMouse</a>() need not be in focus.</p>
+ <p>Mouse lock must succeed only if the target element is in the DOM
+ tree. If the target element is removed from the DOM tree after mouse
+ lock is entered then mouse lock will be lost.</p>
+ <p>If the mouse is already locked to the same element, a repeated
+ call to lockMouse() will succeed and the <code>successCallback</code> called. If
+ another element is locked a user agent must transfer the mouse lock to
+ the new target and call the <a>mouselocklost</a> callback for the previous
+ target.</p>
+ <p>Once in the locked state the user agent must fire all relevant user
+ generated <code>MouseEvent</code> events (for example: <code>mousemove</code>, <code>mousedown</code>,
+ <code>mouseup</code>, <code>click</code>, <code>wheel</code>)[DOMMOUSE] to the target of mouse lock, and
+ not fire mouse events to other elements. Events that require the
+ concept of a mouse cursor must not be dispatched (for example:
+ <code>mouseover</code>, <code>mouseout</code>). In the locked state the system mouse cursor
+ must be hidden. Movement and button presses of the mouse must not
+ cause the window to lose focus.</p>
+ <p>Synthetic mouse events created by application script act the same
+ regardless of lock state.<p>