ISSUE-8: Add an initTouchEvent method.
--- a/touchevents.html Tue Mar 29 17:07:52 2011 -0700
+++ b/touchevents.html Tue Mar 29 17:10:00 2011 -0700
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
// subtitle : "an excellent document",
// if you wish the publication date to be other than today, set this
- publishDate: "2011-03-25",
+ publishDate: "2011-03-29",
// if the specification's copyright date is a range of years, specify
// the start date here:
@@ -86,6 +86,10 @@
font-family: monospace;
color: #459900;
+ pre.idl {
+ white-space: pre-wrap;
+ }
@@ -229,6 +233,34 @@
a list of <a>TouchPoint</a>s for every point of contact which contributed to the event
+ <!-- Methods -->
+ <dt>void initTouchEvent()</dt>
+ <dd>
+ initializes a TouchEvent created through the <a>DocumentEvent</a> interface.
+ <dl class='parameters'>
+ <dt>DOMString type</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>boolean canBubble</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>boolean cancelable</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>DOMWindow view</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>long detail</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>long screenX</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>long screenY</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>long clientX</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>long clientY</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>boolean ctrlKey</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>boolean altKey</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>boolean shiftKey</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>boolean metaKey</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>TouchList touches</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>TouchList targetTouches</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>TouchList changedTouches</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>long radiusX</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>long radiusY</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>float rotationAngle</dt> <dd></dd>
+ <dt>float force</dt> <dd></dd>
+ </dl>
+ </dd>
<p class="issue" id="issue-preventDefault"><strong>Issue:</strong> define behavior of preventDefault() method.</p>