Bug 25094: Add a length parameter to the HmacKeyParams. This also aligns the HmacImportParams with the HmacKeyGenParams
authorRyan Sleevi <sleevi@google.com>
Mon, 16 Jun 2014 00:00:00 -0700
changeset 174 66880b7c19c7
parent 173 be3018091622
child 175 c0a8f6d04e81
Bug 25094: Add a length parameter to the HmacKeyParams. This also aligns the HmacImportParams with the HmacKeyGenParams

BREAKING CHANGE: Implementations that have already allowed HMAC keys to be imported will not have recorded the length. The length
of the keys can be derived from imported keys, since only byte-length multiples are supported. However, for keys that were
generated, if the length was not byte-aligned, this can create backwards-compat issues.
--- a/spec/Overview-WebCryptoAPI.xml	Mon Jun 16 00:00:00 2014 -0700
+++ b/spec/Overview-WebCryptoAPI.xml	Mon Jun 16 00:00:00 2014 -0700
@@ -13737,15 +13737,20 @@
 dictionary <dfn id="dfn-HmacImportParams">HmacImportParams</dfn> : <a href="#dfn-Algorithm">Algorithm</a> {
   <span class="comment">// The inner hash function to use.</span>
   AlgorithmIdentifier <dfn id="dfn-HmacImportParams-hash">hash</dfn>;
+  <span class="comment">// The length (in bits) of the key.</span>
+  [EnforceRange] unsigned long <dfn id="dfn-HmacImportParams-length">length</dfn>;
           <div id="hmac-keyalgorithm" class="section">
             <h4>HmacKeyAlgorithm interface</h4>
             <x:codeblock language="idl">
 interface <dfn id="dfn-HmacKeyAlgorithm">HmacKeyAlgorithm</dfn> : <a href="#dfn-KeyAlgorithm">KeyAlgorithm</a> {
   <span class="comment">// The inner hash function to use.</span>
   readonly attribute KeyAlgorithm <dfn id="dfn-HmacKeyAlgorithm-hash">hash</dfn>;
+  <span class="comment">// The length (in bits) of the key.</span>
+  readonly attribute unsigned long <dfn id="dfn-HmacKeyAlgorithm-length">length</dfn>;
@@ -13955,8 +13960,8 @@
                       If <var>usages</var> contains an entry which is not
                       <code>"sign"</code> or <code>"verify"</code>,
-                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                      then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                      <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -13975,14 +13980,6 @@
-                            <p>
-                              If the length in bits of <var>data</var> is zero
-                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
-                            </p>
-                          </li>
-                          <li>
                             <dl class="switch">
                                 If the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-hash">hash</a> member of
@@ -14018,16 +14015,16 @@
                               If the <code>"kty"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is not
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
                               If <var>jwk</var> does not meet the requirements of
                               Section 6.4 of <a href="#jwa">JSON Web Algorithms</a>, 
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -14041,7 +14038,7 @@
                                 If the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-hash">hash</a> member of
                                 <var>normalizedAlgorithm</var> is present and has a
-                                  <a href="#dfn-Algorithm-name">name</a> member:
+                                <a href="#dfn-Algorithm-name">name</a> member:
@@ -14063,8 +14060,8 @@
                                         If the <code>"alg"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present
                                         and is not <code>"HS1"</code>,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                                        then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                                        <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
                                         If the <a href="#dfn-KeyAlgorithm-name">name</a> attribute of
@@ -14074,9 +14071,8 @@
                                         If the <code>"alg"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present
                                         and is not <code>"HS256"</code>,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                                        then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                                        <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
                                         If the <a href="#dfn-KeyAlgorithm-name">name</a> attribute of
@@ -14086,9 +14082,8 @@
                                         If the <code>"alg"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present
                                         and is not <code>"HS384"</code>,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                                        then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                                        <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
                                         If the <a href="#dfn-KeyAlgorithm-name">name</a> attribute of
@@ -14098,9 +14093,8 @@
                                         If the <code>"alg"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present
                                         and is not <code>"HS512"</code>,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                                        then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                                        <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -14117,9 +14111,8 @@
                                       If the <code>alg</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is not present,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                                      then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                                      <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -14171,8 +14164,8 @@
                               If the <code>"use"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present, and is
                               not  <code>"sign"</code>, 
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -14181,18 +14174,16 @@
                               is invalid according to the requirements of
                               <a href="#jwk">JSON Web Key</a> or
                               does not contain all of the specified <var>usages</var> values,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
                               If the <code>"ext"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present and
                               has the value false and <var>extractable</var> is true,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -14206,8 +14197,58 @@
+                      Let <var>length</var> be equivalent to the length, in octets, of
+                      <var>data</var>, multiplied by 8.
+                    </p>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                    <p>
+                      If <var>length</var> is zero
+                      then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                      <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                    </p>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                    <dl class="switch">
+                      <dt>
+                        If the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-length">length</a> member of
+                        <var>normalizedAlgorithm</var> is present:
+                      </dt>
+                      <dd>
+                        <dl class="switch">
+                          <dt>
+                            If the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-length">length</a> member of
+                            <var>normalizedAlgorithm</var> is greater than <var>length</var>:
+                          </dt>
+                          <dd>
+                            <a href="#concept-return-an-error">Return an error</a> named
+                            <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                          </dd>
+                          <dt>
+                            If the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-length">length</a> member of
+                            <var>normalizedAlgorithm</var>, is less than or equal to
+                            <var>length</var> minus eight:
+                          </dt>
+                          <dd>
+                            <a href="#concept-return-an-error">Return an error</a> named
+                            <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                          </dd>
+                          <dt>
+                            Otherwise:
+                          </dt>
+                          <dd>
+                            Set <var>length</var> equal to the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-length">
+                            length</a> member of <var>normalizedAlgorithm</var>.
+                          </dd>
+                        </dl>
+                      </dd>
+                    </dl>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                    <p>
                       Let <var>key</var> be a new <code><a href="#dfn-Key">Key</a></code>
-                      object representing an HMAC key with value <var>data</var>.
+                      object representing an HMAC key with the first <var>length</var>
+                      bits of <var>data</var>.
@@ -14224,6 +14265,12 @@
+                      Set the <a href="#dfn-HmacKeyAlgorithm-length">length</a> attribute of
+                      <var>algorithm</var> to <var>length</var>.
+                    </p>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                    <p>
                       Set the <a href="#dfn-HmacKeyAlgorithm-hash">hash</a> attribute of
                       <var>algorithm</var> to <var>hash</var>.
--- a/spec/Overview.html	Mon Jun 16 00:00:00 2014 -0700
+++ b/spec/Overview.html	Mon Jun 16 00:00:00 2014 -0700
@@ -13567,15 +13567,20 @@
 dictionary <dfn id="dfn-HmacImportParams">HmacImportParams</dfn> : <a href="#dfn-Algorithm">Algorithm</a> {
   <span class="comment">// The inner hash function to use.</span>
   AlgorithmIdentifier <dfn id="dfn-HmacImportParams-hash">hash</dfn>;
+  <span class="comment">// The length (in bits) of the key.</span>
+  [EnforceRange] unsigned long <dfn id="dfn-HmacImportParams-length">length</dfn>;
           <div id="hmac-keyalgorithm" class="section">
             <h4>18.16.4. HmacKeyAlgorithm interface</h4>
             <div class="block"><div class="blockTitleDiv"><span class="blockTitle">IDL</span></div><div class="blockContent"><pre class="code"><code class="idl-code">
 interface <dfn id="dfn-HmacKeyAlgorithm">HmacKeyAlgorithm</dfn> : <a href="#dfn-KeyAlgorithm">KeyAlgorithm</a> {
   <span class="comment">// The inner hash function to use.</span>
   readonly attribute KeyAlgorithm <dfn id="dfn-HmacKeyAlgorithm-hash">hash</dfn>;
+  <span class="comment">// The length (in bits) of the key.</span>
+  readonly attribute unsigned long <dfn id="dfn-HmacKeyAlgorithm-length">length</dfn>;
@@ -13785,8 +13790,8 @@
                       If <var>usages</var> contains an entry which is not
                       <code>"sign"</code> or <code>"verify"</code>,
-                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                      then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                      <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -13805,14 +13810,6 @@
-                            <p>
-                              If the length in bits of <var>data</var> is zero
-                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
-                            </p>
-                          </li>
-                          <li>
                             <dl class="switch">
                                 If the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-hash">hash</a> member of
@@ -13848,16 +13845,16 @@
                               If the <code>"kty"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is not
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
                               If <var>jwk</var> does not meet the requirements of
                               Section 6.4 of <a href="#jwa">JSON Web Algorithms</a>, 
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -13871,7 +13868,7 @@
                                 If the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-hash">hash</a> member of
                                 <var>normalizedAlgorithm</var> is present and has a
-                                  <a href="#dfn-Algorithm-name">name</a> member:
+                                <a href="#dfn-Algorithm-name">name</a> member:
@@ -13893,8 +13890,8 @@
                                         If the <code>"alg"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present
                                         and is not <code>"HS1"</code>,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                                        then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                                        <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
                                         If the <a href="#dfn-KeyAlgorithm-name">name</a> attribute of
@@ -13904,9 +13901,8 @@
                                         If the <code>"alg"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present
                                         and is not <code>"HS256"</code>,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                                        then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                                        <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
                                         If the <a href="#dfn-KeyAlgorithm-name">name</a> attribute of
@@ -13916,9 +13912,8 @@
                                         If the <code>"alg"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present
                                         and is not <code>"HS384"</code>,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                                        then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                                        <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
                                         If the <a href="#dfn-KeyAlgorithm-name">name</a> attribute of
@@ -13928,9 +13923,8 @@
                                         If the <code>"alg"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present
                                         and is not <code>"HS512"</code>,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                                        then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                                        <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -13947,9 +13941,8 @@
                                       If the <code>alg</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is not present,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                                      then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                                      <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -14001,8 +13994,8 @@
                               If the <code>"use"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present, and is
                               not  <code>"sign"</code>, 
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -14011,18 +14004,16 @@
                               is invalid according to the requirements of
                               <a href="#jwk">JSON Web Key</a> or
                               does not contain all of the specified <var>usages</var> values,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
                               If the <code>"ext"</code> field of <var>jwk</var> is present and
                               has the value false and <var>extractable</var> is true,
-                                then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
-                                <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                              then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                              <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
@@ -14036,8 +14027,58 @@
+                      Let <var>length</var> be equivalent to the length, in octets, of
+                      <var>data</var>, multiplied by 8.
+                    </p>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                    <p>
+                      If <var>length</var> is zero
+                      then <a href="#concept-return-an-error">return an error</a> named
+                      <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                    </p>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                    <dl class="switch">
+                      <dt>
+                        If the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-length">length</a> member of
+                        <var>normalizedAlgorithm</var> is present:
+                      </dt>
+                      <dd>
+                        <dl class="switch">
+                          <dt>
+                            If the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-length">length</a> member of
+                            <var>normalizedAlgorithm</var> is greater than <var>length</var>:
+                          </dt>
+                          <dd>
+                            <a href="#concept-return-an-error">Return an error</a> named
+                            <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                          </dd>
+                          <dt>
+                            If the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-length">length</a> member of
+                            <var>normalizedAlgorithm</var>, is less than or equal to
+                            <var>length</var> minus eight:
+                          </dt>
+                          <dd>
+                            <a href="#concept-return-an-error">Return an error</a> named
+                            <a href="#dfn-DataError"><code>DataError</code></a>.
+                          </dd>
+                          <dt>
+                            Otherwise:
+                          </dt>
+                          <dd>
+                            Set <var>length</var> equal to the <a href="#dfn-HmacImportParams-length">
+                            length</a> member of <var>normalizedAlgorithm</var>.
+                          </dd>
+                        </dl>
+                      </dd>
+                    </dl>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                    <p>
                       Let <var>key</var> be a new <code><a href="#dfn-Key">Key</a></code>
-                      object representing an HMAC key with value <var>data</var>.
+                      object representing an HMAC key with the first <var>length</var>
+                      bits of <var>data</var>.
@@ -14054,6 +14095,12 @@
+                      Set the <a href="#dfn-HmacKeyAlgorithm-length">length</a> attribute of
+                      <var>algorithm</var> to <var>length</var>.
+                    </p>
+                  </li>
+                  <li>
+                    <p>
                       Set the <a href="#dfn-HmacKeyAlgorithm-hash">hash</a> attribute of
                       <var>algorithm</var> to <var>hash</var>.