Rename WebVTT Region 'height' setting to 'lines'
authorSilvia Pfeiffer
Wed, 12 Jun 2013 21:34:44 +1000
changeset 93 4d068e578a97
parent 92 87a8995f8f7b
child 94 fe510aaf4b7b
Rename WebVTT Region 'height' setting to 'lines'
Fixes bug
--- a/608toVTT/region.html	Mon May 13 20:32:53 2013 +1000
+++ b/608toVTT/region.html	Wed Jun 12 21:34:44 2013 +1000
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
-Region: id=fred width=50% height=3 regionanchor=0%,100% viewportanchor=10%,90% scroll=up
-Region: id=bill width=50% height=3 regionanchor=100%,100% viewportanchor=90%,90% scroll=up
+Region: id=fred width=50% lines=3 regionanchor=0%,100% viewportanchor=10%,90% scroll=up
+Region: id=bill width=50% lines=3 regionanchor=100%,100% viewportanchor=90%,90% scroll=up
 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:20.000 region:fred align:left
 Hi, my name is Fred
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
           <p>A number giving the width of the box within which the text of each line of the containing cues is to be rendered, to be interpreted as a percentage of the video width. Defaults to 100.</p>
-         <dt><dfn id="text-track-region-height">A height</dfn></dt>
+         <dt><dfn id="text-track-region-lines">A lines value</dfn></dt>
           <p>A number giving the number of lines of the box within which the text of each line of the containing cues is to be rendered. Defaults to 3.</p>
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
         <ul class="brief"> 
          <li>A <a href="#webvtt-region-identifier">WebVTT region identifier</a>.</li>
          <li>A <a href="#webvtt-region-width">WebVTT region width setting</a>.</li> <!-- width:80.5% -->
-         <li>A <a href="#webvtt-region-height">WebVTT region height setting</a>.</li> <!-- height:3 -->
+         <li>A <a href="#webvtt-region-lines">WebVTT region lines setting</a>.</li> <!-- lines:3 -->
          <li>A <a href="#webvtt-region-anchor">WebVTT region anchor setting</a>.</li> <!-- regionanchor:0%,100% -->
          <li>A <a href="#webvtt-region-viewport-anchor">WebVTT region viewport anchor setting</a>.</li> <!-- viewportanchor:10.5%,90.5% -->
          <li>A <a href="#webvtt-region-scroll">WebVTT region scroll setting</a>.</li> <!-- scroll:up -->
@@ -374,14 +374,14 @@
         a fixed width as a percentage of the video width for the region into which cues are
         rendered and based on which alignment is calculated.</p>
-        <p>A <dfn id="webvtt-region-height">WebVTT region height setting</dfn> consists of the
+        <p>A <dfn id="webvtt-region-lines">WebVTT region lines setting</dfn> consists of the
         following components, in the order given:</p>
-         <li><p>The string "<code>height</code>".</p></li>
+         <li><p>The string "<code>lines</code>".</p></li>
          <li><p>A U+003D EQUALS SIGN character (=).</p></li>
          <li><p>One or more <span>ASCII digits</span>.</p></li>
-        <p class ="note">The <a href="#webvtt-region-height">WebVTT region height setting</a> provides
+        <p class ="note">The <a href="#webvtt-region-lines">WebVTT region lines setting</a> provides
         a fixed height as a number of lines for the region into which cues are rendered. As such, it
         defines the height of the roll-up region if it is a scroll region.</p>
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
                   <li><i>Region creation</i>: Let <var>region</var> be a new <a href="#text-track-region" class="internalDFN">text track region</a>.</li>
                   <li>Let <var>region</var>'s <a href="#text-track-region-identifier">identifier</a> be the empty string.</li>
                   <li>Let <var>region</var>'s <a href="#text-track-region-width">width</a> be 100.</li>
-                  <li>Let <var>region</var>'s <a href="#text-track-region-height">height</a> be 3.</li>
+                  <li>Let <var>region</var>'s <a href="#text-track-region-lines">lines</a> be 3.</li>
                   <li>Let <var>region</var>'s <a href="#text-track-region-anchor">anchor point</a> be (0,100).</li>
                   <li>Let <var>region</var>'s <a href="#text-track-region-viewport-anchor">viewport anchor point</a> be (0,100).</li>
                   <li>Let <var>region</var>'s <a href="#text-track-region-scroll">scroll value</a> be <a href="#text-track-region-scroll-none" class="interalDFN">NONE</a>.</li>
@@ -588,14 +588,14 @@
                 <dd><p>If <a href="#parse-a-percentage-string">parse a percentage string</a> from <var>value</var> returns a <var>percentage</var>, let <var>region</var>'s <a href="#text-track-region-width">text track region width</a> be <var>percentage</var>.</p>
-                <dt>Otherwise if <var>name</var> is a <a href="" class="externalDFN">case-sensitive</a> match for "<code>height</code>"</dt>
+                <dt>Otherwise if <var>name</var> is a <a href="" class="externalDFN">case-sensitive</a> match for "<code>lines</code>"</dt>
                     <li><p>If <var>value</var> contains any characters other than <span>ASCII digits</span>, then jump to the step labeled <i>next setting</i>.</p></li>
                     <li><p>Interpret <var>value</var> as an integer, and let <var>number</var> be that number.</p></li>
-                    <li><p>Let <var>region</var>'s <a href="#text-track-region-height">text track region height</a> be <var>number</var>.</p></li>
+                    <li><p>Let <var>region</var>'s <a href="#text-track-region-lines">text track region lines</a> be <var>number</var>.</p></li>
@@ -733,11 +733,11 @@
                   <li><p>Let <var>regionWidth</var> be the <a href="#text-track-region-width">text track region width</a>. Let <var>width</var> be '<var>regionWidth</var> vw' ('vw' is a CSS unit).<a href="#refsCSSVALUES">[CSSVALUES]</a></p></li>
-                  <li><p>Let <var>lineHeight</var> be '0.0533vh' ('vh' is a CSS unit).<a href="#refsCSSVALUES">[CSSVALUES]</a> and <var>regionHeight</var> be the <a href="#text-track-region-height">text track region height</a>. Let <var>height</var> be '<var>lineHeight</var> multiplied by <var>regionHeight</var>.</p></li>
+                  <li><p>Let <var>lineHeight</var> be '0.0533vh' ('vh' is a CSS unit).<a href="#refsCSSVALUES">[CSSVALUES]</a> and <var>regionHeight</var> be the <a href="#text-track-region-lines">text track region lines</a>. Let <var>lines</var> be '<var>lineHeight</var> multiplied by <var>regionHeight</var>.</p></li>
                   <li><p>Let <var>viewportAnchorX</var> be the x dimension of the <a href="#text-track-region-viewport">text track region viewport anchor</a> and <var>regionAnchorX</var> be the x dimension of the <a href="#text-track-region-anchor">text track region anchor</a>. Let <var>leftOffset</var> be <var>regionAnchorX</var> multiplied by <var>width</var> divided by 100.0. Let <var>left</var> be <var>leftOffset</var> subtracted from '<var>viewportAnchorX</var> vw'.</p></li>
-                  <li><p>Let <var>viewportAnchorY</var> be the y dimension of the <a href="#text-track-region-viewport">text track region viewport anchor</a> and <var>regionAnchorY</var> be the y dimension of the <a href="#text-track-region-anchor">text track region anchor</a>. Let <var>topOffset</var> be <var>regionAnchorY</var> multiplied by <var>height</var> divided by 100.0. Let <var>top</var> be <var>topOffset</var> subtracted from '<var>viewportAnchorY</var> vh'.</p></li>
+                  <li><p>Let <var>viewportAnchorY</var> be the y dimension of the <a href="#text-track-region-viewport">text track region viewport anchor</a> and <var>regionAnchorY</var> be the y dimension of the <a href="#text-track-region-anchor">text track region anchor</a>. Let <var>topOffset</var> be <var>regionAnchorY</var> multiplied by <var>lines</var> divided by 100.0. Let <var>top</var> be <var>topOffset</var> subtracted from '<var>viewportAnchorY</var> vh'.</p></li>
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@
            <li><p>If the given <var>region</var> is in a <span>text track list of regions</span>, then remove <var>region</var> from that <span>text track list of regions</span>.</p></li>
-           <li><p>If the method's <code>TextTrack</code> object's <span>text track list of regions</span> contains a region with the same identifier as <var>region<var> replace the values of that region's <var>width</var>, <var>height</var>, <var>anchor point</var>, <var>viewport anchor point</var> and <var>scroll</var> attributes with those of <var>region</var>.</p>
+           <li><p>If the method's <code>TextTrack</code> object's <span>text track list of regions</span> contains a region with the same identifier as <var>region<var> replace the values of that region's <var>width</var>, <var>lines</var>, <var>anchor point</var>, <var>viewport anchor point</var> and <var>scroll</var> attributes with those of <var>region</var>.</p>
            <p>Otherwise: add <var>region</var> to the method's <code>TextTrack</code> object's <span>text track list of regions</span>.</p></li>
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@
           <dt>attribute double width</dt>
           <dd>Returns the text track region width as a percentage of the video width. Can be set. Throws an IndexSizeError if the new value is not in the range 0.0% .. 100.0%.</dd>
-          <dt>attribute long height</dt>
+          <dt>attribute long lines</dt>
           <dd>Returns the text track region height as a number of lines. Can be set.</dd>
           <dt>attribute double regionAnchorX</dt>
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@
             <li><p>Let <var>region</var>'s <span>text track region width</span> be 100.</p></li>
-            <li><p>Let <var>region</var>'s <span>text track region height</span> be 3.</p></li>
+            <li><p>Let <var>region</var>'s <span>text track region lines</span> be 3.</p></li>
             <li><p>Let <var>region</var>'s <span>text track region regionAnchorX</span> be 0.</p></li>
@@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@
           <p>The <dfn id="dom-TextTrackRegion-width"><code>width</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <span>text track region width</span> of the <span>text track region</span> that the <code>TextTrackRegion</code> object represents, in percent of video width. On setting, the <span>text track region width</span> must be set to the new value, interpreted as a percentage.</p>
-          <p>The <dfn id="dom-TextTrackRegion-height"><code>height</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <span>text track region height</span> of the <span>text track region</span> that the <code>TextTrackRegion</code> object represents, as number of lines. On setting, the <span>text track region height</span> must be set to the new value, interpreted as a number of lines.</p>
+          <p>The <dfn id="dom-TextTrackRegion-lines"><code>lines</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <span>text track region lines</span> of the <span>text track region</span> that the <code>TextTrackRegion</code> object represents, as number of lines. On setting, the <span>text track region lines</span> must be set to the new value, interpreted as a number of lines.</p>
           <p>The <dfn id="dom-TextTrackRegion-regionAnchorX"><code>regionAnchor X</code></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the <span>text track region anchor X offset</span> of the <span>text track region</span> that the <code>TextTrackRegion</code> object represents, in percent of region width. On setting, the <span>text track regionAnchor X</span> distance must be set to the new value, interpreted as a percentage.</p>