authorSilvia Pfeiffer
Sun, 11 Aug 2013 17:40:05 +1000
changeset 132 eb24a56b673f
parent 131 fcf7228b1608
child 133 783e536e79aa
--- a/webvtt/webvtt.html	Sun Aug 11 17:14:22 2013 +1000
+++ b/webvtt/webvtt.html	Sun Aug 11 17:40:05 2013 +1000
@@ -3661,7 +3661,7 @@
            <li><p>Let <var>regionWidth</var> be the <a>text track region width</a>. Let <var>width</var> be '<var>regionWidth</var> vw' ('vw' is a CSS unit).<a href="#refsCSSVALUES">[CSSVALUES]</a></p></li>
-           <li><p>Let <var>lineHeight</var> be '0.0533vh' ('vh' is a CSS unit).<a href="#refsCSSVALUES">[CSSVALUES]</a> and <var>regionHeight</var> be the <a>text track region lines</a>. Let <var>lines</var> be '<var>lineHeight</var> multiplied by <var>regionHeight</var>.</p></li>
+           <li><p>Let <var>lineHeight</var> be '0.0533vh' ('vh' is a CSS unit) <a href="#refsCSSVALUES">[CSSVALUES]</a> and <var>regionHeight</var> be the <a>text track region lines</a>. Let <var>lines</var> be '<var>lineHeight</var> multiplied by <var>regionHeight</var>.</p></li>
            <li><p>Let <var>viewportAnchorX</var> be the x dimension of the <a>text track region viewport anchor</a> and <var>regionAnchorX</var> be the x dimension of the <a>text track region anchor</a>. Let <var>leftOffset</var> be <var>regionAnchorX</var> multiplied by <var>width</var> divided by 100.0. Let <var>left</var> be <var>leftOffset</var> subtracted from '<var>viewportAnchorX</var> vw'.</p></li>