Added note to encourage transcoding from paint-on captions to pop-on for CEA-608/708.
authorSilvia Pfeiffer
Tue, 22 Jan 2013 18:03:36 +1100
changeset 50 514975d592d5
parent 49 c8d5bb65e4f6
child 51 f11322440708
Added note to encourage transcoding from paint-on captions to pop-on for CEA-608/708.

--- a/608toVTT/608toVTT.html	Tue Jan 22 16:51:33 2013 +1100
+++ b/608toVTT/608toVTT.html	Tue Jan 22 18:03:36 2013 +1100
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@
-          Paint-on captions are translated into WebVTT by uses timing of individual characters or sequences of characters within a cue.
+          Wherever possible, it is preferable to generate simple pop-on cues from paint-on captions. However, where the paint-on captions are a stylistic choice, it is possible to translate them into WebVTT by using time stamps for individual characters or sequences of characters within a cue.