Move ByteStreamReadType and ByteStreamReadResult section above ByteStream section
--- a/preview.html Fri Nov 08 04:00:04 2013 +0900
+++ b/preview.html Fri Nov 08 04:09:22 2013 +0900
@@ -553,10 +553,47 @@
+ </section>
+ <section class="section">
+ <h2>ByteStreamReadResult Interface</h2>
+ <p>
+ This interface represents the result of methods on <a>ReadableByteStream</a>.
+ </p>
+ <dl class="idl" title="interface ByteStreamReadResult">
+ <dt>readonly attribute boolean eof</dt>
+ <dd>specifies if the given read resulted in an EOF</dd>
+ <dt>readonly attribute any data</dt>
+ <dd>The resulting contents of the read request possibly a <a>Promise</a> when it's done asynchronously</dd>
+ <dt>readonly attribute unsigned long long size</dt>
+ <dd>The size, in bytes, of the data read</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </section>
+ <section class="section">
+ <h2>ByteStreamReadType enum</h2>
+ <p>
+ Data can be read as various data types from <a>ReadableByteStream</a>.
+ This enum defines <a>DOMString</a> values to specify the data types.
+ </p>
+ <dl class="idl" title="enum ByteStreamReadType">
+ <dt>blob</dt>
+ <dd>Read operations should return data as a Blob</dd>
+ <dt>arraybuffer</dt>
+ <dd>Read operations should return data as an ArrayBuffer</dd>
+ <dt>text</dt>
+ <dd>Read operations should return data as a DOMString</dd>
+ <dt>none</dt>
+ <dd>
+ Read operations should return nothing.
+ Useful for seeking data by skipping some amount of data.
+ User agents may implement some optimization for "<code>none</code>" type read for example omitting internal data transfer.
<section class="section" id="streams">
@@ -915,45 +952,6 @@
- <section class="section" id="streamConsumeResult-interface">
- <h2>ByteStreamReadResult Interface</h2>
- <p>
- ByteStreamReadResult represents the result of read() or pipe() method call.
- </p>
- <dl class="idl" title="interface ByteStreamReadResult">
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean eof</dt>
- <dd>specifies if the given read resulted in an EOF for the <a>ByteStream</a></dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute any data</dt>
- <dd>The contents of the read request</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned long long size</dt>
- <dd>The size, in bytes, of the data read</dd>
- </dl>
- </section>
- <section class="section" id="streamReadType-interface">
- <h2>ByteStreamReadType enum</h2>
- <p>
- Data can be read as various data types from ReadableByteStream.
- The ByteStreamReadType enum defines DOMString values to specify the data types.
- "<code>none</code>" is useful when seeking data by skipping some amount of data.
- User agents may implement some optimization for "<code>none</code>" type read for example omitting internal data transfer.
- </p>
- <dl class="idl" title="enum ByteStreamReadType">
- <dt>blob</dt>
- <dd>Read operations should return data as a Blob</dd>
- <dt>arraybuffer</dt>
- <dd>Read operations should return data as an ArrayBuffer</dd>
- <dt>text</dt>
- <dd>Read operations should return data as a DOMString</dd>
- <dt>none</dt>
- <dd>Read operations should return nothing</dd>
- </dl>
- </section>
<section class="section" id="error-uris_for_streams">
<h3>URIs for Stream</h3>