access control should now work on the file foaf.n3 in test_www using the foaf.n3.protect.n3 file. It does not because Jena just does not want to return the right results for the SPARQL query. Publishing it in case someone can help find what the issue is. webid
authorHenry Story <>
Sun, 16 Oct 2011 17:09:57 +0200
changeset 74 25c0b03d1091
parent 68 86ffbd1bfc34
child 75 f46e9a29b75e
access control should now work on the file foaf.n3 in test_www using the foaf.n3.protect.n3 file. It does not because Jena just does not want to return the right results for the SPARQL query. Publishing it in case someone can help find what the issue is.
--- a/src/main/scala/ReadWriteWebMain.scala	Sat Oct 15 16:58:48 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/main/scala/ReadWriteWebMain.scala	Sun Oct 16 17:09:57 2011 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 package org.w3.readwriteweb
-import auth.{SimpleAuthZ, X509view}
+import auth.{RDFAuthZ, AuthZ, X509view}
 import org.w3.readwriteweb.util._
 import unfiltered.jetty._
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
           lang=rdfLanguage.value getOrElse "N3")(mode.value getOrElse ResourcesDontExistByDefault)
-    val app = new ReadWriteWeb(filesystem, new SimpleAuthZ())
+    val app = new ReadWriteWeb(filesystem, new RDFAuthZ(webCache,filesystem))
     //this is incomplete: we should be able to start both ports.... not sure how to do this yet.
     val service = httpsPort.value match {
--- a/src/main/scala/auth/Authz.scala	Sat Oct 15 16:58:48 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/main/scala/auth/Authz.scala	Sun Oct 16 17:09:57 2011 +0200
@@ -24,14 +24,15 @@
 package org.w3.readwriteweb.auth
 import unfiltered.filter.Plan
-import unfiltered.Cycle
 import unfiltered.request._
-import unfiltered.response.{Unauthorized, BadRequest}
+import unfiltered.response.Unauthorized
 import collection.JavaConversions._
-import org.w3.readwriteweb.WebCache
-import org.w3.readwriteweb.auth.Authz._
-import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServletResponse, HttpServletRequest}
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
+import org.w3.readwriteweb.{Resource, ResourceManager, WebCache}
+import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.{QueryExecutionFactory, QueryExecution, QuerySolutionMap, QueryFactory}
  * @author hjs
@@ -39,28 +40,25 @@
 object HttpMethod {
-   def unapply(req: HttpRequest[_]): Option[Method] =
-     Some(
-       req.method match {
-         case "GET" => GET
-         case "PUT" => PUT
-         case "HEAD" => HEAD
-         case "POST" => POST
-         case "CONNECT" => CONNECT
-         case "OPTIONS" => OPTIONS
-         case "TRACE" => TRACE
-         case m => new Method(m)
-       })
+  def unapply(req: HttpRequest[_]): Option[Method] =
+    Some(
+      req.method match {
+        case "GET" => GET
+        case "PUT" => PUT
+        case "HEAD" => HEAD
+        case "POST" => POST
+        case "CONNECT" => CONNECT
+        case "OPTIONS" => OPTIONS
+        case "TRACE" => TRACE
+        case m => new Method(m)
+      })
-object Authz {
-  def authMethod(s: String, httpMethod: Method) = new AuthzFunc
+object AuthZ {
   implicit def x509toSubject(x509c: X509Claim)(implicit cache: WebCache): Subject = {
     val subject = new Subject()
@@ -73,40 +71,128 @@
-class NoAuthZ extends Authz {
-  def apply(in: Plan.Intent) = in
+object NullAuthZ extends AuthZ {
+  def subject(req: NullAuthZ.HSRequest) = null
+  def guard(m: Method, path: String) = null
+  override def protect(in: Plan.Intent) = in
-class SimpleAuthZ(implicit val WebCache: WebCache) extends Authz {
-  def apply(in: Plan.Intent): Plan.Intent = {
-    req: HttpRequest[HttpServletRequest] => req match {
-        case Path(path) & HttpMethod(m) =>  { //first get things that cost nothing
-            val autf = authMethod(path,m)
-            if (autf.requiresAuth) {
-               X509Claim.unapply(req) match {
-                 case Some(claim) => {
-                   if (autf.isAuthorized(claim,m,path)) in(req)
-                   else Unauthorized
-                 }
-                 case None => Unauthorized
-               }
-            } else Unauthorized
-        }
-        case _ => BadRequest
-      }
+abstract class AuthZ {
+  type HSRequest = HttpRequest[HttpServletRequest]
+  // I need a guard
+  //   - in order to be able to have different implementations, but subclassing could do to
+  //   - the guard should get the information from the file system or the authdb, so it should know where those are
+  // I will need a web cache to get the subject
+  def protect(in: Plan.Intent): Plan.Intent = {
+    req: HSRequest => req match {
+      case HttpMethod(method) & Path(path) if guard(method, path).allow(() => subject(req)) => in(req)
+      case _ => Unauthorized
+    }
+  }
+  def subject(req: HSRequest): Option[Subject]
+  /** create the guard defined in subclass */
+  def guard(m: Method, path: String): Guard
+  abstract class Guard(m: Method, path: String) {
+    /**
+     * verify if the given request is authorized
+     * @param subj function returning the subject to be authorized if the resource needs authorization
+     */
+    def allow(subj: () => Option[Subject]): Boolean
-trait Authz {
-   def apply(in: Plan.Intent): Plan.Intent // we may want to generalise more later to  Cycle.Intent[A,B]
+class RDFAuthZ(val webCache: WebCache, rm: ResourceManager) extends AuthZ {
+  import AuthZ.x509toSubject
+  implicit val cache : WebCache = webCache
+  def subject(req: HSRequest) = req match {
+    case X509Claim(claim) => Option(claim)
+    case _ => None
+  }
+  object RDFGuard {
+    val acl = ""
+    val Read = acl+"Read"
+    val Write = acl+"Write"
+    val Control = acl+"Control"
+    val selectQuery = QueryFactory.create("""
+    		  PREFIX : <>
+    		  SELECT ?res ?agent ?group ?mode
+    		  WHERE {
+              ?auth :accessTo ?res ;
+                    :mode ?mode .
+    		    OPTIONAL { ?auth :agentClass ?group . }
+    		    OPTIONAL { ?auth :agent ?agent . }
+    		  }""")
+  }
+  def guard(method: Method, path: String) = new Guard(method, path) {
+    import RDFGuard._
+    import org.w3.readwriteweb.util.wrapValidation
+    import org.w3.readwriteweb.util.ValidationW
+    def allow(subj: () => Option[Subject]) = {
+      val resurl = "file://local"+path + ".protect.n3"
+      val r: Resource = rm.resource(new URL(resurl))
+      val res: ValidationW[Boolean,Boolean] = for {
+        model <- r.get() failMap { x => true }
+      } yield {
+        val initialBinding = new QuerySolutionMap();
+        initialBinding.add("res", model.createResource("file://local"+path))
+        val qe: QueryExecution = QueryExecutionFactory.create(selectQuery, model, initialBinding)
+        val agentsAllowed = try {
+          qe.execSelect().flatMap(qs => {
+            val methods = qs.get("mode").toString match {
+              case Read => List(GET)
+              case Write => List(PUT,POST)
+              case Control => List(POST)
+              case _ => List(GET, PUT,  POST,  DELETE) //nothing everything is allowed
+            }
+           if (methods.contains(method)) Some(Pair(qs.get("agent").toString,qs.get("group").toString))
+           else None
+          })
+        } finally {
+          qe.close()
+        }
+        if (agentsAllowed.hasNext) {
+          subj() match {
+            case Some(s) => agentsAllowed.exists( p =>  s.getPrincipals(classOf[WebIdPrincipal]).exists(id=> id.webid == p._1) )
+            case None => false
+          }
+          //currently we just check for agent match. Group match would require us to have a store
+          //of trusted information of which groups someone was member of -- one would probably need a reasoning engine there.
+        } else false //
+      }
+      res.validation.fold()
+    } // end allow()
+  }
-class AuthzFunc {
-   def requiresAuth(): Boolean = true
-   def isAuthorized(webid: Subject,  m: Method, path: String ): Boolean =
-     webid.getPrincipals().exists(p=>p.getName=="")
+class ResourceGuard(path: String, reqMethod: Method) {
+  def allow(subjFunc: () => Option[Subject]) = {
+    subjFunc().isEmpty
+  }
--- a/src/main/scala/plan.scala	Sat Oct 15 16:58:48 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/main/scala/plan.scala	Sun Oct 16 17:09:57 2011 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 package org.w3.readwriteweb
-import auth.{NoAuthZ, Authz}
+import auth.{AuthZ, NullAuthZ}
 import org.w3.readwriteweb.util._
 import unfiltered.request._
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 import scalaz._
-class ReadWriteWeb(rm: ResourceManager, implicit val auth: Authz = new NoAuthZ()) {
+class ReadWriteWeb(rm: ResourceManager, implicit val authz: AuthZ = NullAuthZ) {
   val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@
    *  in the ScalaZ API so I made my own through an implicit.
    *  At last, Validation[ResponseFunction, ResponseFuntion] is exposed as a ResponseFunction
-   *  through another implicit conversion. It saves us the call to the Validation.lift() method
+   *  through another implicit conversion. It saves us the call to the Validation.fold() method
   val plan = unfiltered.filter.Planify {
-    auth {
+    authz.protect {
     case req @ Path(path) if path startsWith rm.basePath => {
       val baseURI = req.underlying.getRequestURL.toString
       val r: Resource = rm.resource(new URL(baseURI))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test_www/foaf.n3	Sun Oct 16 17:09:57 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+@prefix foaf: <> .
+@prefix : <#> .
+<> a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument;
+   foaf:primaryTopic :joe .
+:joe a foaf:Person;
+    foaf:name "John Doe";
+    foaf:knows <> .
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test_www/foaf.n3.protect.n3	Sun Oct 16 17:09:57 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+@prefix acl: <> .
+@prefix : <#> .
+:a1 a acl:Authorization;
+   acl:accessTo <foaf.n3>;
+   acl:mode acl:Read;
+   acl:agent <> .