--- a/nquads/index.html Tue Jul 02 13:36:26 2013 -0700
+++ b/nquads/index.html Tue Jul 02 14:29:53 2013 -0700
@@ -200,7 +200,33 @@
<section id="sec-parsing">
- <p class="issue">It may be simple, but should still be defined.</p>
+ <p>Parsing N-Quads requires a state of one item:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li id="bnodeLabels">Map[<a class="type string">string</a> -> <a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-blank-node">blank node</a>] <code class="dfn">bnodeLabels</code> — A mapping from string to blank node.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <section id="sec-parsing-terms">
+ <h3>RDF Term Constructors</h3>
+ <p>This table maps productions and lexical tokens to <code>RDF terms</code> or components of <code>RDF terms</code> listed in <a href="#sec-parsing" class="sectionRef"></a>:</p>
+ <table class="simple">
+ <thead>
+ <tr><th>production</th><th>type</th><th>procedure</th></tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr id="handle-IRIREF" ><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type IRI" href="#grammar-production-IRIREF" >IRIREF </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-iri"> IRI </a></td><td>The characters between "<" and ">" are taken, with the <a href="#numeric">numeric escape sequences</a> unescaped, to form the unicode string of the IRI.</tr>
+ <tr id="handle-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE" ><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type lexicalForm" href="#grammar-production-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE" >STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-lexical-form"> lexical form</a></td><td>The characters between the outermost '"'s are taken, with <a href="#numeric">numeric</a> and <a href="#string">string</a> escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of a lexical form.</td></tr>
+ <tr id="handle-LANGTAG" ><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type langTag" href="#grammar-production-LANGTAG" >LANGTAG </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-language-tag">language tag</a></td><td>The characters following the <code>@</code> form the unicode string of the language tag.</td></tr>
+ <tr id="handle-literal" ><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type literal" href="#grammar-production-literal" >literal </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-literal"> literal </a></td><td>The literal has a lexical form of the first rule argument, <code> STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE</code>, and either a language tag of <code>LANGTAG</code> or a datatype IRI of <code>iri</code>, depending on which rule matched the input. if neither a language tag nor a datatype IRI is provided, the literal has a datatype of <code>xsd:string</code>.</td></tr>
+ <tr id="handle-BLANK_NODE_LABEL" ><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type bNode" href="#grammar-production-BLANK_NODE_LABEL" >BLANK_NODE_LABEL </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-blank-node"> blank node </a></td><td>The string matching the second argument, <code>PN_LOCAL</code>, is a key in <a href="#bnodeLabels">bnodeLabels</a>. If there is no corresponding blank node in the map, one is allocated.</td></tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>RDF Dataset Construction</h3>
+ <p>A N-Quad document defines an RDF dataset composed of RDF graphs composed of a set of RDF triples. The <code><a href="#grammar-production-statement">statement</a></code> production produces a triple defined by the terms constructed for <code><a href="#grammar-production-subject">subject</a></code>, <code><a href="#grammar-production-predicate">predicate</a></code> and <code><a href="#grammar-production-object">object</a></code>. This RDF triple is added to the graph labeled by the production <code><a href="#grammar-production-graphLabel">graphLabel</a></code>, if no <code>graphLabel</code> is present the triple is added to the RDF datasets default graph.</p>
+ </section>
<section id="sec-mediaReg" class="appendix">
--- a/rdf-turtle/n-triples.html Tue Jul 02 13:36:26 2013 -0700
+++ b/rdf-turtle/n-triples.html Tue Jul 02 14:29:53 2013 -0700
@@ -262,6 +262,37 @@
+ <section id="sec-parsing">
+ <h3>Parsing</h3>
+ <p>Parsing N-Triples requires a state of one item:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li id="bnodeLabels">Map[<a class="type string">string</a> -> <a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-blank-node">blank node</a>] <code class="dfn">bnodeLabels</code> — A mapping from string to blank node.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <section id="sec-parsing-terms">
+ <h3>RDF Term Constructors</h3>
+ <p>This table maps productions and lexical tokens to <code>RDF terms</code> or components of <code>RDF terms</code> listed in <a href="#sec-parsing" class="sectionRef"></a>:</p>
+ <table class="simple">
+ <thead>
+ <tr><th>production</th><th>type</th><th>procedure</th></tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr id="handle-IRIREF" ><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type IRI" href="#grammar-production-IRIREF" >IRIREF </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-iri"> IRI </a></td><td>The characters between "<" and ">" are taken, with the <a href="#numeric">numeric escape sequences</a> unescaped, to form the unicode string of the IRI.</tr>
+ <tr id="handle-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE" ><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type lexicalForm" href="#grammar-production-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE" >STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-lexical-form"> lexical form</a></td><td>The characters between the outermost '"'s are taken, with <a href="#numeric">numeric</a> and <a href="#string">string</a> escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of a lexical form.</td></tr>
+ <tr id="handle-LANGTAG" ><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type langTag" href="#grammar-production-LANGTAG" >LANGTAG </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-language-tag">language tag</a></td><td>The characters following the <code>@</code> form the unicode string of the language tag.</td></tr>
+ <tr id="handle-literal" ><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type literal" href="#grammar-production-literal" >literal </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-literal"> literal </a></td><td>The literal has a lexical form of the first rule argument, <code> STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE</code>, and either a language tag of <code>LANGTAG</code> or a datatype IRI of <code>iri</code>, depending on which rule matched the input. if neither a language tag nor a datatype IRI is provided, the literal has a datatype of <code>xsd:string</code>.</td></tr>
+ <tr id="handle-BLANK_NODE_LABEL" ><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type bNode" href="#grammar-production-BLANK_NODE_LABEL" >BLANK_NODE_LABEL </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-blank-node"> blank node </a></td><td>The string matching the second argument, <code>PN_LOCAL</code>, is a key in <a href="#bnodeLabels">bnodeLabels</a>. If there is no corresponding blank node in the map, one is allocated.</td></tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>RDF Triple Construction</h3>
+ <p>A N-Triple document defines an RDF graphs composed of a set of RDF triples. The <code><a href="#grammar-production-triple">triple</a></code> production produces a triple defined by the terms constructed for <code><a href="#grammar-production-subject">subject</a></code>, <code><a href="#grammar-production-predicate">predicate</a></code> and <code><a href="#grammar-production-object">object</a></code>.
+ </section>
+ </section>
<section id="sec-mediaReg-n-triples" class="appendix">
<h2>N-Triples Internet Media Type, File Extension and Macintosh File Type </h2>