authorGavin Carothers <>
Wed, 25 Apr 2012 16:59:23 -0700
changeset 257 7d796fb0f976
parent 256 316331505ff1 (current diff)
parent 253 1dbb75eadc1d (diff)
child 258 507998a7685b
--- a/rdf-turtle/index.html	Wed Apr 25 16:57:38 2012 -0700
+++ b/rdf-turtle/index.html	Wed Apr 25 16:59:23 2012 -0700
@@ -323,6 +323,9 @@
 				<pre class="example"><script type="text/turtle">@prefix rdfs: <> .
 @prefix show: <> .
+				<pre class="example"><script type="text/turtle">@prefix rdfs: <> .
+@prefix show: <> .
 show:218 rdfs:label "That Seventies Show"^^xsd:string .            # literal with XML Schema string datatype
 show:218 rdfs:label "That Seventies Show"^^<> . # same as above
 show:218 rdfs:label "That Seventies Show" .                                            # same again
@@ -465,7 +468,8 @@
 				  A fresh RDF blank node is allocated for each unique blank node label in a Turtle or N-Triples document.
 				  Repeated use of the same blank node label identifies the same RDF blank node.
-				<pre class="example"><script type="text/plain">
+				<pre class="example"><script type="text/turtle">@prefix foaf: <> .
 _:alice foaf:knows _:bob .
 _:bob foaf:knows _:alice .
@@ -480,7 +484,8 @@
 				    The generation of these triples is described below in <a href="#groups">Predicate Object Lists in Turtle</a>.
 				    Blank nodes are also allocated for <a href="#collections">Collections in Turtle</a> (below).
-				  <pre class="example"><script type="text/plain">
+				  <pre class="example"><script type="text/turtle">@prefix foaf: <> .
 # Someone knows someone else, who has the name "Bob".
 [] foaf:knows [ foaf:name "Bob" ] .
@@ -556,7 +561,8 @@
 				  <div style="float:left;">
 				    <p class="idlAttrName" style="padding-left:2em;">Abbreviated Turtle:</p>
-				<pre class="example"><script type="text/plain">
+				<pre class="example"><script type="text/turtle">@prefix foaf: <> .
 [ foaf:name "Alice" ] foaf:knows [
     foaf:name "Bob" ;
     foaf:knows [
@@ -566,7 +572,7 @@
 				  <div style="float:left;">
 				    <p class="idlAttrName" style="padding-left:2em;">Corresponding N-Triples:</p>
-				<pre class="example"><script type="text/plain">
+				<pre class="example"><script type="text/turtle">
 _:a <> "Alice" .
 _:a <> _:b .
 _:b <> "Bob" .
@@ -780,7 +786,7 @@
-		  <em id="reserved">reserved character escape sequences</em> consist of a '\' followed by one of <code>~.-!$&amp;'()*+,;=:/?#@%_</code> and represent the character to the right of the '\'.
+		  <em id="reserved">reserved character escape sequences</em> consist of a '\' followed by one of <code>~.-!$&amp;'()*+,;=/?#@%_</code> and represent the character to the right of the '\'.
@@ -987,7 +993,8 @@
           <p>is syntactic sugar for (noting that the blank nodes <code>b0</code>, <code>b1</code> and <code>b2</code> do not occur anywhere else in the RDF graph):</p>
-<pre class="example untested"><script type="text/turtle">    _:b0  rdf:first  1 ;
+<pre class="example untested"><script type="text/turtle">@prefix rdf: <> .
+    _:b0  rdf:first  1 ;
           rdf:rest   _:b1 .
     _:b1  rdf:first  2.0 ;
           rdf:rest   _:b2 .
@@ -999,7 +1006,8 @@
           <pre class="example untested">(1 [:p :q] ( 2 ) ) .</pre>
-          <p>is syntactic sugar for:</p><pre class="example untested"><script type="text/turtle">    _:b0  rdf:first  1 ;
+          <p>is syntactic sugar for:</p><pre class="example untested"><script type="text/turtle">@prefix rdf: <> .
+    _:b0  rdf:first  1 ;
           rdf:rest   _:b1 .
     _:b1  rdf:first  _:b2 .
     _:b2  :p         :q .
--- a/rdf-turtle/turtle-bnf.html	Wed Apr 25 16:57:38 2012 -0700
+++ b/rdf-turtle/turtle-bnf.html	Wed Apr 25 16:59:23 2012 -0700
@@ -318,11 +318,11 @@
     <td>([<code class='grammar-chars'>A-Z</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>a-z</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#00C0-#00D6</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#00D8-#00F6</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#00F8-#02FF</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#0370-#037D</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#037F-#1FFF</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#200C-#200D</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#2070-#218F</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#2C00-#2FEF</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#3001-#D7FF</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#F900-#FDCF</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#FDF0-#FFFD</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>#10000-#EFFFF</code>])</td>
-            <tr id="grammar-production-PN_CHARS_U" data-grammar-original="[96s] PN_CHARS_U ::= PN_CHARS_BASE| &quot;_&quot;" data-grammar-expression="(&#x27;|&#x27;, [(&#x27;id&#x27;, &#x27;PN_CHARS_BASE&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;_&#x27;)])" class='grammar-token'>
+            <tr id="grammar-production-PN_CHARS_U" data-grammar-original="[96s] PN_CHARS_U  ::=  PN_CHARS_BASE| &#x27;_&#x27;| &#x27;:&#x27;" data-grammar-expression="(&#x27;|&#x27;, [(&#x27;id&#x27;, &#x27;PN_CHARS_BASE&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;_&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;:&#x27;)])" class='grammar-token'>
-    <td>(<a href='#grammar-production-PN_CHARS_BASE'>PN_CHARS_BASE</a> <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>_</code>')</td>
+    <td>(<a href='#grammar-production-PN_CHARS_BASE'>PN_CHARS_BASE</a> <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>_</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>:</code>')</td>
             <tr id="grammar-production-PN_CHARS" data-grammar-original="[98s] PN_CHARS ::= PN_CHARS_U| &quot;-&quot;| [0-9]| #00B7| [#0300-#036F]| [#203F-#2040]" data-grammar-expression="(&#x27;|&#x27;, [(&#x27;id&#x27;, &#x27;PN_CHARS_U&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;-&#x27;), (&#x27;[&#x27;, &#x27;0-9&#x27;), (&#x27;#&#x27;, &#x27;#00B7&#x27;), (&#x27;[&#x27;, &#x27;#0300-#036F&#x27;), (&#x27;[&#x27;, &#x27;#203F-#2040&#x27;)])" class='grammar-token'>
@@ -360,11 +360,11 @@
     <td>([<code class='grammar-chars'>0-9</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>A-F</code>] <code>|</code> [<code class='grammar-chars'>a-f</code>])</td>
-            <tr id="grammar-production-PN_LOCAL_ESC" data-grammar-original="[163s] PN_LOCAL_ESC ::= &#x27;\\&#x27; ( &#x27;_&#x27; | &#x27;~&#x27; | &#x27;.&#x27; | &#x27;-&#x27; | &#x27;!&#x27; | &#x27;$&#x27; | &#x27;&amp;&#x27; | &quot;&#x27;&quot; | &#x27;(&#x27; | &#x27;)&#x27; | &#x27;*&#x27; | &#x27;+&#x27; | &#x27;,&#x27; | &#x27;;&#x27; | &#x27;=&#x27; | &#x27;:&#x27; | &#x27;/&#x27; | &#x27;?&#x27; | &#x27;#&#x27; | &#x27;@&#x27; | &#x27;%&#x27; )" data-grammar-expression="(&#x27;,&#x27;, [(&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;\\\\&#x27;), (&#x27;|&#x27;, [(&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;_&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;~&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;.&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;-&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;!&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;$&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;&amp;&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &quot;&#x27;&quot;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;(&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;)&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;*&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;+&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;,&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;;&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;=&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;:&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;/&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;?&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;#&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;@&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;%&#x27;)])])" class='grammar-token'>
+            <tr id="grammar-production-PN_LOCAL_ESC" data-grammar-original="[163s] PN_LOCAL_ESC ::= &#x27;\\&#x27; ( &#x27;_&#x27; | &#x27;~&#x27; | &#x27;.&#x27; | &#x27;-&#x27; | &#x27;!&#x27; | &#x27;$&#x27; | &#x27;&amp;&#x27; | &quot;&#x27;&quot; | &#x27;(&#x27; | &#x27;)&#x27; | &#x27;*&#x27; | &#x27;+&#x27; | &#x27;,&#x27; | &#x27;;&#x27; | &#x27;=&#x27; | &#x27;/&#x27; | &#x27;?&#x27; | &#x27;#&#x27; | &#x27;@&#x27; | &#x27;%&#x27; )" data-grammar-expression="(&#x27;,&#x27;, [(&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;\\\\&#x27;), (&#x27;|&#x27;, [(&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;_&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;~&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;.&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;-&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;!&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;$&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;&amp;&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &quot;&#x27;&quot;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;(&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;)&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;*&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;+&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;,&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;;&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;=&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;/&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;?&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;#&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;@&#x27;), (&quot;&#x27;&quot;, &#x27;%&#x27;)])])" class='grammar-token'>
-    <td>'<code class='grammar-literal'>\\</code>' ('<code class='grammar-literal'>_</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>~</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>.</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>-</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>!</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>$</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>&amp;</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>&#x27;</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>(</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>)</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>*</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>+</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>,</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>;</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>=</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>:</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>/</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>?</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>#</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>@</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>%</code>')</td>
+    <td>'<code class='grammar-literal'>\\</code>' ('<code class='grammar-literal'>_</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>~</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>.</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>-</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>!</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>$</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>&amp;</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>&#x27;</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>(</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>)</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>*</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>+</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>,</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>;</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>=</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>/</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>?</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>#</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>@</code>' <code>|</code> '<code class='grammar-literal'>%</code>')</td>
--- a/rdf-turtle/turtle.bnf	Wed Apr 25 16:57:38 2012 -0700
+++ b/rdf-turtle/turtle.bnf	Wed Apr 25 16:59:23 2012 -0700
@@ -133,8 +133,9 @@
  | [#F900-#FDCF] 
  | [#FDF0-#FFFD] 
  | [#10000-#EFFFF] 
- | "_" 
+[96s] PN_CHARS_U  ::=  PN_CHARS_BASE 
+ | '_' 
+ | ':'
 [98s] PN_CHARS ::= PN_CHARS_U 
  | "-" 
  | [0-9] 
@@ -151,4 +152,4 @@
 [162s] HEX ::= [0-9] | [A-F] | [a-f]
-[163s] PN_LOCAL_ESC ::= '\\' ( '_' | '~' | '.' | '-' | '!' | '$' | '&' | "'" | '(' | ')' | '*' | '+' | ',' | ';' | '=' | ':' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '@' | '%' )
\ No newline at end of file
+[163s] PN_LOCAL_ESC ::= '\\' ( '_' | '~' | '.' | '-' | '!' | '$' | '&' | "'" | '(' | ')' | '*' | '+' | ',' | ';' | '=' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '@' | '%' )
\ No newline at end of file