Fiddle with ReSpec.js until it's happy
authorGavin Carothers <>
Tue, 27 Aug 2013 09:26:52 -0700 (2013-08-27)
changeset 1012 75e7b5f521f7
parent 1011 a85c137db7a7
child 1013 400d278a9533
Fiddle with ReSpec.js until it's happy
--- a/drafts/n-quads/Overview.html	Tue Aug 27 09:14:48 2013 -0700
+++ b/drafts/n-quads/Overview.html	Tue Aug 27 09:26:52 2013 -0700
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-      <a href=""><img src="" alt="W3C" height="48" width="72"></a>
+      <a href=""><img width="72" height="48" src="" alt="W3C"></a>
-  <h1 class="title" id="title">N-Quads</h1>
+  <h1 class="title p-name" id="title" property="dcterms:title">N-Quads</h1>
-    <h2 id="subtitle">A line-based syntax for an RDF datasets</h2>
+    <h2 property="bibo:subtitle" id="subtitle">A line-based syntax for an RDF datasets</h2>
-  <h2 id="w3c-working-group-note-09-april-2013"><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Working Group Note 09 April 2013</h2>
+  <h2 property="dcterms:issued" datatype="xsd:dateTime" content="2013-07-23T07:00:00.000Z" id="w3c-last-call-working-draft-23-july-2013"><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Last Call Working Draft <time class="dt-published" datetime="2013-07-23">23 July 2013</time></h2>
       <dt>This version:</dt>
-      <dd><a href=""></a></dd>
+      <dd><a class="u-url" href=""></a></dd>
       <dt>Latest published version:</dt>
       <dd><a href=""></a></dd>
@@ -232,13 +186,15 @@
       <dt>Previous version:</dt>
-      <dd><a href=""></a></dd>
+      <dd><a rel="dcterms:replaces" href=""></a></dd>
-    <dd><span>Gavin Carothers</span>, <a href="">Lex Machina, Inc</a></dd>
+    <dd class="p-author h-card vcard" rel="bibo:editor" inlist=""><span typeof="foaf:Person"><span property="foaf:name" class="p-name fn">Gavin Carothers</span>, <a rel="foaf:workplaceHomepage" class="p-org org h-org h-card" href="">Lex Machina, Inc</a></span>
@@ -246,10 +202,10 @@
       <p class="copyright">
-        <a href="">Copyright</a> © 
+        <a href="">Copyright</a> ©
-        <a href=""><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></a><sup>®</sup> 
+        <a href=""><abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></a><sup>®</sup>
         (<a href=""><abbr title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</abbr></a>,
         <a href=""><abbr title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</abbr></a>,
         <a href="">Keio</a>, <a href="">Beihang</a>), All Rights Reserved.
@@ -261,9 +217,9 @@
-    <section class="introductory" id="abstract"><h2>Abstract</h2><p>
+    <section id="abstract" class="introductory" property="dcterms:abstract" datatype="" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#abstract" rel="bibo:chapter"><h2>Abstract</h2><p>
     N-Quads is a line-based, plain text format for encoding an RDF dataset.
-</p></section><section id="sotd" class="introductory"><h2>Status of This Document</h2>
+</p></section><section id="sotd" class="introductory" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#sotd" rel="bibo:chapter"><h2>Status of This Document</h2>
@@ -275,12 +231,13 @@
 <p>The N-Quads format has a similar flavour as N-Triples
-[<cite><a href="#bib-N-TRIPLES" class="bibref">N-TRIPLES</a></cite>]. The main distinction is that N-Quads allows encoding
-multiple graphs. This document is intended to become a Working Group
+[<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-n-triples">n-triples</a></cite>]. The main distinction is that N-Quads allows encoding
+multiple graphs. In a change from previous publication, this document is intended to become a <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Recommendation.</p>  
-          This document was published by the <a href="">RDF Working Group</a> as a First Public Working Group Note.
+          This document was published by the <a href="">RDF Working Group</a> as a Last Call Working Draft.
+            This document is intended to become a <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Recommendation.
           If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to 
@@ -288,23 +245,30 @@
           (<a href="">subscribe</a>,
           <a href="">archives</a>).
+          The Last Call period ends 30 November 1899.
-        All comments are welcome.
+            All comments are welcome.</p>
-          </p><p>
-            Publication as a Working Group Note does not imply endorsement by the <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Membership.
+          <p>
+            Publication as a Last Call Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Membership.
             This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at 
             any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.
+          <p>
+            This is a Last Call Working Draft and thus the Working Group has determined that this document has satisfied the
+            relevant technical requirements and is sufficiently stable to advance through the Technical Recommendation process.
+          </p>
             This document was produced by a group operating under the 
-            <a href="">5 February 2004 <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Patent Policy</a>.
+                <a id="sotd_patent" about="" rel="w3p:patentRules" href="">5 February 2004 <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Patent Policy</a>.
@@ -323,14 +287,14 @@
-</section><section id="toc"><h2 class="introductory">Table of Contents</h2><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#sec-intro"><span class="secno">1. </span>Introduction</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#n-quads-language"><span class="secno">2. </span>N-Quads Language</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#simple-triples"><span class="secno">2.1 </span>Simple Statements</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#sec-iri"><span class="secno">2.2 </span>IRIs</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#sec-literals"><span class="secno">2.3 </span>RDF Literals</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#BNodes"><span class="secno">2.4 </span>RDF Blank Nodes</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#conformance"><span class="secno">3. </span>Conformance</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#sec-mediatype"><span class="secno">3.1 </span>Media Type and Content Encoding</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#sec-grammar"><span class="secno">4. </span>Grammar</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#sec-parsing"><span class="secno">5. </span>Parsing</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#sec-mediaReg"><span class="secno">A. </span>N-Quads Internet Media Type, File Extension and Macintosh File Type </a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#references"><span class="secno">B. </span>References</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#normative-references"><span class="secno">B.1 </span>Normative references</a></li><li class="tocline"><a class="tocxref" href="#informative-references"><span class="secno">B.2 </span>Informative references</a></li></ul></li></ul></section>
+</section><section id="toc"><h2 class="introductory">Table of Contents</h2><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a href="#sec-intro" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">1. </span>Introduction</a></li><li class="tocline"><a href="#n-quads-language" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">2. </span>N-Quads Language</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a href="#simple-triples" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">2.1 </span>Simple Statements</a></li><li class="tocline"><a href="#sec-iri" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">2.2 </span>IRIs</a></li><li class="tocline"><a href="#sec-literals" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">2.3 </span>RDF Literals</a></li><li class="tocline"><a href="#BNodes" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">2.4 </span>RDF Blank Nodes</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline"><a href="#conformance" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">3. </span>Conformance</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a href="#sec-mediatype" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">3.1 </span>Media Type and Content Encoding</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline"><a href="#sec-grammar" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">4. </span>Grammar</a></li><li class="tocline"><a href="#sec-parsing" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">5. </span>Parsing</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a href="#sec-parsing-terms" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">5.1 </span>RDF Term Constructors</a></li><li class="tocline"><a href="#rdf-dataset-construction" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">5.2 </span>RDF Dataset Construction</a></li></ul></li><li class="tocline"><a href="#sec-mediaReg" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">A. </span>N-Quads Internet Media Type, File Extension and Macintosh File Type </a></li><li class="tocline"><a href="#references" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">B. </span>References</a><ul class="toc"><li class="tocline"><a href="#normative-references" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">B.1 </span>Normative references</a></li><li class="tocline"><a href="#informative-references" class="tocxref"><span class="secno">B.2 </span>Informative references</a></li></ul></li></ul></section>
-      <section id="sec-intro">
+      <section id="sec-intro" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#sec-intro" rel="bibo:chapter">
         <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">1. </span>Introduction</h2>
         <p>This document defines an easy to parse line-based language named N-Quads.</p>
-    <p>N-quads statments are a sequence of RDF terms representing the subject, predicate, object and graph label of an RDF Triple and the graph it is part of in a dataset. These may be seperated by white space (spaces <code>#x20</code> or tabs <code>#x9</code>). This sequence is terminated by a '<code>.</code>' and a new line (optional at the end of a document).
+    <p>N-quads statments are a sequence of RDF terms representing the subject, predicate, object and graph label of an RDF Triple and the graph it is part of in a dataset. These may be separated by white space (spaces <code>#x20</code> or tabs <code>#x9</code>). This sequence is terminated by a '<code>.</code>' and a new line (optional at the end of a document).
       <div class="example"><div class="example-title"><span>Example 1</span></div><pre class="example"><script type="application/n-quads"><http://one.example/subject1> <http://one.example/predicate1> <http://one.example/object1> <> . # comments here
@@ -343,13 +307,13 @@
       <section id="n-quads-language">
         <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">2. </span>N-Quads Language</h2>
-        <section id="simple-triples">
+        <section id="simple-triples" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#simple-triples" rel="bibo:chapter">
           <h3><span class="secno">2.1 </span>Simple Statements</h3>
           <p>The simplest statement is a sequence of (subject, predicate, object) terms forming an RDF triple and an optional IRI labeling what graph in a dataset the triple belongs to, all are separated by whitespace and terminated by '<code>.</code>' after each statement.</p>
           <div class="example"><div class="example-title"><span>Example 2</span></div><pre class="example"><script type="application/n-quads"><> <> <> <> .</script></pre></div>
-          <p>The graph label IRI can be ommited, in which case the triples are considered part of the default graph of the RDF dataset.</p><p>
+          <p>The graph label IRI can be omitted, in which case the triples are considered part of the default graph of the RDF dataset.</p><p>
-              <section id="sec-iri">
+              <section id="sec-iri" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#sec-iri" rel="bibo:chapter">
         <h3><span class="secno">2.2 </span>IRIs</h3>
@@ -357,7 +321,7 @@
             IRIs are enclosed in '&lt;' and '&gt;' and may contain numeric escape sequences (described below). For example <code>&lt;;</code>.
-        <section id="sec-literals">
+        <section id="sec-literals" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#sec-literals" rel="bibo:chapter">
               <h3><span class="secno">2.3 </span>RDF Literals</h3>
         <p><a href="">Literals</a> are used to identify values such as strings, numbers, dates.</p>
@@ -370,11 +334,8 @@
           If present, the <a href="">language tag</a> is preceded by a '<code>@</code>' (<span class="codepoint">U+0040</span>).
           If there is no language tag, there may be a <a href="">datatype IRI</a>, preceeded by '<code>^^</code>' (<span class="codepoint">U+005E</span> <span class="codepoint">U+005E</span>). If there is no datatype IRI and no language tag, the datatype is <code>xsd:string</code>.
-        <div class="issue"><div class="issue-title"><span>Issue 1</span></div><p class="">
-          Include examples with a few escapes for new lines, etc
-        </p></div>
-      <section id="BNodes">
+      <section id="BNodes" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#BNodes" rel="bibo:chapter">
         <h3><span class="secno">2.4 </span>RDF Blank Nodes</h3>
           <a href="">RDF blank nodes</a> in N-Quads are expressed as <code>_:</code> followed by a blank node label which is a series of name characters.
@@ -395,15 +356,15 @@
-      <section id="conformance"><!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">3. </span>Conformance</h2>
+      <section id="conformance" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#conformance" rel="bibo:chapter"><!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">3. </span>Conformance</h2>
   As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples,
   and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is
-  The key words <em title="MUST" class="rfc2119">MUST</em>, <em title="MUST NOT" class="rfc2119">MUST NOT</em>, <em title="REQUIRED" class="rfc2119">REQUIRED</em>, <em title="SHOULD" class="rfc2119">SHOULD</em>, <em title="SHOULD NOT" class="rfc2119">SHOULD NOT</em>, <em title="RECOMMENDED" class="rfc2119">RECOMMENDED</em>, <em title="MAY" class="rfc2119">MAY</em>,
-  and <em title="OPTIONAL" class="rfc2119">OPTIONAL</em> in this specification are to be interpreted as described in [<cite><a href="#bib-RFC2119" class="bibref">RFC2119</a></cite>].
+  The key words <em class="rfc2119" title="MUST">MUST</em>, <em class="rfc2119" title="MUST NOT">MUST NOT</em>, <em class="rfc2119" title="REQUIRED">REQUIRED</em>, <em class="rfc2119" title="SHOULD">SHOULD</em>, <em class="rfc2119" title="SHOULD NOT">SHOULD NOT</em>, <em class="rfc2119" title="RECOMMENDED">RECOMMENDED</em>, <em class="rfc2119" title="MAY">MAY</em>,
+  and <em class="rfc2119" title="OPTIONAL">OPTIONAL</em> in this specification are to be interpreted as described in [<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-RFC2119">RFC2119</a></cite>].
           <p>This specification defines conformance criteria for:</p>
@@ -417,7 +378,7 @@
       <p>The IRI that identifies the N-Quad language is: <code></code></p>          
-        <section id="sec-mediatype">
+        <section id="sec-mediatype" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#sec-mediatype" rel="bibo:chapter">
       <h3><span class="secno">3.1 </span>Media Type and Content Encoding</h3>
       <p>The media type of N-Quads is <code>application/n-quads</code>.
@@ -428,14 +389,14 @@
-        <section id="sec-grammar">
+        <section id="sec-grammar" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#sec-grammar" rel="bibo:chapter">
           <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">4. </span>Grammar</h2>
-          <p>A N-Quads document is a Unicode[<cite><a href="#bib-UNICODE" class="bibref">UNICODE</a></cite>] character string encoded in UTF-8.
+          <p>A N-Quads document is a Unicode[<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-UNICODE">UNICODE</a></cite>] character string encoded in UTF-8.
           Unicode codepoints only in the range U+0 to U+10FFFF inclusive are allowed.</p>
           <p>The <abbr title="Extended Backus–Naur Form">EBNF</abbr> used here is defined in XML 1.0
-            [<cite><a href="#bib-EBNF-NOTATION" class="bibref">EBNF-NOTATION</a></cite>].</p>
+            [<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-EBNF-NOTATION">EBNF-NOTATION</a></cite>].</p>
           <p>Escape sequence rules are the same as Turtle
-          [<cite><a href="#bib-TURTLE-TR" class="bibref">TURTLE-TR</a></cite>]. However, as only the <a href="#grammar-production-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE"><code>STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE</code></a> production is allowed new lines in literals <em title="MUST" class="rfc2119">MUST</em> be escaped.</p>
+          [<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-turtle">turtle</a></cite>]. However, as only the <a href="#grammar-production-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE"><code>STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE</code></a> production is allowed new lines in literals <em class="rfc2119" title="MUST">MUST</em> be escaped.</p>
           <div><table class="grammar">
     <tbody class="grammar-productions">
             <tr id="grammar-production-nquadsDoc" data-grammar-original="[1]  nquadsDoc          ::= statement? (EOL statement)* EOL?" data-grammar-expression="(',', [('?', ('id', 'statement')), ('*', (',', [('id', 'EOL'), ('id', 'statement')])), ('?', ('id', 'EOL'))])">
@@ -444,11 +405,11 @@
     <td><a href="#grammar-production-statement">statement</a>? (<a href="#grammar-production-EOL">EOL</a> <a href="#grammar-production-statement">statement</a>)<code class="grammar-star">*</code> <a href="#grammar-production-EOL">EOL</a>?</td>
-            <tr id="grammar-production-statement" data-grammar-original="[2]  statement          ::= WS* subject WS+ predicate WS+ object WS+ graphLabel WS* '.' WS*" data-grammar-expression="(',', [('*', ('id', 'WS')), ('id', 'subject'), ('+', ('id', 'WS')), ('id', 'predicate'), ('+', ('id', 'WS')), ('id', 'object'), ('+', ('id', 'WS')), ('id', 'graphLabel'), ('*', ('id', 'WS')), (&quot;'&quot;, '.'), ('*', ('id', 'WS'))])">
+            <tr id="grammar-production-statement" data-grammar-original="[2]  statement          ::= WS* subject WS+ predicate WS+ object (WS+ graphLabel)? WS* '.' WS*" data-grammar-expression="(',', [('*', ('id', 'WS')), ('id', 'subject'), ('+', ('id', 'WS')), ('id', 'predicate'), ('+', ('id', 'WS')), ('id', 'object'), ('?', (',', [('+', ('id', 'WS')), ('id', 'graphLabel')])), ('*', ('id', 'WS')), (&quot;'&quot;, '.'), ('*', ('id', 'WS'))])">
-    <td><a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-star">*</code> <a href="#grammar-production-subject">subject</a> <a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-plus">+</code> <a href="#grammar-production-predicate">predicate</a> <a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-plus">+</code> <a href="#grammar-production-object">object</a> <a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-plus">+</code> <a href="#grammar-production-graphLabel">graphLabel</a> <a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-star">*</code> '<code class="grammar-literal">.</code>' <a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-star">*</code></td>
+    <td><a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-star">*</code> <a href="#grammar-production-subject">subject</a> <a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-plus">+</code> <a href="#grammar-production-predicate">predicate</a> <a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-plus">+</code> <a href="#grammar-production-object">object</a> (<a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-plus">+</code> <a href="#grammar-production-graphLabel">graphLabel</a>)? <a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-star">*</code> '<code class="grammar-literal">.</code>' <a href="#grammar-production-WS">WS</a><code class="grammar-star">*</code></td>
             <tr id="grammar-production-subject" data-grammar-original="[3]  subject            ::= IRIREF | BLANK_NODE_LABEL" data-grammar-expression="('|', [('id', 'IRIREF'), ('id', 'BLANK_NODE_LABEL')])">
@@ -480,33 +441,33 @@
     <td><a href="#grammar-production-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE">STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE</a> ('<code class="grammar-literal">^^</code>' <a href="#grammar-production-IRIREF">IRIREF</a> <code>| </code> '<code class="grammar-literal">@</code>' <a href="#grammar-production-LANG">LANG</a>)?</td>
-<tr><td colspan="4"><h2 id="terminals">Productions for terminals</h2></td></tr>
-            <tr id="grammar-production-LANG" data-grammar-original="[8]  LANG               ::= [a-zA-Z]+ ( &quot;-&quot; [a-zA-Z0-9]+ )*" data-grammar-expression="(',', [('+', ('[', 'a-zA-Z')), ('*', (',', [(&quot;'&quot;, '-'), ('+', ('[', 'a-zA-Z0-9'))]))])" class="grammar-token">
+<tr><td colspan="5"><h2 id="terminals">Productions for terminals</h2></td></tr>
+            <tr id="grammar-production-LANGTAG" data-grammar-original="[144s] LANGTAG          ::= &quot;@&quot; [a-zA-Z]+ ( &quot;-&quot; [a-zA-Z0-9]+ )*" data-grammar-expression="(',', [(&quot;'&quot;, '@'), ('+', ('[', 'a-zA-Z')), ('*', (',', [(&quot;'&quot;, '-'), ('+', ('[', 'a-zA-Z0-9'))]))])" class="grammar-token">
+    <td>[144s]</td>
+    <td><code>LANGTAG</code></td>
+    <td>::=</td>
+    <td>'<code class="grammar-literal">@</code>' [<code class="grammar-chars">a-zA-Z</code>]<code class="grammar-plus">+</code> ('<code class="grammar-literal">-</code>' [<code class="grammar-chars">a-zA-Z0-9</code>]<code class="grammar-plus">+</code>)<code class="grammar-star">*</code></td>
+            <tr id="grammar-production-EOL" data-grammar-original="[8]  EOL                ::= [#xD#xA]+" data-grammar-expression="('+', ('[', '#xD#xA'))" class="grammar-token">
-    <td><code>LANG</code></td>
-    <td>::=</td>
-    <td>[<code class="grammar-chars">a-zA-Z</code>]<code class="grammar-plus">+</code> ('<code class="grammar-literal">-</code>' [<code class="grammar-chars">a-zA-Z0-9</code>]<code class="grammar-plus">+</code>)<code class="grammar-star">*</code></td>
-            <tr id="grammar-production-EOL" data-grammar-original="[9]  EOL                ::= [#xD#xA]+" data-grammar-expression="('+', ('[', '#xD#xA'))" class="grammar-token">
-    <td>[9]</td>
     <td>[<code class="grammar-chars">#xD#xA</code>]<code class="grammar-plus">+</code></td>
-            <tr id="grammar-production-WS" data-grammar-original="[10]  WS                 ::= [#x20#x9]" data-grammar-expression="('[', '#x20#x9')" class="grammar-token">
-    <td>[10]</td>
+            <tr id="grammar-production-WS" data-grammar-original="[9] WS                 ::= [#x20#x9]" data-grammar-expression="('[', '#x20#x9')" class="grammar-token">
+    <td>[9]</td>
     <td>[<code class="grammar-chars">#x20#x9</code>]</td>
-            <tr id="grammar-production-IRIREF" data-grammar-original="[11] IRIREF ::=  '<' ([^#x00-#x20<>&quot;{}|^`\] | UCHAR)* '>'" data-grammar-expression="(',', [(&quot;'&quot;, '<'), ('*', ('|', [('[', '^#x00-#x20<>&quot;{}|^`\\'), ('id', 'UCHAR')])), (&quot;'&quot;, '>')])" class="grammar-token">
-    <td>[11]</td>
+            <tr id="grammar-production-IRIREF" data-grammar-original="[10] IRIREF ::=  '&lt;' ([^#x00-#x20&lt;&gt;&quot;{}|^`\] | UCHAR)* '&gt;'" data-grammar-expression="(',', [(&quot;'&quot;, '&lt;'), ('*', ('|', [('[', '^#x00-#x20&lt;&gt;&quot;{}|^`\\'), ('id', 'UCHAR')])), (&quot;'&quot;, '&gt;')])" class="grammar-token">
+    <td>[10]</td>
     <td>'<code class="grammar-literal">&lt;</code>' ([<code class="grammar-chars">^#x00-#x20&lt;&gt;"{}|^`\</code>] <code>| </code> <a href="#grammar-production-UCHAR">UCHAR</a>)<code class="grammar-star">*</code> '<code class="grammar-literal">&gt;</code>'</td>
-            <tr id="grammar-production-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE" data-grammar-original="[12] STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE ::= '&quot;' ( [^#x22#x5C#xA#xD] | ECHAR | UCHAR )* '&quot;'" data-grammar-expression="(',', [(&quot;'&quot;, '&quot;'), ('*', ('|', [('[', '^#x22#x5C#xA#xD'), ('id', 'ECHAR'), ('id', 'UCHAR')])), (&quot;'&quot;, '&quot;')])" class="grammar-token">
-    <td>[12]</td>
+            <tr id="grammar-production-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE" data-grammar-original="[11] STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE ::= '&quot;' ( [^#x22#x5C#xA#xD] | ECHAR | UCHAR )* '&quot;'" data-grammar-expression="(',', [(&quot;'&quot;, '&quot;'), ('*', ('|', [('[', '^#x22#x5C#xA#xD'), ('id', 'ECHAR'), ('id', 'UCHAR')])), (&quot;'&quot;, '&quot;')])" class="grammar-token">
+    <td>[11]</td>
     <td>'<code class="grammar-literal">"</code>' ([<code class="grammar-chars">^#x22#x5C#xA#xD</code>] <code>| </code> <a href="#grammar-production-ECHAR">ECHAR</a> <code>| </code> <a href="#grammar-production-UCHAR">UCHAR</a>)<code class="grammar-star">*</code> '<code class="grammar-literal">"</code>'</td>
@@ -517,8 +478,8 @@
     <td>'<code class="grammar-literal">_:</code>' (<a href="#grammar-production-PN_CHARS_U">PN_CHARS_U</a> <code>| </code> [<code class="grammar-chars">0-9</code>]) ((<a href="#grammar-production-PN_CHARS">PN_CHARS</a> <code>| </code> '<code class="grammar-literal">.</code>')<code class="grammar-star">*</code> <a href="#grammar-production-PN_CHARS">PN_CHARS</a>)?</td>
-            <tr id="grammar-production-UCHAR" data-grammar-original="[13] UCHAR ::= ( &quot;\u&quot; HEX HEX HEX HEX )| ( &quot;\U&quot; HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX )" data-grammar-expression="('|', [(',', [(&quot;'&quot;, '\\u'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX')]), (',', [(&quot;'&quot;, '\\U'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX')])])" class="grammar-token">
-    <td>[13]</td>
+            <tr id="grammar-production-UCHAR" data-grammar-original="[12] UCHAR ::= ( &quot;\u&quot; HEX HEX HEX HEX )| ( &quot;\U&quot; HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX )" data-grammar-expression="('|', [(',', [(&quot;'&quot;, '\\u'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX')]), (',', [(&quot;'&quot;, '\\U'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX'), ('id', 'HEX')])])" class="grammar-token">
+    <td>[12]</td>
     <td>'<code class="grammar-literal">\u</code>' <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a> <code>| </code> '<code class="grammar-literal">\U</code>' <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#grammar-production-HEX">HEX</a></td>
@@ -556,12 +517,38 @@
-        <section id="sec-parsing">
+        <section id="sec-parsing" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#sec-parsing" rel="bibo:chapter">
           <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">5. </span>Parsing</h2>
-          <div class="issue"><div class="issue-title"><span>Issue 2</span></div><p class="">It may be simple, but should still be defined.</p></div>
+          <p>Parsing N-Quads requires a state of one item:</p>
+          <ul>
+            <li id="bnodeLabels">Map[<a class="type string">string</a> -&gt; <a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-blank-node">blank node</a>] <code class="dfn">bnodeLabels</code> — A mapping from string to blank node.</li>
+          </ul>
+          <section id="sec-parsing-terms" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#sec-parsing-terms" rel="bibo:chapter">
+          <h3><span class="secno">5.1 </span>RDF Term Constructors</h3>
+              <p>This table maps productions and lexical tokens to <code>RDF terms</code> or components of <code>RDF terms</code> listed in <a href="#sec-parsing" class="sectionRef sec-ref">section 5. Parsing</a>:</p>
+              <table class="simple">
+                <thead>
+                  <tr><th>production</th><th>type</th><th>procedure</th></tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                  <tr id="handle-IRIREF"><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type IRI" href="#grammar-production-IRIREF">IRIREF               </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-iri">      IRI         </a></td><td>The characters between "&lt;" and "&gt;" are taken, with the <a href="#numeric">numeric escape sequences</a> unescaped, to form the unicode string of the IRI.</td></tr>
+                  <tr id="handle-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE"><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type lexicalForm" href="#grammar-production-STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE">STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE      </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-lexical-form">                         lexical form</a></td><td>The characters between the outermost '"'s   are taken, with <a href="#numeric">numeric</a> and <a href="#string">string</a> escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of a lexical form.</td></tr>
+                  <tr id="handle-LANGTAG"><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type langTag" href="#grammar-production-LANGTAG">LANGTAG              </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-language-tag">language tag</a></td><td>The characters following the <code>@</code> form the unicode string of the language tag.</td></tr>
+                  <tr id="handle-literal"><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type literal" href="#grammar-production-literal">literal           </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-literal">            literal     </a></td><td>The literal has a lexical form of the first rule argument, <code>   STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE</code>, and either a language tag of <code>LANGTAG</code> or a datatype IRI of <code>iri</code>, depending on which rule matched the input. if neither a language tag nor a datatype IRI is provided, the literal has a datatype of <code>xsd:string</code>.</td></tr>
+                  <tr id="handle-BLANK_NODE_LABEL"><td style="text-align:left;"><a class="type bNode" href="#grammar-production-BLANK_NODE_LABEL">BLANK_NODE_LABEL     </a></td><td><a href="../rdf-concepts/index.html#dfn-blank-node">         blank node  </a></td><td>The string matching the second argument, <code>PN_LOCAL</code>, is a key in <a href="#bnodeLabels">bnodeLabels</a>. If there is no corresponding blank node in the map, one is allocated.</td></tr>
+                </tbody>
+              </table>
+          </section>
+          <section id="rdf-dataset-construction">
+            <h3><span class="secno">5.2 </span>RDF Dataset Construction</h3>
+            <p>A N-Quad document defines an RDF dataset composed of RDF graphs composed of a set of RDF triples. The  <code><a href="#grammar-production-statement">statement</a></code> production produces a triple defined by the terms constructed for <code><a href="#grammar-production-subject">subject</a></code>, <code><a href="#grammar-production-predicate">predicate</a></code> and <code><a href="#grammar-production-object">object</a></code>. This RDF triple is added to the graph labeled by the production <code><a href="#grammar-production-graphLabel">graphLabel</a></code>, if no <code>graphLabel</code> is present the triple is added to the RDF datasets default graph.</p>
+          </section>
-      <section id="sec-mediaReg" class="appendix">
+      <section id="sec-mediaReg" class="appendix" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#sec-mediaReg" rel="bibo:chapter">
         <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">A. </span>N-Quads Internet Media Type, File Extension and Macintosh File Type </h2>
@@ -588,16 +575,16 @@
           <dt>Encoding considerations:</dt>
-          <dd>The syntax of N-Quads is expressed over code points in Unicode [<cite><a href="#bib-UNICODE" class="bibref">UNICODE</a></cite>]. The encoding is always UTF-8 [<cite><a href="#bib-UTF-8" class="bibref">UTF-8</a></cite>].</dd>
+          <dd>The syntax of N-Quads is expressed over code points in Unicode [<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-UNICODE">UNICODE</a></cite>]. The encoding is always UTF-8 [<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-UTF-8">UTF-8</a></cite>].</dd>
           <dd>Unicode code points may also be expressed using an \uXXXX (U+0 to U+FFFF) or \UXXXXXXXX syntax (for U+10000 onwards) where X is a hexadecimal digit [0-9A-F]</dd>
           <dt>Security considerations:</dt>
-          <dd>N-Quads is a general-purpose assertion language; applications may evaluate given data to infer more assertions or to dereference IRIs, invoking the security considerations of the scheme for that IRI. Note in particular, the privacy issues in [<cite><a href="#bib-RFC3023" class="bibref">RFC3023</a></cite>] section 10 for HTTP IRIs. Data obtained from an inaccurate or malicious data source may lead to inaccurate or misleading conclusions, as well as the dereferencing of unintended IRIs. Care must be taken to align the trust in consulted resources with the sensitivity of the intended use of the data; inferences of potential medical treatments would likely require different trust than inferences for trip planning.</dd>
+          <dd>N-Quads is a general-purpose assertion language; applications may evaluate given data to infer more assertions or to dereference IRIs, invoking the security considerations of the scheme for that IRI. Note in particular, the privacy issues in [<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-RFC3023">RFC3023</a></cite>] section 10 for HTTP IRIs. Data obtained from an inaccurate or malicious data source may lead to inaccurate or misleading conclusions, as well as the dereferencing of unintended IRIs. Care must be taken to align the trust in consulted resources with the sensitivity of the intended use of the data; inferences of potential medical treatments would likely require different trust than inferences for trip planning.</dd>
           <dd>N-Quads is used to express arbitrary application data; security considerations will vary by domain of use. Security tools and protocols applicable to text (e.g. PGP encryption, MD5 sum validation, password-protected compression) may also be used on N-Quads documents. Security/privacy protocols must be imposed which reflect the sensitivity of the embedded information.</dd>
-          <dd>N-Quads can express data which is presented to the user, for example, RDF Schema labels. Application rendering strings retrieved from untrusted N-Quads documents must ensure that malignant strings may not be used to mislead the reader. The security considerations in the media type registration for XML ([<cite><a href="#bib-RFC3023" class="bibref">RFC3023</a></cite>] section 10) provide additional guidance around the expression of arbitrary data and markup.</dd>
+          <dd>N-Quads can express data which is presented to the user, for example, RDF Schema labels. Application rendering strings retrieved from untrusted N-Quads documents must ensure that malignant strings may not be used to mislead the reader. The security considerations in the media type registration for XML ([<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-RFC3023">RFC3023</a></cite>] section 10) provide additional guidance around the expression of arbitrary data and markup.</dd>
           <dd>N-Quads uses IRIs as term identifiers. Applications interpreting data expressed in N-Quads should address the security issues of
-      <a class="norm" href="">Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)</a> [<cite><a href="#bib-RFC3987" class="bibref">RFC3987</a></cite>] Section 8, as well as
-      <a class="norm" href="">Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax</a> [<cite><a href="#bib-RFC3986" class="bibref">RFC3986</a></cite>] Section 7.</dd>
+      <a class="norm" href="">Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)</a> [<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-RFC3987">RFC3987</a></cite>] Section 8, as well as
+      <a class="norm" href="">Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax</a> [<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-RFC3986">RFC3986</a></cite>] Section 7.</dd>
           <dd>Multiple IRIs may have the same appearance. Characters in different scripts may 
     look similar (a Cyrillic "о" may appear similar to a Latin "o"). A character followed 
@@ -608,9 +595,9 @@
     Any person or application that is writing or interpreting data in Turtle must take care to use the IRI that matches the intended semantics, and avoid IRIs that make look similar.
     Further information about matching of similar characters can be found 
     in <a class="inform" href="">Unicode Security 
-    Considerations</a> [<cite><a href="#bib-UNISEC" class="bibref">UNISEC</a></cite>] and
+    Considerations</a> [<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-UNICODE-SECURITY">UNICODE-SECURITY</a></cite>] and
     <a class="norm" href="">Internationalized Resource 
-    Identifiers (IRIs)</a> [<cite><a href="#bib-RFC3987" class="bibref">RFC3987</a></cite>] Section 8.
+    Identifiers (IRIs)</a> [<cite><a class="bibref" href="#bib-RFC3987">RFC3987</a></cite>] Section 8.
           <dt>Interoperability considerations:</dt>
@@ -643,14 +630,14 @@
-<section class="appendix" id="references"><!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">B. </span>References</h2><section id="normative-references"><h3><span class="secno">B.1 </span>Normative references</h3><dl class="bibliography"><dt id="bib-EBNF-NOTATION">[EBNF-NOTATION]</dt><dd>Tim Bray; Jean Paoli; C. M. Sperberg-McQueen; Eve Maler; François Yergeau. <a href=""><cite>EBNF Notation</cite></a> 26 November 2008. W3C Recommendation. URL: <a href=""></a> 
-</dd><dt id="bib-RFC2119">[RFC2119]</dt><dd>S. Bradner. <a href=""><cite>Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels.</cite></a> March 1997. Internet RFC 2119.  URL: <a href=""></a> 
-</dd><dt id="bib-RFC3023">[RFC3023]</dt><dd>M. Murata; S. St.Laurent; D. Kohn. <a href=""><cite>XML Media Types</cite></a> January 2001. Internet RFC 3023. URL: <a href=""></a> 
-</dd><dt id="bib-RFC3986">[RFC3986]</dt><dd>T. Berners-Lee; R. Fielding; L. Masinter. <a href=""><cite>Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax.</cite></a> January 2005. Internet RFC 3986. URL: <a href=""></a> 
-</dd><dt id="bib-RFC3987">[RFC3987]</dt><dd>M. Dürst; M. Suignard. <a href=""><cite>Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs).</cite></a> January 2005. Internet RFC 3987. URL: <a href=""></a> 
-</dd><dt id="bib-UNICODE">[UNICODE]</dt><dd>The Unicode Consortium. <a href=""><cite>The Unicode Standard.</cite></a>. Defined by: The Unicode Standard, Version 6.2.0, (Mountain View, CA: The Unicode Consortium, 2012. ISBN 978-1-936213-07-8) , as updated from time to time by the publication of new versions URL: <a href=""></a> 
-</dd><dt id="bib-UTF-8">[UTF-8]</dt><dd>F. Yergeau. <a href=""><cite>UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646</cite></a>. IETF RFC 3629. November 2003. URL: <a href=""></a>
-</dd></dl></section><section id="informative-references"><h3><span class="secno">B.2 </span>Informative references</h3><dl class="bibliography"><dt id="bib-N-TRIPLES">[N-TRIPLES]</dt><dd>Gavin Carothers. <a href=""><cite>N-Triples</cite></a>. W3C Working Draft (work in progress). URL: <a href=""></a>
-</dd><dt id="bib-TURTLE-TR">[TURTLE-TR]</dt><dd>Eric Prud'hommeaux; Gavin Carothers. <a href=""><cite>Turtle: Terse Triple Language</cite></a> 19 February 2013. W3C Candidate Recommendation. URL: <a href=""></a>
-</dd><dt id="bib-UNISEC">[UNISEC]</dt><dd>Mark Davis; Michel Suignard. <a href=""><cite>Unicode Security Considerations</cite></a> 4 August 2010. URL: <a href=""></a>
+<section id="references" class="appendix" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#references" rel="bibo:chapter"><!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">B. </span>References</h2><section id="normative-references" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#normative-references" rel="bibo:chapter"><h3><span class="secno">B.1 </span>Normative references</h3><dl class="bibliography" about=""><dt id="bib-EBNF-NOTATION">[EBNF-NOTATION]</dt><dd rel="dcterms:requires">Tim Bray; Jean Paoli; C. M. Sperberg-McQueen; Eve Maler; François Yergeau. <a href=""><cite>EBNF Notation</cite></a> 26 November 2008. W3C Recommendation. URL: <a href=""></a> 
+</dd><dt id="bib-RFC2119">[RFC2119]</dt><dd rel="dcterms:requires">S. Bradner. <a href=""><cite>Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels.</cite></a> March 1997. Internet RFC 2119.  URL: <a href=""></a> 
+</dd><dt id="bib-RFC3023">[RFC3023]</dt><dd rel="dcterms:requires">M. Murata; S. St.Laurent; D. Kohn. <a href=""><cite>XML Media Types (RFC 3023)</cite></a>. January 2001. RFC. URL: <a href=""></a>
+</dd><dt id="bib-RFC3986">[RFC3986]</dt><dd rel="dcterms:requires">T. Berners-Lee; R. Fielding; L. Masinter. <a href=""><cite>Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax (RFC 3986)</cite></a>. January 2005. RFC. URL: <a href=""></a>
+</dd><dt id="bib-RFC3987">[RFC3987]</dt><dd rel="dcterms:requires">M. Dürst; M. Suignard. <a href=""><cite>Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)</cite></a>. January 2005. RFC. URL: <a href=""></a>
+</dd><dt id="bib-UNICODE">[UNICODE]</dt><dd rel="dcterms:requires"><a href=""><cite>The Unicode Standard</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a>
+</dd><dt id="bib-UTF-8">[UTF-8]</dt><dd rel="dcterms:requires">F. Yergeau. <a href=""><cite>UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646</cite></a>. IETF RFC 3629. November 2003. URL: <a href=""></a>
+</dd></dl></section><section id="informative-references" typeof="bibo:Chapter" resource="#informative-references" rel="bibo:chapter"><h3><span class="secno">B.2 </span>Informative references</h3><dl class="bibliography" about=""><dt id="bib-UNICODE-SECURITY">[UNICODE-SECURITY]</dt><dd rel="dcterms:references">Mark Davis; Michel Suignard. <a href=""><cite>Unicode Security Considerations</cite></a>. URL: <a href=""></a>
+</dd><dt id="bib-n-triples">[n-triples]</dt><dd rel="dcterms:references">Gavin Carothers. <a href=""><cite>N-Triples</cite></a>. 9 April 2013. W3C Note. URL: <a href=""></a>
+</dd><dt id="bib-turtle">[turtle]</dt><dd rel="dcterms:references">Eric Prud'hommeaux; Gavin Carothers. <a href=""><cite>Turtle</cite></a>. 19 February 2013. W3C Candidate Recommendation. URL: <a href=""></a>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/trig/index.html	Tue Aug 27 09:14:48 2013 -0700
+++ b/trig/index.html	Tue Aug 27 09:26:52 2013 -0700
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 <!DOCTYPE html>
-<html xmlns="">
 	<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=utf-8'/>
 	<script src='' class='remove'></script>
   	<script src='' async class='remove'></script>
-  <script class='remove'>
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         return this.each(function () {
           var $newElement = $(this.ownerDocument.createElement(name));
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+  	</script>
+  <script class='remove'>
       var respecConfig = {
 	  // specification status (e.g. WD, LCWD, NOTE, etc.). If in doubt use ED.
 	  specStatus:           "ED",
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 	  // if you want to have extra CSS, append them to this list
 	  // it is recommended that the respec.css stylesheet be kept
-	  extraCSS:             [""],
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 	  // only "name" is required