authorGuus Schreiber <>
Wed, 19 Feb 2014 13:56:36 +0100
changeset 1965 559f29be8069
parent 1964 91a78c55ad5c
child 1966 3df73f3bf461
--- a/rdf-primer/index.html	Wed Feb 19 13:32:20 2014 +0100
+++ b/rdf-primer/index.html	Wed Feb 19 13:56:36 2014 +0100
@@ -1239,43 +1239,52 @@
 RDF graph depicted in <a href="#fig4">Fig.&nbsp;4</a>:</p>
 <pre class="example" id="rdfa-example">
-01    &lt;div about="" typeof=""&gt;
-02      &lt;p&gt;
-03        Bob knows &lt;a rel="" href=""&gt;Alice&lt;/a&gt;
-04        and was born on the &lt;span property=""
-05        datatype=""&gt;1990-07-04&lt;/span&gt;.
-06      &lt;/p&gt;
-07      &lt;p&gt;
-08        Bob is interested in &lt;a rel=""
-09        href=""&gt;the Mona Lisa&lt;/a&gt;.
-10      &lt;/p&gt;
-11    &lt;/div&gt;
-12    &lt;div about=""&gt;
-13      &lt;p&gt;
-14        The &lt;span property=""&gt;Mona Lisa&lt;/span&gt;
-15        was painted by &lt;a rel=""
-16        href=""&gt;Leonardo da Vinci&lt;/a&gt;
-17        and is the subject of the video &lt;a rev=""
-18        href=""&gt;
-19        'La Joconde à Washington'&lt;/a&gt;.
+01  &lt;body prefix="foaf:
+02                   schema:
+03                   dcterms:"&gt;
+04    &lt;div resource="" typeof="foaf:Person"&gt;
+05      &lt;p&gt;
+06        Bob knows &lt;a property="foaf:knows" href=""&gt;Alice&lt;/a&gt;
+07        and was born on the &lt;time property="schema:birthDate"&gt;1990-07-04&lt;/time&gt;.
+08      &lt;/p&gt;
+09      &lt;p&gt;
+10        Bob is interested in &lt;span property="foaf:topic_interest"
+11        resource=""&gt;the Mona Lisa&lt;/span&gt;.
+12      &lt;/p&gt;
+13    &lt;/div&gt;
+14    &lt;div resource=""&gt;
+15      &lt;p&gt;
+16        The &lt;span property="dcterms:title"&gt;Mona Lisa&lt;/span&gt; was painted by
+17        &lt;a property="dcterms:creator" href=""&gt;Leonardo da Vinci&lt;/a&gt;
+18        and is the subject of the video
+19        &lt;a href=""&gt;'La Joconde à Washington'&lt;/a&gt;.
 20      &lt;/p&gt;
 21    &lt;/div&gt;
+22    &lt;div resource=""&gt;
+23        &lt;link property="dcterms:subject" href=""&gt;
+24    &lt;/div&gt;
+25  &lt;/body&gt;
-<p>RDFa introduces a number special attributes that enable the
+<p>RDFa introduces a number of special attributes that enable the
 specification of triples within HTML. For example, the <code>div</code> elements 
-in lines 1 and 12 have an <code>about</code> 
+in lines 4 and 14 have a <code>resource</code> 
 attribute, specifying the IRI about which RDF statements can be made within this
-element. In line 3 we see a <code>rel</code> ("relation") attribute that
-will be interpreted as an RDF property IRI. The
-<code>href</code> attribute value is the object of the triple. This
-result in the triple: <p>
+block. In line 6 we see a <code>property</code> attribute; the value
+of this attribute is interpreted as an RDF property IRI. The property
+is specified as an attribute of an <code>a</code> element; the
+<code>href</code> attribute value is interpreted here as the object of the
+triple. This results in the triple: <p>
 <pre class="example">
 &lt;; &lt;; &lt;; .
-<p>The <code>rel</code> is used in cases where the object is an
+<p>In line 7 we see a triple with as object a literal value. The
+<code>property</code> attribute is specified here on the HTML
+<code>time</code> element. HTML requires that the content of the time element should be some
+valid <a href="">time value</a>.  
+with an attribute can also be used is used in cases where the object is an
 IRI. Two more examples are found in lines 8 and 15. If the object of
 the triple is a literal, then RDFa uses the
 <code>property</code> attribute to specify the RDF property IRI. Lines
@@ -1302,7 +1311,7 @@
 <p>RDF/XML [[RDF11-XML]] is an XML syntax for RDFD. When RDF was
 original developed in the late 1990s, RDF/XML was its only syntax for
-RDF. RDF/XML. The RDF/XML example below encodes the 
+RDF. The RDF/XML example below encodes the 
 RDF graph depicted in <a href="#fig4">Fig.&nbsp;4</a>:</p>
 <pre class="example" id="rdf-xml-example">