+ new <a href="#sec-escapesB">Escape Sequences</a> section defining <a href="#numeric">numeric</a>, <a href="#string">string</a> and <a href="#reserved">reserved character</a> escape sequences
authorEric Prud'hommeaux <eric@w3.org>
Wed, 29 Feb 2012 14:33:50 -0500
changeset 218 12d7d575071a
parent 214 2fe63660f229
child 219 616cde13de18
+ new <a href="#sec-escapesB">Escape Sequences</a> section defining <a href="#numeric">numeric</a>, <a href="#string">string</a> and <a href="#reserved">reserved character</a> escape sequences
--- a/rdf-turtle/index.html	Wed Feb 29 11:32:58 2012 -0500
+++ b/rdf-turtle/index.html	Wed Feb 29 14:33:50 2012 -0500
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@
-          <section id="sec-escapes">
+          <section id="sec-escapes" class="issue">
             <h3>Escape Sequences</h3>
             <p><span style="font-weight:bold;">IRI</span>s, used as <a href="#prod-turtle2-IRIref">RDF terms</a> or as in <a href="#prod-turtle2-prefixID">@prefix</a> or <a href="#prod-turtle2-base">@base</a> declarations, may include <code>\</code>-escape sequences to represent Unicode code points:</p>
@@ -647,6 +647,139 @@
+          <section id="sec-escapesB" class="issue">
+            <h3>Escape Sequences</h3>
+	    <p>
+	      There are three forms of escapes used in turtle documents:
+	    </p>
+	    <ul>
+	      <li>
+		<p>
+		  <em id="numeric">numeric escape sequences</em> represent Unicode code points:
+		</p>
+		<table>
+		  <thead>
+		    <tr>
+		      <th>Escape sequence</th>
+		      <th>Unicode code point</th>
+		    </tr>
+		  </thead>
+		  <tbody>
+		    <tr>
+		      <td>'\u' <a href="#rHEX">hex</a> <a href="#rHEX">hex</a> <a href="#rHEX">hex</a> <a href="#rHEX">hex</a></td>
+		      <td>A Unicode codepoint in the range U+0 to U+FFFF inclusive
+		      corresponding to the value encoded by the four hexadecimal digits interpreted from most significant to least significant digit.</td>
+		    </tr>
+		    <tr>
+		      <td>'\U' <a href="#rHEX">hex</a> <a href="#rHEX">hex</a> <a href="#rHEX">hex</a> <a href="#rHEX">hex</a> <a href="#rHEX">hex</a> <a href="#rHEX">hex</a> <a href="#rHEX">hex</a> <a href="#rHEX">hex</a></td>
+		      <td>A Unicode codepoint in the range U+10000 to U+10FFFF inclusive
+		      corresponding to the value encoded by the eight hexadecimal digits interpreted from most significant to least significant digit.</td>
+		    </tr>
+		  </tbody>
+		</table>
+		<p>where <a href="#rHEX">HEX</a> is a hexadecimal character</p>
+		<blockquote>
+		  <p><span style="font-family: monospace; font-size: 85%;"><a id="rHEX">HEX</a> 
+		  ::= [0-9] | [A-F] | [a-f]</span></p>
+		</blockquote>
+	      </li>
+	      <li>
+		<p>
+		  <em id="string">string escape sequences</em> represent the characters traditionally escaped in string literals:
+		</p>
+		<table>
+		  <thead>
+		    <tr>
+		      <th>Escape sequence</th>
+		      <th>Unicode code point</th>
+		    </tr>
+		  </thead>
+		  <tbody>
+		    <tr>
+		      <td>'\t'</td>
+		      <td>U+0009</td>
+		    </tr>
+		    <tr>
+		      <td>'\b'</td>
+		      <td>U+0008</td>
+		    </tr>
+		    <tr>
+		      <td>'\n'</td>
+		      <td>U+000A</td>
+		    </tr>
+		    <tr>
+		      <td>'\r'</td>
+		      <td>U+000D</td>
+		    </tr>
+		    <tr>
+		      <td>'\f'</td>
+		      <td>U+000C</td>
+		    </tr>
+		    <tr>
+		      <td>'\"'</td>
+		      <td>U+0022</td>
+		    </tr>
+		    <tr>
+		      <td>'\''</td>
+		      <td>U+0027</td>
+		    </tr>
+		    <tr>
+		      <td>'\\'</td>
+		      <td>U+005C</td>
+		    </tr>
+		  </tbody>
+		</table>
+	      </li>
+	      <li>
+		<p>
+		  <em id="reserved">reserved character escape sequences</em> consist of a '\' followed by one of <code>~.-!$&amp;'()*+,;=:/?#@%_</code> and represent the character to the right of the '\'.
+		</p>
+	      </li>
+	    </ul>
+            <p><span style="font-weight:bold;">IRI</span>s, used as <a href="#prod-turtle2-IRIref">RDF terms</a> or as in <a href="#prod-turtle2-prefixID">@prefix</a> or <a href="#prod-turtle2-base">@base</a> declarations, may include <a href="#numeric">numeric escape sequences</a>.</p>
+	    <p>
+	      <a href="#term-turtle2-BLANK_NODE_LABEL"><span style="font-weight:bold;">Blank node label</span>s</a> and <a href="#term-turtle2-PN_LOCAL"><span style="font-weight:bold;">local name</span>s</a> may include <a href="#numeric">numeric escape sequences</a> and <a href="#reserved">reserved escape sequences</a>.
+	    </p>
+	    <p class="note">%-encoded sequences are in the <a href="#term-turtle2-IRI_REF">character range for IRIs</a> and are <a href="#term-turtle2-PERCENT">explicitly allowed</a> in blank node labels and local names. These appear as a '%' followed by two hex characters and represent that same sequence of three characters. These sequences are <em>not</em> decoded during processing. A term written as <code>&lt;http://a.example/%66oo-bar&gt;</code> in Turtle designates the RDF IRI <code>http://a.example/%66oo-bar</code> and not RDF IRI <code>http://a.example/foo-bar</code>. A term written as <code>ex:%66oo-bar</code> with a prefix <code>@prefix ex: &lt;http://a.example/&gt;</code> also designates the RDF IRI <code>http://a.example/%66oo-bar</code>.</p>
+	    <p>
+	      <a href="#prod-turtle2-String"><span style="font-weight:bold;">String</span>s</a> may include <a href="#numeric">numeric escape sequences</a> and <a href="#string">string escape sequences</a>.
+	    </p>
+          </section>
           <section id="sec-grammar-grammar">
             <p>The <abbr title="Extended Backus–Naur Form">EBNF</abbr> used here is defined in XML 1.0 (Third Edition)