prov-o hadMember def
authorTim L <>
Sun, 17 Jun 2012 23:22:25 -0700
changeset 3379 ea5a53aa3d0c
parent 3378 39dc6442d614
child 3380 dc7fb41e46d9
prov-o hadMember def
--- a/ontology/ProvenanceOntology.owl	Sun Jun 17 23:19:40 2012 -0700
+++ b/ontology/ProvenanceOntology.owl	Sun Jun 17 23:22:25 2012 -0700
@@ -376,6 +376,7 @@
+        <sharesDefinitionWith rdf:resource=""/>
         <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=""/>
         <rdfs:range rdf:resource=""/>
         <owl:propertyChainAxiom rdf:parseType="Collection">
@@ -1456,8 +1457,10 @@
         <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
-        <definition xml:lang="en">A collection is an entity that provides a structure to some constituents, which are themselves entities. These constituents are said to be member of the collections.</definition>
+        <definition xml:lang="en">A collection is an entity that provides a structure to some constituents, which are themselves entities. These constituents are said to be member of the collections.
+A collection is a multiset of entities (it is a multiset, rather than a set, because it may not be possible to verify that two distinct entity identitifiers do not denote, in fact, the same entity).</definition>
         <editorialNote xml:lang="en">Note that although prov:Collection is defined, few other constructs in PROV-DM and PROV-O elaborate what it is or how to use it. Instead, they both elaborate one of its specializations, prov:Dictionary. Although some of the term names relating to prov:Dictionary may seem that they should also apply to prov:Collection, they are specific to prov:Dictionary. It is left to extensions of PROV-O to provide the terms relating to the insertion and removal of members of the more general class prov:Collection.</editorialNote>
@@ -1571,11 +1574,11 @@
     <owl:Class rdf:about="">
         <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Dictionary</rdfs:label>
         <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
-        <definition xml:lang="en">An empty dictionary is a dictionary without member.</definition>
+        <category>collections</category>
+        <definition xml:lang="en">An empty collection is a collection without members.</definition>
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">An empty dictionary.</rdfs:comment>
-        <category>collections</category>
--- a/ontology/prov.ttl	Sun Jun 17 23:19:40 2012 -0700
+++ b/ontology/prov.ttl	Sun Jun 17 23:22:25 2012 -0700
@@ -142,7 +142,9 @@
     rdfs:subClassOf :Entity ;
     :category "collections" ;
     :component "collections" ;
-    :definition "A collection is an entity that provides a structure to some constituents, which are themselves entities. These constituents are said to be member of the collections."@en ;
+    :definition """A collection is an entity that provides a structure to some constituents, which are themselves entities. These constituents are said to be member of the collections.
+A collection is a multiset of entities (it is a multiset, rather than a set, because it may not be possible to verify that two distinct entity identitifiers do not denote, in fact, the same entity)."""@en ;
     :editorialNote "Note that although prov:Collection is defined, few other constructs in PROV-DM and PROV-O elaborate what it is or how to use it. Instead, they both elaborate one of its specializations, prov:Dictionary. Although some of the term names relating to prov:Dictionary may seem that they should also apply to prov:Collection, they are specific to prov:Dictionary. It is left to extensions of PROV-O to provide the terms relating to the insertion and removal of members of the more general class prov:Collection."@en ;
     :prov-dm "" .
@@ -226,7 +228,7 @@
     rdfs:subClassOf :Collection ;
     :category "collections" ;
     :component "collections" ;
-    :definition "An empty dictionary is a dictionary without member."@en ;
+    :definition "An empty collection is a collection without members."@en ;
     :prov-dm "" .
@@ -720,7 +722,8 @@
     ) ;
     :category "collections" ;
     :component "collections" ;
-    :prov-dm "" .
+    :prov-dm "" ;
+    :sharesDefinitionWith :Collection .
     a owl:AsymmetricProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty, owl:IrreflexiveProperty, owl:ObjectProperty ;