expanded narrative
authorTim L <lebot@rpi.edu>
Sun, 01 Jul 2012 01:06:43 -0400 (2012-07-01)
changeset 3568 c50277d0b352
parent 3567 6a59dc0965d7
child 3569 ba1c0f1cf5a1
expanded narrative
--- a/ontology/prov-o-html-sections/description-expanded-terms.inc.html	Sun Jul 01 00:38:19 2012 -0400
+++ b/ontology/prov-o-html-sections/description-expanded-terms.inc.html	Sun Jul 01 01:06:43 2012 -0400
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 	  	<h3>Expanded Terms</h3>
       <p>The terms introduced in this section provide additional ways to describe the provenance among Entities, Activities, and Agents. 
-         The additional terms are illustrated in the following figure and can be separated into four different categories.</p>
+         The additional terms are illustrated in the following figure and can be separated into five different categories.</p>
       <div id="expanded-terms-figure" style="text-align: center;" class="figure">
             <!-- When publishing to w3c: replace prov-o-diagrams/ with diagrams/ -->
@@ -32,24 +32,22 @@
     <a href="#mentionOf" class="qname">prov:mentionOf</a> is a special type of <span class="repeated">prov:specializationOf</span> whose subject presents as an aspect a particular <span class="repeated">prov:Bundle</span> in which its more general Entity was described (<a href="#asInBundle" class="qname">prov:asInBundle</a> is used to cite the Bundle in which the generalization was mentioned).
-      <p>The <strong>third</strong> category describes the lifetime of an Entity beyond being generated by an Activity and used by other Activities. For example, a painting could not have been displayed before it was painted, and it cannot be sold after it is destroyed by fire. 
-      Similarly to how Activities have start and end times, an Entity may be bound by points in time for which it was generated or is no longer usable. 
-The properties <a href="#generatedAtTime" class="qname">prov:generatedAtTime</a> and <a href="#invalidatedAtTime" class="qname">prov:invalidatedAtTime</a> can be used to bound the starting and ending moments of an Entity's existence. The Activities that led to the generation or invalidation of an Entity can be provided using <span class="repeated">prov:wasGeneratedBy</span> and <a href="#wasInvalidatedBy" class="qname">prov:wasInvalidatedBy</a>, respectively. 
-<a href="#generated" class="qname">prov:generated</a> is the inverse of <span class="repeated">prov:wasGeneratedBy</span> and is defined to facilitate Activity-centric in addition to Entity-centric modeling. 
-      </p>
-      The <strong>fourth</strong> category contains miscellaneous properties that extend but don't specialize any starting points:<a href="#value" class="qname">prov:value</a>, <a href="#wasStartedBy" class=" qname">prov:wasStartedBy</a>, <a href="#wasEndedBy" class="qname">prov:wasEndedBy</a>, <a href="#atLocation" class="qname">prov:atLocation</a> and <a href="#Location" class="qname">prov:Location</a>. Entities may use the property <a href="#value" class="repeated">prov:value</a> to hold a literal value. For example, the <span class="repeated">prov:value</span> of a quote could be the quote itself, or the <span class="repeated">prov:value</span> of an Entity involved in a numeric calculation could be the xsd:integer four.
+      The <strong>third</strong> category allows further description of Entities. The property <a href="#value" class="qname">prov:value</a> holds a literal value for the Entity. For example, the <span class="repeated">prov:value</span> of a quote could be a string of the sentences stated, or the <span class="repeated">prov:value</span> of an Entity involved in a numeric calculation could be the xsd:integer four.
+		 The property <a href="#atLocation" class="qname">prov:atLocation</a> can be used to describe the <a href="#Location" class="qname">prov:Location</a> of any Entity, Activity, Agent, or <a href="#InstantaneousEvent" class="qname">prov:InstantaneousEvent</a>. The properties used to describe instances of <span class="repeated">prov:Location</span> are outside the scope of PROV-O; reuse of other existing vocabulary is encouraged.
+		</p>
+      <p>The <strong>fourth</strong> category describes the lifetime of an Entity beyond being generated by an Activity and used by other Activities. For example, a painting could not have been displayed before it was painted, and it cannot be sold after it is destroyed by fire. 
+      Similarly to how Activities have start and end times, an Entity may be bound by points in time for which it was generated or is no longer usable. 
+The properties <a href="#generatedAtTime" class="qname">prov:generatedAtTime</a> and <a href="#invalidatedAtTime" class="qname">prov:invalidatedAtTime</a> can be used to bound the starting and ending moments of an Entity's existence. The Activities that led to the generation or invalidation of an Entity can be provided using <span class="repeated">prov:wasGeneratedBy</span> and <a href="#wasInvalidatedBy" class="qname">prov:wasInvalidatedBy</a>, respectively. 
+<a href="#generated" class="qname">prov:generated</a> and <a href="#invalidated" class="qname">prov:invalidated</a> are the inverses of <span class="repeated">prov:wasGeneratedBy</span> and <span class="repeated">prov:wasInvalidatedBy</span>, respectively, and are defined to facilitate Activity-centric in addition to Entity-centric modeling. 
-      <p>Activities may be started or ended by Entities, which is described using the properties <a href="#wasStartedBy" class="repeated">prov:wasStartedBy</a> and <a href="#wasEndedBy" class="qname">prov:wasEndedBy</a>, respectively. Since Entities may start or end Activities, and Agents may be Entities, then Agents may also start or end Activities.
+      <p>The <strong>fifth</strong> category describes the lifetime of an Activity beyond its start and end times and predecessor Activities.  
+      Activities may also be started or ended by Entities, which are described using the properties <a href="#wasStartedBy" class="qname">prov:wasStartedBy</a> and <a href="#wasEndedBy" class="qname">prov:wasEndedBy</a>, respectively. Since Entities may start or end Activities, and Agents may be Entities, then Agents may also start or end Activities.
-		<p>
-		 Finally, the property <a href="#atLocation" class="repeated">prov:atLocation</a> can be used to describe the <a href="#Location" class="repeated">prov:Location</a> of any resource. Use of <span class="repeated">prov:atLocation</span> makes sense for most PROV-O classes. The properties used to describe instances of <span class="repeated">prov:Location</span> are outside the scope of PROV-O; reuse of other existing vocabulary is encouraged.
-		</p>
         <div about="#narrative-example-expanded-1" typeof="prov:Entity" class="exampleOuter" xmlns:prov="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#">
            <p>We illustrate below the use of the expanded terms using the crime file example from the previous section as reference. Agent Derek now publishes a post about
 		   his work with the aggregated file: