* revised prov-sem
Thu, 04 Apr 2013 15:41:22 +0100
changeset 6046 ad5be5939eaa
parent 6045 5dccbf47fa84
child 6047 668b93ed1c7b
* revised prov-sem
--- a/semantics/prov-sem.html	Thu Apr 04 09:08:51 2013 -0400
+++ b/semantics/prov-sem.html	Thu Apr 04 15:41:22 2013 +0100
@@ -1286,9 +1286,9 @@
   $pl$ in $wasAssociatedWith$ and $a,g,u$ in $wasDerivedFrom$, as shown in the grammar below.
-  \newcommand{\precedes}{~\mathrel{\textrm{precedes}}~}
+  \begin{array}{rcl}
   atomic\_formula & {::=}& element\_formula\\
           & | & relation\_formula\\
           & | & auxiliary\_formula\\ 
@@ -1314,8 +1314,7 @@
           & |&  specializationOf(e_1,e_2)\\
  & | & hadMember(c,e)\\
-          &{::=}& x = y\\
-          & | & x \strictlyPrecedes y\\
+          &{::=}& x \strictlyPrecedes y\\
           & | & x \precedes y\\
           & | & notNull(x)\\
           & | & typeOf(x,ty)\\
@@ -1364,7 +1363,8 @@
   \phi &{::=}& atomic\_formula\\
 & | & True\\
 & | & False\\
-&|& \neg~\phi\\
+&|&x = y\\
+& | & \neg~\phi\\
  &|& \phi_1 \wedge \phi_2\\
  &|& \phi_1 \vee \phi_2\\
  &|& \phi_1 \Rightarrow \phi_2\\
@@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@
 <p> In this section we define mathematical structures $W$ that can be used to
 interpret PROV formulas and instances.  A structure consists of a
-collection of sets, functions and relations.  THe components of a
+collection of sets, functions and relations.  The components of a
 structure $W$ are given in the rest of the section in
 <em>components</em>, highlighted in boxes.
@@ -1408,18 +1408,18 @@
 <div class="component" id="things"><ol>
   <li> a set $Things$ of things</li>
-  <li> a function $lifetime : Things \to Intervals$ from things to time intervals</li>
+  <li> a function $lifetime : Things \to Intervals$ from things to intervals</li>
   <li>a function $value : Things \times Attributes \times Times \to P(Values)$
 The range of $value$ is the set $P(Values)$, indicating that $value$
-is essentially a multi-valued that returns a set of values (possibly empty).    When $value(x,a,t) =
+is essentially a multi-valued function that returns a set of values (possibly empty).    When $value(x,a,t) =
 \emptyset$, we say that attribute $a$ is undefined for $x$ at time $t$.</p>
 <p>Note that this description does not say what the structure of a
-$Thing$ is, only how it may be described in terms of its time interval
+$Thing$ is, only how it may be described in terms of its lifetime
 and attribute values.  A thing could be a record of fixed
 attribute values; it could be a bear; it could be the Royal Society;
 it could be a transcendental number like $\pi$.  All that matters from
@@ -1594,6 +1594,8 @@
 <div class="component" id="activities">
   <ol><li>A set $Activities \subseteq Objects$ of activities.</li>
+  <li>Functions $startTime : Activities \to Times$ and $endTime
+  :Activities \to Times$ giving the start and end time of each activity.</li>
   <li> Activities are disjoint from Entities: $Entities\cap Activities
   = \emptyset$.</li>
@@ -1641,7 +1643,7 @@
 </li><li> Influences are disjoint from entities, agents and
 activities:  $Influences \cap (Entities \cup Activities \cup Agents) = \emptyset$
-<li>An associated function $influenced : Influences \times
+<li>An associated function $influenced : Influences \to
   Objects \times Objects$ giving the source and target of each influence.</li>
@@ -1698,7 +1700,7 @@
 <div class="component" id="attributions">
   <p>A set $Attributions \subseteq Influences$ with associated
-  function $attributedTo : Attributions \toEntities \times Agents$.
+  function $attributedTo : Attributions \to Entities \times Agents$.
@@ -1710,7 +1712,7 @@
 <div class="component" id="communications">
   <p>A set $Communications \subseteq Influences$ with associated
-  function $communicatedBy : Communications \to Generations \times Usages$.
+  function $communicatedBy : Communications \to Activities \times Activities$.
@@ -1723,7 +1725,7 @@
 <div class="component" id="delegations">
   <p>A set $Delegations \subseteq Influences$ and associated function
-  $actsFor : Delegations \to Agents \times Agents \times Activities$
+  $actedFor : Delegations \to Agents \times Agents \times Activities$
@@ -1769,104 +1771,6 @@
   path.  However, if the PROV-N statement <span
   class="name">wasDerivedFrom(e_2,e_1,-,-,-)</span> is asserted in an
   instance, there may be multiple derivation paths linking $e_2$ to
-  $e_1$, each corresponding to a different, identified by different
-  derivations $d \in Derivations$.
-  </p>
-  <p>A derivation path implies the existence of at least one chained generation
-  and use step.  However, not all such potential derivation paths are associated
-  with derivations; there can (and in general will) be many such paths
-  that are not associated with derivation steps.  In other words, because we require derivations to be
-  explicitly assocated with derivation paths, it is not sound to infer
-  the existence of a derivation from the existence of an 
-  alternating generation/use chain.
-  </p>
-  The reason why we need paths and not just individual derivation
-  steps is that $wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2,e_1,-,-,-,attrs)$ formulas can
-  represent multiple derivation steps.</p></div>
-<h3> Relations </h3>
-<h4> Simple relations </h4>
-<p>The entities, influences, and activities in a structure are related in the following ways:
-<ol><li> A relation $Used \subseteq Usage \times Entities$ saying when an event used an entity.  An event can use at most one entity, and if $(evt,e)\in Used$ then $time(evt) \in lifetime(e)$ and $type(evt) = usage$ must hold.
-</li><li> A relation $Generated \subseteq Events \times Entities$ saying when an event generated an entity.  An event can generate at most one entity, and if $(evt,e)\in Generated$ then $min(lifetime(e)) = time(evt)$ and $type(evt) = generation$ must hold.
-</li><li> A relation $Invalidated \subseteq Events \times Entities$
-saying when an event invalidated an entity.  An event can invalidate
-at most one entity, and if $(evt,e)\in Invalidated$ then
-$max(lifetime(e)) = time(evt)$ and $type(evt) = invalidation$ must
-<li>A relation $Start \subseteq Events \times Activities
-\times Entities$ indicating that an activity started another.</li>
-<li>A relation End \subseteq Events \times Activities
-\times Entities$ indicating that an activity ended another.</li>
-</li><li> A relation $EventActivity \subseteq Events \times Activities$ associating activities with events, such that $(act,evt) \in EventActivity$ implies $time(evt) \in lifetime(act)$.
-</li><li> A relation $AssociatedWith \subseteq Associations \times Agents \times Activities \times Plans_\bot$ indicating when an agent is associated with an activity, and giving the identity of the association relationship, and an optional plan. 
-</li><li> A relation $ActsFor \subseteq Delegations \times Agents \times Agents \times Activities$ indicating when one agent acts on behalf of another with respect to a given activity.  
-<li>A relation $Influence \subseteq Events \times Objects \times
-Objects$ indicating when one object influences another.</ol>
-<div class="note">
-  TODO: Simplify/regularize event relations; get rid of EventActivity
-  relation; add functions defining sets of events associated with
-  entity, activity or agent
-  </div>
-  <div class="note">
-    TODO: Additional axioms concerning the relations; for example:
-    clarify that every Event is associated with an Activity and
-    Entity; ensure that for attribution the agent's lifetime  must
-  start before that of the entity.  OR: do not specify these things
-    but let them fall out naturally by the requirement that the model
-    satisfies all of the FO axioms.
-  </div>
-<h4> Derivation paths and DerivedFrom </h4>
-<p>Recall that above we introduced a subset of influences called <em>Derivations</em>.  These identify <em>paths</em> of the form </p>
-$$ent_n\cdot g_n\cdot  act_n\cdot  u_n\cdot  ent_{n-1}\cdot  ...\cdot
-ent_1\cdot  g_1\cdot  act_1\cdot  u_1\cdot  ent_0$$
-<p>where the $ent_i$ are entities, $act_i$ are activities, $g_i$ are generations, and $u_i$ are usages.
-<p>Formally, we consider the (regular) language:
-$$DerivationPaths = Entities \cdot (Events \cdot Activities \cdot
-Events \cdot Entities)^+$$
-<p>with the constraints that for each derivation path:
-<li>for each substring $ent\cdot g \cdot act$ we have $(g,ent) \in Generated$  and $(g,act) \in EventActivity$, and
-<li>for each substring $act \cdot u \cdot ent$ we have $(u,ent) \in Used$ and $(u,act) \in EventActivity$.
-<p>Each derivation $d \in Derivations$ has an associated derivation path.  We link each derivation to an associated derivation path using the
-function $derivationPath : Derivations \to
-DerivationPaths$.  </p>
-<div class="remark">
-  <p>
-  The $derivationPath$ function links each $ d \in Derivations$ to a
-  derivation path.  A derivation has exactly one associated derivation
-  path.  However, if the PROV-N statement <span
-  class="name">wasDerivedFrom(e_2,e_1,-,-,-)</span> is asserted in an
-  instance, there may be multiple derivation paths linking $e_2$ to
   $e_1$, each corresponding to a different path, identified by different
   derivations $d \in Derivations$.
@@ -1881,12 +1785,125 @@
   The reason why we need paths and not just individual derivation
-  steps is that $wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2,e_1,-,-,-,attrs)$ formulas can
-  represent multiple derivation steps.</p></div>
+  steps is to reflect that $wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2,e_1,-,-,-,attrs)$ formulas can
+  represent multiple derivation steps.  However, there is no way to
+  express a multi-step derivation path in PROV: any valid PROV
+  instance turns out to have a model in which all derivation paths are
+  one-step.</p></div>
+  <section>
+  <h3>Additional axioms</h3>
+  <p> Above we have stated some properties of the components.  We
+  impose some additional properties that relate several components, as
+  follows:</p>
+  <div class="component" id="axioms">
+  <ol>
+    <li id="axiom1">
+    If $generated(g) = (e,a_1)$ and $used(u) = (a_2,e)$ then there
+    exists $c \in Communications$ such that $communicatedBy(c) = (a_2,a_1)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom2">
+    If $started(start) = (a_2,e,a_1)$ then there exists $gen$ such
+    that $generated(gen) = (e,a_1)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom3">
+    If $ended(end) = (a_2,e,a_1)$ then there exists $gen$ such
+    that $generated(gen) = (e,a_1)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom4">
+    If $d \in Derivations$ and $prov:Revision \in
+    value(d,prov:type)$ and $derivationPath(deriv) = e_2 \cdot w \cdot
+    e_1$ then $thingOf(e_1) = thingOf(e_2)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom5">
+    If $attributedTo(att) = (e,ag)$ then there exist $gen$ and $assoc$
+    such that $generated(gen) = (e,a)$ and $associatedWith(assoc) = (a,ag)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom6">
+    If $actedFor(deleg) = (ag_2,ag_1,act)$ then there exist
+    $assoc_1,assoc_2,pl_1,pl_2$ such that $associatedWith(assoc_1) = (act,ag_1,pl_1)$
+    and $associatedWith(assoc_2) = (act,ag_2,pl_2)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom7">
+    If $generated(id) = (e,a)$ then $influenced(id) = (e,a)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom8">
+        If $used(id) = (e,a)$ then $influenced(id) = (e,a)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom9">
+            If $communicatedBy(id) = (a_2,a_1)$ then $influenced(id) = (a_2,a_1)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom10">
+     If $started(id) = (a_2,e,a_1)$ then $influenced(id) = (a_2,e)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom11">
+         If $ended(id) = (a_2,e,a_1)$ then $influenced(id) = (a_2,e)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom12">
+    If $invalidated(id) = (e,a)$ then $influenced(id) = (e,a)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom13">
+    If $derivationPath(id) = e_2 \cdot w \cdot e_1$ then
+    $influenced(id) = (e_2,e_1)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom14">
+    If $attributedTo(id) = (e,ag)$ then $influenced(id) = (e,ag)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom15">
+    If $associatedWith(id) = (a,ag,pl)$ then $influenced(id) = (a,ag)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom16">
+    If $actedFor(id) = (ag_2,ag_1)$ then $influenced(id) = (ag_2,ag_1)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom17">
+    If $generate(gen) = (e,a) = generated(gen')$ then $gen = gen'$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom18">
+    If $invalidated(inv) = (e,a) = invalidated(inv')$ then $inv=inv'$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom19">
+    If $started(st) = (a,e_1,a')$ and $started(st') = (a,e_2,a')$ then $st=st'$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom20">
+    If $ended(end) = (a,e_1,a')$ and $ended(end') = (a,e_2,a')$ then $end=end'$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom21">
+    If $started(st) = (a,e)$ then $st \preceq evt$ for all $evt \in events(a)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom22">
+        If $ended(end) = (a,e,a') $ then $evt \preceq end$ for all $evt \in events(a)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom23">
+    If $generated(gen) = (e,a)$ then $gen \preceq evt$ for all $evt \in events(e)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom24">
+        If $invalidated(inv) = (e,a)$ then $evt\preceq inv$ for all $evt \in events(e)$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom25">
+    For any derivation $deriv$, with path $derivationPath(deriv) = w$,
+    if $e_2 \cdot g \cdot a \cdot u \cdot e_1 $ is a substring of $w$
+    where $e_1,e_2 \in Entities$, $g \in Generations$, $u \in Usages$
+    and $a \in Activities$ then $u \preceq g$.
+    </li>
+    <li id="axiom26">
+    For any derivation $deriv$, with path $derivationPath(deriv) = e_2
+    \cdot w \cdot e_1$, if $generated(gen_1) = (e_1,a_1)$ and
+    $generated(gen_2) = (e_2,a_2)$ then $gen_1 \prec gen_2$.  
+    </li>
+    </ol>
+    <p>These properties are called <em>axioms</em>, and they are
+  needed to ensure that the PROV-CONSTRAINTS inferences and
+  constraints hold in all structures.</p>
+  </section>
 <h3> Putting it all together </h3>
@@ -1898,6 +1915,9 @@
 decrease notational clutter, when we consider a fixed structure then the names of the sets, relations and functions above refer to the components of that model.
 <div class="note">
   TODO: Highlight the distinctive vs obvious/routine features.
@@ -1914,6 +1934,7 @@
 <section id="semantics">
 <h2> Semantics </h2>
@@ -1944,7 +1965,7 @@
   <li>$W,\rho \models \phi \wedge \psi$ holds if and only if $W,\rho \models
   \phi$ and $W,\rho \models \psi$.</li>
   <li>$W,\rho \models \phi \vee \psi$ holds if either $W,\rho \models \phi$
-  or $W,\rho \models \psi$ holds.</li>
+  or $W,\rho \models \psi$.</li>
   <li>$W,\rho \models \phi \Rightarrow \psi$ holds if $W,\rho \models \phi$
   implies $W,\rho \models \psi$.</li>
   <li>$W,\rho \models \exists x. \phi$ holds if there exists some $obj \in
@@ -2003,6 +2024,8 @@
 <li>[WF] $id$ denotes an entity $ent = \rho(id) \in Entities$
+<li>There exists $gen,a$ such that $generated(gen) = (e,a)$.</li>
+<li>There exists $inv,a'$ such that $invalidated(inv) = (e,a)$.</li>
 <li>the attributes match: $match(W,ent, attrs)$.
@@ -2042,10 +2065,13 @@
 <li>[WF] The identifier $id$ maps to an activity $act = \rho(id) \in Activities$
-<li>$\rho(st) \in Times$ is the activity's start time, that is: $min(lifetime(id)) = \rho(st)$
+<li>$\rho(st) \in Times$ is the activity's start time, that is:
+$startTime(id) = \rho(st)$
-<li>$\rho(et)$ is the activity's end time, that is: $max(lifetime(id)) = \rho(et)$
+<li>$\rho(et)$ is the activity's end time, that is: $endTime(id) = \rho(et)$
+<li>There exists $start,e,a$ such that $started(start) = (act,e,a)$.</li>
+<li>There exists $end,e',a'$ such that $ended(end) = (act,e',a')$.</li>
 <li>The attributes match: $match(W,act,attrs)$.
@@ -2168,7 +2194,7 @@
 <li>[WF] $pl$ denotes a plan $plan=\rho(pl) \in Plans$.
-<li>The association associates the agent with the activity and plan, i.e. $$associatedWith(assoc) = (agent,act,plan)$.
+<li>The association associates the agent with the activity and plan, i.e. $associatedWith(assoc) = (agent,act,plan)$.
 <li>The attributes match: $match(W,assoc,attrs)$.
@@ -2204,7 +2230,7 @@
 <li>[WF] $a_1$ denotes an activity $act_1 = \rho(a_1) \in Activities$.
-<li>The event happened at the start of $act_2$, that is, $\rho(t) = min(lifetime(act_2)) = time(evt)$.
+<li>The event happened at the start of $act_2$, that is, $\rho(t) = startTime(act_2) = time(evt)$.
 <li> The activity $act_1$ started $act_2$ via entity $ent$: that is,
   $started(evt) = (act_2,ent,act_1)$.</li>
@@ -2226,7 +2252,7 @@
 <li> [WF] $a_2$ denotes an activity $act_2 = \rho(a_2)\in Activities$.</li>
 <li> [WF] $e$ denotes an entity $ent = \rho(e)\in Entities$.</li>
 <li>[WF] $a_1$ denotes an activity $act_1 = \rho(a_1)\in Activities$.</li>
-<li>The event happened at the end of $act_2$, that is, $\rho(t) = max(lifetime(act_2)) = time(evt)$.</li>
+<li>The event happened at the end of $act_2$, that is, $\rho(t) = endTime(act_2) = time(evt)$.</li>
 <li> The activity $act_1$ ended $act_2$ via entity $ent$: that is,
   $ended(evt) = (act_2,ent,act_1)$.</li>
 <li>The attributes match: $match(W,evt,attrs)$.</li>
@@ -2255,7 +2281,7 @@
 <li>The entity was attributed to the agent, i.e. $attributedTo(assoc)
 = (ent,agent)$.
-<li>The attributes match: $match(W,evt,attrs)$.
+<li>The attributes match: $match(W,assoc,attrs)$.
@@ -2263,20 +2289,21 @@
-<p>A communication formula </p>
+<p>A communication formula $wasInformedBy(id,a_2,a_2,attrs)$ is
+interpreted as follows: </p>
 <div class="semantics" id="communication-semantics">
   $W,\rho \models wasInformedBy(id,a_2,a_1,attrs)$
   holds if and only if:
-<li>[WF] $id$ denotes an communication $comm = \rho(id) \in Communications$.
+<li>[WF] $id$ denotes a communication $comm = \rho(id) \in Communications$.
 <li>[WF] $a_1,a_2$ denote  activities $act_1 = \rho(a_1) \in
 Activities, act_2 = \rho(a_2)\in Activities$.
 <li>There exist $gen,use,ent$ such that $communicatedBy(comm) =
-(gen,use)$ and $generated(gen) = (ent,act_1)$ and $used(use) = (act_2,ent)$.
+(act_2,act_1)$ and $generated(gen) = (ent,act_1)$ and $used(use) = (act_2,ent)$.
 <li>The attributes match: $match(W,comm,attrs)$.
@@ -2294,7 +2321,7 @@
   $W,\rho \models actedOnBehalfOf(id,ag_2,ag_1,act,attrs)$ holds if and only if:</p>
-<li>[WF] $id$ denotes an association $deleg=\rho(id) \in Delegations$.
+<li>[WF] $id$ denotes a delegation $deleg=\rho(id) \in Delegations$.
 <li>[WF] $a$ denotes an activity $act=\rho(a) \in Activities$.
@@ -2303,7 +2330,7 @@
 <li>The agent $agent_2$ acted for the agent $agent_1$ with respect to
   the activity $act$, i.e. $actedFor(deleg) = (agent_2,agent_1,act)$.
-<li>The attributes match: $match(W,assoc,attrs)$.
+<li>The attributes match: $match(W,deleg,attrs)$.
@@ -2410,7 +2437,11 @@
 <li>The lifetime of $ent_1$ is contained in that of $ent_2$, i.e. $lifetime(ent_1) \subseteq lifetime(ent_2)$.
-<li>For each attribute $attr$ we have $value(ent_1,attr) \supseteq value(ent_2,attr)$.
+<li>For each attribute $attr$ we have $value(ent_1,attr) \supseteq value(ent_2,attr)$.</li>
+<li>At least one of these inclusions is strict: that is, either
+  $lifetime(ent_1) \subsetneq lifetime(ent_2)$ or for some $attr$ we
+ value(ent_1,attr) \supsetneq value(ent_2,attr)$.
@@ -2489,12 +2520,13 @@
   <h4>Precedes and Strictly Precedes</h4>
   <p>The precedes relation $x \precedes y$ holds between two events, one taking
-  place before (or simultaneously with) another.  Since the
-naive semantics assumes that times are linearly ordered and
-  event times are 
-  mapped to a single time line, this amounts to
-  comparing the event times.  The semantics of strictly precedes ($x
-  \strictlyPrecedes y$) is similar, only $x$ must take place strictly before $y$.</p>
+  place before (or simultaneously with) another.  Its meaning is
+  defined in terms of the quasiordering on events specified by
+  $\preceq$.  The semantics of strictly precedes ($x
+  \strictlyPrecedes y$) is similar, only $x$ must take place strictly
+  before $y$.  It is interpreted as $\prec$, which we recall is
+  defined from $\preceq$ as $x \prec y \iff x \preceq y \text{ and } y
+  \not\preceq x$.</p>
   <div class="semantics" id="precedes-semantics">
       <li>$W,\rho \models x \precedes y$ holds if and only if
@@ -2516,7 +2548,8 @@
     <p>This instance is valid, and must satisfy precedence constraints
     $gen_1 \precedes gen_2$ and $gen_2 \precedes gen_1$, but this does not
-    imply anything about the relative orderings of the associated times.
+    imply anything about the relative orderings of the associated
+    times, or vice versa.
@@ -2528,7 +2561,7 @@
   be the null value $\bot$.  The symbol $-$ always denotes the null
   value (i.e. $\rho(-) = \bot$).
   <div class="semantics" id="notNull-semantics">
-    <p>$W,\rho\models notNull(e)$ holds if and only if $e \neq
+    <p>$W,\rho\models notNull(e)$ holds if and only if $\rho(e) \neq
@@ -2561,7 +2594,6 @@
-    </section>
 <section id="theory">
 <h2> Inferences and Constraints </h2>
@@ -2585,14 +2617,21 @@
 \exists e,gen,t_1,use,t_2.~wasGeneratedBy(gen,e,a_1,t_1,[]) \wedge used(use,a_2,e,t_2,[])
+<div class="proof">
+<p> This follows immediately from the semantics of $wasInformedBy$.</p>
+  </div>
 <div class="inference" number="6" id="generation-use-communication-inference">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
-\forall gen,e,a_1,t_1,attrs_1,id_2,a_2,t_2,attrs_2.~
+\forall gen,e,a_1,t_1,attrs_1,use,a_2,t_2,attrs_2.~
-\qquad wasGeneratedBy(gen,e,a_1,t_1,attrs_1) \wedge used(id_2,a_2,e,t_2,attrs_2)
+\qquad wasGeneratedBy(gen,e,a_1,t_1,attrs_1) \wedge used(use,a_2,e,t_2,attrs_2)
 \exists id.~wasInformedBy(id,a_2,a_1,[])
+<div class="proof">
+<p> This follows from the semantics of $wasInformedBy$ and <a href="#axiom1">Axiom 1</a>.</p>
+  </div>
 <div class="inference" number="7" id="entity-generation-invalidation-inference">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall e,attrs.~
@@ -2601,6 +2640,12 @@
 \exists gen,a_1,t_1,inv,a_2,t_2.~wasGeneratedBy(gen,e,a_1,t_1,[]) \wedge wasInvalidatedBy(inv,e,a_2,t_2,[])
+<div class="proof">
+  <p> This follows from the semantics of entity formulas, specifically
+  the requirement that generation and invalidation events exist for
+  the entity.</p>
+  </div>
 <div class="inference" number="8" id="activity-start-end-inference">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall a,t_1,t_2,attrs.~
@@ -2609,6 +2654,14 @@
 \exists start,e_1,a_1,end,a_2,e_2.~wasStartedBy(start,a,e_1,a_1,t_1,[]) \wedge wasEndedBy(end,a,e_2,a_2,t_2,[])
+<div class="proof">
+  <p> This follows from the semantics of activity formulas, specifically
+  the requirement that start and end events exist for
+  the activity.</p>
+  </div>
 <div class="inference" number="9" id="wasStartedBy-inference">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall id,a,e_1,a_1,t,attrs.~
@@ -2617,6 +2670,10 @@
 \exists gen,t_1.~wasGeneratedBy(gen,e_1,a_1,t_1,[])
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom2">Axiom 2</a>.</p>
+  </div>
 <div class="inference" number="10" id="wasEndedBy-inference">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall id,a,e_1,a_1,t,attrs.~
@@ -2625,6 +2682,10 @@
 \exists gen,t_1.~wasGeneratedBy(gen,e_1,a_1,t_1,[])
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom3">Axiom 3</a>.</p>
+  </div>
 <div class="inference" number="11"
@@ -2635,6 +2696,11 @@
 \exists t_1,t_2.~used(use_1,a,e_1,t_1,[]) \wedge wasGeneratedBy(gen_2,e_2,a,t_2,[])
+<div class="proof">
+  <p> This follows from the semantics of precise derivation steps.</p>
+  </div>
 <div class="inference" number="12"
@@ -2645,6 +2711,10 @@
+<div class="proof">
+  <p> This follows from the semantics of derivation steps (precise or
+  imprecise) and <a href="#axiom4">Axiom 4</a>.</p>
+  </div>
 <div class="inference" number="13" id="attribution-inference">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall att,e,ag,attrs.~
@@ -2653,6 +2723,11 @@
 \exists a,t,gen,assoc,pl.~wasGeneratedBy(gen,e,a,t,[]) \wedge wasAssociatedWith(assoc,a,ag,pl,[])
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from the semantics of generation, association, and
+  attribution, by <a href="#axiom5">Axiom 5</a></p>
+  </div>
 <div class="inference" number="14" id="delegation-inference">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall id,ag_1,ag_2,a,attrs.~
@@ -2661,6 +2736,9 @@
 \exists id_1,pl_1,id_2,pl_2.~wasAssociatedWith(id_1,a,ag_1,pl_1,[]) \wedge wasAssociatedWith(id_2,a,ag_2,pl_2,[])
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from the semantics of association and delegation, by <a href="#axiom6">Axiom 6</a></p>
+  </div>
 <div class="inference" number="15" id="influence-inference"><ol><li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall id,e,a,t,attrs.~
@@ -2734,6 +2812,10 @@
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows via <a href="#axiom7">Axioms 7</a> through <a href="#axiom16">16</a>.
+  </div>
 <div class="inference" number="16" id="alternate-reflexive">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall e.~
@@ -2743,8 +2825,8 @@
 <div class="proof">
-  <p> Suppose $ent = \rho(e)$.  Clearly $e \in Entities$ and
-  $thingOf(e) = thingOf(e)$, so $W,\rho \models alternateOf(e,e)$.</p>
+  <p> Suppose $ent = \rho(e)$.  Clearly $ent \in Entities$ and
+  $thingOf(ent) = thingOf(ent)$, so $W,\rho \models alternateOf(e,e)$.</p>
 <div class="inference" number="17" id="alternate-transitive">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall e_1,e_2,e_3.~
@@ -2784,7 +2866,6 @@
 <div class="proof">
   <p> Suppose the conditions for specialization hold of $ent_1$ and
   $ent_2$ and for $ent_2$ and $ent_3$, where $ent_1 = \rho(e_1)$ and $ent_2 = \rho(e_2)$ and $ent_3 =
@@ -2792,11 +2873,12 @@
   lifetime(e_3)$.  Moreover, 
   $value(obj_2,attr) \supseteq value(obj_3,attr)$, and similarly
   $value(obj_1,attr)\supseteq value(obj_2,attr)$ so $value(obj_1,attr)
-  \supseteq value(obj_3,attr)$.  (TODO:
-  How do we know $e_3 \neq e_1$?  Need strict ordering on entities in semantics.)
+  \supseteq value(obj_3,attr)$.  Finally, at least one of the
+  inclusions between $obj_1$ and $obj_2$ is strict, so the same is the
+  case for $obj_1$ and $obj_3$.
 <div class="inference" number="20" id="specialization-alternate-inference">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall e_1,e_2.~
@@ -2842,17 +2924,18 @@
   \Rightarrow entity(id,attrs_1\cup attrs_2)$</li>
   id,t_1,t_1',t_2,t_2',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ activity(id,t_1,t_2,attrs_1)
-  \wedge activity(idt_1',t_2',attrs_2) \Rightarrow
+  \wedge activity(id,t_1',t_2',attrs_2) \Rightarrow
   activity(id,t_1,t_2,attrs_1\cup attrs_2) \wedge t_1=t_1' \wedge t_2=t_2'$</li>
   id,attrs_1,attrs_2. agent(id,attrs_1) \wedge agent(id,attrs_2)
   \Rightarrow agent(id,attrs_1\cup attrs_2)$.</li></ol></div>
   <div class="proof">
 <p>  These properties follow immediately from the definitions of the
-  semantics of the respective assertions.</p>
+  semantics of the respective assertions, because functions are used
+  for the underlying data.</p>
 <div class="constraint" number="23" id="key-properties">
-  <ol><li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}
+  <ol><li><br />$\begin{array}[t]{l}
   id,e,e',a,a',t,t',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ \\
@@ -2860,69 +2943,61 @@
     \quad \Rightarrow
   wasGeneratedBy(id,e,a,t,attrs_1 \cup attrs_2) \wedge e=e' \wedge
   a=a' \wedge t = t'\end{array}$</li>
-    <li> $\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
+    <li><br /> $\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
   id,e,e',a,a',t,t',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ \\used(id,a,e,t,attrs)
   \wedge used(id,a',e',t',attrs_2)\\ \quad \Rightarrow
   used(id,a,e',t,attrs_1 \cup attrs_2) \wedge e=e' \wedge
   a=a' \wedge t = t'
-    <li> $\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
+    <li><br /> $\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
   id,a_1,a_2,a_1',a_2',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ \\wasInformedBy(id,a_1,a_2,attrs)
   \wedge wasInformedBy(id,a_1',a_2',attrs_2)\\ \Rightarrow
   wasInformedBy(id,a_1,a_2,attrs_1 \cup attrs_2) \wedge a_1=a_1'
   \wedge a_2=a_2'
-    <li> $\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
+    <li><br /> $\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
   id,e,e'a_1,a_2,a_1',a_2',t,t',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ \\wasStartedBy(id,a_2,e,a_1,t,attrs_1)
   \wedge wasStartedBy(id,a_2',e',a_1',t',attrs_2)\\ \Rightarrow
   wasStartedBy(id,a_2,e,a_1,t,attrs_1 \cup attrs_2) \wedge a_1=a_1'
   \wedge e=e' \wedge
   a_2=a_2' \wedge t = t'
-    <li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
+    <li><br />$\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
   id,e,e'a_1,a_2,a_1',a_2',t,t',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ \\wasEndedBy(id,a_2,e,a_1,t,attrs_1)
   \wedge wasEndedBy(id,a_2',e',a_1',t',attrs_2)\\ \Rightarrow
   wasEndedBy(id,a_2,e,a_1,t,attrs_1 \cup attrs_2) \wedge a_1=a_1'
   \wedge e=e' \wedge
   a_2=a_2' \wedge t = t'
-    <li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
+    <li><br />$\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
   id,e,e',a,a',t,t',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ \\wasInvalidatedBy(id,e,a,t,attrs_1)
   \wedge wasInvalidatedBy(id,e',a',t',attrs_2)\\ \Rightarrow
   wasInvalidatedBy(id,e,a,t,attrs_1 \cup attrs_2) \wedge e=e' \wedge
   a=a' \wedge t = t'
-    <li>The identifier field $id$ is a <span
-    class="conditional">KEY</span> for the
-    $wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2,e_1,a,g_2,u_1,attrs)$ statement. $\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
+    <li><br />$\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
   id,e_1,e_1',e_2,e_2',a,a',g,g',u,u',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ \\wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2,e_1,a,g_2,u_1,attrs_1)
   \wedge wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2',e_1',a',g_2',u_1',attrs_2)\\ \Rightarrow
   wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2,e_1,a,g_2,u_1,attrs_1 \cup attrs_2) \wedge e_1=e_1'\wedge e_2=e_2'\wedge a=a'\wedge g=g'\wedge u=u'
-    <li>The identifier field $id$ is a <span
-    class="conditional">KEY</span> for the
-    $wasAttributedTo(id,e,ag,attrs)$ statement. $\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
+    <li><br /> $\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
   id,e,e',ag,ag',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ \\wasAttributedTo(id,e,ag,attrs_1)
   \wedge wasAttributedTo(id,e',ag',attrs_2)\\ \Rightarrow
   wasAttributedTo(id,e,ag,attrs_1 \cup attrs_2) \wedge e=e' \wedge ag = ag'
-    <li>The identifier field $id$ is a <span
-    class="conditional">KEY</span> for the
-    $wasAssociatedWith(id,a,ag,pl,attrs)$ statement. $\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
+    <li> <br />$\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
   id,a,a',ag,ag',pl,pl',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ \\wasAssociatedWith(id,a,ag,pl,attrs_1)
   \wedge wasAssociatedWith(id,a',ag',pl',attrs_2)\\ \Rightarrow
   wasAssociatedWith(id,a,ag,pl,attrs_1 \cup attrs_2) \wedge a=a'
   \wedge ag=ag'   \wedge pl=pl'
-    <li>The identifier field $id$ is a <span
-    class="conditional">KEY</span> for the
-    $actedOnBehalfOf(id,ag_2,ag_1,a,attrs)$ statement. $\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
+    <li><br />$\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
   id,ag_1,ag_1',ag_2,ag_2',a,a',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ \\actedOnBehalfOf(id,ag_2,ag_1,a,attrs_1)
   \wedge actedOnBehalfOf(id,ag_2',ag_1',a',attrs_2)\\ \Rightarrow
   actedOnBehalfOf(id,ag_2,ag_1,a,attrs_1 \cup attrs_2) \wedge
   ag_1=ag_1' \wedge ag_2 = ag_2' \wedge a = a'
-    <li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
+    <li><br />$\begin{array}[t]{l}\forall
   id,o_1,o_2,o_1',o_2',attrs_1,attrs_2.~ \\wasInfluencedBy(id,o_2',o_1',attrs_1)
   \wedge wasInfluencedBy(id,o_2',o_1',attrs_2)\\ \Rightarrow
   wasInfluencedBy(id,o_2,o_1,attrs_1 \cup attrs_2) \wedge o_1=o_1'
@@ -2931,7 +3006,8 @@
     <div class="proof">
 <p>  These properties follow immediately from the definitions of the
-  semantics of the respective assertions.</p>
+  semantics of the respective assertions, again because functions are
+  used for the underlying data.</p>
 <div class="constraint" number="24" id="unique-generation">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall gen_1,gen_2,e,a,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -2941,6 +3017,11 @@
 gen_1 = gen_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>
+  This follows from <a href="#axiom17">Axiom 17</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="25" id="unique-invalidation">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall inv_1,inv_2,e,a,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -2949,6 +3030,11 @@
 inv_1 = inv_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>
+  This follows from <a href="#axiom17">Axiom 18</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="26" id="unique-wasStartedBy">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall start_1,start_2,a,e_1,e_2,a_0,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -2957,6 +3043,12 @@
 start_1 = start_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>
+  This follows from <a href="#axiom17">Axiom 19</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="27" id="unique-wasEndedBy">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall end_1,end_2,a,e_1,e_2,a_0,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -2965,6 +3057,11 @@
 end_1 = end_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>
+  This follows from <a href="#axiom17">Axiom 20</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="28" id="unique-startTime">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall start,a_1,a_2,t,t_1,t_2,e,attrs,attrs_1.~
@@ -2973,6 +3070,12 @@
 t_1 = t
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>
+  This follows from the semantics of $wasStartedBy$, since the start times
+  must both match that of the activity.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="29" id="unique-endTime">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall end,a_1,a_2,t,t_1,t_2,e,attrs,attrs_1.~
@@ -2981,6 +3084,12 @@
 t_2 = t
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>
+  This follows from the semantics of $wasEndedBy$, since the end times
+  must both match that of the activity.
+  </p>
+  </div>
@@ -2995,6 +3104,11 @@
 start \precedes end
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom21">Axiom 21</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="31" id="start-start-ordering">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall start_1,start_2,a,e_1,e_2,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3003,6 +3117,11 @@
 start_1 \precedes start_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom21">Axiom 21</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="32" id="end-end-ordering">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall end_1,end_2,a,e_1,e_2,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3011,6 +3130,11 @@
 end_1 \precedes end_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom22">Axiom 22</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="33" id="usage-within-activity"><ol><li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall start,use,a,e_1,e_2,a_1,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3026,6 +3150,12 @@
 use \precedes end
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>Part 1 follows from <a href="#axiom21">Axiom 21</a> and part 2
+  follows from <a href="#axiom22">Axiom 22</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="34" id="generation-within-activity"><ol><li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall start,gen,e_1,e_2,a,a_1,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3041,6 +3171,12 @@
 gen \precedes end
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>Part 1 follows from <a href="#axiom21">Axiom 21</a> and part 2
+  follows from <a href="#axiom22">Axiom 22</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="35" id="wasInformedBy-ordering">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall id,start,end,a_1,a_1',a_2,a_2',e_1,e_2,t_1,t_2,attrs,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3049,6 +3185,14 @@
 start \precedes end
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from the semantics of $wasInformedBy$ and the
+  previous two constraints, because $wasInformedBy$ implies the
+  existence of intermediate generation and usage events linking $a_1$
+  and $a_2$.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="36" id="generation-precedes-invalidation">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall gen,inv,e,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3057,7 +3201,13 @@
 gen \precedes inv
-<div class="constraint" number="37" id="generation-precedes-usage">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom22">Axiom 22</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="constraint" number="37" id="generation-precedes-usage">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall gen,use,e,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
 \qquad wasGeneratedBy(gen,e,a_1,t_1,attrs_1) \wedge used(use,a_2,e,t_2,attrs_2)
@@ -3065,6 +3215,12 @@
 gen \precedes use
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom 23">Axiom 23</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="38" id="usage-precedes-invalidation">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall use,inv,a_1,a_2,e,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3073,6 +3229,12 @@
 use \precedes inv
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom24">Axiom 24</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="39" id="generation-generation-ordering">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall gen_1,gen_2,e,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3081,6 +3243,12 @@
 gen_1 \precedes gen_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom23">Axiom 23</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="40" id="invalidation-invalidation-ordering">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall inv_1,inv_2,e,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3089,8 +3257,14 @@
 inv_1 \precedes inv_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom24">Axiom 24</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="41"
-  id="derivation-usage-generation-ordering"><p>In this constraint, $a$,$gen_2$, or $use_1$ must not be placeholders -.</p>$\begin{array}[t]{l}
+  id="derivation-usage-generation-ordering">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall d,e_1,e_2,a,gen_2,use_1,attrs.~
 \qquad notNull(a) \wedge notNull(gen_2) \wedge notNull(use_1) \wedge wasDerivedFrom(d,e_2,e_1,a,gen_2,use_1,attrs)
@@ -3098,7 +3272,13 @@
 use_1 \precedes gen_2
-<div class="constraint" number="42" id="derivation-generation-generation-ordering"><p>In this constraint, any of $a$,$g$, or $u$ may be placeholders -.</p>$\begin{array}[t]{l}
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom25">Axiom 25</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
+<div class="constraint" number="42" id="derivation-generation-generation-ordering">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall d,gen_1,gen_2,e_1,e_2,a,a_1,a_2,g,u,t_1,t_2,attrs,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
 \qquad wasDerivedFrom(d,e_2,e_1,a,g,u,attrs) \wedge wasGeneratedBy(gen_1,e_1,a_1,t_1,attrs_1) \wedge wasGeneratedBy(gen_2,e_2,a_2,t_2,attrs_2)
@@ -3106,6 +3286,12 @@
 gen_1 \strictlyPrecedes gen_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>This follows from <a href="#axiom25">Axiom 26</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="43" id="wasStartedBy-ordering"><ol><li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall gen,start,e,a,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3121,6 +3307,13 @@
 start \precedes inv
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>Part 1 follows from <a href="#axiom23">Axiom 23</a>.  Part 2
+  follows from <a href="#axiom24">Axiom 24</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="44" id="wasEndedBy-ordering"><ol><li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall gen,end,e,a,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3136,6 +3329,13 @@
 end \precedes inv
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>Part 1 follows from <a href="#axiom23">Axiom 23</a>.  Part 2
+  follows from <a href="#axiom24">Axiom 24</a>.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="45" id="specialization-generation-ordering">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall gen_1,gen_2,e_1,e_2,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3144,7 +3344,14 @@
 gen_1 \precedes gen_2
-<div class="constraint" number="46" id="specialization-invalidation-ordering">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
+<div class="proof">
+  <p> ???
+  </p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="constraint" number="46" id="specialization-invalidation-ordering">$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall inv_1,inv_2,e_1,e_2,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
 \qquad specializationOf(e_1,e_2) \wedge wasInvalidatedBy(inv_1,e_1,a_1,t_1,attrs_1) \wedge wasInvalidatedBy(inv_2,e_2,a_2,t_2,attrs_2)
@@ -3152,6 +3359,12 @@
 inv_1 \precedes inv_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p> ???
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="47" id="wasAssociatedWith-ordering"><p>In the following inferences, $pl$ may be a placeholder -.</p><ol><li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall assoc,start_1,inv_2,ag,e_1,e_2,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3181,6 +3394,12 @@
 start_1 \precedes end_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>TODO - arbitrary axioms.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="48" id="wasAttributedTo-ordering"><ol><li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall att,gen_1,gen_2,e,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,ag,attrs,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3196,6 +3415,12 @@
 start_1 \precedes gen_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>TODO - arbitrary axioms.
+  </p>
+  </div>
 <div class="constraint" number="49" id="actedOnBehalfOf-ordering"><ol><li>$\begin{array}[t]{l}
 \forall del,gen_1,inv_2,ag_1,ag_2,a,a_1,a_2,t_1,t_2,attrs,attrs_1,attrs_2.~
@@ -3212,6 +3437,12 @@
 start_1 \precedes end_2
+<div class="proof">
+  <p>TODO - arbitrary axioms.
+  </p>
+  </div>
@@ -3461,16 +3692,21 @@
 <section id="soundness-completeness">
   <h2>Soundness and Completeness</h2>
-<section id="soundness">
-  <h3>Soundness</h3>
-<p>Above we have presented arguments for the soundness of the
+  <p>Above we have presented arguments for the soundness of the
 constraints and inferences with respect to the naive semantics.
 Here, we relate the notions of <dfn>validity</dfn> and <dfn>normal
 form</dfn> defined in PROV-CONSTRAINTS to the semantics.  
-Our main observation is:</p>
+<section id="soundness">
+  <h3>Soundness</h3>
+<p>Our main soundness result is:</p>
 <div class="theorem" id="soundness-theorem">
+  <p> Let $W$ be a PROV model, that is, a structure satisfying all of
+  the axioms</p>.
   <li>If $I$ is an instance and $W \models I$ and $I'$ is obtained from $I$ by applying one
   of the PROV inferences, then $W \models I'$.</li>
@@ -3485,7 +3721,7 @@
   <p>For part 1, the arguments are as in the previous section.  </p>
   part 2, proceed by induction on a terminating sequence of inference
-  or uniqueness constraint steps: if $I$ is in normal form them we are
+  or uniqueness constraint steps: if $I$ is in normal form then we are
   done. If $I$ is not in normal form then if an inference is  applicable, then use part 1; if a uniqueness constraint is
   applicable, then from $W \models I$ the uniqueness constraint cannot
   fail on $I$ and $W \models I'$.</p>
@@ -3519,17 +3755,18 @@
   Entities &=& \{id \mid entity(id,attrs) \in I\}\\
   Plans &=& \{pl \mid wasAssociatedWith(id,ag,act,pl,attrs) \in I, pl
-  \neq \bot\}\\
+  \neq -\}\\
   Collections &=& \{e \mid memberOf(e',e) \in I\} \\
   &\cup& \{e \mid
   entity(e,attrs) \in I, prov:type=prov:emptyCollection \in attrs\}\\
   Activities &=& \{id \mid activity(id,attrs) \in I\}\\
+  &\cup& \{a_{id} \mid wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2,e_1,-,-,-,attrs) \in I\}\\
   Agents &=& \{id \mid agent(id,attrs) \in I\}\\
   Usages &=&  \{id \mid used(id,a,e,t,attrs) \in I\}\\
-  Generations &=&  \{id \mid wasGeneratedBy(id,e,a,t,attrs) \in I\}\\
-  Invalidations &=&  \{id \mid wasInvalidatedBy(id,e,a,t,attrs) \in I\}\\
+  &\cup& \{u_{id} \mid wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2,e_1,-,-,-,attrs) \in I\}\\  Generations &=&  \{id \mid wasGeneratedBy(id,e,a,t,attrs) \in I\}\\
+  &\cup& \{g_{id} \mid wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2,e_1,-,-,-,attrs) \in I\}\\  Invalidations &=&  \{id \mid wasInvalidatedBy(id,e,a,t,attrs) \in I\}\\
   Starts &=&  \{id \mid wasStartedBy(id,a,e,a',t,attrs) \in I\}\\
   Ends &=&  \{id \mid wasEndedBy(id,a,e,a',t,attrs) \in I\}\\
   Events &=& Usages \cup Generations \cup Invalidations \cup Starts
@@ -3549,6 +3786,10 @@
   Objects &=& Entities \cup Activities \cup Agents \cup Influences\\
+<p>In the definitions of $Activities$, $Generations$, and $Usages$ we
+  write $a_{id}$, $g_{id}$ and $u_{id}$ respectively to indicate
+  additional activities, generations and usages added for imprecise derivations.
   <p> In addition, to define the set of $Things$, we introduce an
   equivalence relation on $Entities$ as follows:
@@ -3556,14 +3797,13 @@
   <p>The fact that this is an equivalence relation follows from the
   fact that $I$ is in normal form, since the constraints on
   $alternateOf$ ensure that it is an equivalence relation.  Recall
-  that givne an equivalence relation $\equiv$ on some set $X$, the
+  that given an equivalence relation $\equiv$ on some set $X$, the
   <em>equivalence class</em> of $x \in X$ is the set $[x]_\equiv = \{y
   \in X \mid x
   \equiv y\}$.  The <em>quotient</em> of $X$ by an equivalence
   relation on $X$ is the set of equivalence classes, $X_\equiv =
   \{[x]_\equiv \mid x \in X\}$.  Now we
-  define the set of $Things$ as equivalence classes of $Entities$
-  modulo $\equiv$.</p>
+  define the set of $Things$ as the quotient of $\equiv$-equivalence classes of $Entities$.</p>
 \[Things = Entities /_{\equiv} = \{[e]_\equiv \mid e \in Entities\}\]
@@ -3607,6 +3847,20 @@
   some of the times are symbolic?</p>
+<p> The functions $startTime$ and $endTime$ mapping activities to
+  their start and end times is defined as follows:
+  </p>
+  \[\begin{eqnarray*}
+  startTime(id) &=& t_1 \text{ where } activity(a,t_1,t_2,attrs) \in
+  I\\
+  & \text{ or } wasStartedBy(start,a,e,a',t_1,attrs) \in I\\
+  endTime(id) &=& t_2 \text{ where } activity(a,t_1,t_2,attrs) \in
+  I\\
+  & \text{ or } wasEndedBy(end,a,e,a',t_2,attrs) \in I\\
+  <p>Note that the above definition is deterministic because the start
+  and end times in $activity$ and $wasStartedBy/wasEndedBy$ statements
+  must be equal</p>.
 <p> The function $time$ mapping $Events$ to their $Times$ is defined
   as follows:
@@ -3634,9 +3888,8 @@
  attributedTo(id) &=& (e,ag) \text{ where } wasAttributedTo(id,e,ag,attrs) \in I\\
 actedFor (id) &=& (ag_2,ag_1,act) \text{ where } actedOnBehalfOf(id,ag_2,ag_1,act,attrs) \in I\\
-  communicatedBy(id) &=& (u,g) \text{ where }
-  \{wasInformedBy(id,a_2,a_1,attrs),
-  wasGeneratedBy(g,e,a_1,t_1,attrs_1), used(u,a_2,e,t_2,attrs_2)\} \subseteq I\\
+  communicatedBy(id) &=& (a_2,a_1) \text{ where }
+  wasInformedBy(id,a_2,a_1,attrs)\in I\\
   derivationPath(id) &=& e_2\cdot g \cdot a \cdot u \cdot e_1 \text{ where } wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2,e_1,a,g,u,attrs) \in I\\
   derivationPath(id) &=& e_2\cdot g_{id} \cdot a_{id} \cdot u_{id} \cdot e_1 \text{ where } wasDerivedFrom(id,e_2,e_1,-,-,-,attrs) \in I\\
@@ -3646,15 +3899,12 @@
   imprecise derivations, we generate additional activities, generations
   and usages linking $e_2$ to $e_1$.
-  <div class="note">
-    <p>TODO: Communication is slightly weird, as the generation and use
-  might not be unique.</p>
-    <p> TODO: Derivation is also slightly weird, since there is no
-  guarantee that a multi-step derivation exists in the imprecise case
-  (and no way to force this).  So in the case for imprecise we simply
-  generate a new one-step activity/generation/use path.  We need to
-  add these to $Activities$, $Generations$ and $Usages$ along with
-  appropriate function values for $used$ and $generated$.</p>
+  <div class="remark">
+    <p> We explicitly add activities, generations, and usages to
+  ensure that we can form derivation paths for imprecise derivation
+  formulas.
+    </p>
@@ -3673,6 +3923,16 @@
     \[(e,c) \in MemberOf \iff memberOf(e,c) \in I\]
+    <section>
+    <h4>Axioms</h4>
+    <p>To verify that the construction of $M(I)$ yields a PROV
+    structure, we must ensure that all of the axioms and
+    side-conditions in the components are satisfied.  As noted above,
+    the disjointness constraints are satisfied by construction. </p>
+    </section>
 <h4>Main results</h4>
@@ -3683,9 +3943,58 @@
     completeness holds: every valid PROV instance has a model.</p>
 <div class="theorem">
-  <p>Suppose $I$ is a valid, normalized PROV instance, and let $M(I)$
-  be the corresponding structure.  Then $M(I)$ satisfies all of the
-  inferences and constraints.</p>
+  <p>Suppose $J$ is a valid PROV instance and $I$ is a normal form for
+  $J$.  Then $M(I) \models J$</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="proof">
+    <p>
+    First, we consider the case where $J$ itself is a valid,
+  normalized PROV instance $I$, and let $M(I)$
+  be the corresponding structure.  Then $M(I)$ is a PROV structure,
+  satisfying all of the axioms (and hence all of the inferences and
+  constraints) stated above.
+    </p>
+    <p>Moreover, $M(I) \models I$, as can be verified on a
+    case-by-case basis for each type of formula by considering its
+    semantics and the definition of the construction of $M$.  </p>
+    <p> To conclude, we need to show that if $J$ is not in normal
+    form, and norma,izes to $I$, then $M(I) \models J$.  WE can prove
+    this by induction on the length of the sequence of normalization
+    steps.  The base case, when $J = I$, is established already.
+    Suppose $J$ normalizes in $n+1$ steps and we can perform one
+    normalization step on it to obtain $J'$, which normalizes to $I$
+    in $n$ steps.  By induction, we know that $M(I) \models J'$.  For
+    each possible normalization step, we must show that if $M(I)
+    \models J'$ then $M(I) \models J$.
+    </p>
+    <p>First consider inference steps.  These add information, that
+    is, $J' \supseteq J$.  Hence it is immediate that $M(I) \models J$
+    since every formula in $J$ is in $J'$, and all formulas of $J'$
+    are satisfied in $M(I)$.
+    </p>
+    <p>Next consider uniqueness constraint steps, which may involve
+    merging formulas.  That is, $J = J_0 \cup
+    \{r(id,a_1,\ldots,a_n,attrs_1), r(id,b_1,\ldots,b_n,attrs_2)\}$
+    and $J' = S(J_0) \cup \{r(id,S(a_1),\ldots,S(a_n),attrs_1\cup
+    attrs_2)\}$, where $S$ is a unifying substitution making $S(a_i) =
+    S(b_i)$ for each $i \in \{1,\ldots,n\}$.  Since $M(I) \models J'$,
+    we must have $M(I),\rho \models J'$  for some $\rho$, and therefore
+    we must also have that $M(I),\rho \models S(J_0)$ and $M(I)\rho \models r(id,S(a_1),\ldots,S(a_n),attrs_1\cup
+    attrs_2)$.  We can extend $\rho$ to a valuation $\rho'$ such that
+    $M(I),\rho' \models S(x_1) = x_i \wedge \cdots \wedge S(x_k) =
+    x_k$ where $dom(S) = \{x_1,\ldots,x_k\}$.
+    $M(I),\rho' \models J_0$ and $M(I),\rho' \models r(id,a_1,\ldots,a_n,attrs_1\cup
+    attrs_2)$.  Moreover, since $S$ is a unifier, we also have $M(I),\rho' \models r(id,b_1,\ldots,b_n,attrs_1\cup
+    attrs_2)$.  Finally, since we can always remove attributes from an
+    atomic formula without danaging its satisfiability, we can
+    conclude that $M(I),\rho' \models r(id,a_1,\ldots,a_n,attrs_1)
+    \wedge r(id,b_1,\ldots,b_n,    attrs_2)$.  To conclude, we have
+    shown $M(I) \models J_0 \cup \{ r(id,a_1,\ldots,a_n,attrs_1)
+   r(id,b_1,\ldots,b_n,    attrs_2)\}$, that is, $M(I) \models J$, as
+    desired.