Update change log in preparation for new WD publication
authorGraham Klyne
Thu, 28 Feb 2013 16:38:24 +0000 (2013-02-28)
changeset 5793 68a7e44f59cd
parent 5783 35385cbbfb9f
child 5794 da6aa9e810af
Update change log in preparation for new WD publication
--- a/paq/prov-aq.html	Wed Feb 27 16:23:27 2013 +0000
+++ b/paq/prov-aq.html	Thu Feb 28 16:38:24 2013 +0000
@@ -1257,53 +1257,80 @@
         <h2>Changes since 20120619 publication</h2>
-  <dt>2013-02-21 13:33 +0000 2d42fb73e214 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Add placeholder appendix for change log</dd>
-  <dt>2013-02-07 18:26 +0000 ae85f08dcda4 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Further editorial fixes suggested by Tim</dd>
-  <dt>2013-02-07 17:43 +0000 266d233ce54c Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Move text about isolating information from section 3 (locating) to 1.3 (interpreting).  Tim's comment (13)</dd>
-  <dt>2013-02-07 17:29 +0000 a53fb5b58d8f Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Section 2 editorial rework including suggestions by Tim</dd>
-  <dt>2013-02-07 16:41 +0000 cf11871bb9ba Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Editorial fixes suggested by Tim, and replace 'provenance description' with 'provenance record', following PROV-DM</dd>
-  <dt>2013-02-07 15:53 +0000 4d16b451fc1a Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Editorial fixes suggested by Simon</dd>
-  <dt>2013-02-07 15:42 +0000 9406759adad3 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Editorial fixes suggested by Simon</dd>
-  <dt>2013-02-07 14:50 +0000 d5e7a0c76495 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Minor editorial fixes suggested by Ivan</dd>
-  <dt>2013-02-07 13:44 +0000 d4cf95c11dcd Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Minor editorial fixes suggested by Ivan</dd>
-  <dt>2013-01-10 15:43 +0100 cb49c07522ff Paul Groth <p.t.groth@vu.nl></dt><dd>updated to fix minor editorial errors</dd>
-  <dt>2013-01-04 14:23 +0000 47a1f3baf67a Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Editorial tweaks</dd>
-  <dt>2013-01-04 13:26 +0000 a374c48027b9 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Separate prov:DirectQueryService (specifric mechanism) from prov:ProvenanceQueryService (generic)</dd>
-  <dt>2013-01-04 13:11 +0000 7b4580bd6d52 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Fix some section cross-references; rename 'prov:has_provenanceService' as 'prov:has_query_service'</dd>
-  <dt>2013-01-04 13:03 +0000 f00efdbb4f6e Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Reorganize provenance query service description to accommodate SPARQL (ISSUE 601); 'rename provenance service' as 'provenance query service'; rename 'prov:ProvenanceService' as 'prov:ProivenanceQueryService'</dd>
-  <dt>2012-12-10 22:40 +0000 08deb1462a7c Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Fix apostrophe</dd>
-  <dt>2012-12-10 19:03 +0000 f0f315c6781c Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Fold in Jun's editorial comments.  Remove reference to POWDER</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-26 14:43 +0000 23f86dc89992 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Change 'provenance information' to 'provenance description' (ISSUE 601); extensive editorial changes should be reviewed</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-26 12:07 +0000 4bbf03ed4eff Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Add note about service description and LDP consideration thereof</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-26 11:49 +0000 72ec0c88ede8 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Add non-commital paragraph about accessing provenance bundles</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-26 11:08 +0000 b811ccb53b45 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Update forward provenance (pingback) in response to comments; fix text around VoID example</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-20 16:00 +0000 839d503bd064 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Added specification for pingback link header (ISSUE 600)</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-20 14:15 +0000 0e668b4ce436 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Tidy up some text</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-20 14:03 +0000 3cba6f76b797 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Expanded discussion of provenance service discovery to include prov:has_provenanceService</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-20 12:22 +0000 44586518f842 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Remove speculative non-specification text to be covered in FAQ (ISSUES 426, 598)</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-20 11:36 +0000 2f1a8ca558a8 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Added section with table of URIs and what they dereference to (ISSUE 424)</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-20 10:37 +0000 d2acceb63c0b Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Make treatment of direct retrieval and service for provenance access more equally visible (ISSUE 422)</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-19 18:53 +0000 69d2ba847f40 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Point out that provenance services can accept paraneters other than just 'target' (ISSUE 420)</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-19 18:10 +0000 6a283fe7b70c Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Added definitions for accessung and locating (ISSUE 417)</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-19 13:23 +0000 45683a007809 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>More CSS tweaking to override RewSopec.js colouring</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-19 13:06 +0000 390df423d8b3 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Formatting and CSS colour tweaks for examples</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-19 12:58 +0000 7f6c1a541631 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Added section on Link: headers and content negotiation (ISSUE 416)</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-19 12:17 +0000 9c24773fd6c7 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Revert to W3C-hosted ReSpec.js</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-19 11:48 +0000 10c290a46ee0 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Added icon to distibguish external links (ISSUE 400)</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-16 16:29 +0000 5f35560288e7 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Updsate and cross-link table of prov: URIs defined</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-16 16:01 +0000 3144d9093733 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Changed link relations to URIs; removed IANA considerations section</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-10 19:03 +0000 77c849e3d67d Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Hyperlink concept definitions to themselves (per request from Tim 2012-06-05)</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-10 18:26 +0000 aff3d2fcf8f5 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Update security considerations with note about use of provenance as part of audit/enforcement mechanism</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-10 18:07 +0000 84864eeceffb Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Update list of PROV documents, copied from PROV-DM</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-10 02:08 +0000 beb278a59b28 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Revert JS import to W3C server</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-08 22:36 +0000 35ee2d7209ea Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Adjust TODO notes</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-08 22:27 +0000 d269fcdfc9fd Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Cut back on verbiage in sect 3,4 rbitrary data</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-08 22:24 +0000 aba651f6da5e Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Adjust TODO notes</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-08 22:20 +0000 06627e013264 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Revised section 3 descriptions in terms of prodcuers and consumers</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-08 12:12 +0000 098e7be8b4d5 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Updated security considerations to mention audit</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-06 17:04 +0000 96247e20c8b4 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Add TODO for producer/consumer roles, add note about multiple links, add reference to RFC3986 for %-escaping</dd>
-  <dt>2012-11-06 15:17 +0000 4fbe51a47591 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Update security considerations, note about non-RDF service desription, PROV-O link, acknowledgements</dd>
-  <dt>2012-06-20 14:27 -0700 d0af0446868d Paul Groth <p.t.groth@vu.nl></dt><dd>updated to reflect newly published version</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-27 16:23 +0000 35385cbbfb9f Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Further refinements and bug fixes in the forward provenance section</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-27 15:33 +0000 2dfd7fac85c9 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Merge</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-27 15:19 +0000 bae275eaaf81 Stian Soiland-Reyes <soiland-reyes@cs.manchester.ac.uk></dt><dd>Added Stian as PROV-AQ author</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-27 15:33 +0000 ecf3af571f1e Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Changed entity-URI back to target-URI, and updated concept definition to indicate it may also denote an activity</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-27 13:02 +0000 d6085196a22d Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Some tidying up of section decsribing provenance pingback</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-27 12:26 +0000 018e25f63183 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Changed all normative references to informative (this being a NOTE)</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-27 12:23 +0000 33eea34f1863 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Renamed link relations 'hasProvenance', 'hasAnchor' and 'hasQueryService' to 'has_provenance', 'has_anchor' and 'has_query_service' respectively.  This is because RFC5988 strongly recommends link relations to be all lowercase.</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 18:42 +0000 25eb1149862f Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Add placeholder links to ontology; deleted note in Appendiox B</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 18:33 +0000 473af1a90df2 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Added describesService in appendix B</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 18:24 +0000 211ff39ee699 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Add to security considerations: possible malicious use of links; possible information leakage when provenance links are folloiwed, or services used. (Stian:58,59)</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 18:12 +0000 ec95bc31a43b Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Incorporate Stian's revised pingback proposal: accept links rather than actual provenance.</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 17:19 +0000 eadbf7c04b31 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Renamed prov:provPingback as just prov:pingback (Stian:55)</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 17:07 +0000 4fd6242c151c Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Re-worked description of direct HTTP query, particularly escaping of URI special characters and provenance formats returned.  Revise description of return codes. (Section 4.2)</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 16:10 +0000 bbef7256bc91 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Rename prov:ProvenanceQueryService to prov:ServiceDescription</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 15:53 +0000 206caf60d43a Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Incorporarted Stian's proposal for a service description property</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 14:40 +0000 ae119d2377ca Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Query service - editorial updates per Stian's comments 35-41, including re-work of motivation</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 13:34 +0000 1a0bded232fb Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Edirtorial updates in response to Luc's comments; updated CSS for external link</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 11:26 +0000 52d0f60610aa Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Editorial updates in response to comments by Dong</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 10:44 +0000 a87d5f3c056c Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Moved entire discussion of bundles in section 2 to a NOTE, and simplified.</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-26 10:24 +0000 fd2f1476c795 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Further editorial changes suggestred by Stian's comments 28,29,30,33; quote anchor parameters in Link: header examples</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-21 19:16 +0000 2a38eacd1735 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Section 3, editorial changes and reorganization of text suggested by Stian's comments (15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27).  Moved some more material from sect 3 to sect 1.3, and trimmed.  Removed duplicate material about authority guarantees from section 2.  Added URI/IRI discussion to concepts.  Added HTTP examples.  Included '#' in shorthand references to link relations.</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-21 17:27 +0000 6c7dc767652a Graham Klyne</dt><dd>More trimming of material onprovenance interpretation</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-21 15:57 +0000 be8f6ec8a2d5 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Section 3, editorial changes and reorganization of text suggested by Stian's comments (10,11,12,13,14).  provider abnd consumer definitions moved to 1.1.  Further discussion of provenance interpretation moved to section 1.3.</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-21 15:31 +0000 7e2c896d5b3b Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Section 2, non-substantive editorial changes suggested by Stian's comments (8,9)</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-21 15:22 +0000 9afefa103a72 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Non-substantive editorial changes suggested by Stian's comments (4,6,7)</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-21 15:07 +0000 27cf75d7a6f2 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Changed 'target-URI' to 'entity-URI', and revised some associated text to describe provenance access with respect to entities.  Stian's comment (2)</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-21 14:06 +0000 cc0ec03fed0e Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Update Turtle reference to CR</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-21 13:33 +0000 2d42fb73e214 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Add placeholder appendix for change log</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-07 18:26 +0000 ae85f08dcda4 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Further editorial fixes suggested by Tim</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-07 17:43 +0000 266d233ce54c Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Move text about isolating information from section 3 (locating) to 1.3 (interpreting).  Tim's comment (13)</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-07 17:29 +0000 a53fb5b58d8f Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Section 2 editorial rework including suggestions by Tim</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-07 16:41 +0000 cf11871bb9ba Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Editorial fixes suggested by Tim, and replace 'provenance description' with 'provenance record', following PROV-DM</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-07 15:53 +0000 4d16b451fc1a Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Editorial fixes suggested by Simon</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-07 15:42 +0000 9406759adad3 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Editorial fixes suggested by Simon</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-07 14:50 +0000 d5e7a0c76495 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Minor editorial fixes suggested by Ivan</dd>
+<dt>2013-02-07 13:44 +0000 d4cf95c11dcd Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Minor editorial fixes suggested by Ivan</dd>
+<dt>2013-01-10 15:43 +0100 cb49c07522ff Paul Groth <p.t.groth@vu.nl></dt><dd>updated to fix minor editorial errors</dd>
+<dt>2013-01-04 14:23 +0000 47a1f3baf67a Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Editorial tweaks</dd>
+<dt>2013-01-04 13:26 +0000 a374c48027b9 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Separate prov:DirectQueryService (specifric mechanism) from prov:ProvenanceQueryService (generic)</dd>
+<dt>2013-01-04 13:11 +0000 7b4580bd6d52 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Fix some section cross-references; rename 'prov:hasProvenanceService' as 'prov:hasQueryService'</dd>
+<dt>2013-01-04 13:03 +0000 f00efdbb4f6e Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Reorganize provenance query service description to accommodate SPARQL (ISSUE 601); 'rename provenance service' as 'provenance query service'; rename 'prov:ProvenanceService' as 'prov:ProivenanceQueryService'</dd>
+<dt>2012-12-10 22:40 +0000 08deb1462a7c Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Fix apostrophe</dd>
+<dt>2012-12-10 19:03 +0000 f0f315c6781c Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Fold in Jun's editorial comments.  Remove reference to POWDER</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-26 14:43 +0000 23f86dc89992 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Change 'provenance information' to 'provenance description' (ISSUE 601); extensive editorial changes should be reviewed</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-26 12:07 +0000 4bbf03ed4eff Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Add note about service description and LDP consideration thereof</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-26 11:49 +0000 72ec0c88ede8 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Add non-commital paragraph about accessing provenance bundles</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-26 11:08 +0000 b811ccb53b45 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Update forward provenance (pingback) in response to comments; fix text around VoID example</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-20 16:00 +0000 839d503bd064 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Added specification for pingback link header (ISSUE 600)</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-20 14:15 +0000 0e668b4ce436 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Tidy up some text</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-20 14:03 +0000 3cba6f76b797 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Expanded discussion of provenance service discovery to include prov:hasProvenanceService</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-20 12:22 +0000 44586518f842 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Remove speculative non-specification text to be covered in FAQ (ISSUES 426, 598)</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-20 11:36 +0000 2f1a8ca558a8 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Added section with table of URIs and what they dereference to (ISSUE 424)</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-20 10:37 +0000 d2acceb63c0b Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Make treatment of direct retrieval and service for provenance access more equally visible (ISSUE 422)</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-19 18:53 +0000 69d2ba847f40 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Point out that provenance services can accept paraneters other than just 'target' (ISSUE 420)</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-19 18:10 +0000 6a283fe7b70c Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Added definitions for accessung and locating (ISSUE 417)</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-19 13:23 +0000 45683a007809 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>More CSS tweaking to override RewSopec.js colouring</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-19 13:06 +0000 390df423d8b3 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Formatting and CSS colour tweaks for examples</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-19 12:58 +0000 7f6c1a541631 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Added section on Link: headers and content negotiation (ISSUE 416)</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-19 12:17 +0000 9c24773fd6c7 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Revert to W3C-hosted ReSpec.js</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-19 11:48 +0000 10c290a46ee0 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Added icon to distibguish external links (ISSUE 400)</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-16 16:29 +0000 5f35560288e7 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Updsate and cross-link table of prov: URIs defined</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-16 16:01 +0000 3144d9093733 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Changed link relations to URIs; removed IANA considerations section</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-10 19:03 +0000 77c849e3d67d Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Hyperlink concept definitions to themselves (per request from Tim 2012-06-05)</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-10 18:26 +0000 aff3d2fcf8f5 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Update security considerations with note about use of provenance as part of audit/enforcement mechanism</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-10 18:07 +0000 84864eeceffb Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Update list of PROV documents, copied from PROV-DM</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-10 02:08 +0000 beb278a59b28 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Revert JS import to W3C server</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-08 22:36 +0000 35ee2d7209ea Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Adjust TODO notes</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-08 22:27 +0000 d269fcdfc9fd Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Cut back on verbiage in sect 3,4 rbitrary data</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-08 22:24 +0000 aba651f6da5e Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Adjust TODO notes</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-08 22:20 +0000 06627e013264 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Revised section 3 descriptions in terms of prodcuers and consumers</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-08 12:12 +0000 098e7be8b4d5 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Updated security considerations to mention audit</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-06 17:04 +0000 96247e20c8b4 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Add TODO for producer/consumer roles, add note about multiple links, add reference to RFC3986 for %-escaping</dd>
+<dt>2012-11-06 15:17 +0000 4fbe51a47591 Graham Klyne</dt><dd>Update security considerations, note about non-RDF service desription, PROV-O link, acknowledgements</dd>
+<dt>2012-06-20 14:27 -0700 d0af0446868d Paul Groth <p.t.groth@vu.nl></dt><dd>updated to reflect newly published version</dd>