derivation-attributes completed
authorSatya Sahoo <>
Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:13:41 -0400
changeset 742 64c0a68050b0
parent 741 413ba530951c
child 743 bf5b4e69c372
derivation-attributes completed
--- a/ontology/ProvenanceFormalModel.html	Sat Oct 15 19:02:24 2011 -0400
+++ b/ontology/ProvenanceFormalModel.html	Sat Oct 15 20:13:41 2011 -0400
@@ -1432,84 +1432,52 @@
 	  <p>The PROV-DM describes a constraint for asserting wasDerivedFrom property between two Entity instances if some attributes of an Entity instance are partially or fully determined by attributes values of the other Entity instance.
 	<div class='issue'>"Given a process execution expression denoted by pe, entity expressions denoted by e1 and e2, qualifiers q1 and q2, the assertion wasDerivedFrom(e2,e1,pe,q2,q1) or wasDerivedFrom(e2,e1) holds if and only if the values of some attributes of the entity expression identified by e2 are partly or fully determined by the values of some attributes of the entity expression identified by e1." This is <a href="">ISSUE-125</a></div>
+	</section>
+	<section id ="provenance-constraint-on-derivation-use-generation-ordering">
+	  <h4>Provenance constraint on wasDerivedFrom (derivation-use-generation-ordering)</h4>
+	  <p>The PROV-DM describes a constraint that if wasDerivedFrom property is asserted between two Entity instances e1 and e2, that is wasDerivedFrom (e2, e1), then the for time instant t1 associated with a PE instance that "used" is less than the time instant t2 associated with "generation" of e2.
+	  </p>
+	  <div class='note'> Without an explicit association of <a href="#time">Time</a> with the <a href="#entity">Entity</a> instance and <a href="#processexecution">PE</a> instance, it is not possible to state or enforce this constraint in the PROV ontology schema and the corresponding RDF dataset.
+	  </div>
+	</section>
+	<section id ="provenance-constraint-on-derivation-events">
+	  <h4>Provenance constraint on wasDerivedFrom (derivation-events)</h4>
+	  <p>The PROV-DM describes a constraint that if wasDerivedFrom property is asserted between two Entity instances e1 and e2, that is wasDerivedFrom (e2, e1, pe), then wasGeneratedBy(e2, pe) and used(pe, e1) can also be asserted.
+	  </p>
+	  <div class='note'> Since the above constraint defined in PROV-DM does not define how pe is linked to the derivation of e2 from e1, this constraint can be supported in the "opposite" direction in PROV-O. In other words, given e2 was generated at time instant t2 by pe and pe used e1 at time instant t1 and t1 is less than t2, then we can assert that wasDerivedFrom(e2, e1).
+	  </div>
+	</section>
+	<section id ="provenance-constraint-on-derivation-process-execution">
+	  <h4>Provenance constraint on wasDerivedFrom (derivation-events)</h4>
+	  <p>The PROV-DM describes a constraint that if wasDerivedFrom property is asserted between two Entity instances e1 and e2, then there exists some PE instance such that wasGeneratedBy(e2, pe) and used(pe, e1) can also be asserted.
+	  </p>
+	  <div class='note'> This constraint is a re-statement of the generic Semantic Web "open-world assumption". Hence, it is not mapped to PROV ontology.
+	  </div>
+	</section>
+	<section id ="provenance-constraint-on-derivation-use">
+	  <h4>Provenance constraint on wasDerivedFrom (derivation-use)</h4>
+	  <p>The PROV-DM describes a constraint that if wasDerivedFrom property is asserted between two Entity instances e1 and e2, and wasGeneratedBy(e2, pe) is also asserted then Used(pe, e1) can also be asserted.
+	  </p>
+	  <div class='note'> This will be asserted as a rule.
+	  </div>
+	</section>
+	<section id ="provenance-constraint-on-derivation-generation-generation-ordering">
+	  <h4>Provenance constraint on wasEventuallyDerivedFrom (derivation-generation-generation-ordering)</h4>
+	  <p>The PROV-DM describes a constraint that if wasEventuallyDerivedFrom property is asserted between two Entity instances e1 and e2, then generation of e1 occurred before generation of e2.
+	  </p>
+	  <div class='note'> Without an explicit association of <a href="#time">Time</a> (or event) with the <a href="#entity">Entity</a> instance and <a href="#processexecution">PE</a> instance, it is not possible to state or enforce this constraint in the PROV ontology schema and the corresponding RDF dataset.
+	  </div>
+	</section>
+	<section id ="provenance-constraint-on-derivation-linked-independent">
+	  <h4>Provenance constraint on wasEventuallyDerivedFrom (derivation-linked-independent)</h4>
+	  <p>The PROV-DM describes a constraint that if wasDerivedFrom property is asserted  between two Entity instances e1 and e2, then wasEventuallyDerivedFrom property can also be asserted between the two Entity instances.
+	  </p>
+	  <div class='note'> Is this an equivalence constraint or can we assert a subPropertyOf property between wasDerivedFrom and wasEventuallyFrom?
+	  </div>
     <section id="remaining-constraints">
     <h4>Remaining constraints not yet addressed by PROV-O</h4>
-<li> <a id="derivation-attributes">derivation-attributes</a> "Given a process execution <b>pe</b>, entities <b>e1</b> and <b>e2</b>, roles <b>r1</b> and <b>r2</b>, if the assertion <b>wasDerivedFrom(e2,e1,pe,r2,r1)</b>
-or <b>wasDerivedFrom(e2,e1)</b> holds, if and only if:
- the values of some attributes
-of <b>e2</b> are partly or fully determined by the values of some
-attributes of <b>e1</b>."  (<a
-id="derivation-use-generation-ordering">derivation-use-generation-ordering</a> "Given a process execution <b>pe</b>, entities <b>e1</b> and <b>e2</b>, roles <b>r1</b> and <b>r2</b>, if the assertion <b>wasDerivedFrom(e2,e1,pe,r2,r1)</b>
-or <b>wasDerivedFrom(e2,e1)</b> holds, then
-the use
-of characterized thing denoted by <b>e1</b> precedes the generation of
-the characterized thing denoted by <b>e2</b>."  (<a
-<li><a id="derivation-process-execution">derivation-process-execution</a> "If <b>wasDerivedFrom(e2,e1)</b> holds, then there exists a process execution <b>pe</b>, and roles <b>r1</b>,<b>r2</b>,
-such that:
-  <b>wasGeneratedBy(e2,pe,r2)</b> and <b>used(pe,e1,r1)</b>."  (<a
-  href="../model/ProvenanceModel.html#derivation-process-execution">definition</a>)
-<li><a id="derivation-events">derivation-events</a> "If
-<b>wasDerivedFrom(e2,e1,pe,r2,r1)</b> holds, then
-<b>wasGeneratedBy(e2,pe,r2)</b> and <b>used(pe,e1,r1)</b> also hold."
-(<a href="../model/ProvenanceModel.html#derivation-events">definition</a>)
-<li> <a id='derivation-use'>derivation-use</a>
-<p>Given a process execution expression identified by <span
-class="name">pe</span>, entity expressions identified by <span
-class="name">e1</span> and <span class="name">e2</span>, and qualifier
-<span class="name">q2</span>,
-<span class='conditional'>if</span> <span
-class="name">wasDerivedFrom(e2,e1)</span> and <span
-class="name">wasGeneratedBy(e2,pe,q2)</span> hold, <span
-class='conditional'>then</span> there exists a qualifier <span
-such that <span class="name">used(pe,e1,q1)</span> also holds.
-(<a href="../model/ProvenanceModel.html#derivation-use">definition</a>)
-<a id='derivation-generation-generation-ordering'>derivation-generation-generation-ordering</a>
-Given two entity expressions denoted by <span class="name">e1</span> and
-<span class="name">e2</span>, <span class='conditional'>if</span> the
-expression <span class="name">wasEventuallyDerivedFrom(e2,e1)</span>
- holds, <span class='conditional'>then</span> the
- generation event of the characterized thing  represented by the entity
- expression denoted by <span class="name">e1</span> precedes the
- generation event of
- the characterized thing represented by the entity expression denoted by
- <span class="name">e2</span>.
-<a id='derivation-linked-independent'>derivation-linked-independent</a>
-Given two entity expressions denoted by <span class="name">e1</span> and
-<span class="name">e2</span>, <span class='conditional'>if</span> the
-assertion <span class="name">wasDerivedFrom(e2,e1)</span> or <span
- holds, <span class='conditional'>then</span> the
-  the expression <span
-  class="name">wasEventuallyDerivedFrom(e2,e1)</span> also holds.