Add note about service description and LDP consideration thereof
authorGraham Klyne
Mon, 26 Nov 2012 12:07:13 +0000
changeset 5060 4bbf03ed4eff
parent 5059 5eeb0359c90c
child 5061 96fd9cc08b5e
Add note about service description and LDP consideration thereof
--- a/paq/prov-aq.html	Mon Nov 26 12:03:52 2012 +0000
+++ b/paq/prov-aq.html	Mon Nov 26 12:07:13 2012 +0000
@@ -689,6 +689,9 @@
         <p>While use of RDF for service descriptions is a recommended option, this specification does not preclude the use of non-RDF formats that a service may choose to offer, and which can be selected using HTTP content negotiation.
+        <p class="note">
+          We expect the presentation of service descriptions to be considered by the W3C Linked data Platform group (<a href="" class="externalRef"></a>);  at the time of writing, there is no consensus  (cf. message at <a href="" class="externalRef"></a> and responses).  As and when such consensus emerges, we recommend that provenance service implementers consider adopting it, or at least consider making their implementations compatible with it.
+        </p>