added URLs to component aggregation provenance.
authorTim L <>
Thu, 06 Oct 2011 09:44:42 -0400
changeset 557 3d6ec214ad01
parent 556 0491e4906eec
child 559 4c79363beac1
added URLs to component aggregation provenance.
--- a/ontology/component-aggregations/	Thu Oct 06 09:07:28 2011 -0400
+++ b/ontology/component-aggregations/	Thu Oct 06 09:44:42 2011 -0400
@@ -30,32 +30,56 @@
 rm -f "_"`basename $0`*.tmp
 TEMP="_"`basename $0``date +%s`_$$.tmp
-for aggregation_file in `find . -name "*.ttl" | grep -v "\.prov.ttl" | sed 's/^\.\///'`; do
-   aggregation_url="${base}/${aggregation_file}"
-   echo "$aggregation_url"
+for component_list_file in `find . -name "*.ttl" | grep -v "\.prov.ttl" | sed 's/^\.\///'`; do
    rm -f $TEMP
-   for component in `rapper -g -o ntriples $aggregation_url 2> /dev/null | awk '$2 == "<>"{print $3}' | sed 's/<//;s/>//'`; do
+   component_url="${base}/${component_list_file}"
+   echo "$component_url"
+   closure_file=`echo $component_list_file | sed 's/.ttl$/.owl/'`
+   if [ "$closure_file" == $component_list_file ]; then
+      echo "skipping $component_list_file because it would be overwritten by its closure."
+      continue
+   fi
+   let input_count=0
+   for component in `rapper -g -o ntriples $component_url 2> /dev/null | awk '$2 == "<>"{print $3}' | sed 's/<//;s/>//'`; do
+      let input_count=$input_count+1
       genid=`md5 -s $component | awk '{print $4}'`
       echo "   += $component"
       rapper -q -g -o ntriples $component | sed "s/_:genid/_:genid${genid}/g" >> $TEMP
+      if [ $input_count -eq 1 ]; then
+         echo "@prefix nfo:  <> ."                >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+         echo "@prefix prov: <> ." >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+         echo "@prefix :     <#> ."                                                                        >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+         id=""
+      else
+         id="_$input_count"
+      fi
+      echo ""                                                                                              >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+      echo ":result"                                                                                       >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+      if [ $input_count -eq 1 ]; then
+         echo "   nfo:fileURL <$closure_file>;"                                                            >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+         echo "   prov:wasDerivedFrom :component_list;"                                                    >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+      fi
+         echo "   prov:wasDerivedFrom :input$id;"                                                          >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+      if [ $input_count -eq 1 ]; then
+         echo "   a prov:Entity;"                                                                          >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+      fi
+      echo "."                                                                                             >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+      if [ $input_count -eq 1 ]; then
+         echo ""                                                                                           >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+         echo ":component_list"                                                                            >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+         echo "   nfo:fileURL <$component_url>;"                                                           >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+         echo "   a prov:Entity;"                                                                          >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+         echo "."                                                                                          >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+      fi
+      echo ""                                                                                              >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+      echo ":input$id"                                                                                     >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+      echo "   nfo:fileURL <$component>;"                                                                  >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+      echo "   a prov:Entity;"                                                                             >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
+      echo "."                                                                                             >> $closure_file.prov.ttl
-   aggregated=`echo $aggregation_file | sed 's/.ttl$/.owl/'`
-   if [[ "$aggregation" != "$aggregated" ]]; then
-      rapper -q -i ntriples -o rdfxml-abbrev $TEMP > $aggregated
-      echo "   ==-> $aggregated"
-      echo "@prefix nfo:  <> ."                >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo "@prefix prov: <> ." >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo "@prefix :     <#> ."                                                                        >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo ""                                                                                           >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo ":result"                                                                                    >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo "   nfo:fileURL <$aggregated>;"                                                              >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo "   prov:wasDerivedFrom :input;"                                                             >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo "   a prov:Entity;"                                                                          >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo "."                                                                                          >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo ":input"                                                                                     >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo "   nfo:fileURL <$aggregation_url>;"                                                         >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo "   a prov:Entity;"                                                                          >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-      echo "."                                                                                          >> $aggregated.prov.ttl
-   fi
+   rapper -q -i ntriples -o rdfxml-abbrev $TEMP > $closure_file
+   echo "   ==-> $closure_file"
    rm -f $TEMP
--- a/ontology/component-aggregations/prov-variant-1.owl.prov.ttl	Thu Oct 06 09:07:28 2011 -0400
+++ b/ontology/component-aggregations/prov-variant-1.owl.prov.ttl	Thu Oct 06 09:44:42 2011 -0400
@@ -1,52 +1,38 @@
-@prefix nfo:  <> .
-@prefix prov: <> .
-@prefix :     <#> .
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <prov-variant-1.owl>;
-   prov:wasDerivedFrom :input;
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <>;
-@prefix nfo:  <> .
-@prefix prov: <> .
-@prefix :     <#> .
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <prov-variant-1.owl>;
-   prov:wasDerivedFrom :input;
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <>;
-@prefix nfo:  <> .
-@prefix prov: <> .
-@prefix :     <#> .
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <prov-variant-1.owl>;
-   prov:wasDerivedFrom :input;
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <>;
 @prefix nfo:  <> .
 @prefix prov: <> .
 @prefix :     <#> .
    nfo:fileURL <prov-variant-1.owl>;
+   prov:wasDerivedFrom :component_list;
    prov:wasDerivedFrom :input;
    a prov:Entity;
    nfo:fileURL <>;
    a prov:Entity;
+   nfo:fileURL <>;
+   a prov:Entity;
+   prov:wasDerivedFrom :input_2;
+   nfo:fileURL <>;
+   a prov:Entity;
+   prov:wasDerivedFrom :input_3;
+   nfo:fileURL <>;
+   a prov:Entity;
--- a/ontology/component-aggregations/prov.owl.prov.ttl	Thu Oct 06 09:07:28 2011 -0400
+++ b/ontology/component-aggregations/prov.owl.prov.ttl	Thu Oct 06 09:44:42 2011 -0400
@@ -1,52 +1,20 @@
-@prefix nfo:  <> .
-@prefix prov: <> .
-@prefix :     <#> .
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <prov.owl>;
-   prov:wasDerivedFrom :input;
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <>;
-@prefix nfo:  <> .
-@prefix prov: <> .
-@prefix :     <#> .
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <prov.owl>;
-   prov:wasDerivedFrom :input;
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <>;
-@prefix nfo:  <> .
-@prefix prov: <> .
-@prefix :     <#> .
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <prov.owl>;
-   prov:wasDerivedFrom :input;
-   a prov:Entity;
-   nfo:fileURL <>;
 @prefix nfo:  <> .
 @prefix prov: <> .
 @prefix :     <#> .
    nfo:fileURL <prov.owl>;
+   prov:wasDerivedFrom :component_list;
    prov:wasDerivedFrom :input;
    a prov:Entity;
    nfo:fileURL <>;
    a prov:Entity;
+   nfo:fileURL <>;
+   a prov:Entity;