authorLuc Moreau <>
Mon, 26 Nov 2012 11:35:56 +0000
changeset 5054 2551fc3d3677
parent 5049 04d075c4764c
child 5055 ddcc28d40625
--- a/mention/prov-mention.html	Mon Nov 26 10:55:05 2012 +0000
+++ b/mention/prov-mention.html	Mon Nov 26 11:35:56 2012 +0000
@@ -2,16 +2,19 @@
-    <title>prov-links: linking across provenance bundles</title> 
+    <title>Linking Across Provenance Bundles</title> 
     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> 
-    <!-- 
-      === NOTA BENE ===
-      For the three scripts below, if your spec resides on dev.w3 you can check them
-      out in the same tree and use relative links so that they'll work offline,
-     -->
-<!-- see for table configuration -->
-    <style type="text/css">
+<script src="../model/prov-magic.js" class="remove"></script>
+<script src="../model/grammar/ll.js" class="remove"></script>
+<script src="../model/provbib.js" class="remove"></script>
+<script src="../model/glossary.js" class="remove"></script>
+<script src="" class="remove"></script> 
+<script src="" class="remove"></script>
+<style type="text/css">
       .note { font-size:small; margin-left:50px }
   .entity {
@@ -128,23 +131,6 @@
     background: #fff;
-/* .inference[id]::before { */
-/*     content:    "Inference: " attr(id); */
-/*     width:  380px;  /\* How can we compute the length of "Constraint: " attr(id) *\/ */
-/* } */
-/* .inference::before { */
-/*     content:    "Inference"; */
-/*     display:    block; */
-/*     width:  150px; */
-/*     margin: -1.5em 0 0.5em 0; */
-/*     font-weight:    bold; */
-/*     border: 1px solid #f00; */
-/*     background: #fff; */
-/*     padding:    3px 1em; */
-/* } */
 .syntax {
     padding:    1em;
     margin: 1em 0em 0em;
@@ -204,24 +190,6 @@
     background: #fff;
-/* .constraint[id]::before { */
-/*     content:    "Constraint: " attr(id); */
-/*     width:  380px;  /\* How can we compute the length of "Constraint: " attr(id) *\/ */
-/* } */
-/* .constraint::before { */
-/*     content:    "Constraint"; */
-/*     display:    block; */
-/*     width:  150px; */
-/*     margin: -1.5em 0 0.5em 0; */
-/*     font-weight:    bold; */
-/*     border: 1px solid #00f; */
-/*     background: #fff; */
-/*     padding:    3px 1em; */
-/* } */
 .interpretation {
     padding:    1em;
@@ -261,24 +229,6 @@
     background: #fff;
-/* .definition[id]::before { */
-/*     content:    "Definition: " attr(id); */
-/*     width:  380px;  */
-/* } */
-/* .definition::before { */
-/*     content:    "Definition"; */
-/*     display:    block; */
-/*     width:  150px; */
-/*     margin: -1.5em 0 0.5em 0; */
-/*     font-weight:    bold; */
-/*     border: 1px solid #000; */
-/*     background: #fff; */
-/*     padding:    3px 1em; */
-/* } */
 .deprecatedconstraint {
     padding:    1em;
     margin: 1em 0em 0em;
@@ -365,22 +315,6 @@
     padding:    3px 1em;
-.anexample[count]::before {
-    content: "Example " attr(count) ;
-    font-family: sans-serif;
-    font-size: 1.6ex;
-    font-weight: bold;
-.anexample:before {
-    content: "Example:";
-    font-family: sans-serif;
-    font-size: 1.6ex;
-    font-weight: bold;
 .anexample {
     margin-top: 1ex;
@@ -592,11 +526,7 @@
-    <script src="../model/grammar/ll.js" class="remove"></script>
-    <script src="../model/provbib.js" class="remove"></script>
-    <script src="" class="remove"></script> 
-    <script src="" class="remove"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
@@ -652,192 +582,9 @@
-    <script src="../model/glossary.js" class="remove"></script>
-    <script class="remove">
-function insertProductionDefinition(doc, content, name) {
-	var xml=$.parseXML(content);
-    var segment = $(xml).find('a[name~="' + name + '"]').parents("tbody")[0];
-//	return doc._esc((new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(segment));
-	return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(segment);
-function insertProductionGeneration(doc, content) {  return insertProductionDefinition(doc,content,'prod-prov_n_LL-generationExpression'); }
-    </script>
-    <script class="remove">
-      function updateGlossaryRefs() {
-        $('.glossary-ref').each(function(index) {
-          var ref=$(this).attr('data-ref');
-          var span=$(this).attr('data-withspan')
-          $(this).removeAttr('data-withspan');
-          $(this).removeAttr('data-ref');
-          $('#'+ref+'.glossary').contents().clone().appendTo($(this));
-//          $(this).attr("prov:hadOriginalSource",glossary_hg);
-          if (span) {
-            $(this).children('dfn').replaceWith(function(){return $('<span>').addClass('dfn').append($(this).contents())});
-          }
-        });
-      }
-        // function to replace figcaption since not allowed by prov rules, and not transformed by respec.js
-      function updateFigCaptions() {
-	var figureCount=1;
-        $('figcaption').each(function(index) {
-          var myid=$(this).attr('id');
-          var mycount=figureCount++;
-          $(this).replaceWith(function(){return $('<span>').addClass('figcaption').attr('data-count', mycount).attr('id',myid).append("Figure " + mycount)
-.append($('<sup>').append($('<a>').addClass('internalDFN').attr('href','#'+myid).append($('<span>').addClass('diamond').append(" &#9674;:")))).append(" ")
-        });
-      }
-        // function to update caption with linkable diamond
-      function updateCaptions() {
-	var tableCount=1;
-        $('caption').each(function(index) {
-          var myid=$(this).attr('id');
-          var mycount=tableCount++;
-          $(this).attr('data-count', mycount)
-.prepend($('<span>').append("Table " + mycount)
-		  .append($('<sup>').append($('<a>').addClass('internalDFN').attr('href','#'+myid).append($('<span>').addClass('diamond').append(" &#9674;:")))).append(" "))
-        });
-      }
-        // function to replace figure since not allowed by prov rules, and not transformed by respec.js
-      function updateFigures() {
-        $('figure').each(function(index) {
-          var myid=$(this).attr('id');
-          var mystyle=$(this).attr('style');
-             console.log( "figure " + myid + " " + $(this).contents());
-          $(this).replaceWith(function(){
-                                          var aNewElement=$('<span>').addClass('figure').append($(this).contents());
-                                          if (myid) {
-                                            aNewElement.attr('id',myid)
-                                          }                                          
-                                          if (mystyle) {
-                                            aNewElement.attr('style',mystyle)
-                                          }                                          
-                                          return aNewElement });
-        //          $(this).replaceWith(function(){return $('<span>').addClass('figure').attr('id',myid).attr('style',mystyle).append($(this).contents())});
-             console.log( "figure " + myid);
-        });
-      }
-      function updateExamples() {
-        var count=1;
-        $('.anexample').each(function(index) {
-          var myid=$(this).attr('id');
-          var mycount=count++;
-          if (myid==undefined) {
-            myid='example_' + mycount;
-            $(this).attr('id',myid);
-          }
-          $(this).attr('data-count', mycount).prepend($('<div>').addClass('anexampleTitle')
-                                                          //.append($('<a>').addClass('internalDFN').attr('href','#'+myid).append("Example " + mycount))
-              .append("Example " + mycount)
-              .append($('<sup>').append($('<a>').addClass('internalDFN').attr('href','#'+myid).append($('<span>').addClass('diamond').append(" &#9674;"))))
-              );
-          //console.log( "example for " + myid + " " + mycount);
-        });
-      }
-      function updateDfn() {
-        var count=1;
-        $('dfn').each(function(index) {
-          var myid=$(this).addClass('internalDFN').attr('id');
-          $(this).after($('<sup>').append($('<a>').addClass('internalDFN').attr('href','#'+myid).append($('<span>').addClass('diamond').append(" &#9674;"))));  //&#9674;//&#9830;
-//              console.log( "dfn for " + myid + " ");
-        });
-      }
-      function updateExamplesRefs() {
-        $('.anexample-ref').each(function(index) {
-          myhref=$(this).attr('href');
-              //console.log( "example ref for " + myhref);
-          mycount=$(myhref).attr('data-count');
-              //console.log( "example ref for " + myhref + " " + mycount);
-          $(this).children('span').replaceWith(function(){return $('<span>').append("Example " + mycount)});
-        });
-        $('.anexample').each(function(index) {
-          $(this).removeAttr('data-count');
-        });
-        $('caption').each(function(index) {
-          $(this).removeAttr('data-count');
-        });
-        $('.figcaption').each(function(index) {
-          $(this).removeAttr('data-count');
-        });
-      }
-      function updateSectionRefs() {
-         $('.section-ref').each(function(index) {
-          myhref=$(this).attr('href');
-          console.log( "section ref for " + myhref);
-          if (myhref.startsWith("#")) {
-            //Problem, this returns all span.secno elements, and concatenates their text
-                    // I shoul just get the first one
-            mysectionNumber=$(myhref).find('span.secno').first().text().trim();
-             console.log( "section ref for " + myhref + " " + mysectionNumber);
-             $(this).children('span').replaceWith(function(){return $('<span>').append("Section " + mysectionNumber)});
-           }
-        });
-      }
+    <script type="text/javascript" class="remove">
@@ -1097,6 +844,8 @@
 <p>The provenance of information is crucial in deciding whether information is to be trusted, how it should be integrated with other diverse information sources, and how to give credit to its originators when reusing it.  To support this, provenance should be trusted, and therefore, provenance of provenance is itself a critical aspect of an information infrastructure such as the Web. To this end, PROV introduces the concept of <a href="">Bundle</a>: defined as a set of provenance descriptions,  it is a mechanism by which provenance of provenance can be expressed (see also <a href="">Bundle</a> [[!PROV-O]] and <a href="">Bundle</a> [[PROV-XML]]). With bundles, blobs of provenance descriptions can be given names and can itself be regarded as entities, whose provenance can be described using PROV. </p>
+<p>In a distributed environment, it is common to encounter  applications that involve multiple parties, where some party creates data and its provenance, whereas another party consumes the data and its provenance. 
 the key aspect of mention of is that you name the entity and the bundle in which the entity is described. The Bundle IS the specialization. ←
 … without mention, you can still link the entities, but you lose the ability to mention the bundle. ←