--- a/examples/eg-25-extended-crime-file-example/rdf/extended-crime-file-pt1.ttl Sun Nov 25 13:37:32 2012 -0500
+++ b/examples/eg-25-extended-crime-file-example/rdf/extended-crime-file-pt1.ttl Sun Nov 25 13:43:14 2012 -0500
@@ -5,81 +5,80 @@
@prefix my: <http://example.org/my#> .
@prefix : <http://example.org#> .
- <> a prov:Bundle, prov:Entity ;
- prov:wasAttributedTo :postEditor;
- prov:generatedAtTime "2011-07-16T02:52:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
- :involvedUser :derek.
- :derek
- a prov:Person, prov:Agent, foaf:Person; ## Typically prov:Agent will be inferred from prov:Person
- foaf:givenName "Derek"^^xsd:string;
- foaf:mbox <mailto:derek@example.org>;
- prov:actedOnBehalfOf :national_newspaper_inc;
- .
- :national_newspaper_inc
- a prov:Organization, prov:Agent; ## Typically prov:Agent will be inferred from prov:Organization
- foaf:name "National Newspaper, Inc.";
- .
- :postEditor
- a prov:SoftwareAgent, prov:Agent; ## Typically prov:Agent will be inferred from prov:SoftwareAgent
- foaf:name "Post Editor 3000";
- .
- :government a prov:Organization, foaf:Organization .
+<> a prov:Bundle, prov:Entity ;
+ prov:wasAttributedTo :postEditor;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2011-07-16T02:52:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
+ :involvedUser :derek.
- :aggregatedByRegions
- a prov:Entity;
- prov:atLocation <file://Users/aggr.txt>;
- .
- :crimeData
- a prov:Entity;
- prov:wasAttributedTo :government;
- .
- :more-crime-happens-in-cities
- a prov:Location, sioc:Post, prov:Entity;
- sioc:latest_version :post9821v2;
- sioc:previous_version :post9821v1;
- .
+ a prov:Person, prov:Agent, foaf:Person; ## prov:Agent is inferred from prov:Person
+ foaf:givenName "Derek"^^xsd:string;
+ foaf:mbox <mailto:derek@example.org>;
+ prov:actedOnBehalfOf :national_newspaper_inc;
- ## Version 1 of the post
- :post9821v1
- a prov:Entity, sioc:Post;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy :publicationActivity1123;
- prov:atLocation :more-crime-happens-in-cities; ## PERMALINK to the (latest revision of the) post
- my:snapshotContent :postContent0; ## Snapshot with the content of this version
- sioc:title "More crime happens in cities"^^xsd:string;
- prov:hadPrimarySource :crimeData; ## This version of the post used the file "crimeData" as a primary source.
- ## The author stated that he based his post in the aggregatedByRegions file,
- ## but the primary source is the file created by the government.
- prov:wasAttributedTo :derek;
- prov:generatedAtTime "2011-07-16T01:52:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
- .
- ## Version 2 of the post
+ a prov:Organization, prov:Agent; ## prov:Agent is inferred from prov:Organization
+ foaf:name "National Newspaper, Inc.";
- :post9821v2
- a prov:Entity, sioc:Post;
- prov:atLocation :more-crime-happens-in-cities; ## PERMALINK to the (latest revision of the) post
- my:snapshotContent :postContent1; ## Snapshot with the content of this version
- prov:wasRevisionOf :post9821v1;
- prov:alternateOf :post9821v1;
- prov:wasAttributedTo :derek;
- .
+ a prov:SoftwareAgent, prov:Agent; ## prov:Agent is inferred from prov:SoftwareAgent
+ foaf:name "Post Editor 3000";
- :publicationActivity1123
- a prov:Activity;
- prov:startedAtTime "2011-07-16T01:01:01Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
- prov:endedAtTime "2011-07-16T01:52:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith :derek,
- :postEditor;
- prov:used :aggregatedByRegions;
- prov:generated :post9821v1;
- prov:wasStartedBy :derek;
- prov:wasEndedBy :derek
- .
+:government a prov:Organization, foaf:Organization .
+ a prov:Entity;
+ prov:atLocation <file://Users/aggr.txt>;
+ a prov:Entity;
+ prov:wasAttributedTo :government;
+ a prov:Location, sioc:Post, prov:Entity;
+ sioc:latest_version :post9821v2;
+ sioc:previous_version :post9821v1;
+## Version 1 of the post
+ a sioc:Post, prov:Entity;
+ sioc:title "More crime happens in cities"^^xsd:string;
+ prov:wasGeneratedBy :publicationActivity1123;
+ prov:atLocation :more-crime-happens-in-cities; ## PERMALINK to the (latest revision of the) post
+ my:snapshotContent :postContent0; ## Snapshot with the content of this version
+ prov:hadPrimarySource :crimeData; ## This version of the post used the file "crimeData" as a primary source.
+ ## The author stated that he based his post in the aggregatedByRegions file,
+ ## but the primary source is the file created by the government.
+ prov:wasAttributedTo :derek;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2011-07-16T01:52:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
+## Version 2 of the post
+ a sioc:Post, prov:Entity;
+ prov:atLocation :more-crime-happens-in-cities; ## PERMALINK to the (latest revision of the) post
+ my:snapshotContent :postContent1; ## Snapshot with the content of this version
+ prov:wasRevisionOf :post9821v1;
+ prov:alternateOf :post9821v1;
+ prov:wasAttributedTo :derek;
+ a prov:Activity;
+ prov:startedAtTime "2011-07-16T01:01:01Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
+ prov:endedAtTime "2011-07-16T01:52:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
+ prov:wasAssociatedWith :derek,
+ :postEditor;
+ prov:used :aggregatedByRegions;
+ prov:generated :post9821v1;
+ prov:wasStartedBy :derek;
+ prov:wasEndedBy :derek;