simpler hasProvenanceIn eg
authorTim L <>
Fri, 01 Jun 2012 09:47:04 -0400
changeset 3144 fcc67c5702ee
parent 3142 21358c088635
child 3145 b58d8011512e
simpler hasProvenanceIn eg
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>13</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>25</integer>
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+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>24</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.48037460446357727</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Pad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;}
+\f0\fs26 \cf2 prov:alternateOf}</string>
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>Head</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>12</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>24</integer>
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+				<string>{435.63211, 316}</string>
+				<string>{458.99234, 262.29504}</string>
+				<string>{430.50989, 115.00003}</string>
+			</array>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>1</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+					</dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>HeadScale</key>
+					<real>0.5</real>
+					<key>LineType</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+					<key>Width</key>
+					<real>2</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Tail</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>7</integer>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{359.72736, 273.3233}, {85, 15}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>b</key>
+					<string>1</string>
+					<key>g</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+					<key>r</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Georgia</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>13</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>23</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>22</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.28293940424919128</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Pad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;}
+\f0\fs26 \cf2 prov:isTopicIn}</string>
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>Head</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>4</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>22</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
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+				<string>{425.83295, 316}</string>
+				<string>{382.16827, 242.80077}</string>
+				<string>{397.07529, 191.48019}</string>
+			</array>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>1</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+					</dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>HeadScale</key>
+					<real>0.5</real>
+					<key>LineType</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+					<key>Width</key>
+					<real>2</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Tail</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>7</integer>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{49, 508.00003}, {452, 87}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>Vertical</string>
+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Georgia</string>
+				<key>NSKern</key>
+				<real>0.0</real>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>11</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>21</integer>
+			<key>Link</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>url</key>
+				<string></string>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Align</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<key>Pad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs22 \cf0 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
+&lt;&gt; \
+rdfs:seeAlso &lt;;;\
+prov:wasDerivedFrom &lt;
+\f1 \kerning1\expnd0\expndtw0|ccfb9b3e27833e142419040f7fa6bbdbo4UMsE08L.Moreau||; .}</string>
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{101.2534, 226.98929}, {96, 15}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>b</key>
+					<string>1</string>
+					<key>g</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+					<key>r</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Georgia</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>13</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>20</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>19</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.60929030179977417</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Pad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;}
+\f0\fs26 \cf2 prov:alternateOf}</string>
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>Head</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>13</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>19</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{126.79266, 356.73694}</string>
+				<string>{161.08875, 285.36273}</string>
+				<string>{116.73199, 143.70514}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>1</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+					</dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>HeadScale</key>
+					<real>0.5</real>
+					<key>LineType</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+					<key>Width</key>
+					<real>2</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Tail</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>6</integer>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{143.40067, 480}, {258, 19}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Georgia</string>
+				<key>NSKern</key>
+				<real>0.0</real>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>16</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>18</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Pad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;}
+\f0\i\fs32 \cf0 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
+tool:me asserted everything in \cf2 blue\cf0 .}</string>
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{57.081177, 284.32092}, {85, 15}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>b</key>
+					<string>1</string>
+					<key>g</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+					<key>r</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Georgia</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>13</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>17</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>16</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.36578929424285889</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Pad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;}
+\f0\fs26 \cf2 prov:isTopicIn}</string>
+				<key>VerticalPad</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>Head</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>3</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>16</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{119.57058, 356.73694}</string>
+				<string>{87.757294, 243}</string>
+				<string>{100.90352, 191.4845}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>1</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+					</dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>HeadScale</key>
+					<real>0.5</real>
+					<key>LineType</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+					<key>Width</key>
+					<real>2</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Tail</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>6</integer>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{239.62851, 332.8826}, {68, 29}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Georgia</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>16</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>9</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>8</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.46920537948608398</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;}
+\f0\i\fs32 \cf2 diff\cf0  URI}</string>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ControlPoints</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{0, 0}</string>
+				<string>{20, 0.5}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Head</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>7</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>8</integer>
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+			<array>
+				<string>{170.72783, 359.84494}</string>
+				<string>{381.99988, 332.00055}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Bezier</key>
+					<true/>
+					<key>GapRatio</key>
+					<real>0.5</real>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+					<key>HeadScale</key>
+					<real>0.5</real>
+					<key>LineType</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>Pattern</key>
+					<integer>2</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Tail</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>6</integer>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{381.99988, 316}, {99, 19}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>b</key>
+					<string>1</string>
+					<key>g</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+					<key>r</key>
+					<string>0</string>
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+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Georgia</string>
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font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x="0" y="15" textLength="105.59375">tool:analysis01</tspan></text><rect x="47.400818" y="47.00003" width="144" height="144" fill="white"/><rect x="47.400818" y="47.00003" width="144" height="144" stroke="#999" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(47.400818 47.00003)" fill="#666"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-weight="500" fill="#666" x="0" y="15" textLength="37.085938">:run1</tspan></text><rect x="346.1285" y="47.00003" width="144" height="144" fill="white"/><rect x="346.1285" y="47.00003" width="144" height="144" stroke="#999" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(346.1285 47.00003)" fill="#666"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-weight="500" fill="#666" x="0" y="15" textLength="39.148438">:run2</tspan></text><text transform="translate(97.757294 124.705154)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x=".2265625" y="15" textLength="31.546875">:bob</tspan></text><text transform="translate(412.67288 96.000015)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x=".2265625" y="15" textLength="31.546875">:bob</tspan></text><path d="M 139.75729 131.83527 C 139.75729 131.83527 422.67288 108.3707 402.67288 107.8707" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="1,4"/><rect x="225.09723" y="106.633835" width="82" height="29" fill="white"/><text transform="translate(230.09723 111.633835)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" fill="black" x=".44921875" y="15" textLength="71.101562">same URI</tspan></text><text transform="translate(83.727814 356.73694)" fill="blue"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x=".46875" y="15" textLength="76.0625">tool:bob_1</tspan></text><text transform="translate(391.99988 316)" fill="blue"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x=".4375" y="15" textLength="78.125">tool:bob_2</tspan></text><path d="M 170.72783 359.84494 C 170.72783 359.84494 401.99988 332.50055 381.99988 332.00055" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" stroke-dasharray="1,4"/><rect x="239.62851" y="332.8826" width="68" height="29" fill="white"/><text transform="translate(244.62851 337.8826)" fill="red"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" fill="red" x=".05078125" y="15" textLength="24.476562">diff</tspan><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" x="24.527344" y="15" textLength="33.421875"> URI</tspan></text><path d="M 119.57058 356.73694 C 108.96721 318.82843 90.868156 270.5393 87.757294 243 C 85.150734 219.92506 93.06547 211.40613 98.27757 199.15021" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="blue" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><rect x="57.081177" y="284.32092" width="85" height="15" fill="white"/><text transform="translate(57.081177 284.32092)" fill="blue"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="13" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x=".18017578" y="12" textLength="84.63965">prov:isTopicIn</tspan></text><text transform="translate(143.400665 480)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" x=".3359375" y="15" textLength="222.84375">tool:me asserted everything in </tspan><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x="223.17969" y="15" textLength="30.171875">blue</tspan><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" x="253.35156" y="15" textLength="4.3125">.</tspan></text><path d="M 126.79266 356.73694 C 138.22354 332.9479 162.76535 320.86447 161.088745 285.36273 C 159.50218 251.7678 134.4371 197.18359 119.22158 151.40898" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="blue" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><rect x="101.2534" y="226.98929" width="96" height="15" fill="white"/><text transform="translate(101.2534 226.98929)" fill="blue"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="13" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x=".22436523" y="12" textLength="95.55127">prov:alternateOf</tspan></text><a xl:href=""><text transform="translate(49 508)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="11" font-weight="500" x="0" y="10" textLength="16.800781">&lt;&gt; </tspan><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="11" font-weight="500" x="0" y="34" textLength="427.65186">rdfs:seeAlso &lt;;;</tspan><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="11" font-weight="500" x="0" y="58" textLength="118.85156">prov:wasDerivedFrom &lt;</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11" font-weight="500" x="118.85156" y="58" textLength="51.347656">http://www</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11" font-weight="500" x="169.59766" y="58" textLength="103.103516">|</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11" font-weight="500" x="0" y="71" textLength="368.37646">ccfb9b3e27833e142419040f7fa6bbdbo4UMsE08L.Moreau||</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="11" font-weight="500" x="0" y="84" textLength="198.60156">; .</tspan></text></a><path d="M 425.83295 316 C 411.2795 291.6027 386.96072 263.552 382.16827 242.80077 C 378.10406 225.20276 388.08075 212.84543 394.23685 199.06386" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="blue" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><rect x="359.72736" y="273.3233" width="85" height="15" fill="white"/><text transform="translate(359.72736 273.3233)" fill="blue"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="13" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x=".18017578" y="12" textLength="84.63965">prov:isTopicIn</tspan></text><path d="M 435.6321 316 C 443.41806 298.10013 459.84595 295.79169 458.99234 262.29504 C 458.18405 230.57628 441.87952 170.87413 432.09067 122.94205" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="blue" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><rect x="407.05908" y="221.9147" width="96" height="15" fill="white"/><text transform="translate(407.05908 221.9147)" fill="blue"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="13" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x=".22436523" y="12" textLength="95.55127">prov:alternateOf</tspan></text><line x1="135.05151" y1="375.73697" x2="209.70233" y2="431.03967" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="blue" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><rect x="143.52902" y="397.48264" width="62" height="15" fill="white"/><text transform="translate(143.52902 397.48264)" fill="blue"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="13" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x=".099609375" y="12" textLength="61.80078">perf:rating</tspan></text><text transform="translate(194.63226 435.86133)" fill="blue"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x=".390625" y="15" textLength="68.21875">perf:good</tspan></text><line x1="422.7891" y1="334.99997" x2="335.78073" y2="429.89114" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker)" stroke="blue" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"/><rect x="347.68817" y="375.59637" width="62" height="15" fill="white"/><text transform="translate(347.68817 375.59637)" fill="blue"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="13" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x=".099609375" y="12" textLength="61.80078">perf:rating</tspan></text><text transform="translate(291.5622 435.86133)" fill="blue"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-weight="500" fill="blue" x=".078125" y="15" textLength="59.84375">perf:bad</tspan></text><text transform="translate(237.90067 204.82947)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" x=".30078125" y="15" textLength="68.398438">3 bundles</tspan></text><path d="M 302.60669 199.82948 C 302.60669 199.82948 310.51318 196.72501 315.97122 194.08928" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker_2)" stroke="#999" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><path d="M 238.58891 199.82948 C 238.5889 199.8295 229.5203 195.94046 223.42026 193.32448" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker_2)" stroke="#999" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><path d="M 276.73193 228.82947 C 276.73193 228.82947 278.29254 234.74216 279.6507 239.4169" marker-end="url(#FilledArrow_Marker_2)" stroke="#999" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(97.900665 22.42102)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Georgia" font-size="16" font-style="italic" font-weight="500" x=".15234375" y="15" textLength="348.69531">The asserter(s) of :run1 and :run2 mention :bob.</tspan></text></g></g></svg>
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+++ b/examples/eg-33-a-simpler-hasProvenanceIn/document/homepage	Fri Jun 01 09:47:04 2012 -0400
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+++ b/examples/eg-33-a-simpler-hasProvenanceIn/rdf/eg-33-a-simpler-hasProvenanceIn.trig	Fri Jun 01 09:47:04 2012 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+@prefix rdf:     <> .
+@prefix rdfs:    <> .
+@prefix xsd:     <> .
+@prefix owl:     <> .
+@prefix dcterms: <> .
+@prefix sd:      <> .
+@prefix dcat:    <> .
+@prefix void:    <> .
+@prefix foaf:    <> .
+@prefix prov:    <> .
+@prefix perf:    <> .
+@prefix tool:    <> .
+@prefix :        <> .
+<> prov:wasDerivedFrom <|ccfb9b3e27833e142419040f7fa6bbdbo4UMsE08L.Moreau||> .
+# All,
+# To try and converge towards a solution, I am
+# circulating an example using a ternary hasProvenanceIn.
+# I would like to understand if and how we can make it work with
+# a simpler relation.
+# Two bundles ex:run1 and ex:run2 describe bob's role as a controller
+# of two activities.  Same bob, two different bundles.
+#    bundle ex:run1
+#     activity(ex:a1, 2011-11-16T16:00:00,2011-11-16T17:0:00)  //duration: 1hour
+#     wasAssociatedWith(ex:a1,ex:Bob,[prov:role="controller"])
+#    endBundle
+:run1 {
+   :run1 a prov:Bundle .
+   :a1
+      a prov:Activity;
+      prov:startedAtTime "2011-11-16T16:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
+      prov:endedAtTime   "2011-11-16T17:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime; 
+      rdfs:comment "duration: 1 hour";
+      prov:qualifiedAssociation [
+         a prov:Association;
+         prov:agent   :bob;
+         prov:hadRole :controller;
+      ];
+   .
+#    bundle ex:run2
+#     activity(ex:a2, 2011-11-17T10:00:00,2011-11-17T17:0:00)  //duration: 7hours
+#     wasAssociatedWith(ex:a2,ex:Bob,[prov:role="controller"])
+#    endBundle
+:run2 {
+   :run2 a prov:Bundle .
+   :a2
+      a prov:Activity;
+      prov:startedAtTime "2011-11-17T10:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
+      prov:endedAtTime   "2011-11-17T17:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime; 
+      rdfs:comment "duration: 7 hours; the next day.";
+      prov:qualifiedAssociation [
+         a prov:Association;
+         prov:agent   :bob;
+         prov:hadRole :controller;
+      ];
+   .
+# A performance analysis tool rates the performance of agents (this could be used
+# to dispatch further work to performant agents, or congratulate them, etc).
+#    bundle tool:analysis01
+#      agent(tool:Bob1, [perf:rating="good"])
+#      hasProvenanceIn(tool:Bob1, ex:run1, ex:Bob)  // Bob performance in ex:run1 is good
+#      agent(tool:Bob2, [perf:rating="bad"])
+#      hasProvenanceIn(tool:Bob2, ex:run2, ex:Bob)  // Bob performance in ex:run2 is bad
+#    endBundle
+# The performance analysis tool has to rate two involvements of ex:Bob in two separate activities.
+# Two specialized version of ex:Bob are defined: tool:bob1 and tool:bob2, with rating good and
+# bad respectively.
+# tool:Bob1 is linked to ex:Bob in run1, and tool:Bob2 is linked to ex:Bob in run2, with the following
+#      hasProvenanceIn(tool:Bob1, ex:run1, ex:Bob)
+#      hasProvenanceIn(tool:Bob2, ex:run2, ex:Bob)
+# Nothing is expressed about ex:Bob in bundle tool:analysis01 (except that this is an alias
+# for tool:Bob1 and tool:Bob2).
+tool:analysis01 {
+   tool:analysis01 
+      a prov:Bundle;
+      prov:wasDerivedFrom :run1, :run2;
+      prov:wasAttributedTo tool:me;
+   .
+   tool:bob_1 
+      a prov:Agent;
+      prov:alternateOf :bob;
+      prov:isTopicIn   :run1;
+      perf:rating perf:good;
+   .
+   tool:bob_2 
+      a prov:Agent;
+      prov:alternateOf :bob;
+      prov:isTopicIn   :run2;
+      perf:rating perf:bad;
+   .
+# TL: The next two bundles are an alternative way to represent the above bundle.
+# TL: They avoid creating two specializations of Bob, and depend on the scoping of the bundle to
+# TL: maintain the distinction between Good Bob and Bad Bob.
+# TL: (though, this distinction can be lost and is NOT recommended as a replacement 
+# TL:  for the above "2-specializations" modeling, which will not lose the distinction when merging graphs.)
+tool:analysis01-ALT-1 {
+   tool:analysis01-ALT-1  
+      a prov:Bundle;
+      prov:wasDerivedFrom :run1;   # no longer derived from :run2
+      prov:wasAttributedTo tool:me;
+   .
+   :bob       # Mentioning :bob directly instead of tool:me's own alternate.
+      a prov:Agent;
+      prov:hasProvenanceIn :run1; # We still want to lead others to :run1
+      perf:rating perf:good;
+   .
+tool:analysis01-ALT-2 {
+   tool:analysis01-ALT-2  
+      a prov:Bundle;
+      prov:wasDerivedFrom :run2;
+      prov:wasAttributedTo tool:me;
+   .
+   :bob
+      a prov:Agent;
+      prov:hasProvenanceIn :run2;
+      perf:rating perf:good;
+   .
+# It is suggested that the ternary relation could be replaced by
+# isTopicIn(tool:Bob1, ex:run1)
+# and
+# specialization(tool:Bob1, ex:Bob).
+# I don't understand the point of
+#  isTopicIn(tool:Bob1, ex:run1)
+# since tool:Bob1 is not a topic in ex:run1.
+# TL: Yes it is.
+# Also, we now seem to have made ex:Bob a topic of tool:analysis01, because
+# the following expression.
+# specialization(tool:Bob1, ex:Bob).
+# TL: absolutely.
+# From tool:analysis01, where do I find provenance about ex:Bob?
+# TL: in what you just stated: specialization(tool:Bob1, ex:Bob)
+# It look like this has become a dead end in this graph.
+# Do I need to introduce:
+#  isTopicIn(ex:Bob, ex:run1)
+#  isTopicIn(ex:Bob, ex:run2)?
+# TL: No.
+# So now we would  have:
+# isTopicIn(tool:Bob1, ex:run1)
+# specialization(tool:Bob1, ex:Bob)
+# isTopicIn(tool:Bob2, ex:run2)
+# specialization(tool:Bob2, ex:Bob)
+# isTopicIn(ex:Bob, ex:run1)
+# isTopicIn(ex:Bob, ex:run2)
+# Which means that:
+# specialization(tool:Bob1, ex:Bob)
+# isTopicIn(ex:Bob, ex:run2)
+# ... would lead us to believe that good rating is due to slow performance.
+# Can the proposer of the separate binary relations explain how this example can work?
+# Thanks,
+# Luc
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+++ b/examples/eg-33-a-simpler-hasProvenanceIn/rdf/eg-33-a-simpler-hasProvenanceIn.ttl.sd_name	Fri Jun 01 09:47:04 2012 -0400
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