issue 108 example
authorTim L <>
Mon, 03 Oct 2011 09:36:33 -0400
changeset 441 f81c17069b65
parent 440 1e75425e2324
child 442 502da9744c11
issue 108 example
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ontology/components/dependedOn.ttl	Mon Oct 03 09:36:33 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+@prefix owl:  <> .
+@prefix rdfs: <> .
+@prefix prov: <> .
+   a owl:ObjectProperty;
+   rdfs:seeAlso <>;
+   rdfs:domain prov:Entity;
+   rdfs:range  prov:Entity; 
+   rdfs:comment "dependedOn(e2, e1) : e1 is an entity expression, which represents the characterized thing that the derivation __relies upon__. "
+   rdfs:comment "dependedOn(e2, e1) : e2 is entity expression, which represents the characterized thing that is the __result__ of the derivation;"
+   rdfs:comment "dependedOn(e2, e1) : :e2 prov:dependedOn :e1"
+   rdfs:comment "If dependedOn(e3,e2) and dependedOn(e2,e1) hold, then dependedOn(e3,e1) holds.";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ontology/components/dependedOn/PROV-ISSUE-108.ttl	Mon Oct 03 09:36:33 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# PROV-ISSUE-108 (transitivity-of-dependedOn): derivations must take into  account characterization intervals [Conceptual Model]
+# Raised by: Luc Moreau
+# On product: Conceptual Model
+# Let us consider
+#  dependedOn(e3,e2)
+# and
+#  dependedOn(e2,e1)
+# where the characterization intervals are as follows
+#                         -------------   e1
+# --------------------------------------- e2
+#    -------------                        e3
+# it would definitely be incorrect to infer that 
+#  dependedOn(e3,e1)
+# since e1 existed after e3.
+# We need to introduce some constraints on characterization intervals.
+# Would it be OK to say that for
+# dependedOn(e3,e2) to hold, the begin(e2) < begin(e3)?
+# In the above examples, dependedOn(e2,e1) does not hold since it does not satisfy that constraint.
+@prefix owl:  <> .
+@prefix rdfs: <> .
+@prefix time: <> .
+@prefix prov: <> .
+@prefix :     <> .