provo egs typo
authorTim L <>
Wed, 11 Jul 2012 09:08:58 -0400 (2012-07-11)
changeset 3942 f19206f24b29
parent 3941 f36e1680a235
child 3944 722cc5113f5f
child 3945 cac5a2993c80
provo egs typo
--- a/examples/eg-24-prov-o-html-examples/rdf/create/rdf/property_qualifiedAssociation.ttl	Wed Jul 11 08:58:17 2012 -0400
+++ b/examples/eg-24-prov-o-html-examples/rdf/create/rdf/property_qualifiedAssociation.ttl	Wed Jul 11 09:08:58 2012 -0400
@@ -10,26 +10,26 @@
     prov:qualifiedAssociation [
         a prov:Association;
-        prov:agent :derek;
-        prov:hadRole  :illustrationist;
+        prov:agent   :derek;
+        prov:hadRole :illustrationist;
         rdfs:comment "Derek made the illustration"@en
     prov:qualifiedAssociation [
         a prov:Association;
-        prov:agent :steve;
-        prov:hadRole  :stylist;
+        prov:agent   :steve;
+        prov:hadRole :stylist;
         prov:hadPlan :style-guide;
         rdfs:comment "Steve helped Derek conform with the publisher's style guide."@en 
     prov:qualifiedAssociation [
         a prov:Association;
-        prov:agent :derek;
-        prov:hadRole  :stylist;
+        prov:agent   :derek;
+        prov:hadRole :stylist;
         rdfs:comment "But Derek also did some styling of his own."@en 
     ] .
-:derek a prov:Person, prov:Agent, prov:Entity .
-:steve a prov:Person, prov:Agent, prov:Entity .
+:derek a prov:Person, prov:Agent .
+:steve a prov:Person, prov:Agent .
 :illustratonist a prov:Role .
 :stylist        a prov:Role .