Staging changes
Mon, 03 Dec 2012 12:13:11 +0100
changeset 5263 e327acfe0a9b
parent 5260 c47a29efc894
child 5264 e9dfbf88bb60
Staging changes
--- a/dc-note/releases/NOTE-prov-dc-20121211/Overview.html	Mon Dec 03 11:41:33 2012 +0100
+++ b/dc-note/releases/NOTE-prov-dc-20121211/Overview.html	Mon Dec 03 12:13:11 2012 +0100
@@ -439,472 +439,6 @@
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- * ReSpec CSS
- * Robin Berjon (robin at berjon dot com)
- * v0.05 - 2009-07-31
- *****************************************************************/
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 <link rel="stylesheet" href=""></head>
  <body style="display: inherit;"><div class="head"><p><a href="">
  <img src="" alt="W3C" height="48" width="72"></a>
@@ -988,7 +522,7 @@
 <!--OddPage--><h2><span class="secno">1. </span>Introduction</h2>
-    The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) [<cite><a href="#bib-DCMI" rel="biblioentry" class="bibref">DCMI</a></cite>]
+    The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) [<cite><a href="#bib-DCMI" class="bibref">DCMI</a></cite>]
  provides a core metadata vocabulary,
 	commonly referred to as Dublin Core. The original element set, from 
 1995, contains 15 broadly-defined elements still in use.
@@ -996,7 +530,7 @@
  be used as objects. The core elements have been 
 	expanded beyond the original fifteen. Existing elements have been 
 refined and new elements have been added. This expanded vocabulary is 
-	referred to as "DCMI Terms" and currently consists of 55 properties [<cite><a href="#bib-DCTERMS" rel="biblioentry" class="bibref">DCTERMS</a></cite>].
+	referred to as "DCMI Terms" and currently consists of 55 properties [<cite><a href="#bib-DCTERMS" class="bibref">DCTERMS</a></cite>].
 	The use of DCMI terms is preferred and the Dublin Core element set has been depecreated. 
 	Both element sets have different namespaces. The original element set is typically referred with the 
@@ -1046,7 +580,7 @@
 	 between the resources involved. Finally, licensing and rights are considered part of the provenance of the resource as well, 
 	 since they restrict how the resource has been used by its owners.
-	<div id="categories" align="center">
+	<div id="categories" ><!-- align="center"-->
 		<caption> <a href="#categories"> Table 1:</a> Categorization of the Dublin Core Terms </caption>
@@ -1093,7 +627,7 @@
 	This leaves one very special term: <i>provenance</i>. This term is defined as a "statement of any changes in ownership and
-	 custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation" [<cite><a href="#bib-DCTERMS" rel="biblioentry" class="bibref">DCTERMS</a></cite>],
+	 custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation" [<cite><a href="#bib-DCTERMS" class="bibref">DCTERMS</a></cite>],
 	which corresponds to the traditional definition of provenance for artworks. Despite being relevant for provenance,
 	 this definition may overlap partially with almost half of the DCMI terms, which
 	specify concrete aspects of provenance of a resource.
@@ -1121,7 +655,7 @@
 	<h3 id="namespaces">1.1 Namespaces</h3> 
 	<p>The namespaces used through the document can be seen in <a href="#ns"> Table 2</a> below:
-	 </p><div id="ns" align="center">
+	 </p><div id="ns" ><!--align="center"-->
 		<caption> <a href="#ns"> Table 2</a>: Namespaces used in the document </caption>