--- a/examples/eg-25-extended-crime-file-example/rdf/extended-crime-file-pt2.ttl Mon Nov 26 10:41:58 2012 -0500
+++ b/examples/eg-25-extended-crime-file-example/rdf/extended-crime-file-pt2.ttl Mon Nov 26 10:45:15 2012 -0500
@@ -13,29 +13,6 @@
prov:generatedAtTime "2012-08-08T08:08:08Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
- a prov:Person, prov:Agent;
- foaf:name "John";
-# Rows of the post quoting post :post9821v1
- a prov:Entity;
- prov:value "Analysis of the datasets demonstrates that there is more crime.";
- prov:wasQuotedFrom :more-crime-happens-in-cities;
- prov:generatedAtTime "2012-08-08T01:01:01Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
-# Rows of the post quoting post :post9821v2
- a prov:Entity;
- prov:value "In summary, there are clearly more crimes in the country.";
- prov:wasQuotedFrom :post9822;
- prov:generatedAtTime "2012-08-08T02:02:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
a prov:Activity;
prov:wasAttributedTo :postEditor,
@@ -45,9 +22,29 @@
a sioc:Post, prov:Entity;
- prov:wasAttributedTo :john;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom :quote_from_derek,
- :quote_from_monica,
- :aggregatedByRegions;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy :publicationActivity1124;
+ prov:wasAttributedTo :john;
+ prov:value "I'm not so sure that...";
+ prov:wasDerivedFrom :quote_from_derek,
+ :quote_from_monica,
+ :aggregatedByRegions;
+ prov:wasGeneratedBy :publicationActivity1124;
+ a prov:Person, prov:Agent;
+ foaf:name "John";
+ a prov:Entity;
+ prov:value "Analysis of the datasets demonstrates that there is more crime.";
+ prov:wasQuotedFrom :more-crime-happens-in-cities;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2012-08-08T01:01:01Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
+ a prov:Entity;
+ prov:value "In summary, there are clearly more crimes in the country.";
+ prov:wasQuotedFrom :post9822;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2012-08-08T02:02:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;