Minor edits in implementation reports
authorTrung Dong Huynh <tdh@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Tue, 16 Oct 2012 11:41:45 +0100 (2012-10-16)
changeset 4527 8960e2aa8229
parent 4526 dc49694f142f
child 4529 c4ec22c3a69e
Minor edits in implementation reports
--- a/reports/prov-implementations.html	Tue Oct 16 09:35:57 2012 +0100
+++ b/reports/prov-implementations.html	Tue Oct 16 11:41:45 2012 +0100
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     <title>PROV Implementation Report</title> 
     <script src="http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/ReSpec.js/js/respec.js" class="remove"></script>
-<script class="remove"> 
+    <script class="remove"> 
       var addExtraReferences = function() {
           for (var k in extraReferences)
               berjon.biblio[k] = extraReferences[k];
@@ -103,7 +103,16 @@
     <section id="implementations">
-      <h2>Implementations</h2>
+      <h2>Implementations</h2>
+      <p>Implementation Type:
+        <ul>
+            <li>Application:</li>
+            <li>Framework/API</li>
+            <li>Service</li>
+            <li>Vocabulary</li>
+            <li>Constraints Validator</li>
+        </ul>
+      </p>
       <table border="1" cellspacing="0">
         <caption id="implementations-table">Table 1: List of implementations reported to the PROV Working Group.</caption>
@@ -121,10 +130,10 @@
-          <th scope="row">&nbsp;</th>
-          <td>&nbsp;</td>
-          <td>&nbsp;</td>
-          <td>&nbsp;</td>
+          <th scope="row">ProvToolbox</th>
+          <td>Application</td>
+          <td>PROV-N, PROV-RDF, PROV-XML, PROV-JSON</td>
+          <td><a href="https://github.com/lucmoreau/ProvToolbox">https://github.com/lucmoreau/ProvToolbox</a></td>
@@ -150,7 +159,7 @@
         <td class="notused">&nbsp;</td>
-        <td class="feature"><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dm/#term-Activity" class="essential">Actitivy</a></td>
+        <td class="feature"><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dm/#term-Activity" class="essential">Activity</a></td>
         <td class="consume-produce"></td>
         <td class="notused">&nbsp;</td>
         <td class="notused">&nbsp;</td>
@@ -365,7 +374,7 @@
         <td class="notused">&nbsp;</td>
-        <td class="feature"><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dm/#term-Activity" class="essential">Actitivy</a></td>
+        <td class="feature"><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dm/#term-Activity" class="essential">Activity</a></td>
         <td class="notused">&nbsp;</td>
         <td class="notused">&nbsp;</td>
         <td class="notused">&nbsp;</td>
@@ -568,9 +577,9 @@
           <th scope="col">Definition/Inference/Constraint</th>
-          <th scope="col">Validator 1</th>
-          <th scope="col">Validator 2</th>
-          <th scope="col">Validator 3</th>
+          <th scope="col">Implementation 1</th>
+          <th scope="col">Implementation 2</th>
+          <th scope="col">Implementation 3</th>
           <td class="feature"><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-constraints/#optional-identifiers">Definition 1 (optional-identifiers)</a></td>
@@ -920,7 +929,11 @@
           <td class="notused">&nbsp;</td>
           <td class="notused">&nbsp;</td>
-    </table>
+    </table>
+    <div class="note">
+        <p>The table above was produced from the results of running <a href="http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/testcases/constraints/process.html">PROV-CONSTRAINTS test cases</a> submitted by implementers.</p>
+    </div>
     <section id="prov-exchange">
--- a/testcases/constraints/process.html	Tue Oct 16 09:35:57 2012 +0100
+++ b/testcases/constraints/process.html	Tue Oct 16 11:41:45 2012 +0100
@@ -1,16 +1,111 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<!DOCTYPE html>
 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-<title>PROV-CONSTRAINT Test Cases</title>
+    <title>PROV-CONSTRAINTS Test Cases</title>
+    <script src="http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/ReSpec.js/js/respec.js" class="remove"></script>
+    <script class="remove"> 
+      var addExtraReferences = function() {
+          for (var k in extraReferences)
+              berjon.biblio[k] = extraReferences[k];
+      };
+      var extraReferences = {
+		  "PROV-DM":
+			"Luc Moreau, Paolo Missier"+
+			"<a href=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dm/\"><cite>The PROV Data Model and Abstract Syntax Notation</cite></a>. "+
+			"2012, Working Draft. "+
+			"URL: <a href=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dm/\">http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dm/</a>",
+			"James Cheney, Paolo Missier, and Luc Moreau (eds.) "+
+			"<a href=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-constraints/\"><cite>Constraints of the PROV Data Model</cite></a>. "+
+			"2012, Working Draft. "+
+			"URL: <a href=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-constraints/\">http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-constraints/</a>",
+		  };
+      var respecConfig = {
+          // specification status (e.g. WD, LCWD, NOTE, etc.). If in doubt use ED.
+          specStatus:           "NOTE",
+          // the specification's short name, as in http://www.w3.org/TR/short-name/
+          shortName:            "prov-constraints-implementations",
+          // if your specification has a subtitle that goes below the main
+          // formal title, define it here
+          subtitle   :  "The process for reporting PROV-CONSTRAINTS implementations",
+          // if you wish the publication date to be other than today, set this
+          // publishDate:  "2011-10-18",
+          // if the specification's copyright date is a range of years, specify
+          // the start date here:
+          // copyrightStart: "2005"
+          // if there is a previously published draft, uncomment this and set its YYYY-MM-DD date
+          // and its maturity status
+          //previousPublishDate:  "2011-12-15",
+          //previousMaturity:  "WD",
+          // if there a publicly available Editor's Draft, this is the link
+          edDraftURI:           "http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/testcases/constraints/process.html",
+          // if this is a LCWD, uncomment and set the end of its review period
+          // lcEnd: "2009-08-05",
+          // if you want to have extra CSS, append them to this list
+          // it is recommended that the respec.css stylesheet be kept
+          extraCSS:             ["http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/ReSpec.js/css/respec.css"],
+          // editors, add as many as you like
+          // only "name" is required
+          editors:  [
+              { name: "Trung Dong Huynh", url: "http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~tdh/",
+                company: "University of Southampton" },
+			  { name: "Paul Groth", url: "http://www.few.vu.nl/~pgroth/",
+                company: "VU University of Amsterdam" },
+			  { name: "Stephan Zednik", url: "http://tw.rpi.edu/web/person/StephanZednik",
+                company: "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute" },
+          ],
+          // authors, add as many as you like. 
+          // This is optional, uncomment if you have authors as well as editors.
+          // only "name" is required. Same format as editors.
+          // name of the WG
+          wg:           "Provenance Working Group",
+          // URI of the public WG page
+          wgURI:        "http://www.w3.org/2011/prov/",
+          // name (with the @w3c.org) of the public mailing to which comments are due
+          wgPublicList: "public-prov-wg",
+          // URI of the patent status for this WG, for Rec-track documents
+          // !!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
+          // This is important for Rec-track documents, do not copy a patent URI from a random
+          // document unless you know what you're doing. If in doubt ask your friendly neighbourhood
+          // Team Contact.
+          wgPatentURI:  "http://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/46974/status",
+          // Add extraReferences to bibliography database
+          preProcess: [addExtraReferences],
+      };
+    </script>
-<h1>PROV-CONSTRAINT Test Cases</h1>
-<p>Process for running and reporting the  test results</p>
+<section id="abstract">
+<p>This document describes the process for generating the implementation report for PROV-CONSTRAINTS.
+It provides the instructions for implementers on running PROV-CONSTRAINTS test cases and reporting their results.
+It also outlines the organization of test cases and results by the Prov Working Group.</p>
+<section id="implementers">
 <h2>Process for Implementers</h2>
+<section id="test-cases">
 <h3>Test cases</h3>
 <p>The test cases will be made available  online at: &lt;URI&gt;<br />
   Every test case has an identifier, e.g. <strong>entity10</strong>.  The provenance document for the test case will be provided in the following  representations:</p>
@@ -48,24 +143,31 @@
 <p>For example, the files <strong>entity10.xml</strong>, <strong>entity10.trig</strong>, <strong>entity10.json</strong>, and <strong>entity10.provn</strong> for the test case <strong>entity10</strong> are made available at &lt;URI&gt;.</p>
 <p>Each test case is designed to test  particular constraints, an overview of which is provided in Table 2 below.</p>
+<section id="test-results">
 <h3>Test Results</h3>
 <p>Implementers are asked to validate each  test case with their implementation and recorded the validation results <em>two  plain text files</em>: <strong>success.txt</strong> and <strong>fail.txt</strong>.  These files should contain the identifiers (one on each line) of the test cases  that have been successfully validated in the former and those that fail  validation in the latter. Test cases that are not supported by the  implementation <strong>should not</strong> be included in either of the files.</p>
 <p>The test result files will need to be  &lt;emailed to|uploaded at&gt;. </p>
-<p>Dong: What else the implementer should provide us with? With the test results, I think they won't need to fill in the questionnaire. Therefore, we
+<p class="note">Dong: What else the implementer should provide us with? With the test results, I think they won't need to fill in the questionnaire. Therefore, we
 might need to ask them to provide some basic information about their
 implementations (i.e. the questionnaire 1<sup>st</sup> page).</p>
+<section id="wg-process">
 <h2>Process for the Working Group</h2>
+<section id="categorization">
 <h3>Categorizing Test Cases</h3>
 <p>All test cases need to be checked for the  constraints they cover and their expected validation results (i.e. Success or  Fail).</p>
-<p>Dong: These test cases are from Luc’s ProvToolbox. We need to check whether all the constraints are sufficiently covered and curate from the WG or generate ourselves the test cases for constraints that haven’t been covered by these.</p>
+<p class="note">Dong: These test cases are from Luc’s ProvToolbox. We need to check whether all the constraints are sufficiently covered and curate from the WG or generate ourselves the test cases for constraints that haven’t been covered by these.</p>
 <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <caption>Table 2. Available test cases (127 in total)</caption>
@@ -846,7 +948,10 @@
   collated against the constraints they cover to indicate which constraints
   have/have not been successfully tested.</p>
 <p>The collated result will be made available
-  to the implementer soon after they submit their result</p>
+  to the implementer soon after they submit their result</p>