* added prototype checker in prolog
authorJames Cheney <jcheney@inf.ed.ac.uk>
Thu, 24 Jan 2013 18:37:55 +0000
changeset 5443 76062c39572c
parent 5442 fa2eed332d61
child 5444 f8cb012ac2bb
* added prototype checker in prolog
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/semantics/checker.pl	Thu Jan 24 18:37:55 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+% Some horrible Prolog code for PROV-CONSTRAINTS
+remove(X,[Y|J],J) :- X == Y,!.
+remove(X,[Y|J],K) :- X \== Y, remove(X,J,K).
+multimember(A,B,[A|L]) :- member(B,L).
+multimember(A,B,[_|L]) :- multimember(A,B,L).
+ensure(T,T1,T2) :- \+(member(T,T1)), T2 = [T|T1].
+% inference 5
+infer(I,J) :- member(wasInformedBy(_Id,A2,A1,_Attrs),I),
+	\+((member(wasGeneratedBy(Gen,E,A1,_T1,_),I),
+	    member(used(Use,A2,E,_T2,_),I))),
+	J = [wasGeneratedBy(Gen,E,A1,_T1,[]),
+	     used(Use,A2,E,_T2,[])|I].
+% inference 6
+infer(I,J) :- member(wasGeneratedBy(_Gen,E,A1,_T1,_Attrs1),I),
+	      member(used(_Use,A2,E,_T2,_Attrs2),I),
+	   \+(member(wasInformedBy(_Id,A2,A1,_),I)),
+	   J = [wasInformedBy(_Id,A2,A1,[])|I].
+% Constraint 22.1: key constraint: entity
+infer(I,J) :- multimember(entity(ID1,Attrs1),
+			  entity(ID2,Attrs2),I),
+	ID1 == ID2, % If keys are equal terms
+	remove(entity(ID1,Attrs1),I,J1), % and merge
+	remove(entity(ID2,Attrs2),J1,J2),
+	append(Attrs1,Attrs2,Attrs),
+	J = [entity(ID1,Attrs)|J2].
+% Constraint 22.2: key constraint: activity
+infer(I,J) :- multimember(activity(ID1,ST1,ET1,Attrs1),
+			  activity(ID2,ST2,ET2,Attrs2),I),
+	ID1 == ID2, % If keys are equal terms
+	 % And non-keys are unifiable, unify them
+	((ST1=ST2, ET1=ET2)
+	-> (
+	  remove(activity(ID1,ST1,ET1,Attrs1),I,J1), % and merge
+	  remove(activity(ID2,ST2,ET2,Attrs2),J1,J2),
+	  append(Attrs1,Attrs2,Attrs),
+	  J = [activity(ID1,ST1,ET1,Attrs)|J2])
+	; J = invalid).
+% Constraint 22.3: key constraint: agent
+infer(I,J) :- multimember(agent(ID1,Attrs1),
+			  agent(ID2,Attrs2),I),
+	ID1 == ID2, % If keys are equal terms
+	remove(agent(ID1,Attrs1),I,J1), % and merge
+	remove(agent(ID2,Attrs2),J1,J2),
+	append(Attrs1,Attrs2,Attrs),
+	J = [agent(ID1,Attrs)|J2].
+% Constraint 23.1: key constraint: used
+infer(I,J) :- multimember(wasGeneratedBy(ID1,E1,A1,T1,Attrs1),
+			  wasGeneratedBy(ID2,E2,A2,T2,Attrs2),I),
+	ID1 == ID2, % If keys are equal terms
+	 % And non-keys are unifiable, unify them
+	((A1 = A2, E1 = E2, T1 = T2)
+	-> (
+	  remove(wasGeneratedBy(ID1,E1,A1,T1,Attrs1),I,J1), % and merge
+	  remove( wasGeneratedBy(ID2,E2,A2,T2,Attrs2),J1,J2),
+	  append(Attrs1,Attrs2,Attrs),
+	  J = [wasGeneratedBy(ID1,E1,A1,T1,Attrs)|J2])
+	; J = invalid).
+% Constraint 23.2: key constraint: used
+infer(I,J) :- multimember(used(ID1,A1,E1,T1,Attrs1),
+			  used(ID2,A2,E2,T2,Attrs2),I),
+	ID1 == ID2, % If keys are equal terms
+	 % And non-keys are unifiable, unify them
+	((A1 = A2, E1 = E2, T1 = T2)
+	-> (
+	  remove(used(ID1,A1,E1,T1,Attrs1),I,J1), % and merge
+	  remove(used(ID2,A2,E2,T2,Attrs2),J1,J2),
+	  append(Attrs1,Attrs2,Attrs),
+	  J = [used(ID1,A1,E1,T1,Attrs)|J2])
+	; J = invalid).
+% Constraint 24: unique-generation
+infer(I,J) :- multimember(wasGeneratedBy(Gen1,E1,A1,_T1,_Attrs1),
+			  wasGeneratedBy(Gen2,E2,A2,_T2,_Attrs2),I),
+	E1 == E2, % If entity and activity are equal terms
+	A1 == A2,
+	Gen1 \== Gen2, % to avoid nontermination if we already got this pair
+	((Gen1 = Gen2)
+	-> (J = I) % And the ids unify, then done.  Key constraint will do the rest.
+	; J = invalid).	% Otherwise invalid.
+% todo: duplicate elimination
+normalize(I,I) :- \+(infer(I,_)), !.
+normalize(I,K) :- infer(I,J), !, normalize(J,K).
+% Constraint 30
+ordering_step(I,O1,O2) :-
+	member(wasStartedBy(Start,A,_E1,_A1,_T1,_Attrs1),I),
+	member(wasEndedBy(End,A,_E2,_A2,_T2,_Attrs2),I),
+	\+(member(precedes(Start,End),O1)),
+	O2 = [precedes(Start,End)|O1].
+% TODO: Lots more ordering constraints following this pattern.
+ordering_saturate(I,O,O) :- \+(ordering_step(I,O,_)),!.
+ordering_saturate(I,O1,O3) :-
+	ordering_step(I,O1,O2),
+	saturate_ordering(I,O2,O3).
+strict_cycle(_O) :- fail.  % TODO: Search graph for cycles containing a strict edge.  Prolog 101.
+ordering_check(I) :-
+	ordering_saturate(I,[],O),
+	\+(strict_cycle(O)).
+% Typing constraints
+% Constraint 50.1
+typing_step(I) -->
+	{member(entity(E,_Attrs),I)},
+	ensure(typeOf(E,entity)).
+% Constraint 50.2
+typing_step(I) -->
+	{member(agent(Ag,_Attrs),I)},
+	ensure(typeOf(Ag,agent)).
+% Constraint 50.3
+typing_step(I) -->
+	{member(activity(A,_T1,_T2,_Attrs),I)},
+	ensure(typeOf(A,activity)).
+				% Disjunction in conclusion is correct here
+				% because we can take a saturation step
+				% iff either conclusion is not yet satisfied
+% Constraint 50.4. 
+typing_step(I) -->
+	{member(used(_ID,A,E,_T,_Attrs),I)},
+	(ensure(typeOf(A,activity)) ;
+	 ensure(typeOf(E,entity)) ).
+% Constraint 50.5.  
+typing_step(I) -->
+	{member(wasGeneratedBy(_ID,E,A,_T,_Attrs),I)},
+	(ensure(typeOf(A,activity)) ;
+	 ensure(typeOf(E,entity)) ).
+% Constraint 50.9.  
+typing_step(I) -->
+	{member(wasInvalidatedBy(_ID,E,A,_T,_Attrs),I)},
+	(ensure(typeOf(A,activity)) ;
+	 ensure(typeOf(E,entity)) ).
+% Constraint 50.10.
+typing_step(I) -->
+	{member(wasDerivedFrom(_id,E2,E1,A,Gen,Use,_Attrs),I),
+	 A == null, Gen == null, Use == null},
+	(ensure(typeOf(E1,entity)) ;
+	 ensure(typeOf(E2,entity)) ).
+% Constraint 50.11.
+typing_step(I) -->
+	{member(wasDerivedFrom(_id,E2,E1,A,Gen,Use,_Attrs),I),
+	 A \== null, Gen \== null, Use \== null},
+	(ensure(typeOf(E1,entity)) ;
+	 ensure(typeOf(E2,entity)) ;
+	 ensure(typeOf(A,activity)) ).
+% Constraint 50.13.
+typing_step(I) -->
+	{member(wasAssociatedWith(_id,A,Ag,Pl,_Attrs),I),
+	 Pl \== null},
+	(ensure(typeOf(A,activity)) ;
+	 ensure(typeOf(Ag,agent)) ;
+	 ensure(typeOf(Pl,entity)) ).
+% Constraint 50.14.
+typing_step(I) -->
+	{member(wasAssociatedWith(_id,A,Ag,Pl,_Attrs),I),
+	 Pl == null},
+	(ensure(typeOf(A,activity)) ;
+	 ensure(typeOf(Ag,agent)) ).
+% TODO: More typing constraints
+typing_saturate(I,T,T) :- \+(typing_step(I,T,_)).
+typing_saturate(I,T1,T3) :- typing_step(I,T1,T2), !, typing_saturate(I,T2,T3).
+typing(I,T) :- typing_saturate(I,[],T).
+% Impossibility constraints
+%Some background info
+% Constraint 51
+impos(I,_T) :- member(wasDerivedFrom(_Id,_E2,_E1,null,G,null,_Attrs),I),
+	G \== null.
+impos(I,_T) :- member(wasDerivedFrom(_Id,_E2,_E1,null,null,U,_Attrs),I),
+	U \== null.
+impos(I,_T) :- member(wasDerivedFrom(_Id,_E2,_E1,null,G,U,_Attrs),I),
+	G \== null, U \== null.
+%Constraint 52.  Have to be careful not to unify.
+impos(I,_T) :- member(specializationOf(E1,E2),I), E1 == E2.
+% Constraint 53.  
+impos(I,_T) :- member(T1,I),
+	member(T2,I),
+	T1 =.. [R,Id1|_],
+	T2 =.. [S,Id2|_],
+	Id1 == Id2,
+	relation(R),
+	relation(S),
+	R \== S.
+%Constraint 54
+impos(I,_T) :- member(T1,I),
+	member(T2,I),
+	T1 =.. [P,Id1|_],
+	T2 =.. [R,Id2|_],
+	Id1 == Id2,
+	object(P),
+	relation(R).
+% Constraint 55
+impos(_I,T) :- member(typeOf(Id1,entity),T),
+	member(typeOf(Id2,activity),T),
+	Id1 == Id2.
+% Constraint 56
+impos(I,T) :- member(hadMember(C1,_E1),I),
+	member(typeOf(C2,'prov:EmptyCollection'),T),
+	C1 == C2.
+impos_check(I,T) :- \+(impos(I,T)).
+valid(I) :- normalize(I,J),
+	ordering_check(J),
+	typing(J,T),
+	impos_check(J,T).
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