Added examples for Agents and Roles
authorSimon Miles <>
Mon, 14 Nov 2011 11:38:50 +0000
changeset 888 49da137f8bf2
parent 887 4e83a4dc4c39
child 889 cc4f29904e3c
Added examples for Agents and Roles
--- a/primer/Primer.html	Sun Nov 13 17:30:00 2011 -0500
+++ b/primer/Primer.html	Mon Nov 14 11:38:50 2011 +0000
@@ -369,14 +369,16 @@
     <p>The Prov data includes the assertions:</p>
     <pre class="turtle example">
-     ex1:dataSet1   a prov:Entity .
-     ex1:aggregate1 a prov:Entity .
-     ex1:chart1     a prov:Entity .
+     ex1:dataSet1    a prov:Entity .
+     ex1:regionList1 a prov:Entity .
+     ex1:aggregate1  a prov:Entity .
+     ex1:chart1      a prov:Entity .
      These statements, in order, assert that the original data set is an entity (<code>ex1:dataSet1</code>),
-     the data aggregated by region is an entity (<<code>ex1:aggregate1</code>), and
-     the chart (ex1:chart1) is an entity.
+     the list of regions
+     (<code>ex1:regionList1</code>) is an entity, the data aggregated by region is an entity (<code>ex1:aggregate1</code>), 
+     and the chart (<code>ex1:chart1</code>) is an entity.
@@ -411,6 +413,25 @@
      or the generation of an entity by a process.
+      For example, the data below states that the aggregation process execution
+      (<code>ex1:aggregated</code>) used the data set, that it used the list of
+      regions, and that the aggregated data was generated by this process.
+    </p>
+    <pre class="turtle example">
+     ex1:aggregated prov:used           ex1:dataSet1 ;
+                    prov:used           ex1:regionList1 .
+     ex1:aggregate1 prov:wasGeneratedBy ex1:aggregated .
+    </pre>
+    <p>
+      Similarly, the chart graphic creation process (<code>ex1:illustrated</code>)
+      used the aggregated data, and the chart was generated by this process.
+    </p>
+    <pre class="turtle example">
+     ex1:illustrated prov:used           ex1:aggregate1 .
+     ex1:chart1      prov:wasGeneratedBy ex1:illustrated .
+    </pre>
+    <!-- p>
      For example, the provenance declares the event (of type <code>prov:Usage</code>)
      where the aggregation process execution used the GovData data set, and the event
      (of type <code>prov:Generation</code>) where the same process execution generated
@@ -441,12 +462,6 @@
      ex1:illustrated prov:qualifiedGeneration ex1:chart1Generation .
      ex1:aggregate1Usage  prov:entity ex1:aggregate1 .
      ex1:chart1Generation prov:entity ex1:chart1 .
-    </pre>
-    <!--pre class="turtle example">
-     ex1:chart1   prov:wasGeneratedBy ex1:compiled .
-     ex1:compiled prov:used           ex1:dataSet1 .
-     ex1:chart1   prov:wasDerivedFrom ex1:dataSet1 .
     </pre -->
      From this information Betty can see that
@@ -459,8 +474,26 @@
-    <p><i>Suggested example:</i> Digging deeper, Betty wants to know who compiled
-     the chart. This turns out to be an independent analyst, Derek.</p>
+    <p>
+     Digging deeper, Betty wants to know who compiled the chart.  Betty sees 
+     that both the aggregation and chart creation process executions were controlled 
+     by the Derek.
+    </p>
+    <pre class="turtle example">
+     ex1:aggregated  prov:wasControlledBy ex1:derek .
+     ex1:illustrated prov:wasControlledBy ex1:derek .
+    </pre>
+    <p>
+     The record for Derek provides the
+     following information, of which the first line is a Prov-DM statement that
+     Derek is an agent.
+    </p>
+    <pre class="turtle example">
+     ex1:derek a prov:Agent ;
+               a foaf:Person ;
+               foaf:givenName "Derek"^^xsd:string ;
+               foaf:mbox      &lt;; .
+    </pre>
    <!-- section>
@@ -476,11 +509,69 @@
-    <p><i>Suggested example:</i> For Betty to know where the error lies, she needs 
-     to understand what other information the compilation process was based on. The 
-     aggregation step of the process used a list of regions not present in the original 
-     data, but determined by the analyst. How does she distinguish the roles played by 
-     the two inputs to the aggregation process?</p>
+    <p>
+     For Betty to understand where the error lies, she needs to have more detailed 
+     information on how entities have been used in, participated in, and generated 
+     by process executions.  Betty has determined that <code>ex1:aggregated</code> used 
+     entities <code>ex1:regionList1</code> and <code>ex1:dataSet1</code>, but she does not 
+     know what function these entities played in the processing.  Betty 
+     also knows that <code>ex1:derek</code> controlled the process executions, but she does 
+     not know if Derek was the analyst responsible for determining how the data 
+     should be aggregated.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     The above information is described as roles in the provenance data. The aggregation
+     process involved entities in four roles: the data to be aggregated (<code>ex1:dataToAggregate</code>),
+     the regions to aggregate by (<code>ex1:regionsToAggregateBy</code>), the
+     resulting aggregated data (<code>ex1:aggregatedData</code>), and the
+     analyst doing the aggregation (<code>ex1:analyst</code>).
+    </p>
+    <pre class="turtle example">
+     ex1:dataToAggregate      a prov:Role .
+     ex1:regionsToAggregateBy a prov:Role .
+     ex1:aggregatedData       a prov:Role .
+     ex1:analyst              a prov:Role .
+    </pre>
+    <p>
+     In addition to the simple facts that the aggregation process used, generated or
+     was controlled by entities/agents as described in the sections above, the
+     provenance data contains more details of <i>how</i> these entities and agents
+     were involved, i.e. the roles they played. For example, the data below states
+     that the aggregation process (<code>ex1:aggregated</code>) included the usage
+     of the GovData data set (<code>ex1:dataSet1</code>) in the role of the data
+     to be aggregated (<code>ex1:dataToAggregate</code>).
+    </p>
+    <pre class="turtle example">
+     ex1:aggregated prov:hadQualifiedUsage [ a prov:Usage ;
+            prov:hadQualifiedEntity    ex1:dataSet1 ;
+            prov:roleOfQualifiedEntity ex1:dataToAggregate ] .
+    </pre>
+    <p>
+     This can then be distinguished from the same execution's usage of the list of
+     regions because the roles played are different.
+    </p>
+    <pre class="turtle example">
+     ex1:aggregated prov:hadQualifiedUsage [ a prov:Usage ;
+            prov:hadQualifiedEntity    ex1:regionList1 ;
+            prov:roleOfQualifiedEntity ex1:regionsToAggregateBy ] .
+    </pre>
+    <p>
+     Similarly, the provenance includes assertions that the same process was
+     controlled in a particular way (<code>ex1:analyst</code>) by Derek, and that
+     the entity <code>ex1:aggregate1</code> took the role of the aggregated
+     data in what the process generated.
+    </p>
+    <pre class="turtle example">
+     ex1:aggregated
+        prov:hadQualifiedControl [ a prov:Control ;
+            prov:hadQualifiedEntity    ex1:derek ;
+            prov:roleOfQualifiedEntity ex1:analyst
+        ] ;
+        prov:hadQualifiedGeneration [ a prov:Generation ;
+            prov:hadQualifiedEntity ex1:aggregate1 ;
+            prov:roleOfQualifiedEntity ex1:aggregatedData
+        ] .
+    </pre>