updated definitions of Start and End to suit Influence class hierarchy
authorTim L <lebot@rpi.edu>
Mon, 05 Nov 2012 08:11:32 -0500
changeset 4632 1e5d261d1c85
parent 4631 2ccd3eed53ff
child 4633 3657f4c2765e
updated definitions of Start and End to suit Influence class hierarchy
--- a/ontology/ProvenanceOntology.owl	Sun Nov 04 19:59:34 2012 +0000
+++ b/ontology/ProvenanceOntology.owl	Mon Nov 05 08:11:32 2012 -0500
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
         <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="&rdfs;seeAlso"/>
         <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#"/>
-    <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&owl;versionInfo"/>
     <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&rdfs;seeAlso">
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en"></rdfs:comment>
+    <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&owl;versionInfo"/>
     <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#dm">
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">A reference to the principal section of the PROV-DM document that describes this concept.</rdfs:comment>
         <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="&rdfs;seeAlso"/>
@@ -877,8 +877,8 @@
+        <rdfs:comment>Attribution is a particular case of trace (see http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dm/#concept-trace), in the sense that it links an entity to the agent that ascribed it.</rdfs:comment>
         <definition>IF wasAttributedTo(e2,ag1,aAttr) holds, THEN wasInfluencedBy(e2,ag1) also holds. </definition>
-        <rdfs:comment>Attribution is a particular case of trace (see http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dm/#concept-trace), in the sense that it links an entity to the agent that ascribed it.</rdfs:comment>
         <owl:annotatedProperty rdf:resource="&rdfs;subPropertyOf"/>
         <owl:annotatedSource rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasAttributedTo"/>
         <owl:annotatedTarget rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasInfluencedBy"/>
@@ -974,6 +974,15 @@
         <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#"/>
         <sharesDefinitionWith rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Influence"/>
+        <rdfs:domain>
+            <owl:Class>
+                <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
+                    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Activity"/>
+                    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Agent"/>
+                    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Entity"/>
+                </owl:unionOf>
+            </owl:Class>
+        </rdfs:domain>
                 <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
@@ -983,19 +992,10 @@
-        <rdfs:domain>
-            <owl:Class>
-                <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
-                    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Activity"/>
-                    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Agent"/>
-                    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Entity"/>
-                </owl:unionOf>
-            </owl:Class>
-        </rdfs:domain>
+        <dm>http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-dm.html#term-influence</dm>
         <definition>influencee: an identifier (o2) for an entity, activity, or agent; </definition>
-        <dm>http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-dm.html#term-influence</dm>
         <owl:annotatedProperty rdf:resource="&rdfs;domain"/>
         <owl:annotatedSource rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasInfluencedBy"/>
@@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@
         <n rdf:datatype="&xsd;anyURI">http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-n.html#expression-End</n>
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">An instance of prov:End provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasEndedBy relation from some ended prov:Activity to an prov:Entity that ended it. For example, :ball_game prov:wasEndedBy :buzzer; prov:qualifiedEnd [ a prov:End; prov:entity :buzzer; :foo :bar; prov:atTime &#39;2012-03-09T08:05:08-05:00&#39;^^xsd:dateTime ].</rdfs:comment>
-        <definition xml:lang="en">End is when an activity is deemed to have ended. The activity no longer exists after its end. Any usage, generation, or invalidation involving an activity precedes the activity&#39;s end. An end may refer to an entity, known as trigger, that terminated the activity, or to an activity, known as ender that generated the trigger.</definition>
+        <definition xml:lang="en">End is when an activity is deemed to have been ended by an entity, known as trigger. The activity no longer exists after its end. Any usage, generation, or invalidation involving an activity precedes the activity&#39;s end. An end may refer to a trigger entity that terminated the activity, or to an activity, known as ender that generated the trigger.</definition>
         <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#"/>
         <unqualifiedForm rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasEndedBy"/>
--- a/ontology/prov.ttl	Sun Nov 04 19:59:34 2012 +0000
+++ b/ontology/prov.ttl	Mon Nov 05 08:11:32 2012 -0500
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
     :category "qualified" ;
     :component "entities-activities" ;
     :constraints "http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-constraints.html#prov-dm-constraints-fig"^^xsd:anyURI ;
-    :definition "End is when an activity is deemed to have ended. The activity no longer exists after its end. Any usage, generation, or invalidation involving an activity precedes the activity's end. An end may refer to an entity, known as trigger, that terminated the activity, or to an activity, known as ender that generated the trigger."@en ;
+    :definition "End is when an activity is deemed to have been ended by an entity, known as trigger. The activity no longer exists after its end. Any usage, generation, or invalidation involving an activity precedes the activity's end. An end may refer to a trigger entity that terminated the activity, or to an activity, known as ender that generated the trigger."@en ;
     :dm "http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-dm.html#term-End"^^xsd:anyURI ;
     :n "http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/prov/raw-file/default/model/prov-n.html#expression-End"^^xsd:anyURI ;
     :unqualifiedForm :wasEndedBy .