--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ARIA-UAIG/1.0/tests/test-files/test104.html Mon Nov 11 10:44:15 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,1456 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" >
+ <head id="head">
+ <title id="header_title">Example 25 - Menubar</title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/media/css/openajax-example-print.css" type="text/css" media="print" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/media/css/openajax-example-screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="screen" />
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ var $URL_SITE = "http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/media//";
+ </script>
+<style type="text/css">
+body {
+ background: white;
+ }
+#st1 {
+ padding: .5em;
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ height: 400px;
+ width: 70%;
+ font-size: medium;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ul.menubar {
+ margin: 0 !important;
+ padding: 0 .25em !important;
+ list-style: none !important;
+ font-size: 100% !important;
+ height: 1.85em;
+ width: 20em;
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ background: #ccc;
+ul.menubar li {
+ float: left;
+ display: inline; position: relative;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: .25em .35em;
+ height: 1.25em;
+ul.menu {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 1.75em;
+ display: none;
+ list-style: none;
+ margin: 0 !important;
+ padding: 0 !important;
+ font-weight: normal !important;
+ font-size: 100% !important;
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ background-color: #ccc;
+ width: 8.5em;
+ul.menu li {
+ float: none;
+ display: block;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ padding: 2px 1em;
+ color: black;
+li.separator {
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 4px !important;
+ height: 2px !important;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid black;
+li.checked {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ background-image: url('http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/media/examples/images/dot.png');
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: 5px 10px;
+.menu-hover {
+ background-color: #700 !important;
+ color: white !important;
+.menu-hover-checked {
+ background-color: #700 !important;
+ color: white !important;
+ background-image: url('http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/media/examples/images/dot-selected.png') !important;
+.menu-focus {
+ background-color: black;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: white !important;
+li.menu-focus-checked {
+ background-color: black;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: white !important;
+ background-image: url('http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/media/examples/images/dot-selected.png') !important;
+.hidden {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: -200em;
+ top: -20em;
+ * Text area styles
+ */
+.italic {
+ font-style: italic;
+.bold {
+ font-weight: bold;
+.underline {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.oaa-accessibility.org/media/examples/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ var menu1 = new menubar('mb1', false);
+}); // end ready()
+/////////////// begin textArea widget definition ////////////////////////
+// Function textArea() is the constructor of a widget to manipulate the
+// properties of a text area.
+// @param(id string) id is the HTML id of the text area to bind to
+// @return N/A
+function textArea(id) {
+ // define widget properties
+ this.$id = $('#' + id);
+ this.fontSizes = new Array('x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large');
+ this.sizeNdx = 2; // index of current size setting
+} // end textArea() constructor
+// setFont() is a member function to set the font family of the text area.
+// @param ( fontFamily string ) name of family to set
+// @return N/A
+textArea.prototype.setFont = function(fontFamily) {
+ this.$id.css('font-family', fontFamily);
+} // end setFont()
+// setStyle() is a member function to set the font style of the text area.
+// @param ( style string ) name of style to set
+// @return N/A
+textArea.prototype.setStyle = function(style) {
+ this.$id.toggleClass(style);
+} // end setStyle()
+// setAlignment() is a member function to set the text alignment of the text area
+// @param ( justification string ) name of style to set
+// @return N/A
+textArea.prototype.setAlignment = function(justification) {
+ this.$id.css('text-align', justification);
+} // end setAlignment()
+// Function getSize() returns the size of text in the text area.
+// @return N/A
+textArea.prototype.getSize = function() {
+ return this.fontSizes[this.sizeNdx];
+} // end getSize()
+// Function setSize() sets the size of text in the text area.
+// @param ( size string ) size of text to set
+// @return N/A
+textArea.prototype.setSize = function(size) {
+ switch (size) {
+ case 'larger': {
+ this.sizeNdx += 1;
+ if (this.sizeNdx > 4) {
+ this.sizeNdx = 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'smaller': {
+ this.sizeNdx -= 1;
+ if (this.sizeNdx < 0) {
+ this.sizeNdx = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'x-small': {
+ this.sizeNdx = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'small': {
+ this.sizeNdx = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'medium': {
+ this.sizeNdx = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'large': {
+ this.sizeNdx = 3;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'x-large': {
+ this.sizeNdx = 4;
+ break;
+ }
+ } // end switch
+ // set the new size
+ this.$id.css('font-size', this.fontSizes[this.sizeNdx]);
+} // end setSize();
+/////////////// end textArea widget definition ////////////////////////
+/////////////// begin menu widget definition /////////////////////
+// Function menubar() is the constructor of a menu widget
+// The widget will bind to the ul passed to it.
+// @param(id string) id is the HTML id of the ul to bind to
+// @param(vmenu boolean) vmenu is true if menu is vertical; false if horizontal
+// @return N/A
+function menubar(id, vmenu) {
+ // define widget properties
+ this.$id = $('#' + id);
+ this.$rootItems = this.$id.children('li'); // jQuerry array of all root-level menu items
+ this.$items = this.$id.find('.menu-item').not('.separator'); // jQuery array of menu items
+ this.$parents = this.$id.find('.menu-parent'); // jQuery array of menu items
+ this.$allItems = this.$parents.add(this.$items); // jQuery array of all menu items
+ this.$activeItem = null; // jQuery object of the menu item with focus
+ this.vmenu = vmenu;
+ this.bChildOpen = false; // true if child menu is open
+ this.keys = {
+ tab: 9,
+ enter: 13,
+ esc: 27,
+ space: 32,
+ left: 37,
+ up: 38,
+ right: 39,
+ down: 40
+ };
+ // bind event handlers
+ this.bindHandlers();
+ // associate the menu with the textArea it controls
+ this.textarea = new textArea(this.$id.attr('aria-controls'));
+// Function bindHandlers() is a member function to bind event handlers for the widget.
+// @return N/A
+menubar.prototype.bindHandlers = function() {
+ var thisObj = this;
+ ///////// bind mouse event handlers //////////
+ // bind a mouseenter handler for the menu items
+ this.$items.mouseenter(function(e) {
+ if ($(this).is('.checked')) {
+ $(this).addClass('menu-hover-checked');
+ }
+ else {
+ $(this).addClass('menu-hover');
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ // bind a mouseout handler for the menu items
+ this.$items.mouseout(function(e) {
+ $(this).removeClass('menu-hover menu-hover-checked');
+ return true;
+ });
+ // bind a mouseenter handler for the menu parents
+ this.$parents.mouseenter(function(e) {
+ return thisObj.handleMouseEnter($(this), e);
+ });
+ // bind a mouseleave handler
+ this.$parents.mouseleave(function(e) {
+ return thisObj.handleMouseLeave($(this), e);
+ });
+ // bind a click handler
+ this.$allItems.click(function(e) {
+ return thisObj.handleClick($(this), e);
+ });
+ //////////// bind key event handlers //////////////////
+ // bind a keydown handler
+ this.$allItems.keydown(function(e) {
+ return thisObj.handleKeyDown($(this), e);
+ });
+ // bind a keypress handler
+ this.$allItems.keypress(function(e) {
+ return thisObj.handleKeyPress($(this), e);
+ });
+ // bind a focus handler
+ this.$allItems.focus(function(e) {
+ return thisObj.handleFocus($(this), e);
+ });
+ // bind a blur handler
+ this.$allItems.blur(function(e) {
+ return thisObj.handleBlur($(this), e);
+ });
+ // bind a document click handler
+ $(document).click(function(e) {
+ return thisObj.handleDocumentClick(e);
+ });
+} // end bindHandlers()
+// Function handleMouseEnter() is a member function to process mouseover
+// events for the top menus.
+// @param($item object) $item is the jquery object of the item firing the event
+// @param(e object) e is the associated event object
+// @return(boolean) Returns false;
+menubar.prototype.handleMouseEnter = function($item, e) {
+ // add hover style
+ if ($item.is('.checked')) {
+ $item.addClass('menu-hover-checked');
+ }
+ else {
+ $item.addClass('menu-hover');
+ }
+ // expand the first level submenu
+ if ($item.attr('aria-haspopup') == 'true') {
+ $item.children('ul').show().attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ this.bChildOpen = true;
+ }
+ //e.stopPropagation();
+ return true;
+} // end handleMouseEnter()
+// Function handleMouseOut() is a member function to process mouseout
+// events for the top menus.
+// @param($item object) $item is the jquery object of the item firing the event
+// @param(e object) e is the associated event object
+// @return(boolean) Returns false;
+menubar.prototype.handleMouseOut = function($item, e) {
+ // Remover hover styles
+ $item.removeClass('menu-hover menu-hover-checked');
+ //e.stopPropagation();
+ return true;
+} // end handleMouseOut()
+// Function handleMouseLeave() is a member function to process mouseout
+// events for the top menus.
+// @param($menu object) $menu is the jquery object of the item firing the event
+// @param(e object) e is the associated event object
+// @return(boolean) Returns false;
+menubar.prototype.handleMouseLeave = function($menu, e) {
+ var $active = $menu.find('.menu-focus-checked');
+ $active = $active.add($menu.find('.menu-focus'));
+ // Remove hover style
+ $menu.removeClass('menu-hover menu-hover-checked');
+ // if any item in the child menu has focus, move focus to the root item
+ if ($active.length > 0) {
+ this.bChildOpen = false;
+ // remove the focus style from the active item
+ $active.removeClass('menu-focus menu-focus-checked');
+ // store the active item
+ this.$activeItem = $menu;
+ // cannot hide items with focus -- move focus to root item
+ $menu.focus();
+ }
+ // hide the child menu
+ $menu.children('ul').hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ //e.stopPropagation();
+ return true;
+} // end handleMouseLeave()
+// Function handleClick() is a member function to process click events
+// for the top menus.
+// @param($item object) $item is the jquery object of the item firing the event
+// @param(e object) e is the associated event object
+// @return(boolean) Returns false;
+menubar.prototype.handleClick = function($item, e) {
+ var $parentUL = $item.parent();
+ if ($parentUL.is('.root-level')) {
+ // open the child menu if it is closed
+ $item.children('ul').first().show().attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ this.bChildOpen = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ // process the menu choice
+ this.processMenuChoice($item);
+ // remove hover and focus styling
+ this.$allItems.removeClass('menu-hover menu-hover-checked menu-focus menu-focus-checked');
+ // close the menu
+ this.$id.find('ul').not('.root-level').hide().attr('aria-hidden','true');
+ // move focus to the text area
+ this.textarea.$id.focus();
+ }
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+} // end handleClick()
+// Function handleFocus() is a member function to process focus events
+// for the menu.
+// @param($item object) $item is the jquery object of the item firing the event
+// @param(e object) e is the associated event object
+// @return(boolean) Returns true;
+menubar.prototype.handleFocus = function($item, e) {
+ // if activeItem is null, we are getting focus from outside the menu. Store
+ // the item that triggered the event
+ if (this.$activeItem == null) {
+ this.$activeItem = $item;
+ }
+ else if ($item[0] != this.$activeItem[0]) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // get the set of jquery objects for all the parent items of the active item
+ var $parentItems = this.$activeItem.parentsUntil('div').filter('li');
+ // remove focus styling from all other menu items
+ this.$allItems.removeClass('menu-focus menu-focus-checked');
+ // add styling to the active item
+ if (this.$activeItem.is('.checked')) {
+ this.$activeItem.addClass('menu-focus-checked');
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$activeItem.addClass('menu-focus');
+ }
+ // add styling to all parent items.
+ // This assumes that parent items do not have a checked state
+ $parentItems.addClass('menu-focus');
+ if (this.vmenu == true) {
+ // if the bChildOpen is true, open the active item's child menu (if applicable)
+ if (this.bChildOpen == true) {
+ var $itemUL = $item.parent();
+ // if the itemUL is a root-level menu and item is a parent item,
+ // show the child menu.
+ if ($itemUL.is('.root-level') && ($item.attr('aria-haspopup') == 'true')) {
+ $item.children('ul').show().attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ this.vmenu = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+} // end handleFocus()
+// Function handleBlur() is a member function to process blur events
+// for the menu.
+// @param($item object) $item is the jquery object of the item firing the event
+// @param(e object) e is the associated event object
+// @return(boolean) Returns true;
+menubar.prototype.handleBlur = function($item, e) {
+ $item.removeClass('menu-focus menu-focus-checked');
+ return true;
+} // end handleBlur()
+// Function handleKeyDown() is a member function to process keydown events
+// for the menus.
+// @param($item object) $item is the jquery object of the item firing the event
+// @param(e object) e is the associated event object
+// @return(boolean) Returns false if consuming; true if propagating
+menubar.prototype.handleKeyDown = function($item, e) {
+ if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey) {
+ // Modifier key pressed: Do not process
+ return true;
+ }
+ switch(e.keyCode) {
+ case this.keys.tab: {
+ // hide all menu items and update their aria attributes
+ this.$id.find('ul').hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ // remove focus styling from all menu items
+ this.$allItems.removeClass('menu-focus');
+ this.$activeItem = null;
+ this.bChildOpen == false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case this.keys.esc: {
+ var $itemUL = $item.parent();
+ if ($itemUL.is('.root-level')) {
+ // hide the child menu and update the aria attributes
+ $item.children('ul').first().hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ }
+ else {
+ // move up one level
+ this.$activeItem = $itemUL.parent();
+ // reset the childOpen flag
+ this.bChildOpen = false;
+ // set focus on the new item
+ this.$activeItem.focus();
+ // hide the active menu and update the aria attributes
+ $itemUL.hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ }
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ case this.keys.enter:
+ case this.keys.space: {
+ var $parentUL = $item.parent();
+ if ($parentUL.is('.root-level')) {
+ // open the child menu if it is closed
+ $item.children('ul').first().show().attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ this.bChildOpen = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ // process the menu choice
+ this.processMenuChoice($item);
+ // remove hover styling
+ this.$allItems.removeClass('menu-hover menu-hover-checked');
+ this.$allItems.removeClass('menu-focus menu-focus-checked');
+ // close the menu
+ this.$id.find('ul').not('.root-level').hide().attr('aria-hidden','true');
+ // clear the active item
+ this.$activeItem = null;
+ // move focus to the text area
+ this.textarea.$id.focus();
+ }
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ case this.keys.left: {
+ if (this.vmenu == true && $itemUL.is('.root-level')) {
+ // If this is a vertical menu and the root-level is active, move
+ // to the previous item in the menu
+ this.$activeItem = this.moveUp($item);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$activeItem = this.moveToPrevious($item);
+ }
+ this.$activeItem.focus();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ case this.keys.right: {
+ if (this.vmenu == true && $itemUL.is('.root-level')) {
+ // If this is a vertical menu and the root-level is active, move
+ // to the next item in the menu
+ this.$activeItem = this.moveDown($item);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$activeItem = this.moveToNext($item);
+ }
+ this.$activeItem.focus();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ case this.keys.up: {
+ if (this.vmenu == true && $itemUL.is('.root-level')) {
+ // If this is a vertical menu and the root-level is active, move
+ // to the previous root-level menu
+ this.$activeItem = this.moveToPrevious($item);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$activeItem = this.moveUp($item);
+ }
+ this.$activeItem.focus();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ case this.keys.down: {
+ if (this.vmenu == true && $itemUL.is('.root-level')) {
+ // If this is a vertical menu and the root-level is active, move
+ // to the next root-level menu
+ this.$activeItem = this.moveToNext($item);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.$activeItem = this.moveDown($item);
+ }
+ this.$activeItem.focus();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } // end switch
+ return true;
+} // end handleMenuKeyDown()
+// Function moveToNext() is a member function to move to the next menu level.
+// This will be either the next root-level menu or the child of a menu parent. If
+// at the root level and the active item is the last in the menu, this function will loop
+// to the first menu item.
+// If the menu is a horizontal menu, the first child element of the newly selected menu will
+// be selected
+// @param($item object) $item is the active menu item
+// @return (object) Returns the item to move to. Returns $item is no move is possible
+menubar.prototype.moveToNext = function($item) {
+ var $itemUL = $item.parent(); // $item's containing menu
+ var $menuItems = $itemUL.children('li'); // the items in the currently active menu
+ var menuNum = $menuItems.length; // the number of items in the active menu
+ var menuIndex = $menuItems.index($item); // the items index in its menu
+ var $newItem = null;
+ var $newItemUL = null;
+ if ($itemUL.is('.root-level')) {
+ // this is the root level move to next sibling. This will require closing
+ // the current child menu and opening the new one.
+ if (menuIndex < menuNum-1) { // not the last root menu
+ $newItem = $item.next();
+ }
+ else { // wrap to first item
+ $newItem = $menuItems.first();
+ }
+ // close the current child menu (if applicable)
+ if ($item.attr('aria-haspopup') == 'true') {
+ var $childMenu = $item.children('ul').first();
+ if ($childMenu.attr('aria-hidden') == 'false') {
+ // hide the child and update aria attributes accordingly
+ $childMenu.hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ this.bChildOpen = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // remove the focus styling from the current menu
+ $item.removeClass('menu-focus');
+ // open the new child menu (if applicable)
+ if (($newItem.attr('aria-haspopup') == 'true') && (this.bChildOpen == true)) {
+ var $childMenu = $newItem.children('ul').first();
+ // open the child and update aria attributes accordingly
+ $childMenu.show().attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ /*
+ * Uncomment this section if the first item in the child menu should be
+ * automatically selected
+ *
+ if (!this.vmenu) {
+ // select the first item in the child menu
+ $newItem = $childMenu.children('li').first();
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // this is not the root level. If there is a child menu to be moved into, do that;
+ // otherwise, move to the next root-level menu if there is one
+ if ($item.attr('aria-haspopup') == 'true') {
+ var $childMenu = $item.children('ul').first();
+ $newItem = $childMenu.children('li').first();
+ // show the child menu and update its aria attributes
+ $childMenu.show().attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ this.bChildOpen = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ // at deepest level, move to the next root-level menu
+ if (this.vmenu == true) {
+ // do nothing
+ return $item;
+ }
+ var $parentMenus = null;
+ var $rootItem = null;
+ // get list of all parent menus for item, up to the root level
+ $parentMenus = $item.parentsUntil('div').filter('ul').not('.root-level');
+ // hide the current menu and update its aria attributes accordingly
+ $parentMenus.hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ // remove the focus styling from the active menu
+ $parentMenus.find('li').removeClass('menu-focus');
+ $parentMenus.last().parent().removeClass('menu-focus');
+ $rootItem = $parentMenus.last().parent(); // the containing root for the menu
+ menuIndex = this.$rootItems.index($rootItem);
+ // if this is not the last root menu item, move to the next one
+ if (menuIndex < this.$rootItems.length-1) {
+ $newItem = $rootItem.next();
+ }
+ else { // loop
+ $newItem = this.$rootItems.first();
+ }
+ if ($newItem.attr('aria-haspopup') == 'true') {
+ var $childMenu = $newItem.children('ul').first();
+ $newItem = $childMenu.children('li').first();
+ // show the child menu and update it's aria attributes
+ $childMenu.show().attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ this.bChildOpen = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $newItem;
+// Function moveToPrevious() is a member function to move to the previous menu level.
+// This will be either the previous root-level menu or the child of a menu parent. If
+// at the root level and the active item is the first in the menu, this function will loop
+// to the last menu item.
+// If the menu is a horizontal menu, the first child element of the newly selected menu will
+// be selected
+// @param($item object) $item is the active menu item
+// @return (object) Returns the item to move to. Returns $item is no move is possible
+menubar.prototype.moveToPrevious = function($item) {
+ var $itemUL = $item.parent(); // $item's containing menu
+ var $menuItems = $itemUL.children('li'); // the items in the currently active menu
+ var menuNum = $menuItems.length; // the number of items in the active menu
+ var menuIndex = $menuItems.index($item); // the items index in its menu
+ var $newItem = null;
+ var $newItemUL = null;
+ if ($itemUL.is('.root-level')) {
+ // this is the root level move to previous sibling. This will require closing
+ // the current child menu and opening the new one.
+ if (menuIndex > 0) { // not the first root menu
+ $newItem = $item.prev();
+ }
+ else { // wrap to last item
+ $newItem = $menuItems.last();
+ }
+ // close the current child menu (if applicable)
+ if ($item.attr('aria-haspopup') == 'true') {
+ var $childMenu = $item.children('ul').first();
+ if ($childMenu.attr('aria-hidden') == 'false') {
+ // hide the child and update aria attributes accordingly
+ $childMenu.hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ this.bChildOpen = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // remove the focus styling from the current menu
+ $item.removeClass('menu-focus');
+ // open the new child menu (if applicable)
+ if (($newItem.attr('aria-haspopup') == 'true') && this.bChildOpen == true) {
+ var $childMenu = $newItem.children('ul').first();
+ // open the child and update aria attributes accordingly
+ $childMenu.show().attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ /*
+ * Uncomment this section if the first item in the child menu should be
+ * automatically selected
+ *
+ if (!this.vmenu) {
+ // select the first item in the child menu
+ $newItem = $childMenu.children('li').first();
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // this is not the root level. If there is a parent menu that is not the
+ // root menu, move up one level; otherwise, move to first item of the previous
+ // root menu.
+ var $parentLI = $itemUL.parent();
+ var $parentUL = $parentLI.parent();
+ var $parentMenus = null;
+ var $rootItem = null;
+ // if this is a vertical menu or is not the first child menu
+ // of the root-level menu, move up one level.
+ if (this.vmenu == true || !$parentUL.is('.root-level')) {
+ $newItem = $itemUL.parent();
+ // hide the active menu and update aria-hidden
+ $itemUL.hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ // remove the focus highlight from the $item
+ $item.removeClass('menu-focus');
+ if (this.vmenu == true) {
+ // set a flag so the focus handler does't reopen the menu
+ this.bChildOpen = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else { // move to previous root-level menu
+ // hide the current menu and update the aria attributes accordingly
+ $itemUL.hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ // remove the focus styling from the active menu
+ $item.removeClass('menu-focus');
+ $parentLI.removeClass('menu-focus');
+ menuIndex = this.$rootItems.index($parentLI);
+ if (menuIndex > 0) {
+ // move to the previous root-level menu
+ $newItem = $parentLI.prev();
+ }
+ else { // loop to last root-level menu
+ $newItem = this.$rootItems.last();
+ }
+ // add the focus styling to the new menu
+ $newItem.addClass('menu-focus');
+ if ($newItem.attr('aria-haspopup') == 'true') {
+ var $childMenu = $newItem.children('ul').first();
+ // show the child menu and update it's aria attributes
+ $childMenu.show().attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ this.bChildOpen = true;
+ $newItem = $childMenu.children('li').first();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $newItem;
+// Function moveDown() is a member function to select the next item in a menu.
+// If the active item is the last in the menu, this function will loop to the
+// first menu item.
+// @param($item object) $item is the active menu item
+// @param(startChr char) [optional] startChr is the character to attempt to match against the beginning of the
+// menu item titles. If found, focus moves to the next menu item beginning with that character.
+// @return (object) Returns the item to move to. Returns $item is no move is possible
+menubar.prototype.moveDown = function($item, startChr) {
+ var $itemUL = $item.parent(); // $item's containing menu
+ var $menuItems = $itemUL.children('li').not('.separator'); // the items in the currently active menu
+ var menuNum = $menuItems.length; // the number of items in the active menu
+ var menuIndex = $menuItems.index($item); // the items index in its menu
+ var $newItem = null;
+ var $newItemUL = null;
+ if ($itemUL.is('.root-level')) { // this is the root level menu
+ if ($item.attr('aria-haspopup') != 'true') {
+ // No child menu to move to
+ return $item;
+ }
+ // Move to the first item in the child menu
+ $newItemUL = $item.children('ul').first();
+ $newItem = $newItemUL.children('li').first();
+ // make sure the child menu is visible
+ $newItemUL.show().attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
+ this.bChildOpen = true;
+ return $newItem;
+ }
+ // if $item is not the last item in its menu, move to the next item. If startChr is specified, move
+ // to the next item with a title that begins with that character.
+ //
+ if (startChr) {
+ var bMatch = false;
+ var curNdx = menuIndex+1;
+ // check if the active item was the last one on the list
+ if (curNdx == menuNum) {
+ curNdx = 0;
+ }
+ // Iterate through the menu items (starting from the current item and wrapping) until a match is found
+ // or the loop returns to the current menu item
+ while (curNdx != menuIndex) {
+ var titleChr = $menuItems.eq(curNdx).html().charAt(0);
+ if (titleChr.toLowerCase() == startChr) {
+ bMatch = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ curNdx = curNdx+1;
+ if (curNdx == menuNum) {
+ // reached the end of the list, start again at the beginning
+ curNdx = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bMatch == true) {
+ $newItem = $menuItems.eq(curNdx);
+ // remove the focus styling from the current item
+ $item.removeClass('menu-focus menu-focus-checked');
+ return $newItem
+ }
+ else {
+ return $item;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (menuIndex < menuNum-1) {
+ $newItem = $menuItems.eq(menuIndex+1);
+ }
+ else {
+ $newItem = $menuItems.first();
+ }
+ }
+ // remove the focus styling from the current item
+ $item.removeClass('menu-focus menu-focus-checked');
+ return $newItem;
+// Function moveUp() is a member function to select the previous item in a menu.
+// If the active item is the first in the menu, this function will loop to the
+// last menu item.
+// @param($item object) $item is the active menu item
+// @return (object) Returns the item to move to. Returns $item is no move is possible
+menubar.prototype.moveUp = function($item) {
+ var $itemUL = $item.parent(); // $item's containing menu
+ var $menuItems = $itemUL.children('li').not('.separator'); // the items in the currently active menu
+ var menuNum = $menuItems.length; // the number of items in the active menu
+ var menuIndex = $menuItems.index($item); // the items index in its menu
+ var $newItem = null;
+ var $newItemUL = null;
+ if ($itemUL.is('.root-level')) { // this is the root level menu
+ // nothing to do
+ return $item;
+ }
+ // if $item is not the first item in its menu, move to the previous item
+ if (menuIndex > 0) {
+ $newItem = $menuItems.eq(menuIndex-1);
+ }
+ else {
+ // loop to top of menu
+ $newItem = $menuItems.last();
+ }
+ // remove the focus styling from the current item
+ $item.removeClass('menu-focus menu-focus-checked');
+ return $newItem;
+// Function handleKeyPress() is a member function to process keydown events
+// for the menus.
+// The Opera browser performs some window commands from the keypress event,
+// not keydown like Firefox, Safari, and IE. This event handler consumes
+// keypresses for relevant keys so that Opera behaves when the user is
+// manipulating the menu with the keyboard.
+// @param($item object) $menu is the jquery object of the item firing the event
+// @param(e object) e is the associated event object
+// @return(boolean) Returns false if consuming; true if propagating
+menubar.prototype.handleKeyPress = function($item, e) {
+ if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) {
+ // Modifier key pressed: Do not process
+ return true;
+ }
+ switch(e.keyCode) {
+ case this.keys.tab: {
+ return true;
+ }
+ case this.keys.esc:
+ case this.keys.enter:
+ case this.keys.space:
+ case this.keys.up:
+ case this.keys.down:
+ case this.keys.left:
+ case this.keys.right: {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ default : {
+ var chr = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
+ this.$activeItem = this.moveDown($item, chr);
+ this.$activeItem.focus();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } // end switch
+ return true;
+} // end handleKeyPress()
+// Function handleDocumentClick() is a member function to process click events on the document. Needed
+// to close an open menu if a user clicks outside the menu
+// @param(e object) e is the associated event object
+// @return(boolean) Returns true;
+menubar.prototype.handleDocumentClick = function(e) {
+ // get a list of all child menus
+ var $childMenus = this.$id.find('ul').not('.root-level');
+ // hide the child menus
+ $childMenus.hide().attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
+ this.$allItems.removeClass('menu-focus menu-focus-checked');
+ this.$activeItem = null;
+ // allow the event to propagate
+ return true;
+} // end handleDocumentClick()
+// Function processMenuChoice() is a member function to process the user's menu item
+// choice. Since the menu will close after this, highlight styling is simply removed.
+// @param($item object) $item is the jquery object of the menu item firing the event
+// @return N/A
+menubar.prototype.processMenuChoice = function($item) {
+ // find the parent menu for this item
+ var menuName = $item.parent().attr('id');
+ var choice = $item.attr('id');
+ // call the appropriate textarea function
+ switch(menuName) {
+ case 'fontMenu': {
+ this.textarea.setFont(choice);
+ // update the aria-checked state of the menu items and apply
+ // appropriate styling
+ $item.attr('aria-checked', 'true').addClass('checked');
+ $item.siblings().attr('aria-checked', 'false').removeClass('checked');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'styleMenu': {
+ this.textarea.setStyle(choice);
+ // reverse the aria-checked state and update styling
+ if ($item.attr('aria-checked') == 'true') {
+ $item.attr('aria-checked', 'false').removeClass('checked');
+ }
+ else {
+ $item.attr('aria-checked', 'true').addClass('checked');
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'justificationMenu': {
+ this.textarea.setAlignment(choice);
+ // update the aria-checked state of the menu items and apply
+ // appropriate styling
+ $item.attr('aria-checked', 'true').addClass('checked');
+ $item.siblings().attr('aria-checked', 'false').removeClass('checked');
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'sizeMenu': {
+ var $menuItems = $item.siblings().andSelf();
+ var $curItem;
+ this.textarea.setSize(choice);
+ ////////////////////////
+ // update the aria-checked state by first setting all items to false
+ // and then setting the item that matches the currently selected font
+ // size.
+ // set aria-checked to false and removed checked styling
+ $menuItems.attr('aria-checked', 'false').removeClass('checked');
+ // determine which menu item matches the current font size
+ $curItem = $menuItems.filter('[id=' + this.textarea.getSize() + ']');
+ // Set aria-checked for the matching item and apply the checked styling
+ $curItem.attr('aria-checked', 'true').addClass('checked');
+ break;
+ }
+ } // end switch
+} // end processMenuChoice()
+/////////////// end menu widget definition /////////////////////
+<div role="application">
+<ul id="mb1" class="menubar root-level" role="menubar" title="Styling Menu" aria-controls="st1">
+ <li id="mb1_menu1" class="menu-parent" role="menuitem" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="true">
+ Font
+ <ul id="fontMenu" class="menu" role="menu" aria-hidden="true">
+ <li id="sans-serif"
+ class="menu-item checked"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="true">Sans-serif</li>
+ <li id="serif"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false">Serif</li>
+ <li id="monospace"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false">Monospace</li>
+ <li id="fantasy"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false">Fantasy</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li id="mb1_menu2" class="menu-parent" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" aria-haspopup="true">
+ Style
+ <ul id="styleMenu" class="menu" role="menu" aria-hidden="true">
+ <li id="italic"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemcheckbox"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false"
+ tabindex="-1">Italics</li>
+ <li id="bold"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemcheckbox"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false"
+ tabindex="-1">Bold</li>
+ <li id="underline"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemcheckbox"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false"
+ tabindex="-1">Underlined</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li id="mb1_menu3" class="menu-parent" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" aria-haspopup="true">
+ Justification
+ <ul id="justificationMenu" class="menu" role="menu" title="Justication" aria-hidden="true">
+ <li id="left"
+ class="menu-item checked"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="true">Left</li>
+ <li id="center"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false">Centered</li>
+ <li id="right"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false">Right</li>
+ <li id="justify"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false">Justify</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li id="mb1_menu4" class="menu-parent" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" aria-haspopup="true">
+ Size
+ <ul id="sizeMenu" class="menu" role="menu" title="Size" aria-hidden="true">
+ <li id="larger"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitem"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ tabindex="-1">Larger</li>
+ <li id="smaller"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitem"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ tabindex="-1">Smaller</li>
+ <li id="fs_separator"
+ class="menu-item separator"
+ role="separator"
+ tabindex="-1"></li>
+ <li id="x-small"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false">X-Small</li>
+ <li id="small"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false">Small</li>
+ <li id="medium"
+ class="menu-item checked"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="true">Medium</li>
+ <li id="large"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false">Large</li>
+ <li id="x-large"
+ class="menu-item"
+ role="menuitemradio"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ aria-controls="st1"
+ aria-checked="false">X-Large</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<label for="st1" class="hidden">Text Sample 1</label>
+<textarea id="st1" name="st1">
+This is the a text area.